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50% Star Wars: Ancestral Gifts / Chapter 5: A trip to Orto Plutonia

Chapitre 5: A trip to Orto Plutonia

After my use of Force Scream I recieved a suspension from military activity which I wasn't going to argue against as it gave me more time to study and focus on realigning myself to the Light. I was studying star charts in my room when my Master entered the room, "Greetings Master, how can I help you?" He beckoned for me to follow him so I did before he stopped me at my door, "You might want to grab that tattered poncho of yours." I nodded, Obi Wan knew about my trip to Ilum and my immunity to cold weather. "What's the mission Master?" He briefed me on our way to the transport shuttle where Anakin was waiting for us, I practically ran towards the bridge of Anakins Cruiser so I could watch the jump to Hyper-Space (Still my favourite part!) and it wasn't long before we were orbitting Pantora. "Ah yes you must be the esteemed Generals Kenobi and Skywalker.." Chairman Cho proclaimed as he pushed me out the way to shake their hands, luckily for me Senator Chuchi helped me regain my balance I almost shouted at him but this was my first mission back so I didn't want to get in any trouble. "Chairman this is my Padawan Dankel Fec, he will be incharge of yours and the Senators protective detail.." My Master neglected to fill me in on that little bit of information when he was briefing me on the situation but I guess it can't be helped, I sigh slightly as I out stretch my hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'll do my best to keep you both out of harms way." The Chairman scoughs as he walks off towards a group off Clones and begins barking orders at them, Senator Chuchi sheepishly grabs my hand and shakes it twice. "A real ray of sunshine that one huh." Obi Wan shoots me a look while Anakin and Chuchi stiffle laughter, I shrug innocently as we all load up up into the gunships I am granted the honor to ride in the same gunship as the Chairman. "So boy I'm curious as to what makes you qualified to lead my Security Detail?" Oh he's talking to me, better think of something quick I guess. "I understand why you wouldn't me to be incharge of something as important as yours and the Senators lives but I promise you that looks can be decieving, hopefully I won't have to prove my skills to you Chairman." I do actually understand his reluctance to have me as his head bodyguard I mean I'm the same height as the kind hearted Senator who was trying her best to remain professional as I joked with the Clones of the 501st, "The cold is bad for droids their joints and wiring freezes if not heated properly, shouldn't be an issue for you right buddy?" D4 dropped down onto my shoulder making everyone jump, "Chairman, Senator allow me to introduce you to my partner BD-45 D4 for short he's a companion droid designed to assist with operations in remote and dangerous locations, the cold won't slow either of us down!" Me and D4 have a little fist bump after which D4 very politely asked to be held by the Senator, all I'm gonna say is I hate this droid sometimes!

I wandered over to R2 and 3PO who were both complaining about the cold, Anakin told me to ignore them but I ignored him. Placing my hand on the two droid I began to increase the movement of the air molecules inside the gaps of their machinery, "Can I ask what your doing Padawan Fec?" Senator Chuchi asked as she came over with my traitor of a droid, "I'm using a much weaker version of my Pyrokinesis to heat them up." She gave me a confused look and it hit me that Pyrokinesis probably isn't a galaxy wide term so I ignited a flame on the tip of my finger and made the flame dance around her before letting it die out, "What a beautiful power you possess Padawan Fec." I bow my head before I turn to face Anakin who's grinning ear to ear under his face covering, my cheeks redden slightly as I mouth for him to shut up. Obi Wan beckoned us inside after deeming it safe, I walked up to a spear left behind by the Talz. "IT'S THE SEPERATISTS I TOLD YOU SO!" The Chairman raved on after the only two people patient enough to handle him left to check out the droid outpost, Senator Chuchi tried to reason about it not being them but he exploded. "Droids don't use spea~" I picked up the spear and was transported to the Talz attack on the outpost 'Psychometry' was all I could think when the spear went straight through me and into the Clone that it had killed.

I woke up with my head on Senator Chuchi's lap and a Clone checking my vitals, "Thank you I'm alright, now to get to business." I hop up carefully avoid Chuchis concerned gaze as I am definetly blushing slightly, the Chairman begins shouting at me as I approach him something about a deffective child nothing I hadn't heard before. "Seperatist Battle Droids didn't do this, the enhabitants of this Planet did!" I shouted either the Chairman lies to my Master about the Explorers sent here or he knows of the Talz existence and wanted to spark a conflict that the Talz have no way of winning realistically, he stormed off towards the hanger as Masters Kenobi and Skywalker returned. "General Kenobi I demand your Padawan be removed from my protection detail immediately, not only did he pass out upon touching an enemy weapon but the second he woke up he began spouting nonsense about there being natives!" I calmed myself enough so that I wasn't shouting as I explained that I had a vision however it was about the past not the future like my usual ones were, Obi Wan then had his arguement with the Chairman about the Talz a smug look definetly grew on my face as we loaded up onto speeders. I noticed the Scouts following us and as soon as we arrived I told our men to lower their weapons much to their confusion, "What are you talking about boy!" I really wanted to punch this guy in the face, after a nod from Obi Wan I put on my smuggest expression. "Well Chairman their Scouts have been following us for sometime and we are surrounded." I wave my hand and using the Force pushed the snow off of the Talz warriors, as I'd ordered the Clones kept their weapons lowered, "Seems they don't trust you, a wise choice in my personal opinion."

I bowed to Chieftain Thi-Sen alongside my Master, the Emperors Wrath spoke up laughing at the sight of the Talz "I had a Talz in my crew named Broonmark, he was a killing machine if this tribe is even a quarter as effective as he was in combat I wish you luck young one!" Everything was going well in my opinion until Chairman Cho began talking, I'll admit I was extremely tempted to pull a loose panel on top of his head but my Master gave me a look which scared me so I decided not to. When peace was refused and we were back outside I turned to my Master with a defeated expression, "You want me to make sure he doesn't get himself killed right?" The dynamic duo gave me a sympathetic look, "It would be appreciated Padawan Fec.." I wave my hand dismissively, "Please drop the formal title Senator, Dankel is fine, I see why I'm here this guy wouldn't have lasted long against Ahsoka!" I mumbled that last part as I got on my speeder to catch up to the Clones as well as the Chairman, when I did catch up the Talz had just sprung their ambush. I launched my speeder into one of their mounted riders and landed almost perfectly in the middle, "Rex we can't stay here!" I shouted as I sent a fireball to intercept a spear however due to the cold climate it quickly extinguished with the spear landing just infront of me and the Captain, he looked at the spear and then me "Its ok Commander happens to the best of us." I punched Rex in the shoulder and had a little chuckle, "Rex get your men to focus on any hostiles that gets too close I'll deal with the spears!" My orders relayed through the clone ranks as I approach the Chairman whose personal guards had just been taken out and punched him to the ground, "IF YOU WANT TO LIVE STAY DOWN!"

I activated my enhanced Force Sight to the best of my ability which slowed down the spears conciderably, I clicked my fingers on my right hand and a plume of fire sent a spear straight into the ground I did the same with my left hand with the same effect. My original plan had been to burn them up before they reached us but that wasn't an option so quickly redirecting them would have to do, I began spinning around knocking one spear after another out of the sky. "What are you doing boy! Turn that power on the enemy! Turn these savages to ash!" Chairman Cho began ordering as I continued to keep up our defences until a Talz appeared right infront of me, in a split second descision I drew my Saber and sliced through its weapon into its arm taking it clean off at its elbow. The Talz crouched down in pain and before I could do anything to help it the Chairman shot in the back of the head exercution style, "W..Why would you do that! They were disarmed!" I felt my anger boiling, "Rex we're retreating, I'll cover you." Before the Chairman could argue I kicked him in the gut folding him over Rexs speeder, when the Troopers had cleared the area I knelt next to the dead Talz I'd inadvertedly caused his Death I felt all the anger from all the Talz surrounding me. Chieftain Thi-Sen stepped infront of me, "I didn't want this... I didn't want to hurt any of you.." I felt tears welling up in my eyes as the Chieftain helped me up and pointed at a speeder then went to strike at me, I got the message he was giving me a head start.

I arrived just in time to catch the two Clones who almost fell to their Death when an ice bridge broke underneath them, much to my disappointment Chairman Cho was up and ordering the Clones to arrest me which wasn't happening when the two Clones were safely back on the ground facing an army I turned to Chairman Cho. "You know what Chairman I've had about enough of you, first off you claimed that this war was a Pantoran internal affair so I technically shouldn't even be here, second you started a war with only two soldiers that were loyal to you present! Then your selfish ass has the balls to order me to go against everything I've worked to be in my life!" I grab him by his shirt and pull him down to eye level, "I have the power to end this war right now, I'd just have to give you to the Talz and it'd save the lives of all the people here!" I threw him down to the floor as I walked forward and began to redirect the spears with my fire again until the Gunship carrying my Master and the rest of our forces arrived, "General Kenobi I want your Padawan punished as he threatened to hand me over to the enemy as well as refusing to follow every order I've given him!" I just nodded my head as I'm not going to lie about what I did, "Now rally your men and let us begin our counter offensive!" I was about to protest but Senator Chuchi walked up to him, "The Assembly has dubbed you out of order Chairman, I'm to negotiate peace with the Talz." Chi Chos anger wasn't hard to notice, as he raised his hand to slap Chuchi I grabbed it and took him down to the floor yet again Rex tossed me some restraints so I tied him up.

I got up and handed Obi Wan my Saber and headed out with the Senator with 3PO, Chuchi begins her peace talks which are as successful as they were in canon. "Chieftain Thi-Sen asks why you have come, a being as powerful as yourself didn't need to be here." 3PO translated for me as I bowed to him, I needed to apologise I could still smell the Talz scorched fur and the sizzling of its flesh. "You honour me sir but I broke my code, in completing my mission I caused the Death of one of your people and I promise you I will do better." I let 3PO catch up before I continue, "Everytime I ignite my Saber I will do so in the hope that I can help forge a lasting peace like you and the Senator have done today." This earned me a giant hug from my new friend the Chief of the Talz, as we walked back to the gunships Chuchi slipped on a patch of ice she fell into me pulling me down with her. "Senator it's not that I'm flattered that you fell for me but now is hardly the time," I joked which got me a slap on the head, I helped her up and walked her back with her clinging to my arm for support which got me another smirk from Anakin which I decided to ignore and be the bigger person (I'm not currently creating an emp to turn off specifically his arm, shut up). "General Kenobi would it be ok if we borrow your Padawan to testify against Chairman Cho?" Senator Chuchi requested which was quickly approved as we weren't required to be with the 212th who were currently just patrolling friendly Space.

I collapsed on my guestroom bed which made Senator Chuchi laugh, "You're nothing like the stories I heard growing up," She joked as I sat back up with a quizzical look on my face, "Oh I apologise I didn't mean that in a bad way Padaw... Dankel it's just compaired to your Master well you aren't exactly the most sensible and I do struggle to see you as a Jedi." I dramatically grab my chest and fall back on the bed which gets another bout of laughter from the young Senator. "It's good to see you relaxed Chuchi, I wish there was a lot more laughter like yours in the Galaxy at the moment.. Also I very much am a Jedi!" Using the Force I brought a piece of fruit to my hand, I then peeled it open and using the Force I hovered a segment over to Chuchi who gratefully plucked out of the air. "Ya know I recorded the whole thing..." A serious tone took over the room as Chuchi became very puzzled, I pulled my Sonic off of my belt and tossed it over to D4 who then connected himself to and projected Chairman Cho execute the Talz and then fast forwarded to when he went to hit Chuchi. "Both me and D4 record everything we see, there's always a chance I'll miss something important that'll be useful later." A huge smile spreads across Chuchis face as she runs up and hugs me, the next day I was stood infront of the Pantoran Assembly and give my statement alongside the video evidence it was finally the chairman Chos turn to speak. "You dare insult me like this? Allowing this off worlder, a child from the Jedi Order a group known for the ability to sway the minds of the people around them." He stood up tall on his podium, "If words cannot be trusted then I demand trial by combat and I will be merciful as to let my accuser pick my opponent!"

"Dankel it is up to you whether you take part in this part of the trial, Jedi are allowed to take part in trial by combat however you'd be handicapped." Obi Wan explained over the Holo as I hand my Saber over to Chuchi and picked up the sword they'd graciously given me as a replacement, giving it a few swings I noticed that the blade had a weaker around the middle of the blade I smirked as I sheathed the blade. I met the former Chairman on a circluar stage, he looked extremely smug for someone who was about to get their ass handed to them. "Well then child how do you possibly hope to win without your laser sword and your magic?" I nodded to the high judge who formally told me I wasn't allowed to use the Force to let him know I understood the handicap, I calmed my breathing as my opponent continued to mock me so when I refused to play his game he rushed forward and swung a heavy overhead strike. "I've never lost a match kid so with your supernatural abilities you're nothing boy!" I side stepped his swing and hit his wrist with the flat of my blade, I look him in the eye as a smirk groes on my face, "Heres a history lesson Chairman, before the invention of the first Lightsaber the Jedi used swords similar to this actually." I parried my opponents counter attack as I continued talking, "Bladework has always been a key part of what a Jedi learns, the elegance of bladework perfectly represents what a Jedi is meant to be, a keeper of the peace." I began pressing the offensive, it became very obvious that he wasn't used to being on the defensive so I brought the blade down vertically which not to my suprise he blocked with my blade shattering on contact.

"He must of used the Force! There is no plausible way his blade would have shattered otherwise!" A random spectator shouted, this caused a cloud of murmurs to arise. "Hand me your blade boy!" I obliged as the former Chairman inspected my blade, "WHO GAVE MY OPPONENT A SWORD DESIGNED TO BREAK!" I pulled the the shortened blade back to me and switched it to a reverse grip, a grin spread across my face which made my opponent back up slightly as I open my arms playfully, "What's one more handicap?" He steeled his nerves and rushed at me with several thrusting strikes which was easily deflected by a Form III drills, I switched it up slightly by leaving little cuts along his sword arm which quickly tired him out causing him to drop his sword. As soon as it hit the floor I stopped my attack, "Do it boy! Claim my life!" A look of pure disgust spread across his face as my blade clattered to the floor and I began to walk away, "DO IT!" I accepted my Saber back from Chuchi, "You are no longer willing to fight and your'e unarmed, if I killed you now I'd be no better than you are." A blaster landed infront of the former Chairman, I haven't moved quicker in my life as this dude decided to try and take out as many people as possible oh how the mighty have fallen. I ran along redirecting the blaster bolts as he shot in an arc until he focused his rage on me, "So this is what happens when you let rage consume you... You were a great man Chairman Cho however you let your views consume you, it's not too late to repent!" I shouted as I defelected a blaster bolt into his arm, he looked me directly in the eye as he took his own life with the broken blade I'd dropped moments earlier.




Jedi Masters Plo Koon and Mace Windu watched over D4s recording of my fight with the now deceased Chairman Cho, I turned away as the holotape showed me frantically trying to stop the bleeding. "This was a difficult test for you Padawan tell us, what did you learn from this?" I stood up, a man died infront of me and I'm being asked what I learnt. I'll be honest I wanted to punch Master Windu in the face right there and I know for a fact he felt that I did as he leaned forward in his seat, I took a deep breath to calm down for two reasons: A) I realised the point of the question, B) I'd be on the ground the second I clenched my fist. "I learnt that no matter what I do I can't save everybody." Master Plo nodded before asking his own question, "Why do you think the Chairman took his own life?" I wish I could say I didn't have the answer but when I looked him in the eye that final time I saw the answer and it hurt me greatly, I got up and went to the door. "He saw no other way to keep his beliefs alive.." With that I left and returned to my room.



Dankel Fec: Current Ability Level

Duelling - On par with Padawan Anakin Skywalker

Hand to Hand Combat - Slightly above Clones

Connection to the Force - Slightly Stronger

Force Abilities - Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Force Sight (Advanced), Force Healing (Passive), Force Projections, Force Scream.

Current mastery over the Abilities on a scale of 10;

- Telekinesis = 3.2

- Pyrokinesis = 4.95

- Force Sight (Advanced) = 3

- Force Healing = -1

-Force Projections = 0.1

-Force Scream = 0

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