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75% Super Saiyan Gamer: Game of the Year Edition / Chapter 9: Chapter Nine: Dealing with everyone

Chapitre 9: Chapter Nine: Dealing with everyone

It's been a few days since the random update, Bulma has been in contact with her father a lot since she had called him while I was out apparently. I have been using the dungeon to level rather than increase my stats for that time and I am now level twelve. It seems that I now gain one stat point per level, but that makes sense considering one point increases a stat by five. I used three of them to put all my stats at multiples of ten, mostly because I like having all my stats to like that.

Today though, I felt an energy approaching. It had a significant power level, close to my own before the update actually. There was a knock at the door. "Bulma, hide in one of the rooms, It's most likely the Red Ribbon Army." I whispered to her, she nodded and hid in the kitchen.

I walked to the door and opened it, seeing General Blue standing out there. I immediately sent mana to my eyes and focused on him to acquire a very useful ability.

Skill Created through a specific action!


Lvl: 1 (0/100)

Gain information on a target.

General Blue

Lvl: 15

Hp: 800

Ki: 500

Observe Leveled Up!

I continued to spam observe on him as he stared me down when he started talking it was already level eighteen. "Hello child, we are here because there is a very dangerous artefact near here. Can you tell us if you have seen an orange ball with red stars in it?"

I just sighed and stepped out, closing the door. I turned back to him, finding five soldiers with him. I raised a hand and charged a small amount of Ki into it. Blue's guard was up immediately, but I already had my targets in sight. Hitting all five of his goons with a weak blast of Ki in their stomachs, knocking them out cold. I then looked back to Blue and spoke, "You mean the Dragon Balls, and I'm sorry to tell you but I am their protector. You are no match for me, so I suggest you tell me where your boss is and leave."

"Like hell, I will, taking out a few soldiers is nothing and there is no way a mere child can defeat me!" Blue yelled as he charged at me.

I just let out another sigh and sidestepped his attack, letting my power rocket up to one-fifty and activating my aura. "Back Scum" I let loose a side kick to his chest, knocking him into a tree across the path. He seemed very frightened now, probably because of how my aura looked. Knew red and black was a good choice. "Are you ready to accept my conditions now, weakling?" I said in a condescending tone.

He talked, telling me all of their plans, where the boss was, how to get there, and informing me that they had none of the balls. What I got from this is that Pilaf had one ball at this point, and the other was on fire mountain, and that made me pissed. I wanted to avoid Pilaf all together. I let Blue leave, the soldiers going too since they had woken up at this point, so he could inform the boss that I was coming. I lowered my power back down to about ten again and went back inside.

"How did it go?" Bulma asked me as I closed the door.

"Well, I know where the others are now, and I'm going to go get them. You, however, are going to wait here while I get them. Then we can both witness the dragon and I can make a wish, or you can if you have one that isn't too selfish in nature." I explained.

"But… I want to go too. Why do I have to wait while you go on an adventure?"

"It's only gonna take an hour at most, twenty minutes at best."

"Wha- but how?"

"I can teleport now Bulma, now wait here." I told her while I lifted my hand to my forehead, finding such a small power was hard, but I already knew what I was looking for. "Be back in a few" I said as I waved.

I appeared in a dark room, already seeing my target in his bed. The fucking blue midget. I grabbed him and picked him up, he woke up as I did this. Pilaf started to scream but I place a hand over his mouth. "Not a good idea fucker, I don't mind just killing you and finding the dragon ball myself." I whispered to him. "I am the protector of the Dragon Balls, and I cannot allow you to misuse them." I took my hand off his mouth at this point.

"Protector of the dragon balls? And what do you mean misuse them?" the midget asked.

I just sighed and decided to explain, it might make him give up on them anyways. "If too many selfish and dark wished are made on the DragonBalls, they will become very powerful and dangerous monsters. The monsters would be completely invincible and would kill all life on earth. This is why I am their protector, to prevent people from making selfish wishes. I know you were going to use them to wish for world domination, and that would have pushed the DragonBalls over the edge." He paled when he heard that last bit, and I had put him down at this point too.

Pilaf scrambled to back to his bed and took a DragonBall out from under his pillow. Handing it to me, even if reluctantly, made me realize that maybe he wasn't really evil. "Thank you for giving up the ball Pilaf, you wouldn't believe how many times I had to pry one from somebody. If you would like, maybe some point in the future I could allow you a wish, but it cannot be the one you were planning." He seemed to brighten up at that. "I must be going now, I still have two to collect. Can't allow these to be held by other people any more." with that I stood and focused in on one of the more powerful people on earth, Ox King.

Appearing in the middle of a town, found myself in front of an axe being brought down. I powered up to around two hundred and stopped the axe with a finger. I leaned over to look at Ox King's face, "Ox King, is that you?"

He seemed taken aback at me asking him this, or that might be because of my sudden appearance. "Who's asking?" he said in a gruff voice.

I just smiled "I'm a friend of Roshi's, he told me a lot about you. I came here because I heard you had a dragon ball. I already got one from Roshi, and he told me you had another."

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place! Any friend of my master is a friend of mine!" he yelled out. "Although, I'm sorry but my treasure is in my castle. It's been on fire for a long time now."

"Oh that's fine, I can put it out myself." I floated upward a bit and charged a small dose of Kil into my palm, before thrusting forward. "HA!" I shouted as unleashed a powerful blast of Ki, blowing out the fire instead of blowing up the castle like Roshi did originally. I floated back down to a shocked Ox King. "There we go, all done."

He looked back to me, speaking quickly and handing me a picture. "This is my daughter if it wouldn't trouble you could you go find her and bring her back here? If you would, you can just tell me what you're looking for and I will go get it while your gone."

I thought for a second before agreeing, "I will go bring her back, the Dragon ball will be an orange sphere with red stars inside it. I'll be back in a minute or so." He agreed to go find it and I took off, not bothering to teleport because I was much faster than the Nimbus and it didn't take very long for Goku to find her.

A few minutes later I notice something getting chased by a T-rex and flew down there, finding ChiChi being chased by it. With that I kicked the T-rex hard enough to send it flying into a mountain wall, knocking it out. Looking back to ChiChi I found her staring at me in awe. Fuck, now she's probably interested in me. "Hello there, ChiChi, your father send me to bring you back home. The fire at the mountain has already been blown out."

"Really? Great! Let's go, I can't wait to see daddy again!" She yelled.

I held out a hand while putting the other to my forehead. "Take my hand, I will teleport us back to your father." She seemed skeptical but took my hand, and suddenly we were standing in front of the Ox King. He had went back to where we met to wait. One happy reunion later and I was holding the seven star ball. Leaving before anything else could be said to avoid the marriage proposal by ChiChi.

Now I had all of the balls, since I had the four star from Gohan, Bulma had the Two and Five star, The Six star ball was in that village Oolong was terrorizing, the One star from Pilaf, and finally the Seven star from Ox King. All seven Dragon Balls. The last thing I had to do was eliminate the Red Ribbon Army, except for Gero. I already knew where their base was, and there was no way Blue had gotten back yet. I'm just glad I can do this easily.

It took me an hour, but I had to fly across the world to get to the base, and I already knew what I was doing. Flying up directly above the base I charged up to a power level of about three-fifty. Then I began charging a Super Kamehameha, waiting a minute to charge it more. I then let loose, firing it straight down into the base, blowing it to hell.

Then I focused on Bulma's energy and teleported back.

At exactly the wrong time, I had appeared right next to her as she was getting out of the shower. We had both noticed each other, and stared for a few seconds. I then went rigid as I turned around and marched out of the bathroom. I should have expected that, need to stop teleporting everywhere.

It only took about a minute for her to get dressed and come into the living room. "Sorry about that Bulma, I should have realized teleporting to you could end up like that." I told her as I looked down. I actually felt bad for walkin… teleporting in on her.

It was a haunting few seconds before I heard her let out a sigh, "Yea, I understand Hikari, you didn't mean too." she said.

Wow, I think this Bulma is much more… relaxed and mature in this world compared to canon. "Thanks Bulma, anyways, I have all the dragon balls now. You want to go out and summon him?"

Bulma's eyes lit up, "Yes, let's do it now!" she yelled out.

I chuckled as we went outside and into the clearing nearby. Taking the DragonBalls out of my inventory and setting them up the way I had seen so many times in the show. "You ready?" I asked Bulma, she nodded and I nodded back. "Eternal Dragon, come forth and grant our wish, Shenron!"

The DragonBalls glowed with power, then a massive beam of glowing light blasted out of them and into the sky. The golden light condensed into green scales and Shenron appeared in the now darkened sky. "Speak your wish, and it shall be granted" Shenron spoke with power in his deep voice.

I looked to Bulma, who shook her head indicating that she did not have a wish. I looked up to Shenron and decided. "Shenron, if I were to wish for immortality, I have two can I do so for more than one person at a time? And if so, will those made immortal still continue to grow if they are not past their growth state?"

"That is within my power, you may select more than one person to be immortal and they will continue to grow until they reach their respective primes."

"Hikari? What are you trying to do?" Bulma asked me worriedly.

I look over to her and speak, "What would you say to gaining immortality with me?"

She just stared at me, in shock that I would offer that to her. "I thought you said selfish wishes like that would pollute the Dragonballs?"

"It will, but I need to stay around. You and I are the only ones who know about the DragonBalls who don't want to use them for selfish reasons. I want to stay, and make sure the DragonBalls are never misused by the forces of evil. Another selfish thing is… I don't want to be alone in this." I explained

"I.. I want to stay with you as well. I'll do it, I'll become an immortal with you." Her voice was resolute.

I nodded to her and looked up to the dragon. "I wish for myself and Bulma here to be made immortal." Shenron's eye glowed red and a window opened in front of me.

You have gained the status, [Immortal]!


You are now unkillable, however, your health is not infinite through this. In actuality, you can die, but after death, your health and energies are restored to full.

"Your wish has been granted, farewell." With that, the dragon disappeared back into the Dragonballs and the began to float into the air. Yeah, they're not getting away, I flew at max speed to catch all of them in my inventory before they could speed away. I just beat the system.

I looked back to Bulma to see her checking herself out. "Immortality doesn't affect you physically Bulma, you're not gonna feel any different. Now let's go back inside, I want to eat even though I don't really need to eat any more."

Bulma looked to me, "alright, I'm fine with that I guess. Let's go inside."

We both went inside and I began to cook. Bulma never wanted to anymore because it only took me five minutes to make a full course meal due to my use of Ki for almost everything…

'I need to teach Bulma to use Ki.'

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, here is the current look at Hikari's stat sheet.


True Name: Hikari Aki

Name: Son Hikari

Species: Immortal-Saiyan

Age: 11

Height: 1.6 m (5' 3")

Weight: 38.1 kg (84 lbs.)

Title: Gamer

Level: 12

Exp: (700/1200)

Power Level: 8,300

Hp: (1080/1080)

HpRegen: 10/min

Ki: (1010/1010)

KiRegen: 10/min


ChaRegen: 9/min


ReiRegen: 9/min

Mp: (600/600)

MpRegen: 10/min

Str: 80

End: 60

Dex: 60

Vit: 70

Int: 60

Wis: 60

Status Points: 9 (increases stat by 5)

Perk Points: 8

Gamer Skills

[Gamer's Body]

Experience your life as a Game. Makes all damage to you be turned to numerical value instead of impairing you. This means if you have enough Hp to survive a stab to the heart, you'll live.

[Gamer's Mind]

You experience the calmness of playing a game, which keeps you from having a meltdown in stressful situations.

[Gamer's Will]

A Gamer is only as strong as his will. His will to grind for days on end to reach massive heights in power. His will to train himself to be the best in a particular game of his choice. Now you have that same will, the will to be the strongest. This skill allows you to completely disregard limits in attributes, bypassing the cap set by the level system. Normally you can only have stats equal to your level times 2, meaning at level one you can only have twenty in a stat. This is no longer a problem.

[Fiction Adaptation]

Adapt fictional concepts from different world in your own and use them as truths. This can be anything from energy sources, moves, and even adding races.

Limited Use: 1 Use per 1 Month, can be saved up.

Uses: 83 (time dilation does not count towards actual counter)

Strike Skills

[Hand to Hand Combat Mastery]

Lvl: 50 Maxed (5000/5000)

Your level of skill in close combat with no weapons.

50% increase to nohanded damage

50% increase in combat speed

Ki Skills

[Ki Blast]

Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

A small ball shaped blast of Ki

Base damage based off Str

Can be charged for Triple damage

[Ki Sense]

Lvl: 12 (420/1200)

Feel the lifeforce around you, and pinpoint every being near you.

Range: 18 miles


Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

A technique created by Master Roshi over a 50 year period. Fires a wave of energy at the opponent.

[Super Kamehameha]

Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

An improved version of the Kamehameha that is much faster and stronger, but takes longer to charge.

[True Kamehameha]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

One of the most powerful versions of the Kamehameha, takes even longer to charge than the Super kamehameha.


Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

The art of enhancing your body with Ki in order to increase the power and speed of the user for a short time.


Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

The ability to fly using Ki energy.

Speed is equal to Running Speed.

Chakra Skills

[Wall Walking Exercise]

Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

Focus Chakra through a part of your body to stick to a surface, too much and you blast off it, too little and you slip.

[Water Walking]

Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Focus Chakra through a part of your body to stand on the surface of most liquids, you must match the ripples of the liquid with your Chakra to stay afloat.


Lvl: 3 Maxed (5000/5000)

The Copy Eye Wheel, A doujutsu usually distinct to the Uchiha Clan, in its current form it allows the user to predict the moves of others(better than stage 2), see Energy*, Cast very powerful Genjutsu, and copy the moves of others fully. Currently has 3 Tomoe in each eye.

[Mangekyo Sharingan]

Lvl 1 (4800/8000)

Considered the ultimate from of the Sharingan by many, though it does have a better from of itself. Usually gained through very traumatic experiences like that of killing your best friend or family, but this was negated by the Gamer ability. Due to your "special" privileges, you can use all the powers that those with the Mangekyo have used instead of being limited to one or two. In its current from you will slowly go blind with use of it's powers(not just having it activated), this can be negated once you level it up.

Blindness: 12%



Susanoo is a gigantic, humanoid being made of the user's chakra that surrounds them and fights on their behalf. It is the strongest ability available to those who have the Mangekyou Sharingan, and in fact is the rarest to achieve.


Amaterasu produces black flames at the focal point of the user's most situations, this makes Amaterasu impossible to avoid. However, if the target can move fast enough to prevent being focused on, Amaterasu will miss them when it's created, it can continue burning for seven days and seven nights. The flames cannot be extinguished with water or any other normal methods; only the user can put the flames out. Amaterasu burns basically any material — other flames included — until nothing but ash remains.


Kamui is a powerful Mangekyou Sharingan dojutsu that creates a unique and specialised form of space time ninjutsu. It allows the user to achieve two very distinct, yet closely associated feats — teleportation and intangibility.

Kamui allows the user to transfer targets to and from another dimension, from which they are unable to escape. By absorbing their own body into this distortion, the user can teleport to virtually any location they desire.


The technique allows the user to enter the mind of any individual within their field of view, and manipulate them by giving them false experiences, making it seem as if they were doing things of their own free will. It is regarded as a genjutsu of the highest calibre, due to the victim being entirely unaware that they are being most Sharingan-based genjutsu, Kotoamatsukami doesn't require eye contact, making it difficult if not impossible to know if the technique is being used on a victim unless a third party is present to see the Chakra Pathway System of the victim.


Kagutsuchi is a technique which applies shape transformation to the black flames of Amaterasu, allowing the user to manipulate them at will.


Tsukuyomi requires eye contact to be performed, trapping the target within an illusion completely under the user's control. Itachi's prowess with the technique has allowed him to alter the perception of time with ease within the genjutsu to make a few seconds seem like many days as a means to torture the target. This results in the victim suffering psychological trauma that incapacitates them for a considerable period of time.


An ability usable by owners of Mangekyou Sharingan. It allows the user to project their own reality onto the world, making their desires into reality.


Used to stop Izanagi users who get carried away with the use of Izanagi to escape their own actions, the Izanami forces the target to relive one moment over and over. It can be stopped if the Izanagi user rejects their projected illusion in favor of the true reality.


Lvl 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

A sphere of Chakra swirling in all directions at random with a coat of Chakra over it to keep it stable.

[Wind-Style Rasengan]

Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

An incomplete version of the Rasengan mixed with Wind nature Chakra.


Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

The completed version of a Rasengan with Wind nature Chakra added to it.

[Fire-Style: Great Fireball Jutsu]

Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

A massive fireball is blown from the mouth of the user, can also be used in a flamethrower like arc.

[Water Nature]

You are adept at Water Manipulation of Chakra.

[Earth Nature]

You are adept at Earth Manipulation of Chakra.

[Fire Nature]

You are adept at Fire Manipulation of Chakra.

[Lighting Nature]

You are adept at Lightning Manipulation of Chakra.

[Wind Nature]

You are adept at Wind Manipulation of Chakra.

[Wood Nature]

You are adept at Wood Manipulation, a bloodline limit

[Nature Chakra]

You know how to manipulate Nature Chakra, and have the ability to become a Sage.

[Wood Sage]

You can enter Wood Sage Mode, which increases your physical stats by x2

Needs 3 seconds of complete stillness to activate.

Time Limit: 20 minutes

Mana Skills


Lvl: 10 Maxed (1000/1000)

Focus your mana on an object and connect it with yourself, use that connection to inflict your will to move it.

[Spinning Mana Arrow]

Lvl: 50 Maxed (5000/5000)

Create an arrow out of mana and spin it at incredible speeds before firing at a target.

You can make 25 at a time.

[Basic Heal]

Lvl: 5 Maxed (500/500)

A basic healing spell that recovers 50 Hp per use.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Cast a large tracking Fireball at your target, or nine large fireballs spin around you defensively for a small time.

[Crawling Firaga]

Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Cast a Firaga that moves slowly through the air and hits multiple times.

[Triple Firaga]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

Send three consecutive Firaga at your target.

[Fission Firaga]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

Cast a Firaga that causes an explosion upon impact.

[Dark Firaga]

Lvl: 25 Maxed (2500/2500)

Cast a Firaga infused with darkness.


Lvl 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Cast a large bolt of lightning from the the sky down upon your target causing a large electrical blast where it lands, or spread a large amount them out without a clear target.

[Thundaga Shot]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

Launch a bolt of lightning head on with your target and caused a small surge of electricity.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Cast nine large shards of ice at your target

[Triple Blizzaga]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

Send three consecutive Blizzaga at your target.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (15000/1500)

Cast a shield of air around yourself, or cause a large whirlwind around you or your target.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Stop your target in its place for a large amount of time.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Create a large ball above you or near your target that draws all nearby enemies into it, casing a good amount of damage as well.


Lvl 15: Maxed (1500/1500)

Heal yourself, an ally, or yourself and allies very near to you.

Heals 500 Hp per use.


Lvl: 15 Maxed (1500/1500)

Create a hexagonal barrier around yourself that causes all damage to disperse around you, hitting nearby enemies.


Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

Mana enhancement of your body, either entirely or a specific part of your body.

Other Skills

[Gravity Manipulation]

Lvl: 20 Maxed (2000/2000)

A power that allows the user to manipulate gravity, usually granted by a Devil Fruit. Last known user was Fujitora.

Scholarly Skills


You are beyond college level in Math.


You are senior high school level in Science.


Your knowledge on the franchise is immense, even going as far as to remember the name given to every attack in the games.


You speak English fluently. You do not know any other languages.


[Full Moon Birth]

You were born at exactly midnight under the full moon, thus increasing your power and the strength of your transformations.

Gain Str and End 10% faster

Transformations get a 10% increase to their boost


You are a reincarnated soul that retained its memories, meaning that you gain the knowledge from your previous life.

Int and Wis cannot be below the value you had in your previous life.

[Sin of Anger]

You have always had anger issues, although it wasn't was't to make you angry, when you were, it had disastrous effects.

When angered, your power skyrockets, but you are uncontrollable.

[Gamer's Control]

Grants you the ability to turn off [Gamer's Mind] if you so please, be warned however, this is not recommended for the light hearted.

[Instincts of a Pure Saiyan]

You are one of the few saiyans descended from the ancestral Super Saiyan God. It isn't known publicly to the saiyans, but it has been a secret kept by the royal family since it was discovered. Only the children of a women descendant can get this perk, men can not pass it on. This perk increases your instincts and reaction time greatly while reducing your chance of controlling your great ape form. It also causes you to gain ? if you are able to gain control while having ? over ?.

[Potential Released](2/5)

Some of your potential has been released, causing your stats to increase by a little. Also causes your aura to change slightly with each purchase to represent your released power. Color change is changeable from current selection.

Current Selection - Primary: Red Secondary: Black

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