High up in the air, that gigantic divine eye was looking down at 40 warriors.
An aged voice continued to resonate within their minds: "All you 40 warriors, based on the powers you have displayed in the first two levels… on this third level, only 15 of you will be able to survive! The 15 of you who can survive the third level will make it up to the fourth level and earn yourselves various incentives. Until you endure the crisis on the third level, entering the battleship is forbidden. Doing so would render you an immediate failure, and you will fall straight into annihilation."
The words of the aged voice gave Luo Feng a shock. How could there only be 15 survivors?
The majority of the warriors instantly started to worry. Those who could make it past the third level would definitely be extraordinary, but still, more than half of them would die! Other than a handful like Luo Feng, the other warriors would certainly not be daring enough to say they would survive this level.
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