The team of 20, including Blackwatch special forces and Navy Seals, commenced their HALO jump over Beijing just past midnight. They jumped from the A400M Airbus at high altitudes, each equipped with oxygen masks due to the thin air and low temperatures at the jump height. Their objective was to land discreetly within a 2-kilometer radius of their target area, where Lin Feng was last reported to be.
As they descended towards their landing zone, the operatives relied on GPS devices to navigate through the night, ensuring accuracy despite the limited visibility. The jump, executed at 25,000 feet, required them to deploy their parachutes at around 3,500 feet to safely reach the ground.
Upon landing, the team quickly regrouped, checking their equipment and confirming their positions. The city below was largely quiet, with minimal light, reflecting the extensive damage and abandonment resulting from ongoing conflicts.
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