"What a depressing place," Richard said as he looked out of the window and saw the desolate roads of Manila. The roads that the military convoy was driving on were that of his old route to his school when he was in senior high.
The roads were normally packed with vehicles during rush hour, causing major traffic that would force anyone to walk on the street instead of getting stuck inside public transportation.
To see that the roads were clear in the apocalypse was surreal for him. He had expected the major roads leading back to base would be full of abandoned vehicles here and there, but he was wrong, it was eerily empty, as if there wasn't even an evacuation taking place.
Well, given the fact that the apocalypse occurred at six o'clock in the morning, most people were probably still at home, preparing for the day.
"Contact, two o'clock," the radio in his chest sounded and Richard looked at his two o'clock.
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