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78.26% The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic) / Chapter 18: A Sad Celestial Story

Chapitre 18: A Sad Celestial Story

**Joy's Diary**

Date: …

A day has passed since I'm back in Canterlot. Mom was so much happy to see me. She was acting like I was gone for a long while. I know that mom overreact a little sometime but that's because she loves me so much. And I think the time Bubble and I had spent in Ponyville has brought us closer than ever before. So I'm happy that mom will allowed us to continue our date after a little while.

Today after waking up I found myself alone in my bed. I was a little panic when I saw that Bubble wasn't beside me. But I looked around and realized that I was back in Canterlort and Bubble was sleeping in her suite of the Castle along with her mother. I laughed at my silliness as realization hit me. After taking a warm water bathe I changed my clothes. After refreshing myself I started my day by taking breakfast along with my family. Mom really loved those cakes which I brought from Ponyville. She sometimes behaves as a little filly when she saw sweets and I love to see her like this. A while after breakfast me and Bubble were walking in castle hall.

"Joy, how do you sleep last night?" she asked me.

"I slept fine Bubs," I said obviously. "Why?"

She pouted at my answer as I said something wrong. I leaned and looked towards her cute face but she looked away. I definitely said something wrong, I knew that.

"Did I say something wrong?" I said. "Bubble~"

"Yeah!" She still had that frown on her face "You know last night I was unable to sleep smoothly. I was really sleepless and you were not around for me to snuggle with. You know I really loved those snuggly nights," she chanted. "But you said that you slept fine without me. This means you don't need me," I could feel my cheeks were burning. "Do you?" she made a whine.

That's why she was pouting. Because she thought that I don't need her. Why would she ever think like this? Then I smiled and said "Bubble, there are some things in my life I can't imagine to live without and you're most important of them. And you know this better than me. Today when I woke up I was afraid until I remember that I was back in Canterlot," she was still pouting. "I really love, snuggling with my special somepony."

At last she smiled and came on her hind legs. She wrapped her forelegs around my neck and nuzzled me. I nuzzled her back while passing my front hoof limbs through her mane.

"I know you do," she chuckled. "It's just you look so cute when you're… confused like this."

"And you looks cute when you pout at me like this." I said and made a fake pout,

"Oh Joy," She jabbed me lightly and chuckled. "You look silly like this."

There were many maids and guards who were smiling while giving us a pleasant look. I even heard one saying; "They both look so cute together."

After a little nuzzle I asked her. "So, any plans for today?"

"Yeah, as I'm gonna stay in Canterlot for a long while so there's something I need to do. I've to go for a while."

"Okay Bubble," I said. "But where you've to go?"

"Umm… it's a bit of work," she said. "After that we'll have all the time in the world for us."

"Alright Bubble, you know I'm still waiting for that surprise."

"You'll know that soon my sweetie," she said and hugged me which I returned pleasantly.

She'd preoccupations for today. So today I couldn't be able to spend much time with her instead I was spending my time with Cadence. That's a good thing because it's been a very long time since we cousins spend sometime talking to each other. She was asking me about how I spend my time in Ponyville, was there any trouble, etc, and how was my time with my filly friend.

"Joy, I came to know something about you two," she said with a grin.

"What Caddie?" I said. "What did she told you?"

"She told me that you took her to see a movie, and to dinner, and-" she was paused "Should I continue?"

I understood where she was getting to. My cheeks were burning red.

She smiled and told me "Then there was an Ursa Minor and you held her in your arms and took her away from danger like a Knight in Shining Armor," she chuckled and I was feeling a little flattered "And you two were sleeping on same bed since that night," she giggled.

I felt a little strange but then I replied her. "Yeah, the house had only one and pretty large bed so we just… adjusted." I know that was a sly answer "And to be true to you, we both really like to sleep beside each other," I was feeling really embarrassed for some reason even though I knew we didn't do something we shouldn't do at that time.

She grinned and jabbed me lightly on my shoulder. "Hey, what's wrong Joy," she said. "I know my sweet little cousin and his special somepony. You've got nothing to feel bad about. Beside-" she came near to me. "I and Shining once fall asleep in the garden while talking till late night," she whispered showing a sheepish grin.

"Really?" I was surprised and at the same time I was smiling.

She nodded and blushed at the same time. "Yeah," she rubbed my hair and said. "So don't feel that much strange about this."

We both chuckled at my silliness. She jabbed me lightly and I jabbed her in return and eventually we both grab each other in a hug. I couldn't possibly ask for a sister better than her.

Around the time of noon I went in throne room. My coach and my friend Shiny was back from Griffin Kingdom. An ambassador from Griffin Kingdom also came along with him. Shining Armor told my mother about the success of their mission. I was happy to know that.

That name of that ambassador from Griffin Kingdom was Gust Breaker. I've met several Griffins before. Our country has good connections with many other Empires including theirs. Griffins I met were here to deliver meat for my diet needs. I once even got the chance to see their King. One may say that they're nice but some of them were really cranky. Gust was a new face to me and so was I for him. He was there to thanks mother for their immediate help. He was pretty fascinated when he saw me standing beside my mother.

"So that must be the strange colt I heard rumors about," he said coming towards me. "The one who eats meat," his voice for some reason felt so intimidating. "I never saw something like this before."

I didn't like his glare. I came closer to my mother's side. She quickly spread her wing between me and that Griffin.

"It will be really nice of you if you stop right here," mom said.

I could hear the steps backing off. Other ponies in throne room gasped at this. Mom was really angry now and I could feel this in her tune. She folded her wing back to her side.

"We really respect your gratitude and I hope we'll keep being the good allies like this," she said. "Shining Armor, make sure our guest has no trouble back to his way out of the Castle."

Gust must have felt bad for this. But he should keep his curiosity in control when he's in front of nopony else than Co-ruler of Equestria.

Today mom officially promoted Shining to the Captain of Royal Guards and a celebration was held for him by his fellow royal guards. The Guards celebrated over lots of apple-cider. He's really happy today. Not to mention Cadence was really happy as well. They both went for an outing after that celebration.

At last Bubble was back in the castle. She was looking so happy. We both had brunch together and then we headed outside of the castle for a walk.

"So, was that bit of work Bubble?" I asked her sarcastically. "It took you a little longer than I expected."

"I'm sorry my sweetie. I wanted to sign up for Canterlot fashion magazine and when I was coming back to palace I sorta caught up with a few of my old school fellows," she shrugged and huffed. Then she chuckled and said. "They wanted to refresh some old time memories and then… I didn't notice how much time has passed."

"Why you've to sign up for a job, Bubble?"

"You know Joy, singing and modeling is my talent." She signaled towards her cutie-mark "I thought a temporary job here will be a good thing if I'm gonna stay here for a while."

"You know Bubble you really don't need a job, right?" I said and raised an eye. "What kind of Prince I'd be if my Princess has to work for earnings, surely a darned one," that made Bubble chuckles. "But if you want this job because you like modeling then… it's okay with me."

"You're too flattering sometimes you know," Bubble giggled.

"Maybe, so you were telling that you met your old friends here."

"Mmmhmm, it feels good to recall some old days," she chuckled. "I also met that filly who used to tease me for being moody. Her face was worth watching when one of my friends told her about my modeling carrier." I know that scorner must be all like 'What the hay?'.

After that our walk went smoothly without any trouble. Around the time of sunset we headed back to the castle. After having dinner my mom and I went to balcony along with Aunt Luna. Today Bubble was also with us. She was happy to finally meet Aunt Luna. All four of us sat there talking for a while. Aunt Luna was happy that there's somepony who didn't called her Nightmare Moon. I hope there'll be more soon.

Anyways looks like we've to sleep alone on our beds once again, because I know that mom would say 'that's not a decent thing to do for a Prince'. I can tell that Bubble's not so happy and neither am I. But that's just until… maybe a little more while.


Joy Star


Date: …

Today mother had gone to Fillydelphia. Well, formerly she was heading to Ponyville but as soon as she received the words about an exotic swarm attack on Fillydelphia she headed there to check out the situation. She came back at the time of evening. The swarm was somehow under control now. To my surprise this attack was done by an exotic creature of Everfree forest called the parasprite as mother told me.

On other hoof I'm officially coming back to my self-defense training in the coaching of my friend Shining Armor. Meanwhile I'm training to be more independent and learning about my magic, Bubble is busy with her passion about singing and modeling. She just signed up for Canterlort's Fashion Doll magazine. We're usually inseparable but we still take time to give our passions. Aunt Luna is helping me with my magic. And whenever I'm not busy with my lessons and Bubble's not surrounded by fashion admirers we use to spend good deal of time together. We both love each other so much but that doesn't mean we can't take times for other thing we love to do. I wish one day I could do some heroic deed for my people.

On other hoof I finally find a solution to our little problem. Maybe we can't be together all the time but I know something which can help Bubble as well as me. Today I saw a colt who was playing with a pony plushy. Then suddenly an odd idea came to my mind. I talked to Bubble about this idea. And she was like:

"Really Joy?" Bubble chuckles. "A plushy!"

"Yeah! So…?" I said.

"Hmm… I always wondered," She came closer to my ear and whispered something which made me tickles, she also felt a little awkward and put a hoof on her lips as she told me about her thought "… and so I think that's a nice idea."

I giggled. "Don't worry Bubble, maybe soon…"

"I know, my sweetie," she nodded. "So who's gonna make our plushies."

"I talked with that tailor mare who was making clothes for me since I was a foal. I hope 'Thread Pin' will not mind," I told her.

Well, she didn't mind at all but she also made a chuckle about this childish request. Our plushies were ready in an hour. Bubble's plushy was soft and cute just like a miniature version of her. My plushy was well; I'll say that it was pretty much like what a plushy version of me would be. And that was so much impressive as well. The plushy was worn a white shirt like top and a red pants like bottom. Its eyes were small golden color beads. And its hair was well-designed. Anyways I admired her amazing talent of sewing dolls and thanked her. I put Bubble's plushy in draw near my bed and Bubble did the same with mine. So in that way we kind of will never be separated. A good day came to an end.


Joy Star


Date: …

Bubble's mom has gone back to Manehatten. Bubble and I went till train station to say her goodbye.

"Goodbye Mom," Bubble hugged her mother "Take care!"

"Goodbye Miss Heart Spar-" before I could complete myself she used her magic to bring me join the hug. "-kle," I returned this magical hug to her

"Goodbye my dear lovebirds." She chuckled "Always keep smiling like this." She kissed my sweetheart and then me on forehead. After this she sat on train waving towards us as we waved back to her

I'm really gonna miss her. Bubble is still staying here in Canterlort with me. I've promised her mom to give her best time of her life so I'll try my best. After all she's staying because of her special somepony aka me.

It's the beautiful time of the fall. It's my second most favorite weather. Bubble and I are spending most of our spare time together. We usually head outside the palace whenever we're free. We sit by a lack or go to a public park. Everything seems so beautiful when she's around. I know that she feels the same way about me and don't hesitate to tell me about her feelings again and again. I can't tell how cute she looks when she does that.

Sometimes during walking in streets of Canterlort Bubble is surrounded by her fans. I can stand them until they keep their distance and don't say anything mean to her. That stallion with wounded muzzle knows how much I care about my marefriend's feelings. Mother says me to control my anger but I just can't stand somepony who say anything mean to any of my friend.

And one more thing, it feels like that some mares in town are being a little too frank with me sometimes even when Bubble is around. I know most of them as friends back when I was only ten years old. So I don't mind them being a little frank. But sometimes they used the words like 'handsome' or even 'hot' to complement me. Not gonna lie, I'm not used to these comments and that feels really strange. Well, I know that hugging is not a thing which one should take too seriously but sometime when any mare outside the family hugs me suddenly out of nowhere I can see a pout on Bubble's face. I hope I'll not get into trouble because of those enthusiast mares. Even the thought of that seems really funny.

Honestly, I never ever consider myself being with any mare other than her. And again, why would I? I love her too much for that.

And one important note, the idea to keep each other's plushy to feel less lonely really works. I must say holding a plushy while sleeping sounds really silly but amazingly it makes me feel very less lonely. And all in all it's not any less normal thing to do. Some ponies like to give their plushies to whom they care about. So totally normal but still a little awkward if any of my friends found about this. That's not the thing I'm worried about anyways.


Joy Star


Date: …

Winter is ongoing and I'm really enjoying the weather except I'm not allowed to be outside in snow for too long. The blizzard was really intense this time. Bubble came down with the cold and was feeling really ill for last few days. I'm happy that mom allowed me to look after her during the time she was ill. I was really worried about her. I took a break from my routine work and spend my most of day with her. She was worried that I could get her cold but I don't care. Thanks heavens she was recovered in three days. Now she's feeling fit n' fine. I think it's better if we keep ourselves mostly inside during the rest of the winter especially me because unlike other ponies I don't have any fur on my body. Once winter will be wrapped up, flowers will bloom once again and hopefully I and Bubble will have more opportunities to spend our lovely time together.

Twilight send a letter to mom every week. Those letters are pretty interesting to read. Sometimes it's hard to believe that she's the same pony who had given up on making friends. She and the other elements are really best friends. I'm happy that she learned that life is much more fun when you've friends. I remembered now, in Ponyville they don't use magic to wrap up winter. I'll really love to see how they do so otherwise. Mom told me that it's done manually there so I'll like to see it myself if my mother allowed me to do so.

Today Bubble and I spend a whole afternoon wandering around in the garden. Weather was really enjoyable until it started to snow again. As evening has already fallen so we both decided to head inside the castle. After spending some more time together I went to castle's balcony to see the sunset and moonrise and she went in her room of the castle. For some reason mother was really keeping us from sharing our bedroom. She says that I should behave more like a decent Prince and should wait for the right time before moving to further steps. Bubble respects her decisions as well as I do. As long as we've plushies of each other to hold while sleeping. Though she told me that:

"Joy, sometimes I wonder if Princess thinks that I'm trying to swipe her son away from her," she chuckled sarcastically. "What am I to them, a colt-napper?"

"She just cares about me like every other mare do for her foal," I chuckled as well "Maybe she still likes to see me as a child."

Bubble smiled at this and said "But you're not and she knows that." She looked towards me with half lidded eyes and a wide blush "However, I hope she'll soon happily let us be… together." She said in dazed as I gave her a blushful yet hesitating smile. And all of sudden she was flustered and her cheeks started to burn red as she realized what she just said and lowered her head covering her lips with her hooves. Then she looked up and spoke "Al-alright then my sweetie." She planted a quick kiss on my cheek "See you tomorrow." And she walked away sashaying in a rather excited manner leaving me standing there and smiling a little stunned. She looked towards me with her redden cheeks and blink at me before she went towards her room. Mine, that moment was really awkward, but very joyful at the same time.


A little confused Joy


**End of Diary Entries**

After sun had been set Joy was sitting in his mother's chamber. The weather was really cold out there so his mother and he were spending some quality time inside her chamber. Her bed chamber was warm and cozy and he loved to sit there and talk with her. She was sitting near the fireplace while her son was leaning against her waist. She liked to do this since Joy was a toddler. She was reading him a very interesting book. This book was about the folklore of Equestria. It tells about many legends including stories about Windagos, Shadows, and Sirens. And then suddenly a question came to his mind. He wanted to ask this question to her for a long while but he always felt a little awkward about this. But today he was determine to know the answer badly so he asked her what he wanted to ask.

"And here is my favorite part where Windagos were defeated by the 'Fire of Friendship'," she said being excited like a filly.

"That was really wonderful mother," Joy said. "Mom, I was wondering…"

She closed the book and looked towards him while raising an eye. She knew that he was about to start his nonstop trail of the questions.

"I was wondering that how old are you," she gave him a surprised look at that, to which he felt a little embarrassed. "Did I ask something I shouldn't had?"

She giggled and gave him a playful look. "Oh sorry, I was not hoping for such a question. It's been so long since somepony has asked me my age," she began to chuckle eventually. "Okay, my joy I'll tell you my age if you promise you'll never ask this question to any mare ever again."

"Pinkie promise," Joy said.

"So I'll tell you my age," Celestia giggled.

Then she used her magic to open a drawer and put out a picture. She brought that picture closer to them and showed this to him. Joy saw that there were four ponies in that picture. Two large Alicorn figures were standing behind an Alicorn filly with a little foal in pram beside her. Two Alicorn figures were even larger than Celestia. One of them was a male and other was female. Female figure was wearing a large golden crown on her head and a beautiful golden necklace around her neck. She was wearing horseshoes which looked like they were made of sunlight. She had white coat, and mane which had all the colors of the daytime sky. Male figure was wearing black crown. He had very dark coat and slightly lighter color mane. He was wearing black horseshoes. Even as a picture, it was clear that he must have been very strong. Third figure was of a Alicorn filly which looked really young as compared to both figures. She was rather familiar to Joy. It was her mother's filly-hood's picture. And fourth figure was cutest of all. She was foal with dark blue coat and slightly lighter color sparkling mane.

"Does anypony in this picture seems familiar?" she asked while raising an eye.

"Hmm… this is you, right?" he put his finger on that white Alicorn filly and she nodded "And this cute foal is my sweet aunt Luna," she nodded again. "So that means these large Alicorns are…"

"They're our parents. My mother Galaxia and my father Cosmos," she smiled as her eyes began to shed a few dew drops. "They were the ruler of Equestria before us. This picture was the first picture taken after your aunt Lulu's birth," she said, a little in nostalgia. "Can you guess how old that picture is?"

"How old…?" he asked.

"Hmm… 2256 years old," her son gasped at this. "You must be pretty surprised, aren't you my joy." Joy nodded

"So your age is…?" Joy said

Celestia giggled and said. "My dear Joy, your mother, Celestia is 2457 years old," Joy was really surprised; a wide smile appeared on his face as he looked towards her mother's face.

"Really?" he asked.

"One hundred percent accurately," she replied "And your aunt Luna is 200 years younger than me."

"Wow, but really I can't believe you're that old mother. I mean Granny Smith of Ponyville is filly as compare to you and she looks really aged by her looks," he said, regarding her young looking face. There wasn't even one wrinkle or anything and she was really young looking even at this age.

Celestia blushed at this complement and said "That's because I'm an Alicorn, my joy," she put a hoof on her chest. "Unlike other three races of ponies Alicorns have a very long life span. Some historians even suggest that Alicorns are immortal."

"Are you?" Joy asked naïvely. "Are you immortal?"

"Not exactly!" she said. "If that were the case than my parents would be still… with us." Her eyes left some tears again "Alicorns can live around the age of five to ten thousand years but like every other living being they also have to go to afterlife." She sighed deeply as she remembered that fateful day "I'm still sore by the memories of that day:

{That was a year after Luna raised and set the moon for the first time. From then on their parents started to encourage both of them to do this task instead of them. That was the foreshadowing of what fate had planned for them.

That specific day Luna was too upset to raise the moon. So, Celestia didn't insisted her and do this task for her younger sister. After that she went to her room and saw that she was whining while hiding under the blanket.

"What happened my dear Lulu?" Celestia asked uncovering her from the blanket.

"Tia, mom also has been ill for several months now," she whined. "I'm really worried about them. Will they be okay?"

Celestia hugged her sister in response and said "Don't worry; everything will be alright my dear Lulu. It's okay. It's okay," she said caressing her mane with her hoof. At last when Luna ceased weeping Celestia smiled and said "Until mom and dad get better I'll tell you a story like mom did," she said floating a book in front of her. "Okay?" Luna nodded.

Celestia and Luna were both sitting in their bed. Celestia was reading her younger sister her favorite story book. Luna was enjoying the story happily as she was cheering along with each of her favorite part in the story. "Yeah, what happened then Tia," she rolled her eyes and continue the story until that was ended.

"And harmony prevails from then on. The end," said Celestia.

"Ah, already but that was my most favorite part," said Luna "Why every story just have to end like this?" she frowned adorably at this.

"Ah, my dear Lulu! Don't worry there are lots of other story books in library. I'll read you a new story tomorrow," said Celestia.

"Thank you very much Tia," said Luna. "What now?"

"I think we should get to sleep now," said Celestia. "Shouldn't we?"

Luna nodded and looked towards her sister "Tia, how long it'll take mom and dad to recover. Dad's task is really hard sometimes."

"Don't worry Lulu. They'll recover from sickness very soon."

Luna nodded and as Celestia covered herself and her sister with a half light rainbow and half sparkling dark blue blanket. Next morning Celestia woke up to set the moon and raise the sun. After doing her first task of the day she came back to her sister. She was still fast asleep under the folds of blanket. Even though now Luna was able to raise and set the moon but sometimes when she don't feel doing like this she just do this for her younger sister.

"Rise and shine dear little sis," said Celestia as she nuzzled her younger sister.

"Good morning, Tia!" she said as she saw that sun was already up. "Did you set the moon?" Celestia nodded. "You shouldn't have to Tia. You should have woke me up."

"Ah, it's fine Luna," said Celestia. "I was just helping my little sister."

In a while a maid came there with their breakfast. Both sisters took their breakfast while maid waited for them to finish. On her face there was a worrying expression. Celestia was quick to notice this and she asked. "Is everything okay?"

"…Yes of course my dear Princess," she replied. "Your parents wish to speak with you after the breakfast,"

After having breakfast both Princesses went towards their parents' chamber, a large room which was itself made of daylight and starlight. As they entered they saw there were many ponies. A few of them were especially noteworthy. One of them was a unicorn stallion with grey coat, white mane and tail, and white beard. He was wearing a wizard's cap and a cloak with star shaped design on them. He was the royal wizard Starswirl the Bearded. Other was a large unicorn mare with shiny light purple crystal coat and slightly darker yet glittering mane. She was Queen Crystal Amore. Third figure was large dark green mare with bug like shell and bug wings on her back. She had orange mane and a curved horn. She was Queen of the Changeling Kingdom, Queen Metamorph. They all were gathered around a large bed where two large Alicorn figures were lying. As other saw two sisters coming there they made way for them to see their parents for the last time. There were a few mares who were examining the both Alicorns. These mares were the royal sages looking after their king and queen for several years till now. They got aside when they saw Princesses coming there.

"We did what we could," one of the sage said to Starswirl. "I'm afraid that now nopony can't do anything."

"I… I understand," said Starswirl. "They saw this coming years ago. It's time."

Meanwhile both sisters came closer to their parents' bed. Galaxia looked towards her daughters faintly and gave them a pleasant smile. Tears started to escape Celestia's eyes. "Now, now… don't cry my daughter. I'm… alright. Everything's fine."

Luna was broke down to tears as well as she came closer to her father. "Dad, dad, please say something."

Cosmos slightly opened his eyes "Ha…! You're here my little blue moon. I'm... glad to see you here," he coughed. "I'm… already feeling a little better."

Both sisters were trying to hold their sniffles while denying from accepting what was going to happen. They were sobbing while hoping for a miracle which may make their parents healthy again but that was far from happening. Soon both parents used there last speck of magic to grab their daughters in a final embrace.

"Be strong my dear girls," said Cosmos "You've an Empire to rule and people to watch over."

Galaxia took a sigh. "Promise me Celestia!"

"Wha-what promise mother?" Celestia asked with tearful eyes.

"Promise me that you'll look after your sister." Galaxia sobbed "She's not as emotionally strong as you. So please never let her get hurt," Galaxia made another sob "You both have to take care of our beautiful home after us."

"I promise mother. I'll take care of Luna. I'll protect my home Equestria."

Galaxia took a deep sigh. "Thank you. Now… I'm feeling at peace."

Cosmos also took a sigh. "Yes, my beloved," hee also made a sob. "Celestia, Luna, my dear girls we'll always be alongside you. Never forget that…"

After a final press on his chest Cosmos released Celestia and Galaxia released Luna. Galaxia looked towards Starswirl with questioning eyes. He gave a nod at this and Galaxia smiled for one last time. Both Alicorns made a final sigh before their eyes were closed forever. Galaxia's hoof slipped away from Luna's shoulder.

"Mom, mom!?" Luna said. "Please say something. Mom~" she began to sob heavily.

Everyone around lowered their heads as they saw this.

"Rest in peace," Starswirl whispered as he used his magic to brought queen's hoof back to her side.

Celestia was just sobbing wordlessly while patting on her sister's back while she was crying loudly. She was feeling torn from inside at this. The rulers of other empires, who had come to offer their condolence, also felt the distressing sorrow of the sisters. Crystal Amore came closer to her nieces and nuzzle Luna's mane while hugging them closely.

"You parents were so proud of you," she sobbed. "They were so proud of you."

And every death is an enclosing of a story which was started with birth just like there's an ending of every story. As for both sisters that was a really sorrowful moment. After an eternal farewell to her parents their bodies were taken away from them by guards. It was time for last rights but Luna wasn't ready to leave her father's hoof.

"No, please don't take him away," Luna cried. "I've to show them that I've learned to decorate... the night," she cried more. "Dad, please wake up."

It was heartbreaking when they took away his bodies and they could only watch in sorrow. The upcoming nights of few weeks were really hard for Celestia and Luna. It was hard for Celestia to calm down her sister after the death of their parents. Celestia took care of Luna like a good sister after that. And as they say time heals every wound. Now they've to move on and carry their parents' legacy as Day and Night bringer as well as ruler of this beautiful land.}

Now there were tears in Celestia's beautiful magenta eyes. Joy also couldn't handle the overwhelming emotions in his heart. He wrapped his arms around his mother's neck. Celestia wiped her tears and looked towards her son.

"Son…" said Celestia "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to make you sad like this."

Celestia left his face with her hoof while there were still some tears in his eyes "Its okay mom. I'm fine."

"No, I'll not believe you until you give me a smile." Said Celestia

"Okay…" Joy wiped his tears and smiled

"Good colt." She said "Make this smile a little bigger…" Joy did so "A little more…" Joy smiled even more "Now that's the smile I want to see." She said and hugged him again

"They must love you so much," Joy said.

"Every parents love their children my dear. Just like I love you."

"I love you too mom." Joy said.

Celestia giggled while nuzzling his hairs "I know my joy." After this both mother and sat there just enjoying the warmth and coziness in the chambers. Celestia started to write the reply for the letter of Twilight while Joy was just sitting there thinking about something. They must be very loving parents just like my mother is. Even if she's single she did whatever it took to take care of me. But did she really spend thousands of years without falling in love with somepony? Should I ask her that? After Celestia wrote the reply and sent it to Twilight she looked towards her son once again.

"Do you wish to ask anything else my dear?"

"Actually yes…" said Joy and blushed heavily "But that maybe a little… personal…"

"Personal…?" Celestia giggled. "Joy~ what's in your mind?"

"Hmm… I was wondering… have you…"

"Yes…" said Celestia.

"… ever had somepony… special in… your whole life…" Joy said and hid his right half of the face behind his hand "Hmm…?"

Celestia blushed once again. She felt awkward that her son was asking her something like that. She knew that Joy didn't know much about her past life neither he ever asked but today for some reason he was asking her the questions which were specifically about her. There had been a very long time since she remembered the memories before the past thousand years.

"Yes, in fact I'd somepony special in my life but…" she was paused.

I knew it. Joy thought. "But what mom…" he asked.

"Fate wasn't kind enough to let us be together," she took a sigh. "But still he was one of most important things happened to me in this long life."

"Wow, really… but what happened exactly, who was that stallion, and-" Celestia stopped him by placing her wing on his lips

"Please son, one question at a time." She giggled "I'll tell you his name for now but rest of the story has to wait for some time else."

"But…" He wanted to say something but paused "Okay mother!"

"Good, his name was Roaring Thunder and he was one of highly trained unicorn warriors of Equestria," Celestia said. "He was the most good-looking, handsome, and…" she was interrupted by the bell of clock, she looked towards the clock. It's getting late. "Oh, look at the time, my joy. Now you should go to your room now."

Joy yawned and nodded in response. Before getting up and going back to his room Joy once again hugged his mother. Celestia returned the hug happily. After this Joy went back to his room. After changing to his sleeping pajamas he tucked himself in the bed. He opened the drawer beside his bed and pulled out a little pink pony doll. He smiled to see this. Today I came to know about many things about my own mother. I wonder how she still manages keep smiling. She loved somepony and never could get together with him. If something happened to my dear Bubble I could hardly be able to be happy again. I'm really proud of my mother. She's a great mother. My mama is a great mama. Isn't she little Bubble? He said while looking towards the doll. Then he chuckled to himself. I know that she's a little possessive of me but I know that she does this out of care. Please don't feel bad for this, once she'll believe that I'm enough grown up to decide for myself then maybe we can take our relationship to further steps.

Meanwhile Bubble was lying on her bed nuzzling Joy's doll while holding it in her hooves. She smiled and sighed joyfully as she looked towards doll's face. You know little Joy, your mother really is the most caring mother I ever saw. Maybe that's the reason she's a little possessive of you. And I'm okay with what she thinks for us. As your mother she can decide best for you. And as your marefriend and a best friend as well I'll also do what's best for us and- she blushed heavily before saying further- our future relationship. There are some fears which make me worry but I'll not force my will upon you. I'm not a selfish mare after all.

Joy yawned before looking towards Bubble's plushy once again. Don't worry. I've an idea to spend some days outside the palace once again. Tomorrow I'll ask mother to let us go to Ponyville for the winter wrap up fest. I hope she'll let us go. Goodnight little Bubble. With that Joy closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Bubble yawned as well and giggled as she looked towards Joy's plushy. That's alright and I understand, little Joy. Goodnight my sweetie. She also closed her eyes and drifted to a sweet slumber.


Joy was pretty much excited. After having breakfast with family he asked his mother about allowing him to go to Ponyville. He had told Bubble about Ponyville's Winter Wrap Up festival. So she was also pretty excited. But she didn't want him to catch cold in such chilled weather, so she denied to let him go.

"No, I don't think you should go there," said Celestia. "You know how cold weather is there."

"Mom, I'll be fine. I just want to see how they wrap up winter without using magic," said Joy. "Please…"

"Please Princess, let him go," Bubble said to Celestia. "That'll be fun."

Celestia looked towards Bubble and raised an eye. Bubble smiled slyly and looked around. "Joy, you know that I don't want you to fall sick, therefore I'll not allow you to go."

"Please…" said Joy.

"No, and we're not talking about that anymore," Celestia said being a little harsh, she wasn't trying to be harsh towards him but she just couldn't risk sending him to Ponyville until after Winter Wrap Up. She just don't want him to be sick like he once had been a long time ago.

"Aren't you my sweet mom?" Joy said in playful tune

Celestia came closer to him and nuzzled his hair "Joy, you know I'm not falling for these tricks again," she grinned. "It's for your own good."

Joy sighed and looked towards Bubble who just shrugged at this. Joy knew that it was hard to convince his mother for something when she once made up her mind. So he may need some extra help from some other pony he knew. So Joy just nodded in response.

"Good colt," said Celestia. "Now I'll see you in a while after attending my court. Okay?"

"Okay mom," Joy assured.

After Celestia left Bubble gave Joy a obvious smile. "Oh that's fine my sweetie. There's no need to worry over this."

"I know and I'm not upset at all," Joy smiled. "I know somepony who can convince mother."

"You mean…" Bubble put a hoof on her chin. "Your cousin Cadence?"

"Of course," he replied.

So Joy talked with her cousin Cadence so she could talk with the Princess to let him go to Ponyville's Winter Wrap Up fest. Cadence was a little denying at first but eventually she was ready to help her little cousin. After all Joy was her most sweet family member of all. Later that day Cadence talked with her aunt Celestia about this. And after the sunset when both mother and son were spending their regular quality time together than Celestia told her son about her decision.

"Joy, I thought I was a little too concerned when I said that I can't let you go to Ponyville," Celestia said. "I sometimes forget that you're grown up now and so you can make your own decisions."

"So will you let me go there?"

Celestia nodded. "Yeah, I'll let you go. But at one condition."

"What's… that condition?"

"You'll know soon my joy," Celestia giggled. "Are you happy now?"

"Oh, thank you mom," Joy hugged his mother. "I love you so much."

"Mama loves you too mama's joy," Celestia said as she returned the hug.

Next day Joy was really happy. He was so much excited to tell Bubble about this news. She was also very excited and surprised when she came to know about this. They were happy about going to Ponyville once again. They both also wanted to participate in the festival as well so that doubled their excitement.

They both thanked Cadence for her assistance. That was one of the few reasons that Joy considered her best sister one pony could have. She was always ready to help him with such matters. Cadence knew that her aunt must have thought something. Joy was now very happy and so as the Bubble. They were heading Ponyville a day before the Winter Wrap Up.

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