Without further ado, Graves charged forward with the thrusters propelling him powerfully, closing the distance between him and Zayra in a near instant.
Zayra couldn't react. Even though she fixed her gaze on him, Graves was just suddenly in front of her.
She raised her arm up, palm open, unleashing a flurry of razor-sharp vines, instinctively trying to ensnare Graves as he approached. But Graves, anticipating the move, activated his suit's energy shields, deflecting the vines with bursts of concussive energy that sent them recoiling back towards Zayra.
Zayra, undeterred, dug her feet into the earth, drawing deeper into her corrupted powers. The ground beneath them trembled as she summoned a thicket of thorns, rising like a wave to swallow Graves whole. However, Graves, with the agility afforded by his advanced combat suit, launched himself into the air, thrusters blazing, evading the deadly embrace of the thicket.
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