"This is Thunderbolt, entering the AO," the pilot of the A-10 Warthog reported back to the command center. "I have a target in my sights."
"We copy Thunderbolt. Can you describe the appearance of the target, over?"
The pilot of the A-10 looked closely at the target through his advanced targeting system. After a few moments, he reported.
"Thunderbolt to Eagle Actual, the target appears to be a large, bipedal entity. It's covered in some kind of rock-like armor, with glowing fissures across its body. It's about two meters high."
"That's the monster that engaged in Unit 4," Sara said, turning towards Richard.
"Eagle Actual to Thunderbolt, you are cleared hot to engage on the target," Richard permitted.
"Roger that, Eagle Actual. Engaging now," the A-10 pilot responded
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