"No, what you need right now is to return to the Oriental Building and get some sleep," Richard said, genuine concern in his voice.
Sara's response was a jumble of slurred words and giggles. "Nooo, Rich-ard, I'm fiiine. Don't wanna go hooome." She swayed slightly in her chair, almost knocking over her glass.
Richard leaned in closer, trying to make sure she could hear him clearly. "Sara, you've had enough to drink. It's not safe to stay here like this. Let me take you back."
Sara shook her head vigorously, her blonde hair swaying in all directions. "Noooo, not home. Wanna be alone with you, Rich-ard."
Richard blinked, surprised by her words. "Alone? Sara, you're not in any condition to be alone right now."
Sara pouted and attempted to look serious, but her giggles betrayed her. "I'm perf'ctly, per-fer-fec'ly fine, Rich-ard. Jus' take me some-plaace where we can be alone."
Only one chap for now guys as I have an exam coming up that I need to prepare myself to.
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