(the 7D theme song)
(The episode opens with a dwarf-sized girl with long brown hair, wearing a pink/orange striped shirt, skirt , and red shoes named Rose saying,"the tick tock thinga ma gig".)
(It shows the new girl with the 7D hanging from a clock, that's inside another bell tower, with a mysterious machine behind them.)
Grumpy (narrating): Okay, I bet you're wondering who that girl is, why we hanging from this clock.
Bashful: It started, when we picking Jellyberries.
(The screen switches to the 7D picks berries from a bush)
Sneezy (picking berries): What's this all about?
Happy: Because we have a new neighbor and nothing says welcome like a jelly berry pie.
Sneezy: I guess that mean a new friend for us, let's go.
Grumpy: Wait, where is this new neighbor?
(Happy pointed to the castle, which is when the screen shows the inside of the castle, where the new neighbor Rose is with Queen Delightful and Sir Yipsalot yodeling)
Queen Delightful (looking at Rose): I'm so glad, that you decided to come to live in Jollywood, you'll love it here, it's a very special place because of the 7D.
Rose: I heard of them, is it true, that they always come whenever you're in trouble.
Queen Delightful: Yep, they come when I ring the bing bong bell, they should be here soon.
So,the 6D were flying towards the castle, while Happy is baking a pie, and finishes it as the enter the castle.
Queen Delightful: 7D, I would like to introduce you to the new member of Jollywood,(shows Rose) Rose.
Queen Delightful: Rose, this is (shows Happy) Happy (shows Grumpy) Grumpy (shows Dopey) Dopey (shows Doc) Doc (shows Sleepy) Sleepy (shows Sneezy) Sneezy, and (shows Bashful) Bashful, this is the 7d.
(Once Rose saw Bashful, she sighed and gave a dreamy look)
(Rose's face changed once she saw Happy's jelly berry pie)
Rose: It's very nice to meet you (smiles) is it that a jelly berry pie (gets a piece of pie)my favorite.
Rose (holding the pie to Bashful):Would you like any, it's delicious?
Bashful (taking a piece of pie): Sure.
Rose: Thanks Happy, so where am I going to live, your majesty.
Queen Delightful: With the 7D of course,since you're their size.
Rose (surprised): Really, do you won't mind if I stay.
Happy: Nah, it would be great, to have a new friend living with us, what you say guys.
(The other guys agreed, but Grumpy was unsure)
Sneezy: But we need to make a bed, how about we show you around.
Rose: Sure I love a tour, where are we going first?
Happy (as he ties a blindfold around Rose's eyes): A special, but first blindfolds.
(The screen goes to the glooms, where Hildy is looking at the book of spells)
Hildy (looking at the book): There has to be something to help get rid of Queen Delightful and The 7D
(A strong wind flips the pages of the book)
Hildy: Of course, this one is it
Grim: A time travel spell
Hildy: We will go back in time and get rid of the 7D, so they won't exist
Grim: What a brilliant idea
Hildy: I know, now to cast the spell (waves her wand) 'ticky tock time to reverse the clock and go to the past of Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey, Sneezy, and Doc.
(A portal opens)
(Grim and Hildy goes through the portal)
(The screen switches to the little version of Happy with his grandpa)
Little Happy: Grandpa, where we are going, fishing, the park, huh?
Grandpa Happy: To meet someone special, you remember my stories about being with brave heroes, now you get to meet them.
Little Happy: Woohoo!
(Near the tree, Grandpa Bashful walks with his little grandson: Bashful)
Grandpa Bashful: Bashful, we are going to a special place and you will make friends there
Bashful: New people makes me nervous
Grandpa Bashful: Sometimes I feel the same way, but don't worry these friends are nothing to be afraid i'm sure of it.
Bashful: If you say so
(Grandpa Grumpy is fishing with his little grandson: Grumpy)
Grumpy: Grandpa, I Thought you said we were going somewhere special
Grandpa Grumpy: Oh we are (gets up) follow me
(Grumpy gets up and follows his grandpa)
(Grandpa Sleepy drags Sleepy)
Sleepy: Grandpa, where are we going at a time like this
Grandpa Sleepy: To meet some friends
Sleepy: You mean the friends you always tell stories about?
Grandpa Sleepy: Exactly.
Sleepy: Great
(Grandpa Dopey and Dopey are walking with their animal friends, while whistling)
(Grandpa Doc and Doc are riding in a wooden car)
(The screen switches to Grim and Hildy)
Grim: Are we really in the past?
Hildy: Yes (points to the little Happy) look
Grim: Great, let's go
Hildy: Not yet, we need to wait until they are all together.
(The screen switches to Grandpa Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Doc, Happy, Bashful, and Grumpy with their grandsons gathered in the middle of the forest)
Grandpa Doc: Well, now that we are all gathered, you kids becomes friends and we will be enjoying ourselves.
Grandpa Sleepy: And try not to get lost
Grandpa Happy (holding a guitar) don't forget this
Grandpa Bashful: If you see anything dangerous, hide.
Grandpa Sneezy: Sneezy don't forget your (shows cream) ointment
Sneezy: Thank you
Grandpa Grumpy: And you better try to get along
(Episode ends)
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