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76.92% Tensura: The Time I Got Reincarnated as an Elf / Chapter 10: The Friendly Slimy Monster

Chapitre 10: The Friendly Slimy Monster

[Klee POV]

Following my private conversation with Shizu, we decided to return to our camp in the forest clearing and spend the night with the rest of our team.

However, while I lay in my sleeping bag, I couldn't shake the restlessness that had gripped me. My heart raced, and a mixture of exhilaration and apprehension coursed through my veins. The words we had exchanged echoed in my head, each one enhancing the torrent of emotions that kept me awake.

I shifted uneasily, and my ears were acutely aware of every sound around me. The rustling leaves, the distant hoot of an owl—it all seemed to intensify, heightening my awareness. It was as if the very air conspired to keep me awake, continuously reminding me of the conversation that had warmed my soul.

With a frustrated groan, I ran a hand through my hair, and my cheeks flushed with an equal amount of apprehension and excitement. I couldn't shake the buzzing spark that hovered between Shizu and me. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced—a tempting mixture of intimacy and yearning that left me dumbfounded.

As I lay there, uneasiness clenched on me, every second passing by agonizingly slowly. I wished for sleep to take hold of me and provide relief from the maelstrom of emotions that had taken over my heart. But sleep eluded me with each passing instant, slipping past my fingers like a mirage.

"Damn, what the heck am I feeling right now?" I mumbled into the darkness. My voice is barely heard. The question lingered, unresolved, and ambiguous. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my rushing thoughts, yearning for understanding in the middle of confusion.

But as the night progressed, I came to a realization. Perhaps it wasn't so much a question of comprehending what I felt as it was of accepting that these emotions existed and allowing myself to explore them.

Stepping into the unknown was a frightening proposition, yet I was compelled to approach Shizu by a magnetic force that I could not resist.

I took a deep breath and surrendered to my inner restlessness with my newfound resolve. I accepted the potential as well as the uncertainties, willing to confront whatever lay ahead.

As I lay there, my mind slowly quieted, and as the threads of sleep eventually wrapped around me, I fell asleep with a sense of expectancy, impatiently anticipating the dawn of a new day and the insights it may offer.


On the following morning, we packed our belongings and resumed our journey through the forest, the events of the previous night still fresh in my mind.

As we traveled, I couldn't help but notice the growing bond between Shizu and me. She displayed an increased level of care and concern, always ensuring my well-being during hazardous routes, cooking food when hunger struck, and diligently watching my back whenever a monster threatened our path. It was evident that Shizu's protective nature had intensified, and her actions spoke volumes about her feelings.

The heightened attention did not go unnoticed by the rest of our team. Kaval, being as observant as ever, was the first to address it. "Hey Shizu, I can't help but notice how you've become incredibly protective of Klee lately," he commented, his words laden with curiosity.

Gido chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, Shizu, your connection with Klee seems stronger than ever before."

Eren, always the inquisitive one, couldn't resist asking the question that lingered in the air. "Did something happen between you two last night?"

The barrage of questions directed at Shizu overwhelmed her, and her response was a glare that could send shivers down anyone's spine. "Is there a problem with that?" she snapped, her tone dripping with seriousness. The trio of adventurers, taken aback by her sternness, frantically shook their heads, assuring her that there was no issue.

Shizu continued forward, motioning for me to follow, her demeanor suggesting that the discussion was over. Although I was unsure of what had triggered this change in her, I couldn't help but feel that it wasn't a bad thing.

A hushed whisper broke the silence, and I turned to find Kaval leaning toward me, his voice barely audible. "Psst, Klee, what do you think happened to Shizu?" he asked, his curiosity still piqued. Gido and Eren watched eagerly, waiting for my response.

Feeling frustrated at being the target of their interrogation, I sighed inwardly, realizing I had no choice but to provide some answers. "I had a conversation with big sister Shizu last night," I replied, hoping to satisfy their curiosity without divulging too much.

"Big sister?!" they exclaimed in unison, their eyes widening with astonishment. Their curiosity ignited further, prompting them to press for more details.

However, I noticed Shizu had approached silently, standing behind the trio, and she firmly grasped their shoulders. The three adventurers flinched at her sudden presence, realizing they had crossed the line.

With a firm glare, Shizu silently communicated that the interrogation was over, and reluctantly, they complied, ending their barrage of questions.


After some time, Kaval informed us that he would scout ahead to assess the area before advancing. However, considering his knack for causing trouble, it was nearly guaranteed that he would unwittingly disrupt another monster nest.

We waited for his return with bated breath, and when he did, his look was an equal mixture of disappointment and amusement. "Alright, everyone, I've got good news and bad news," he said, laying the stage for the expected revelation.

Without skipping a beat, I interjected with a tone of feigned annoyance, "Let me guess, the bad news is that you poked another monster nest, right?"

Kaval couldn't help but smile wryly at my correct prediction. He took a deep breath and responded, "The good news is that I scouted ahead, and affirmatively, the bad news is that I did indeed poke another monster nest."

As soon as he finished speaking, a swarm of enormous red ants appeared from the trees around us, sending a chill down my spine with their terrifying presence. I sighed in annoyance as I realized how correct my earlier prediction turned out to be.

"Everybody run!" Gido's frantic instruction jolted us into action, his voice filled with both concern and urgency.

Despite my own capacity to handle the monsters, I grudgingly obliged Shizu's request and rushed beside her, her hand firmly clutching mine as we fled from the advancing swarm.

We rapidly caught up with the three adventurers, creating a unified front as we sprinted away from the enormous ant monsters in a desperate attempt to find safety.

After a little period of sprinting, Shizu let go of my hand and turned to face me. Her voice was forceful yet worried. "Keep running and don't look back," she declared, her gaze lingering for some time longer than necessary.

Unable to resist my worry, I glanced back over my shoulder, only to witness Shizu drawing her sword with a swift motion. She faced the oncoming horde of monsters, her fiery determination evident in her stance.

"Big sister, Shizu!" I called out, my instincts urging me to intervene. I prepared to utilize my [bomb creation] skill, ready to join the fight.

But Shizu looked back, her voice cutting through the chaos. "No, Klee, stay back!" she commanded, her gaze peered behind her mask, pleading with me to trust her judgment.

Panic welled up within me, my words trailing off as I struggled to comply with her request. "But big sis, I..." I stammered. My voice was filled with concern.

"Don't worry, I've got this," Shizu reassured me, interrupting my sentence with unwavering confidence.

Reluctantly, I nodded, a mix of apprehension and admiration in my gaze. "Erm, okay, but please be careful," I responded, a silent prayer for her safety accompanying my words.

With resolute determination, Shizu ignited her sword, flames dancing along its blade. She launched a wave of fire towards the oncoming swarm, scorching and incinerating several of the giant ants in her path. Yet, even as she fought valiantly, more of the creatures charged towards her.

The giant ants lunged, their mandibles snapping dangerously close to Shizu, but she evaded their attacks with a graceful leap into the air. With precise movements, she slashed at each monster, her flaming sword bringing swift death to her adversaries one by one.

As Shizu eliminated the majority of the giant ants, the remaining few grew more frenzied, launching a relentless assault with their mandibles and powerful legs.

They sought to crush and bite her, but with a mix of agility and precision, Shizu gracefully dodged their attacks. In turn, she countered with swift strikes, piercing their abdomens and igniting their insides with her fiery magic.

Her talent and tenacity allowed her to stop the rampage of the ant monsters, causing all of them to perish.


Shizu emerged victorious, standing as the sole survivor on the battlefield. Witnessing her incredible performance, both the three adventurers and I were filled with awe, our cheers filling the air.

However, our jubilation was abruptly cut short as one of the giant ant monsters unexpectedly lunged at Shizu from behind.

"Shizu, watch out!" Eren's urgent cry rang out, warning her of the monster's surprise attack. Reacting swiftly, Shizu shifted back into her battle stance.

But then something terrible happened. Shizu's body began to convulse violently, and she ultimately collapsed to the ground, seemingly drained from the intensity of her earlier assaults.

Oh no, this is terrible. I realized I had to step in and rescue Shizu. I hurriedly built a little bomb to be launched at the enormous ant monster. However, before I could throw it, something extraordinary happened.

"[Black Lightning!]"

Out of nowhere, a bolt of dark-colored lightning materialized and struck the ant monster, obliterating it instantly. Simultaneously, the impact kicked up a cloud of dust that swept Shizu's mask away.

"Big sister, are you okay?" I exclaimed, rushing to Shizu's side. The rest of our party swiftly followed accordingly, with worried expressions on their faces. As we approached her, Shizu told us, "It's fine, I'm alright," providing some much-needed reassurance.

"What the hell was that?" Kaval blurted out, expressing the sentiment that echoed through all of our minds. The origin and purpose of the lightning bolt remained a mystery, but its power was undeniable. Holding the bomb tightly, I searched the surroundings, a mix of anticipation and nervousness gripping me.

"Damn, I knew black lightning was too strong, so I guess I won't be using that," a voice exclaimed, drawing my attention.

Swiftly turning my head towards the sound, I spotted a small figure darting through the dissipating dust. Without a moment's hesitation, I threw the bomb in its direction.


The bomb detonated upon reaching the ground, but to my surprise, the agile creature managed to evade the blast. It let out a shout, exclaiming, "Oi, watch it!"

Realizing that my attack had failed, I quickly fashioned another bomb and hurled it in the creature's direction.

However, this time, instead of exploding, the bomb was promptly engulfed and devoured by the creature. As the dust settled, I could see that it was a round, blue monster wearing Shizu's mask atop its head.

"A slime?" I pondered aloud, recognizing the creature for what it was. The others, sharing my gaze, wore expressions of equal confusion.

"Yes, indeed. Is there an issue with slimes?" the slime inquired, surprising all of us with its unexpected ability to communicate.

"Well, no. It's just not every day we encounter a talking slime," I replied, reasoning with the peculiar creature. It regarded me with curiosity for a few moments before nodding to itself.

Approaching me, the slime regurgitated the bomb it had consumed and advised, "Please refrain from throwing this at me again. It's quite dangerous, you know."

"Um... I apologize," I muttered sheepishly, examining the bomb the slime had regurgitated. It appeared to be in good condition at a glance, but upon closer inspection, I noticed that the fuse was missing.

As I pondered the peculiar behavior of the slime, I observed it approach Shizu and return her mask. It was an unusual sight, witnessing a monster treat Shizu with kindness rather than harm.

Suddenly, a recollection flashed through my mind—a memory of Alicia's words from a previous dream. She had mentioned a slime that stood above all others. Could this be the very creature she had spoken of?

"Everyone, this isn't a safe place for conversation. Please follow me," the slime declared, beckoning us to join it as it bounced away in the opposite direction.

"I see. Alright, let's go," Shizu agreed, motioning for us to follow. With determination in our hearts, we complied, eager to uncover the mysteries that awaited us on this unexpected path.


As we arrived at the slime's designated destination, we found ourselves in a village with primitive homes, currently under construction in a vast clearing. The sight of these houses immediately reminded me of the Hilichurl outpost huts from Genshin Impact, drawing a comparison in my mind.

What surprised me even more were the residents of the village. It turned out that goblins inhabited this place, the majority of them sporting green skin and clad in leathery fur clothing. To my amazement, they displayed much less aggression compared to other monsters, behaving more like ordinary villagers.

Furthermore, peculiar wolves with purplish-blue fur and curious straps adorning their legs roamed the village. It seemed that they had a close association with the goblins, as they spent most of their time in each other's company.

As we walked through the village, both the goblins and wolves turned their attention towards us, greeting the slime with admiration and respect. Witnessing this, my curiosity piqued, and I tried to discern why these formidable-looking creatures held the slime in such high regard.

"My lord, welcome back!" a booming voice echoed through the air as I watched a large, muscular goblin sprinting toward us.

It was a terrifying sight to see this towering figure approaching us, appearing enormous compared to the blue slime, whom he addressed as "Lord."

"Ah, Rigurd, good timing!" the slime cheerfully greeted the hulking goblin. The two engaged in an important conversation, to which the goblin nodded before rushing off in the opposite direction. The slime then turned to us and said, "Everyone, please follow Rigurd. He will lead you to a place where you can stay."

We followed the slime's instructions and trailed behind the massive goblin. Eventually, we arrived at a vacant house where a group of goblins had just finished preparing something inside.

Stepping into the building, we found beds and a grill in the center of the room, eagerly awaiting our arrival. The grill was adorned with plenty of meat, which is currently sizzling and tempting our senses.

"Wow, finally! Meat!" exclaimed Kaval, unable to contain his excitement. He and the other two adventurers immediately rushed toward the grill, hungrily devouring the grilled meat as if there was no tomorrow. I found their behavior both amusing and somewhat impolite.

"Come on, Klee. Let's join them," Shizu signaled to me, gesturing for me to follow her toward the grill. I complied, settling down next to her as we savored the food together.

With the first bite, I could immediately discern the meat's moist and tender texture. The flavors delighted my palate, making it hard to resist indulging further.

After several minutes, the slime and the massive goblin entered the room, capturing our attention. We all turned to face them, eager to hear what they had to say.

"I can see you're all enjoying the food," Rigurd began, "but we would like to have your attention for an introduction," he said, requesting that we lend our ears.

Taking a deep breath, the goblin continued, "Allow me to present the master of our village, the great Lord Rimuru," introducing the slime as the village's leader.

The adventurers' eyes widened in surprise at the goblin's proclamation. They hadn't expected such a harmless little creature to hold such a position of authority, a sentiment that I understood well. On my part, I remained puzzled and curious about how the slime had managed to earn the admiration and loyalty of these creatures.

Observing our awkward reactions, the slime spoke up, "Nice to meet you, everybody! My name is Rimuru, and I assure you, I'm not a bad slime!"

Shizu and I couldn't help but chuckle at the slime's enthusiastic introduction. It wasn't the slime's tone or demeanor that made us laugh, but rather the reference to a phrase I recognized from Dragon Quest—a lighthearted and amusing detail.

As we reacted to the slime's words, the three adventurers tilted their heads, while Rimuru himself raised an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued by our response. However, the moment swiftly passed, and Rimuru moved on to the next topic of discussion.

"So, tell me, what brings you all to the forest?" the slime inquired, genuinely curious about our intentions in their domain.

Kaval and the others proceeded to explain our mission of surveying the area near the sealed cave. They also shared details about my banishment from the nation of Blumund and my journey to the kingdom of Dwargon.

"Why were you chased away in the first place?" Rimuru asked, seeking further understanding about my circumstances.

The adventurers then recounted how I had been wrongly accused of being the Crimson Witch due to a skill I possessed. Rimuru nodded in comprehension, directing his gaze in my direction.

"What's your name, kid?" the slime inquired, curious to know my identity. In response, I introduced myself as Klee, which the slime understood perfectly.

Once my introduction was done, Kaval, Gido, and Eren took turns introducing themselves as well. Lastly, Shizu offered her name to the slime, a gesture that warmed my heart.

As the conversation continued, we resumed our feast. However, I soon found myself too full to consume any more meat, prompting me to step outside for some fresh air.

"Where are you going, Klee?" a familiar voice called out. I turned around to see Shizu emerging from the house, confronting me.

"I'm just going for a walk to cool off," I informed her, explaining my intentions.

Shizu nodded, clearly understanding my response. Then she approached me and said, "Alright, come with me."

She encouraged me to join her, which I gladly accepted, and we went for an exciting stroll together.


Shizu and I walked for a few minutes until we came across an elevated hill adorned with a single tree. Together, we climbed to the summit, where we were presented with a panoramic view of the entire village that was currently being constructed.

As we soaked in the scenery, a gentle breeze brushed our faces, transmitting a lovely aroma that relaxed our sense of smell.

"Ah, doesn't this feel relaxing, big sis?" I asked, curious about Shizu's impression of our surroundings. Shizu nodded and replied, "In fact, it does."

Her response made me satisfied, and we continued to relish the panoramic view as the sun set on the horizon. Sharing the experience with someone as special as Shizu eased my heart, and I wanted this feeling of happiness to endure forever.

"Excuse me, may I have a moment with you two?" a voice suddenly called out to Shizu and me. We turned around to see a ball of slime making its way toward us.

"Ah, it's Mr. Slime," I murmured as we observed its approach. The slime regarded us with curiosity and asked, "Are you two by any chance—"

"Japanese? Yes, we are," I interjected, causing Rimuru to catch up in mid-sentence and surprise him. He seemed thrilled to have discovered our true identities and inquired, "Do you understand what I said earlier?"

Shizu and I both nodded in response. "It's from Dragon Quest, isn't it?" I inquired, seeking confirmation. The slime vigorously nodded upon hearing my answer; his joy was evident.

Subsequently, Shizu picked up the little slime and embraced it, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. Shizu's embrace, along with her beauty, prompted Rimuru to giggle, igniting a pang of jealousy within me.

"How did you end up in this world, Mr. Slime?" Shizu inquired, removing her mask to demonstrate her curiosity about Rimuru's reincarnation. I listened intently to their conversation.

"Well, I was fatally stabbed, and the next thing I knew, I became a slime in a cave," Rimuru explained, sharing their origin story with us.

Hearing Rimuru's tale, I couldn't help but feel sympathy for the unfortunate creature. Being stabbed to death seemed like the most tragic way to meet one's demise.

"What about the two of you? How did you end up here?" Rimuru asked, intrigued to hear our own origin stories in return for sharing theirs.

Shizu and I nodded in agreement, and we each divulged our stories to the slime. Shizu recounted her summoning during the war, and I described being transported into the computer after participating in a survey.

"Interesting. In any case, I would like to show you two something," Rimuru said, extending a slime tendril and performing something peculiar.

Suddenly, my vision distorted, as if my thoughts had been transported elsewhere, and I found myself witnessing images of what I believed to be post-war Japan.

"This is what Japan looks like after the war, Shizu," Rimuru said, showcasing more images highlighting Japan's achievements over the years. The pictures included Japan's inaugural bullet train, the Tokyo Tower, and various other impressive structures.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! Just like what Klee told me before!" Shizu exclaimed, captivated by the images of Tokyo's towering landmarks.

Rimuru even promised to Shizu that he would construct a city like that someday, which is an admirable aspiration.

"Hnggh..." Shizu suddenly groaned in pain, inadvertently dropping Rimuru. Concerned, I hurried to her side and asked, "Are you okay, big sis?"

Shizu concealed her discomfort and replied, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." With our assistance, she regained her composure and stood up unsteadily.

Later, I noticed a dwarf approaching us and alerted Rimuru. He turned around and said, "Ah, someone is calling me. See you two later," before bouncing away with the dwarf.

"Let's go back, Klee," Shizu remarked, motioning for me to accompany her to the house where we were staying. I willingly complied, and we returned together.

Good_Doggo2001 Good_Doggo2001

Sorry for deleting the chapter. I wasn't satisfied with the narratives, so I revised it.

next chapter
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