"Reaper-2 to Eagle Actual, we've hit the waypoint. Eyes on potential tangos. Awaiting green light for engagement, over."
The static-laced silence that followed was heavy with anticipation. Then, the response crackled through, clear and authoritative.
"Eagle Actual to Reaper-2, maintain your angels. Verify targets – I need PID on all unknowns. Hold for Charlie Mike on engagement authority, over."
With the directive received, Reaper-2's pilot eased back slightly on the controls, the drone holding steady in the expanse of the firmament.
"We are looking at your display now, Reaper-2, and we have got a PID on the target. That's them, you are cleared hot to engage," Richard granted.
"Roger that, Eagle Actual. Locking on for a Hellfire strike," the pilot of Reaper-2 responded. His hands moved with a surgeon's precision, confirming the coordinates and locking the targeting laser onto the figures now scurrying for cover.
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