Boom, the sound of of cannon fire sounded in the back ground as the celestial wind blew my hair, "Captain the enemy's ship is ready to be borded, should I give the signal?". On the stary sea where the the waves of cosmic power flow without end my crew yelled to me as I held the wheel, and I just smiled as I looked with pride at my fleet. I always loved stories about pirates, ever since I saw pirates of the Caribbean I thought how cool it would be to explore an endless sea, I never knew I would get my chance. But I am getting ahead of my self let's start at the beginning, I was living in the united States living with my disabilities, mind you they were mental ones not physical, I was born with the condition were if I could not get hooked totally into something I would forget to do it or totally ignore it for something more interesting, this afected my school work, so I didn't fulfill my goals much, later as I grew up I found out body had proplems too. I couldn't run fast or for long periods, I sucked at sports, which from where I grew up was more important than anything to my classmates, so I didn't have many friends, and the few I did have I lost contact with as I grew up, and sometimes I felt like my veins were chaght on my bones in my leg. Basically I lived a hard time so I needed help getting through school and life, when I was done the only good thing I got that I can enjoy looking back on was my class ring. I just wanted to play games and read stories online, because I thought how life would be if I could do the things the Mc were doing. One day as I was getting home after a long day working I saw a mother slip on ice and got out to help but curse my luck as I was walking towards them I was hit by a speeding car and broke both my legs, later he used his connections to get away with just paying a fine and giving me some hush money. The next year I tired to make some money investing in a friend's company after he swore on his monther's name to pay me back he disappeared after some one threated his family and a year later the same guy who threatened my friend got a job in the government in the tropics, I tried to get justice, but he sent some goons to silence me and wouldn't you know it I had beg for my life. In the end I was beaten until I couldn't talk and warned that if I knew what was good for me I should just disappear, well after that my life was just like hell, the only thing that kept me going was my loving mother and my friends who helped pay my bills. Now here I am sick and tired of life as I close my eyes I wish I could have a chance to live a life of adventure and have pay back everyone for what they did for me instead of being a burden. I don't know how much later that I heard a sound "ding" "detected honest host with thrist for adventure, commencing bonding the "Honerable Pirate lord" system" when I heard that I opened my eyes an saw before me a sea that shined like it was the night sky in a clear valley when I looked in the water I saw a guy in his twenties with an outfit that looked like a pirate, then I noticed that I could fell my legs I stood up and jumped for joy after confirming that my legs worked. Then I looked around when suddenly I heard a yell "Helllp!" I loked at the sorce of the sound to find three dudes fight in what looked like a cross between a rainbow starfish and a large dog, at first I was was scared but when I loked at the people one of them looked just like my best friend who helped me after I was beaten, at fist thought to run but suddenly the rainbow starfish dog turned at me and spit what looked like a small rock at me, as a reader of adventure stories I thought that the rock would explode so I jumped
away into some near by some rocks and braced for the explosion but I heard nothing so I was about to lock back when I noticed a sword bwhat looked like a compaian of those three that I saw earlier and two of what looked like more rainbow starfish dog's I grabbed the sword in case I needed it and I'm glad I did because when I loked back at he rock it had become a ruby sea urchin with a tentacle mouth it looked like it was searching for me so I sneaked up behind it and then stabed it on the area between it's spines then it turned in goo with some spines in it and a small red gem after that I heard some one yell at me "help us please, I'll give you anything" I looked at the guy who yelled and say he was dressed up like some noble, while one loked like his servant and the other looked like tall pirate whith a bad wound on one of his arms and a blue glowing blade. I thought about it for a sec than since I saw the starfishdog was injured and decided to help kill it, and maybe get a favor from the noble looking guy since I didn't have any clue where I was and needed help I charged an jumped and slashed at it's back guy could finish him off by attacking his neck after it turned to me. After the fight I asked where I was and they said we were in the stary sea.
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