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60% The Amethyst Dragon / Chapter 3: Ch. 3 Unexpected Encounter

Chapitre 3: Ch. 3 Unexpected Encounter

5 Months have passed since the Grimoire Awarding Ceremony. Izir has been training since then, but unlike his brothers who trained at least near from Hage Village. He decided that he was gonna go on a 6 months training trip to the Grand Magic Zone: Ultime-Volcano Mountain Trail. He went to a Grand Magic Zone for two reasons. One, was because he cannot go all out with his magic at Hage Village unless he wants to destroy it, which he didn't by the way. Two, he didn't want his two little brothers knowing what he has been learning and how far his power can go, he wanted to have a few tricks up his sleeves. 

An example would be his dragon transformation, which isn't transformation magic like he first thought, but it is something that he can just do instinctively. He has gotten better at triggering it at will when he wants to, but he has realized the further he goes with the transformation the more energy it takes to hold and maintain.

He has been living there for the past 5 months. Sometimes he does leave the area, but it is only so he can hunt some animals that he can cook and eat. Honestly it is a lot better than the pop potatoes they always eat at the church. Once he finishes training, he will hunt for more animals and bring them to Hage Village so that his family can eat better food than they normally would.

Here Izir was once again training with his magic. He decided to use one of his favorite spells at full power for once since he has started training here. So his Grimoire opened up to the spells page and Izir looked like he was sucking in air but then he released his spell.

[Space Dragon Magic - Space Dragon's Roar]

A giant beam the size of a large house which looked purple and black shot out of Izir's mouth going straight to a mountain. Once his spell collided with the mountain there was a huge explosion and once he looked at the mountain he was shocked, because there was no longer a mountain there as he blew up the top half of it into smithereens.

Izir - "HOLY SHIT!! I know that isn't my strongest spell and even though I said I would go full power with the spell I didn't enter my dragon transformation as it would amplify my magic power times 5, but since it takes a lot of stamina and energy to use instead of magic power, it is a lot harder to use and keep up." he muttered aloud to no one in particular.

Unknown to him after he fired his magic, someone was also in the Grand Mafic Zone and felt his magic power once he fired.

They then looked in the direction of where Izir was and then had a feral smile on their face ready to fight someone worthwhile this time.

Hours have passed now and now it is night time. Izir is now cooking his meal that he hunted an hour ago. He was enjoying his time getting ready to eat his meal since he was very tired after training all day and killing the magical beasts in the area.

But right when he was about to take a bite of his food. He sensed something or someone getting ready to attack him. Luckily his instincts and fast reflexes helped him barely dodge the attack. Then he heard someone address him.

??? - "Would you look at that you actually managed to dodge that attack of mine. It's also not everyday you see someone crazy enough to train in the Grand Magic Zones like me." the person said complementing his reaction time and for his absurd training location.

Izir turned a bit to finally look at who the hell attacked him, when he just wanted to relax for a bit.

Then he saw a woman there. She looked older than him but still looked good for her age, according to him. She had vermillion colored hair with the top looking like a flame. She had a very unruly and rough look to her that just exudes strength. He then saw the battle crazed look on her face showing a smile showing off a fang she had, like she had just found a new playmate to toy with.

To Izir, he honestly was kinda attracted to her even if she was older than him by who knows how much, he didn't really care. But he finally decided to respond back to his attacker?

Izir - "Well it's not like I can use my power at or even near my Village or else my brothers would know my tricks and strength and I can't be having that." he said rather playfully to the woman.

Izir - "By the way, may I know who my attacker is. I can't really be trying the guessing game now should I?" Finally trying to get the name of the woman in front of him.

??? - "Normally I don't give my name to someone I meet while I'm out training. But since you did manage to dodge that attack I guess I can give you my name. The name is Mereoleona Vermillion of the Vermillion Household." she said aloud with her rough voice and confidant attitude.

Izir - "Ah, so you're a noblewoman and from the VermillionHouse huh. Well it is only fair for me to introduce myself as well. I'm Izir Zylen from the Hage Village in the Forsaken realm." 

Mereoleona was surprised for a quick second that someone with this much magic power was from the Forsaken Realm. She got even more excited though at the thought of fighting him.

Mereoleona - "Well then Izir, I can sense that you have tons of magic power enough to rival a Magic Knight Captain, but do you even have any battle experience?" she said, trying to gain knowledge of his power and experience.

Izir - "Well no I didn't get my Grimoire until 5 months ago due to me wanting to wait for my brothers to get theirs once they turn 15 so we can go to the magic knight exams together." he told her

When Mereoleona heard that she got even more excited that someone who just got their Grimoire was already enough to rival Captains of the magic knights. So with that she heard enough and the time for talking ended and she rushed straight to Izir with fist cocked back aiming for his stomach.

Izir not expecting her to attack straight again, was momentarily caught off guard. He tried to dodge this time but he was still grazed by her punch and sent flying away, crashing into a small hill.

As he was getting out of the hill, his eyes widened when he saw Mereoleona coming straight towards him again but this time saw her fist was on fire. So he knew now that she was using her magic and if he was already sent flying with just a normal punch by her, he didn't want to find out how a magic infused punch by her felt.

He then prepared one of his own spells too, so he can at least collide his fist with hers. They both came together, their punches connected with one another while they both shouted their spells.



They both created a shockwave once their fists collided. Izir was strong yes but Mereoleona was still way stronger than him, so he was again sent flying but not as far this time. He got back up ready to continue the fight even if his arm was in a lot of pain and almost went numb.

Mereoleona - "Impressive only a few can match my punch without getting knocked out right after. This makes this fight even more fun for me." She said with a battle hungry look on her face.

Izir prepared another spell as he saw her coming at him again. Making his arm turn into a dragon's claw he slashed her way sending out his magic in the shape of claw marks.


The claw strike was coming towards her but she sent out another Calidus Brachium connecting with the attacking and burning it apart.

Izir was surprised that she just burned his attack away like it was nothing.

Izir - "Oh come on what the hell was that!!" he yelled out to her making him see that while he is strong there are others stronger than him and with way more combat experience. 

Mereoleona - "What? Not used to someone stronger than you. It makes sense since you are from the Forsaken Realm you never had anyone that can match your power or someone who is stronger than you right?" She said knowing that he has never had a proper fight since no one can match him where he lived.

Izir - "You are right. I never had met someone in the Forsaken Realm that could match my magic power or who was stronger than me either so this is a surprise but also a very needed thing. I know there are others stronger than me and some who match my magic power but if they have more fighting experience than me then I would lose fairly easily." This was a big eye opener for himself, he thought.

Izir was already very tired but still decided to confront her and wanted to trade fists once again. They both dashed at one another again preparing their spells.



They both casted their spells and were throwing punches at such quick speed. Izir was able to get a few punches at her but he took a lot more blows than her. Izir was very tired with bruises and blood everywhere around his body and face. He was almost at the point of fainting but decided to use one more spell before then. He then started releasing more of his magic power and transformed into his half dragon form.

Mereoleona felt his power rise up and figured he was gonna attack one last time, as she can see he is on the verge of collapsing. She had a toothy smile on her face on what's to come and an even bigger smile when he saw him transform into something she has never seen before. Then she heard him.


What Mereoleona saw from Izir were a bunch of amethyst looking stars each one had strong amounts of magic coursing through each of them. Then he fired at her, a multitude of stars shooting straight at her. 


What she noticed immediately was that once her punches connected with a star, the star would explode.

She was getting pushed back as some stars would slip through and connect with her body moving her back each time one managed to get by.

Mereoleona - "THIS IS IT, A FIGHT THAT GETS MY BLOOD PUMPING. EVEN THOUGH I AM GETTING PUSHED BACK I WILL GET PASSED THIS HAHAHA!!!" she yelled out knowing that Izir was on the verge of blacking out while pumping the rest of his magic into this spell of his.

Finally as the spell came to a close, there was dust everywhere. Once it cleared we see Mereoleona all bloody up with parts of her clothes being singed off due to some stars impacting her body. 

She looks over and sees Izir passed out on the ground with him being back to normal as his transformation went away.

Mereoleona - "You are an interesting guy. I wonder how much stronger you're gonna get in the future." She wondered looking forward to when he gets even stronger than he is now, seeing as how he managed to get her all worn out and managed to hit her even if it was an all out attack, she was impressed.

She then went over to his limped body and picked him up like a sack of potatoes. She was gonna take him to a hot spring she knows about that is on top of the volcano.

About thirty minutes went by and Izir opened up his eyes wondering why his body was aching everywhere.

He then remembered fighting Mereoleona and looked around seeing that he was in a hot spring for some reason? He then widened his eyes as he realized that he was naked and in the water already, wondering how he got undressed and into the hot spring.

Mereoleona - "I see you finally woke up, you kept me waiting."

He turned to his right where he heard her voice. What he saw made his face turn crimson with steam coming out of his head.

Now why did he have that reaction, well in the direction he was looking to find Mereoleona, he saw her naked with a wooden basket carrying two cups and a bottle of sake floating on the water.

He saw her natural curves that were hidden underneath her attire, the sweat glistening on her body and that devilicious smirk on her face showing off her fang seeing his reaction to her.

Izir has not been more attracted to a woman in all his life. While yes he did tease and flirt with Sister Lily from time to time it was always in good fun and he would never actually pursue her. Sister Lily was an older sister figure to him and he always liked how kind she was. He also just liked to tease Asta whenever he did flirt with Lily and Lily also knew he wasn't serious as well and she did not mind the flirting and teasing as long as it didn't go so far, which he never would.

With Mereoleona though, his heart was always beating. He liked her haughty and brash attitude, she was strong, she also looked beautiful even with her intimidating figure and she loved to fight, something he liked as well but could never find anyone in the village that could keep up with him that was why he wanted to join the magic knights to find others that match or even outmatch him. 

So when she came by and started talking to him and immediately went to throw punches he was shocked at first, but then he was filled with that adrenaline and also had a crazed smile on his face just like her.

Izir - "I want you" he blurted out like an idiot due to him being captivated by her looks.

Mereoleona - "Takes a lot of balls on someone to claim that they want me, most are too scared to even say anything like that to a woman they want to mate with. Either way only someone that can keep up with me or surpass me can I find them as a suitable mate." she said with any lack of modesty for what she said.

Izir was embarrassed at first for spouting out that he wants her as a mate. Once he heard her nonchalant response, the gears in his head were turning then he stood up forgetting that he was naked.

Izir - "So are you saying that if I can be an equal match or surpass I can be a potential mate with you?" 

Mereoleona - "That is what I said yes, there are none right now so you have a chance. You are kinda close though since you were able to keep up with me even if for a little with that last attack of yours." she said with a slight toothy smirk.

Izir was filled with a new found determination to train more now. 

Izir - "Just you wait, I'll surpass you and make you my mate." he said with confidence.

Mereoleona - "You can certainly try, but I don't plan on getting claimed as a mate easily. I will also be training like I always do in the Grand Magic Zone… by the way nice package you got." she said and then looked down at his dick with a mischievous smile.

He was confused at first on what she meant, then looked down and remembered that he was naked and standing in the hot spring with his little dragon standing up due to him staring and her sexy and curvy body.

He was embarrassed at first then realized that he can't be flustered in front of her as she was not embarrassed at showing her own body to him as she had no modest whatsoever. Especially if he were to become her mate and if were to be honest he wanted to dominate her body while hearing her scream his name out (He is quite a sadist).

Mereoloeona saw the lust in his eyes and the look of someone wanting to dominate their prey. She chuckled internally thinking this kid would make for a great mate once he gets strong enough to dominate her. Seeing that he was already strong she can see him getting multiple mates in the future, of course if he does get more mates she won't mind as long as she is the queen of his harem. Again that is if he is able to beat or surpass her in a fight, she was looking forward to it.

Mereoleona - "Moving on, I remembered that you said you were gonna join the magic knights in a month, seeing as you are already on par with the captains in magic power but have no to little combat experience. And seeing as you are training here, Since I am bored and you are capable of keeping up with me, I decided to train you until you gotta leave for the royal capital."

To say he was shocked that she was willing to train him until the exams was great. He gets to hone his combat and techniques with his magic, while having a sexy and strong woman to teach him. This also gives him a little more time to get to know her better while also trying to be equals with her or surpass her which gets his blood pumping for many great fights between them but also the chance to see if he can dominate her before he sets off.

22 days went by fairly quickly, sadly it wasn't a full month as it takes a week to get to the Royal Capital from Hage Village and he needed a day to get to Hage Village first to get his brothers. Izir was taught a lot by Mereoleona and he became closer to her as well. He does still get his ass handed to him from their fights together but there were many close calls where he almost beat her as well. Compared to when they first met he is able to go against her without using as much magic as before and doesn't need to resort to an all out attack using all his mana like before as well.

Izir - "Well I'm off to Hage Village to pick up my brothers before heading to the Royal Capital."

Mereoleona - "Yeah yeah, you made some progress but still not enough to beat me, but you are able to put up one hell of a fight with me." she teases him 

Izir - "I am getting there Leona just you wait I'll make you my mate and dominate you next time and who knows maybe I will have other mates by the time I see you again." he said calling her nickname that he started calling her during their training. At first Leona beat him black and blue for giving her that nickname, but after a while she just stopped caring as he never stopped calling her that.

He also mentioned other mates as Leona told him during his training that she doesn't really care if he has more women as his mates since he is strong and will naturally attract other women's attention as long as when or if he beats her that she will be the Queen to the harem.

Mereoleona - "Yeah well we shall see huh, maybe you will have no other mates when I see you again." she teases him again and laughs as it became a recurring thing between them.

Before Izir left though he went up to her and grabbed her waist bringing them closer together. They looked at each other's eyes both seeing a bit of lust in their eyes. He then kissed her putting in tongue as well as they both made out with each other.

Normally no one would have the balls to have such lustful eyes on her, it would be more of fear for her strength and brash attitude. No one would even think of trying to grab her by the waist and kiss her, but she thought that he deserves it for all the hard work he is putting into getting stronger for himself and his other goal of getting her as a mate.

They both had a devilish smile on their faces when they pulled back, neither one said anything until.

Izir - "That is my consolation prize for all our time training and for getting my ass beat so many times, I will get my actual prize at a later date." he said with a devilish smirk

Izir - "See you again Leona until then." he said, turning around and waving back at her, walking back to Hage Village.

Mereoleona - "He will become a perfect mate next time I see him and I can't wait for our next fight as well." she muttered to herself and licked her lips while seeing him walking away.

A day has passed and Izir was now back in Hage Village, he did bring some meat for the church and the citizens of the village from the magic beasts he had hunted on his way home. Everyone gave him a warm welcome and were in awe of the beats he was carrying on his back when he first strolled back home. Now after taking a very much deserved rest, he and his brothers were all ready to head out to the Royal Capital.

Izir - "Well we are off, take care everyone and do not worry I will send money back home for you all once I join the magic knights, same goes for Asta and Yuno right." He addressed his brothers even though he knew they would send money to the church even if hadn't mentioned it.

Asta & Yuno - "Yeah." 

Lily - "Take care of yourselves you three and be safe on your travels." she waved to them with a smile on her face.

Father Orsi - "Do not worry Asta will take care of your bed once you come back." he said rather bluntly.


Izir just laughed and patted Asta on the back, roughly throwing him to the ground.

Izir - "Alright let's go you two we are burning daylight here."

Once Asta got back up, proceeding to yell at his brother for patting him too hard, all three of them were now on their way to the Royal Capital to join the Magic Knights.

IzirScythe IzirScythe

Yes Izir will be pursuing Mereoleona, because she honestly is never used in many Fanfics of Black Clover that I have read. Also about the age gap since she is 32 while he is 18, I say who cares its fanfic does anyone really care.

next chapter
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