- Tatooine - Mos Espa Outskirts -
"Young lady, make sure to be wary and to not speak out when in the city." Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn warned the young 'handmaiden' of the Naboo 'Queen' he was forced to take along after they had landed outside one of the largest cities on the planet.
Not that there were many with it being a desert planet with multiple suns and ruled by two rival Hutts.
The 'Handmaiden' in question was around the same age as the Queen, which was by design as most of them were either around the age of 14 or looked young while all shared similar features to apparently help Her Majesty escape should it come to it. It wouldn't exactly be too difficult to hide her within the handmaidens thanks to their identical outfits and the extravagant dresses and makeup the Queen sported and jumped between.
If he was being honest, Qui-Gon knew that this handmaiden was likely Padmé Naberrie based on the information and images he had studied before going into his supposed negotiations between Naboo and the Trade Federation. The Force, his own experience and intelligence told him such a strong willed girl wouldn't be likely to wait for others to patiently solve her issues, thus why he could put things together.
And knowing this was why he had acquiesced and played along with this charade, believing there was a high chance she would have simply snuck out of the ship should he reject her. The safer approach being to keep her close, with himself and Captain Binks being suitable protectors at the moment.
"I understand, Master Jedi." Padmé thankfully responded, knowing she had been caught but not ousted.
"And please be aware that Mos Espa is a haven for those not wishing to be found. Meaning many criminals have made it either their home or a place of refuge." The Jedi sternly warned to get his point across. "As such, I must insist you remain close to myself or Captain Binks at all times while in the city."
He did receive an assenting nod, allowing Qui-Gon to hopefully not have to save her in case she became lost or somehow a fight occurred. Something he hoped would not happen when they had little means of escaping and no allies.
Thus, their small group made its way into Mos Espa in the hopes of finding someone who possessed the necessary parts for them to at least make it into Republic space… and that they would be reasonable.
The fact that most people who weren't individuals he could identify as slaves were armed, wasn't exactly a great indicator of his chances in that last hope, but he felt The Force guide him interestingly enough, and he believed he would find a way.
What was truly interesting was that The Force seemed both stronger and calmer than he would have expected on this planet.
On planets like Tatooine, The Force was less active simply because life was so sparse. That many of the bleaker elements of the Galaxy were present usually indicated some taint in the energy of the planet, but he couldn't find this usual feeling of oppression or aggression that could be found on less reputable worlds.
It was odd, but only as a passing thought on its own.
Making their way through, he began making inquires with some of the less confrontational looking locals in regards to places which could hold what he was looking for. A few speaking of ship dealers, but he knew he didn't have enough for one unless they traded the Royal Yacht, which would have a significantly lowered value without a working hyperdrive, meaning that any ship obtained wouldn't be ideal and possibly even too small or damaged to make it to the Republic.
A quandary which was somewhat frustrating, and the heat apparently not helping with their Gungan companion who wasn't suited to this type of environment, nor the disguised Queen who discovered how expensive simple water could be here when her thirst began to build up and any credits on hand not being accepted, which was another bit of less than ideal news.
That most shops did not accept Republic Credits, preferring main local currency of the gold Peggats supported by the Hutts alongside Druggats, Trugut and Wupiupi, all of which had very unfavorable conversion rates from Republic Credits. Partially due to criminals gouging exchange rates for obvious reasons, but also due to widespread anti-Republic sentiments found in many living and operating here.
Queen Amidala for one, was shocked to here of the outright dismissal of the Republic and the responses of distaste to disdain in regards to it and it's currency. Another blow that Qui-Gon had to mitigate was her learning of the widespread slavery here, even though it was officially outlawed by the Republic.
He truly felt his age when thinking of all the wrongs the Jedi were essentially upholding and ignoring when he was forced to ignore the plight of these people so that he could find a way off the planet to save another from war and their own enslavement.
But thankfully, they had received a lucky break when young Padmé had been speaking to an elderly woman who was an unfortunate slave usually in charge of keeping the child slaves too young to work when their parents were doing so.
"You'll be wanting the Bonds then dearie." She advised as her heavily wrinkled face smiled with gratitude over the young queen taking her time to help and listen to her. "Great people. Kind people. Always helping us slaves.
Little Ani is such a good boy, running around fixing things for us and helping his parents while they bring food and water, sometimes even healing those too hurt.
They've even made me feel younger than I have in decades."
"How would they help us with our ship problems?" Young Padmé questioned out of confusion.
She wasn't exactly thinking that such people would have a spare Nubian Hyperdrive laying around or anything similar.
"They can fix anything and have the best parts and repair shop on Tatooine." The elder slave informed them with great respect in her voice. "Even the Hutts hire their services and no one dares cause trouble for them.
They'll help you."
"Where can we find them?" Padmé asked now with hope, excitement and curiosity.
Qui-Gon was a bit more guarded due to them family apparently being on good enough terms with the Hutts to be protected, but would reserve judgment and hope for the best but prepare for the worst. He did notice their Gungan companion reacting oddly to the name, like he knew of it or of one close enough that it sparked recognition, something to question later.
Receiving directions to SkyBonding Droid and Parts Shop, the small group made their way through the city, thankfully unmolested in good part thanks to Captain Binks being visibly armed and ready for combat. The most they faced were some jeering offers to purchase young Padmé, believing her to be a his slave due to her age and looks.
A most unsettling assumption which caused the fiery girl to almost verbally lash out if not for his intervention, but they quickly moved along towards their goal.
Interestingly, the closer they came to where they had been directed to, the more peaceful and clean it was. Like the very presence of this Bond family had tamed and improved life in Mos Espa, turning it into a place where people could live in peace. With a notable increase in droid presences either patrolling or assisting in work, higher end utilities, even greenery to their great surprise as they witnessed an artificial oasis with children running around as their parents observed from afar with no visible fear.
"It's like a different city." The disguised Queen whispered with a small smile making its way to her lips.
"Thissa feeling good on the skin." Captain Binks sighed in relief as he scooped up the clear liquid to moisturize his dried skin.
Understandable for an amphibious species.
"It would seem that this Bond family holds considerable influence to be able to secure and change its surroundings so." Qui-Gon noted with a careful eye as he spotted no shady individuals in the area, nor obvious Hutt enforcers, which was odd in such a prosperous area of one of their cities.
There was likely more to it than the Bonds beings highly thought of by the Hutts.
"Then chances are good that they will be able to aid us!" Padmé smiles brightly as her hopes swelled. Her more naive mentality allowing her to see the good before her as further proof of this family's willingness to aid others, but Qui-Gon worried over if this was all a facade to cover darker things.
A prospering family on a Hutt planet, in a Hutt city is almost guaranteed to be involved with them in some manner. Only significant strength, wealth or connections, which likely aren't of the legal kind, could stay their hands and greed otherwise.
For now, he would keep his less positive thoughts to himself and ready for negotiations and troubles ahead.
Qui-Gon had a feeling that this family wasn't the true hurdle he would face on this world. A darker presence was flitting in and out of his senses, like a shadow dancing between the light of The Force, gradually closing in, and that worried him more than finding parts for their ship.
Guiding his companions away from the Oasis, they finally made their way to large and well secured compound with plenty of droids and security measures abound, the back walled off from the rest of the city and with a domed building serving as the front and entrance for the shop they had been looking for.
"Welcome, Master Jedi." A lanky droid with a somewhat elongated head and lightly pulsing bands around it joints called out as he approached the shop, causing him to tense somewhat at being found out so casually. "I am Proxy, SkyBonding's guardian and welcome unit.
Should you require our services, I possess a complete catalogue of our products, parts and services, enabling me to confirm or deny inquiries, as well as quote prices.
How may we be of service?"
Relief was felt when there were apparently no hostilities. Although the fact that this unit was designed for combat and sentient interactions was an interesting point.
"We are looking for parts for a Nubian cruiser." Qui-Gon answered with a projection of the Yatch, allowing the droid to scan it. "Our Hyperdrive was damaged and either needs extensive repairs or a new one installed."
"Understood." Proxy processed the inquiry. "You will be please to learn that such requests are within the capabilities of SkyBonding." His declaration brought great excitement from the young Queen, causing her to nearly gasp. "As for the price estimate: 4000 Credits, or 100 Peggats, for the Hyperdrive itself, plus possibly 200-500 additional Credits of additional repairs or upgrades are required."
"You accept Republic Credit?" Qui-Gon asked out of surprise and relief.
"We are one of the few shops who does as we deal with dealers and suppliers in the wider Galaxy. Most merchants on world are locked into its market alone or in Hutt ones, making Republic Credits almost worthless to them." Proxy informed them of the reasonable whys behind their lack of success in previous shops. "Now please, step right in.
The mistress will see you now."
Entering the much cooler shop, they were met with smooth stone counters and displays with holographic displays before individual droid models ranging from protocol to astromech and battle droids. Each in pristine condition and with parts relating to them arranged nearby. At the back were seating areas, with a counter manned by an attractive woman in her prime, with smooth brown hair resting in a thick braid over her shoulder, mature and warm features set in a welcoming smile as she looked them over with interest, dressed in a set of light beige robes somewhat reminiscent of Jedi ones, only lighter and without sleeves leaving her smooth arms visible.
"Welcome to SkyBonding. Proxy informed me you needed either a replacement or repairs for a T-14 Hyperdrive generator, is that correct?" She asked with a practiced smile and ease which sapped wariness from a person due to her naturally welcoming presence.
"Indeed. And it is accurate to say that you possess such and accept credits?" He returned the inquiry.
"Yes. And I'm sure Ani will love the opportunity to work on a Nubian ship." She calmly smiled with her answer. "They're almost more art than ships and rarely do ships like them venture out into the Outer Rim. Pirates and criminals are far too likely to target them, after all they almost always carry important or wealthy individuals."
The knowing light which flashed through her brown eyes was only matched by the compassion in them as she looked at the young woman amongst them. Her intelligence and grasp of their situation was startling to the Jedi Master, but he at least confirmed that there was a valid reason for why the Hutts did not hamper this family. She either knew of them or was capable of putting pieces of information together far too well.
"Ani? Is this a worker?" Padmé questioned out of curiosity for the fondness present in the woman's voice.
"My son." Was the surprising answer from a woman who certainly hadn't been worn down by motherhood. "He loves tinkering with droids and ships. Comes with growing up around them I suppose, but his father certainly didn't stifle his passions by making this shop for us."
"Passions should be encouraged, especially when they aren't destructive, Shmi." A confident and strong voice announced the arrival of a tall and well muscled man with tanned skin showing hints of red, shoulder length black hair, handsome looks and blazing blue eyes which seemed to see much more than he would let on. "The Hyperdrive is ready if they have the Credits to pay. Ani's just having it loaded up."
"Thank you." The now named Shmi replied with a quick kiss, causing young Padmé to blush heavily.
Captain Binks on the other hand had a much stranger reaction.
"Yen, it's good to see you. How are Blis and Jar-Jar?" The man's question shocking him out of his stiffness as the Gungan answered with warmth and reverence.
Like he was before someone great.
"They's be good, Sir Bond." Captain Binks smiled somewhat wryly. "Though Jar-Jar be getting into mui mui troublen, Blis be taken good care."
"Good to hear!" The human male cheered with a hearty pat.
"You know each other!?" Padmé questioned out of shock.
Understandably so.
"I know many Gungans. I visited a lot before meeting Shmi and even took out little family there on numerous vacations." He told them easily enough. "Naboo is a beautiful planet after all, and Shmi loves the water falls and spas there."
"Hush Kieran." Shmi gently chided with a roll of her eyes, although her general demeanor showed her fondness. "I'm sure these people aren't here to talk about our vacations.
Why don't you go make sure Ani isn't getting up to any trouble while I take the payment?"
"Of course. Go right ahead Master Jedi, I'm sure those Order Accounts will be good for it." Kieran Bond nodded, graciously smiling at them before taking his leave to the back where ship parts were likely to be, explaining parts of why their compound was walled off at least.
"How did even your droid know I was a Jedi?" Qui-Gon couldn't help but ask the proprietress.
"Proxy has scanners for any kind of weapon or explosive, including Lightsabers." She answered as she entered some things on a data pad.
"I could have simply killed a Jedi or bough it on the black market." He countered with a quirk of his lips.
"No bounty hunter would only carry a Lightsaber." Shmi smirked knowingly. "They'd cut off their own limbs before anyone else's or get shot without them even being able to get close to their target."
Fair points.
Perhaps he should carry a blaster next time, at least for camouflage if a simple scan was enough to identify him, Qui-Gon pondered.
"Now, please enter the account number so we can guarantee payment." She requested, handing the pad over.
"I can do that." Padmé offered as the Jedi took it.
"Not if we want to remain untracked." He warned her as transactions from Naboo accounts were likely being monitored by the Trade Federation for 'debt purposes'.
An unfortunately common practice they managed to implement by 'partnering' with the Intergalactic Banking Clan and by essentially extorting it out of the Senate through 'concessions' in order to take control of a greater number of worlds through their imposed debts, just like they were attempting with Naboo at the moment except usually without full-scale invasions when contracted deadlines hadn't been reached yet. They basically made sure any Credits, once debts were called in due to payments not being done on time or in full amounts, would go to them instead of 'unnecessary spending', with the Federation being the ones deciding what unnecessary meant at this points being the most ludicrous concession.
"Fine." Padmé mulishly agreed after a few moments. "But I will want an invoice so that we may at least repay the Jedi for their assistance in some form."
"If that is your wish." Qui-Gon simply hummed as he finished up with the data pad, not worried over the Credits and knowing Naboo would need those credits after the occupation was removed.
They were already having food shortages before and he doubted the Federation will be kind whilst they worked to remove them. He believed they may essentially pilfer any sort of wealth they can from the planet and its residents.
"Thank you for your patronage." Shmi responded, taking the datapad back to finalize everything. "Now would you all like to ride on our transport speeder to your ship or give us the coordinates and meet us there?"
"We will come with you. We have no other business beside repairs." Qui-Gon easily answered with a grateful smile.
"Mom! Bad news! Sandstorm's coming!" A young boy's voice announced as a pre-pubescent boy rushed in wearing a sturdy pair or overalls stained with various mechanical fluids over a sleeveless grey undershirt, a pair of mechanical goggles resting on his short, light brown hair and over his sparkling blue eyes.
The picture of an active and well cared for youth, who noticed them and payed specific attention to the Jedi Master in the room.
"How come you guys didn't tell me we had a Jedi over?" He then somewhat whined, much to his mother's apparent foretelling if one was going by her prepared reaction.
"Because we wouldn't want you annoying customers just yet." Shmi teased knowingly at the boy, causing him to blush.
"I wouldn't annoy them! I'd just ask about what planets he's been to!" He harrumphed at being called out, amusing those witnessing it. "And maybe to see his lightsaber."
"Ani, you know that would be rude." The mother lightly scolded, causing him to duck his head a bit. "But beyond that, it looks like the delivery will have to be delayed. There'll be no flying or going out until the storm passes.
You can stay with us until then."
"We wouldn't want to intrude." Qui-Gon politely replied at the invitation.
"Nonsense. You're in need of aid and aid you will get." Shmi insisted. "Honestly, with how things are going on Naboo, I'd have even waived the fees to help you, but this is our business, so let us at least give you shelter for the night."
"That's very kind of you." Padmé gratefully told the older woman.
"The Galaxy is always better off when you can be kind to others." Was the warm response, causing the young queen to look at her with some admiration.
"Hey mom, why does she look familiar?" The young boy asked with his face scrunched a bit as he racked his brain, causing Padmé to stiffen somewhat at possibly being found out.
"Maybe you saw her when we visited Naboo? Or someone who looked like her?" Shmi suggested helpfully.
"Maybe…I'm Anakin by the way." He then introduced himself with a bright smile, holding his hand out towards the one closest to his age.
"Padmé." She replied, grasping his surprisingly strong hand.
"Padmé…I know I heard that name somewhere." Anakin spoke in a minor daze. "I remember! It's the name of that girl who was Princess when we visited!
I thought it was really cool someone almost my age could do that!
Do you know her?"
"Y-yes. I work as her attendent." Padmé hesitantly replied as the boy looked up with interested eyes. "And her double in case of trouble."
"Cool! Does that mean you know how to use a blaster to protect her? Did you fight the Trade Federation?" He rapidly questioned.
"I do know my way around smaller blasters, although Jedi Master Jinn was the one who did most of the fighting to aid in our escape." Padmé admitted to the boy, shifting his focus.
"I wonder who's better: A Jedi Master or Dad?" Anakin wondered aloud.
"Very few outside the Order can match a Jedi in one-on-one combat." Qui-Gon simply replied in a non-committal manner. "Although I must express our thanks for your generosity Mrs. Bond."
"Oh, mine and Ani's last names are Skywalker. Only Kieran's last name is Bond." Shmi corrected as she accepted his gratitude.
"Aren't you married? You even have a child?" The confused Padmé asked before the Jedi could formulate a similar question.
"Ani has no biological father, but Kieran is everything beyond that." She shook her head, intriguing the Jedi and causing him to reach out towards the boy with The Force.
Anakin immediately snapped his eyes on him as he felt a bright and active flow of The Force within and around him. Like nothing he had ever seen. A degree of oneness he could only compare to the likes of Master Yoda and the Force Priestesses he had encountered. And it was all flowing calmly through and around him as if already trained.
"I like how you feel." Anakin brightly stated before turning back to Padmé. "Want to see the rest of the shop?"
"Um…yes? If that's ok with you Ms. Skywalker." The young Queen responded, looking for the ok from the owner and now their host.
"Of course. Ani knows what's dangerous and what's ok." Shmi graciously nodded. "Don't be afraid to clean up before dinner too. Tatooine can get sand anywhere and we have plenty of water to spare for all of you.
Especially you, Mister Captain. You need to hydrate more often whilst on world."
"Yessa Ma'am Boss!" The Gungan saluted dutifully.
"Come on! I'll show you the coolest stuff we have!" The excitable boy dragged the second youngest present with surprising strength, causing them both to be out of sight quickly.
"Apologies. Ani can be a bit excitable with people closer to his age." Shmi told the Queen's guards. "The only ones on world are pretty much all slaves and he rarely gets to see those off world since we wouldn't want them to risk coming here.
So he takes any opportunity to make friends."
"He's a good lad." Qui-Gon smiled reassuringly, showing her there were no issues on his end. "And you said Mr. Bond was not the father?"
"No. I suddenly became pregnant whilst still a slave. There was no father." Shmi reaffirmed with surety. "Kieran won me off Gardulla the Hutt and freed me immediately after, saying he was guided here to do so. He then stayed and took care of myself and Ani ever since.
Sometimes I feel like I'm stopping them both from doing great things."
"I'm sure neither of them believe so." He responded with calm and certainty.
"I can only hope." She sighed again before picking herself up. "Regardless, let me close the shop and start with dinner.
We just received a shipment of Nerf meet and the cuts were wonderful this season."
-A few Hours Later-
"That's good news master! As soon as we can swap the Hyperdrives, we'll be on our way to Coruscant." Obi-Wan cheered at the news of their progress, even with the unexpected Sandstorm. "Although it is troubling that they seemed to either recognize the Queen or almost recognize her.
I wasn't particularly thrilled to learn she had snuck out."
"She will be safe. Besides, once the sandstorm lets up, we will be returning via speeder, reducing risks further whilst we are with an apparently untouchable family." Qui-Gon informed his former student.
"About that, how certain are you that they know of The Force and trained their son?" The Jedi Knight asked seriously.
"Certain of it, although this would be the work of Kieran Bond." Was the answer. "I cannot feel him, yet Shmi states that he claimed to be guided by The Force when freeing her after becoming pregnant when no father was involved."
"And he isn't the father? One who took responsibility?" Obi-Wan questioned to be sure, sounding disbelieving to a degree.
"Not to either of their knowledge." Qui-Gon denied, believing them in this matter. "How was the Midi-Chlorian count on the boy? It was through surprisingly strict conditions that I managed to obtain a sample."
Having him having to swear to dispose of the taken sample after they were done testing it. Only even granted the permission because Anakin himself was curious about his amount and the Jedi Order in general.
"We can't get a solid count, but it's over 20'000, higher than Master Yoda." Obi-Wan sighed in near disbelief when he read the results again, making sure to have deleted all other copies of them like his old master told him to. "But he's too old."
"Not completely untrained though." Qui-Gon hummed thoughtfully.
"The Council won't accept him." Was the reply of his former student, knowing his former master far too well to not understand what was going through his mind right now.
"Only way to know for sure is to try and convince them." Jinn stated without hard commitment, but a belief was forming within him.
That he had found the Chosen One of Prophecy and that he had been brought here through the will of The Force in order to bring him out into the wider Galaxy as a Jedi. And if the Council couldn't see it, then maybe it was time for him to join his wonderful Tahl and their daughter, teaching the young boy the Jedi way.
It would be ironic to leave the Order, becoming a member of the Lost 20, just like his master before him. A lineage of philosophical disagreements over what the Order has become, only Qui-Gon doubted Obi-Wan would follow unless he reconnected with young Satine.
He couldn't help but wonder if the Order really shouldn't be more like Corellia's Green Jedi, when it came to relationships and not their singular dedication to the system.
"*Sigh* Just don't do anything too drastic. Although I will admit that if the boy is trained in at least a version of The Force, it might help his case of it isn't too far off from the Code." Obi-Wan commented after a bit of thinking.
"We shall see, though I do admit great curiosity towards this Kieran Bond. I don't remember any known Jedi by the name or appearance, although he may have changed and might be older than he appears." The master pondered somewhat at the identity of the one who not only raised who could be the Chosen One, but also found him when no other Jedi had even felt his birth. "The fact that even now I cannot feel him and can only somewhat sense young Anakin means they can conceal themselves, which begets the question of 'Why?' They didn't even attempt to conceal themselves further when they identified me as a Jedi."
"I don't know Master, but be careful. Even the Hutts don't allow anyone to mess with them and I don't think it's just because of their services anymore." The wary Knight advised.
"A fair point, my former Padawan, but one I don't believe we will need to focus on." Qui-Gon acknowledged the risk and a reason as to why this part of Tatooine was more peaceful and prosperous. "Ever since I've reached this area, I've felt a shadow around us. An actual danger, but I cannot identify it when it constantly shifts and conceals itself in darkness."
"I don't feel anything." Obi-Wan could almost be heard frowning at his teacher's words.
A maverick he might be, but Obi-Wan knew his former Master had a deeper connection to and understanding of The Force than likely all but Master Yoda. If he felt something stirring, then he would heed his warning.
"Then that either makes it my mistake or an even greater danger." Qui-Gon surmised. "Be on alert.
I have a feeling something will happen."
"Understood. Have care as well." The Knight responded before end their communications.
He had a Hyperdrive to finish disconnecting after all.
-The Next Morning-
"We're lucky the sandstorm only lasted most of the night." Kieran commented as he eyed the droids working on clearing out the built up sand in the district. "With everything ready on both ends, we can have you all set to go by tomorrow."
"Be careful of the sand pits and don't tinker with the ship without permission, or go where you aren't allowed." Shmi fussed over Anakin as he carried his tool kit.
"I know mom." He whined a bit before he hurried into their speeder truck.
He really wanted to see the Nubian Cruiser, and maybe look around a bit. For experience.
"Thank you for having us Madame Skywalker." Padmé politely told the older woman who had taken care of her like she was one of her own last night.
"Oh pish Padmé, call me Shmi." She warmly corrected, pulling the teenage girl into a hug. "And you're coming back tonight for dinner, along with your friends.
They all need a warm meal and rest outside a ship after going through such an ordeal."
"We couldn't possibly impose like that!" The scandalized girl exclaimed in denial.
"You can and will." Shmi harrumphed as she locked eyes with a girl with far too much on her young shoulders, causing Padmé to melt at the care she saw, forcing her to accept.
It couldn't be helped. Shmi had that affect on people when she wanted to help them. And Padmé was only 14 yet was basically pushed into becoming Queen of her world by her parents and mentor. Regardless of her abilities and desire to do good for Naboo, it was a lot, and it felt nice to have someone care for her like Shmi seemed to desire.
That she actually spent time teaching her how to cook a bit, helped take care of her hair and fussed over her made it all more poignant. Plus, she was pretty sure that was all on top of her knowing she was the Queen of Naboo, which meant a lot since her parents had been distant ever since she was elected and even before then they had deemed her mature enough to not need such things.
"Ok." The demure Queen nodded shyly, earning a pleased nod from the older women before she shooed her off for now. "Don't be back too late!"
"We won't be!" Kieran responded as he turned on the Speeder truck once everyone was aboard, following directions towards the ship.
Honestly, this wasn't even remotely a difficult job for the father and son.
Swapping out a Hyperdrive was delicate, especially for an artistic model like Nubian designs tended to be. It came with the territory of handcrafted ships like theirs, but it wasn't exactly a difficult task. It helped that they generally designed them to be easy to fix with the right parts and were generally high in quality.
One of the upsides was that everything done by hand meant plenty of access for hands to work on it, but the downside was that it limited what the ships could do, hence the lack of weapons and storage.
Anakin was actual ideal to fix the Hyperdrive because of the ship design and how it was built, his small stature and great skills permitted him to easily get to where he needed. So he was thrilled when Kieren told him that he could work on the ship himself.
"Are you sure he will be able to this on his own?" Obi-Wan doubtfully questioned the much larger man as he oversaw his son.
"Anakin holds an innate understanding of Mechu-Deru, a skill I've helped him refine to avoid its darker leanings on top of having lived his entire life around machines and parts. He could fix this ship easily." Kieren shockingly answered, causing both Jedi to look concerned over the matter.
It was a dangerous skill, with brutal applications after all, but Kieren knew that forbidding such a skill based on what it had been perverted into was foolish, so he honed Anakin's natural talents to the point where he would likely be one of the best engineers, mechanists, droid maker, and even slicer in the Galaxy. Not that the boy knew that just yet, but he had received a fantastic education to bolster his talents.
"Is this not dangerous?" Qui-Gon hesitantly asked.
"Not in its original, and decidedly neutral form." Kieran shook his head. "Like Alchemy, Mechu-Deru was an integral skill in the development of the Jedi until it was twisted by Dark Side practices and traces of its neutral or beneficial ways were either forgotten, sealed away out of fear that they led to the darker ones, or erased intentionally or otherwise."
"How would you know of this?" The Master followed up, his curiosity growing by the second as to the true identity of the man beside him.
"I am older than I appear. Older than your Grandmaster." Kieran simply answered without answering. "I have learnt much that many seemed to have forgotten."
"And why have you decided to raise Anakin and free Shmi?" Qui-Gon probed further to hopefully confirm his belief.
"You already know why, Qui-Gon Jinn. I came to do what i believed was necessary for Anakin's good, which in turn brings good to the Galaxy." Kieren deeply looked into the Jedi Master's eyes, causing him to lose himself in the vast, powerful blue eyes he was suddenly faced with. "A turning point is coming, and my youngest son will be in the center of it.
Hopefully your Council won't be so foolish to blind themselves further during the coming troubles. Anakin will be needed to guide them after all."
"You sound as if you believe Anakin will be a Jedi." Qui-Gon did his best to maintain his composure at how certain those words were.
Like the man before him knew more than the Order and Senate did, and that they truly would need the Chosen One Anakin seemed to be.
"He will need to be. To understand the failings of this era and bring balance anew." Was the simple answer.
"What failings?" Obi-Wan blurred out, the question slipping from his control when faced with information so countering his normal world views.
"I would think you would be aware of a good deal already, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Simply unblind yourself from the past radiances and learn to see what is from what was and what will be, and you shall understand more." Kieran advised the young man with a knowing gaze. "If you will it, you could be a crucial ally to my son. I hope you can build a Bond of Brotherhood and Trust."
His words left the young Knight stunned and speechless, but also pensive as they struck cords and brought forth many memories from his time as a youngling, before and during his apprenticeship under his master, and even now. Thus the two older men left him to his thoughts, not interrupting when he left to likely meditate.
Although Qui-Gon took different meaning to the words spoken, focusing a bit more on the bond of brotherhood, which could be formed if he took Anakin as his apprentice and involved his former in his training. He certainly wasn't getting any younger and could feel the strain of his chosen Form more with each passing year, as such a training partner would be needed.
"Does Shmi agree with allowing Anakin to become a Jedi?" He chose to ask next, knowing that the bond between a mother and son was special.
"She does. Especially when I mentioned that nothing your order can do can stop me from seeing our son." Kieren stated in complete certainty in himself, making the Jedi Master believe he could back up his words and hoping the Order wouldn't force him to prove them.
It was like The Force was sternly telling him that he was before an unstoppable beast, even when he couldn't sense him.
"Many will not like this and use it against him." Qui-Gon warned, knowing of many extremists in the Order.
"Too bad. I won't let your Order cripple him in potential nor development, turning him into a spiteful and sociopathic being by trying to force him to fear his own emotions." The bigger man snorted disdainfully, the first major change in expression from his previous confident and knowing gaze. "Your Order would reject him out of fear specifically because they won't be able to indoctrinate him into instinctively distancing away from his own self in order to be closer to The Force, not understanding that he doesn't need such.
Anakin is of The Force.
He needs guidance in how to not lose himself in it, not in delving deeper."
"I cannot say I understand fully, but I can see where you are coming from with the Council." The Jedi Master nodded wearily. "It is why I will be pushing to make Anakin my Padawan.
How is his education?"
"Very advanced, but lacking when it comes to subtler things such as politics and diplomacy." Kieren easily answered. "Anakin is a doer. He needs to act, but he isn't stupid or lacking in patience when needed.
He just dislikes politics for multiple reasons and lacks the fine touch required for skilled diplomats to be successful.
Beyond that, his skills with The Force, blade and ship are likely matching your former pupil, or beyond in some ways, but he still lacks experience, refinement and in subtler ways."
"Impressive." Qui-Gon admitted if true. "Please do tell me more."
And so, as Anakin remained completely unaware, the two men discussed his future and the paths it might take as he happily worked on the Hyperdrive they had brought over. He was happily explaining things to the crew as they looked baffled over the 10-11 year old knowing his stuff better than they did. Somehow even becoming friends with the R2 unit who apparently helped save the ship, letting it help him fix everything up and give some tune ups here and there.
And as much as Kieren wished to keep him and teach him everything, it just wasn't meant to be, so he would do what he could to ensure happiness at the very least.
•Credits: The Galactic Standard Credit is the major currency used in the majority of the 'known' Galaxy, although other forms do exists when other major powers like the Hutts are involved, or in places isolated from the Republic or hateful of it.
It is entirely controlled by the Munn and the Intergalactic Banking Clan, backed by the ridiculous amounts of precious metals and minerals formed in their home system. And while it stops the Government from going full Empire, it's kind of like a blown up version of the Iron Bank from Game of Thrones, but with more capitalism which makes it even worst.
The credit itself is usually purely handled in digital manners, but can come in various forms such a 'chips' made up of different minerals.
•Peggats: The Major currency of the Hutts and their affiliated worlds, as well as in the general underworld. It was backed by their own wealth and made of precious metals like gold. Each Peggat was worth around 40 credits.
The Peggat was worth 4 Truguts or 64 Wupiupi.
•The Lost Twenty: A group of Jedi Masters, needs to be a real Master even if Darth Vader called himself the 21st Lost Master, who left the Order due to disillusionment or differences in philosophy to large for them to remain.
They're the bronze busts in the Library, put there as a reminder of Jedi fallibility.
Most just left, some like Dooku and an earlier master named Phanius became Siths named Tyranus and Ruin respectively.
•Green/Corellian Jedi: A sect of the Jedi who essentially self govern themselves in the Corellian Sector, basically doing what they want and with an extreme focus on the affairs of their Sector.
They're called green Jedi mainly because of aesthetic reasons, with their robes mainly being of that color. They also allow romantic relationships and have numerous Lineages which frequently produced strong Force Sensitives.
Work had been hard lately, leaving no mental juice write, but at least I managed to get this out.
Kind surprised that I only got to this part since I originally planned to get to Coruscant this chapter, but that just felt rushed and I wanted a better introduction between Group Naboo and the SkyBond family.
Showing off some changes and subtle things to display intelligence in other people and kind of point out some lore stuff.
Part of it was how the burden of having been princess of a city and the Queen of a planet was a lot for a 12-14 year old, and that she might need some emotional support. Hence, Shmi.
Plus i show off my Shmi.
Now, Kieren was never going to hide much when the time came for Anakin to move on from Tatooine. It's why he's being open with Qui-Gon, since he sees him as the one who will guide Anakin as a Jedi. Better to just be truthful so he won't become an obstacle and becomes better prepared to teach the boy.
Because of changes, you'd be surprised to know that they'll all actually get to Coruscant earlier than in Canon. Not having to wait for a race to bet on does that, so I was debating having Maul miss them and then getting tortured a bit by pissy palpy. But have no fear, I'll do my best to have the encounter happen.
Beyond that, hope you all liked as i try to put in subtler elements and background details of the lore and whatnot.
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