Calum's Point of View
I felt under dressed when the driver pulled into a beautiful luxurious house. My ragged old converse, ripped jeans, and snapback didn't fit into the elegant pathway that was lined with intricate vines leading onto the front of the house, in a breathtaking manner.
My snapback and baseball tee didn't stand a chance with her Michael Kors watches and purses or her Yves Saint Laurent heels. I looked down and started to fumble with my fingers.
She took my hand, guiding me toward the large breathtaking house as she laced her fingers with mine. She didn't even have to open her own front door! She had a butler who did it for her, he stood there holding it as we passed him. She thanked him and continued to guide me.
"Wow" was the only thing I could think as I entered the house. The interior was just as, possibly or even more, extravagant like the outside.
Pristine white furniture was in the living room, white carpets was underneath it. The tile looked as if they had just been polished to perfection, lead from the doorway to the kitchen.
"Do you like it?" She asked as I speechlessly continued to turn my head to see if there was anything else that would take my breath away.
I nodded answering her questions, it then clearing my throat as I remembered she prefers verbal answers. "It's beautiful" I said she smiled seeming pleased with my answer "this is your house?"
"It is. I had it built and I own it, along with several other in Paris, New York, Tokyo, Venice, and Rio." She listed as she walked ahead of me "come" she called for me and I followed
"Do all your houses look like this?" I asked her she nodded "wow" I said amazed she smiled and looked at me
"Impressed? It's not much" she shrugged like it was nothing. If this is nothing to her what would my house be to her? I thought to myself
"I'm sorry where are my manners? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Wine? Sparkling water?" She asked me "I don't alcohol" I said and she nodded "a normal glass of water alright with you?" She asked I nodded
She presses a button on the intercom on the wall "Bradly, could you bring a glass of water and a glass of wine to the living rooms please?" She said through the intercom and I sat on the couch beside her
"Do you work?" She asked me and I nodded "what do you do?" She asked and I looked around as if a better answer would appear "I um i work at a diner" I finally stammered out and scratched the back of my neck
"Do you cook or help run the place like management?" She asked I shook my head as Bradley came in and handed us our drinks
"I wash dishes and clean tables" I said plainly just wanting to get out over with "I'm sorry, I just need a drink to comprehend this." She said and took a sip of her wine.
"You clean tables and wash dishes? What kind if job is that?" She asked I don't think she meant to be rude or offensive about it, but the way she said it made it sound like I was nothing, but it also made me a little mad she made it sound like she was belittling me
"I'm so sorry, but not everyone can own companies and buy more companies." I said she raised an eyebrow at me and swished her wine around
"I beg your pardon" she said with her dominant tone coming out again
I-I'm sorry I-" I stammered as she cut me off "no please repeat what you said" she said and gave me a taunting glare I felt my gulp down a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in "go on we don't have all night"
"I said not everyone can own companies and buy more" I said and became a little scared of her dominant side, she signaled for me to come closer to her
I reluctantly scooted closer to her. She gently grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me close bringing out faces just a mere few inches away from each other. All I could focus on was the dominance radiating off of her
"Don't be scared, Calum. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not strict but when it comes to respect I go all out. This is my house I will not be talked to like that or disrespected. Do not disrespect me by talking back, understand?" She said
I'm not gonna lie I was little scared by her mini speech. But I'm also not gonna lie about the fact that it turned me on a bit. But I was still nervous
"I-I'm t-terribly sorry" I stammered out my heart was pounding from how close we were and how dominant she sounded
"I'm terribly sorry....." she said wanted me to continue
"Mommy" I said she nodded and let go of me "I'm sorry mommy"
"Thank you" she said and I took a sip of my water "I assume I offended you that's why you were defensive, correct ?" She questioned "yea..."
"Well I'm sorry I offended you with what I said. I just can't believe someone as capable as you does that." She said apologizing
"It's whatever, I need the money." I said and shrugged "I'm sorry I was disrespectful" I said "apology accepted" she said and checked her watch
"It's getting late. Would you like to stay the night or I can have Jeremy drive you home." She said
"I'd love to stay but I need to make sure my mum is okay." I told her wishing I could stay the night here with her and her beautiful house "Goodnight ms.... Goodnight mommy." I said she smiled
"Goodnight Calum. If you ever want to stop by, all you have to do is ask and I'll have someone bring you over to mine." She said and I nodded, pressing the intercom tell Jeremy to ready the car for us to go
She got up and grabbed something out of her purse and turned to me "Here, buy yourself a new pair of boots, Converse just will not do. I advise Saint Laurent, they're nice and you seem like a guy who can appreciate a nice pair of boots." She said and winked handing me a literal wad
"I can't take this" out of shock I drop the money and picked it up attempting to give it to her "with all respect this is like -" "You'll be late if you keep arguing" she said and opened the door
The car was out waiting out at the front as I stepped out "Goodnight Calum" she waved me off with a smile and closed the door. She left me with more than a thousand dollars and a heavy feeling in my chest.
My parents are gonna flip when they see me come home with this kind of money...
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis