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18.53% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 48: Consolation Prize

Chapitre 48: Consolation Prize

I don't own star wars


"How's he doing?" Scarlet asked me as I watched Aiden stare into his cereal at the kitchen table. Milky sat in his lap, trying to feed him by hand. The spoon lightly tapping against his lips…

"About the same… he's been like this for four days now I'm really starting to worry…" I rubbed my arms nervously as he slowly opened his mouth and ate the cereal. "He doesn't even want to have sex…" I said, sounding silly as I said it, "Not even Milky can seduce him…"

"Well…" Scarlet noted, sadly watching Milky try to get Aiden to keep eating, "He's had a severe disappointment…" she then glared at me and I sighed, the other girls made it very clear that they blamed me for Aiden's current mood. If I didn't push him so hard for a new ship he wouldn't be like this…

"…I've told him it's okay. It's not important I'm just glad he's alive…" I said nervously, walking away from the kitchen with her. "…Just give me some time I'll figure out how to fix him…"

"…Well we should head back to tattoonie... we can give Torga some of the second-place prize money to start paying off our debt."

I sighed, we might as well… with Aiden like this we definitely weren't going on any other jobs for a while. Granted 100,000 credits was not a small amount, but it was nothing compared to a new ship and ten times that much. "Yeah… I'll get on it…"

Scarlet watched me walk towards the cockpit, "…He really wanted you to get that ship…" she said with a small knowing smile.

"I'll fix him!" I replied angrily to her silent criticism, they had been doing it since the contest finished. However, as I made my way to the cockpit Short-round turned in the co-pilot seat to look at me.

"How's the boss?" he asked legitimately concerned. Usually, he was so distant from our conversations it was sometimes hard to distinguish him from a droid.

"The same." I replied, sitting in the pilot's chair. "Tattooine Short-round." I said and adjusted the navigator.

"Oh good I can drop in on the missus…" he said chuckling slightly.

I looked at him, unable to hold back a smile, "Why don't you ever bring her and the family over to meet us when we visit? We could always fly around until we find your crawler…"

"Are you kidding? In this junker?" he leaped off his chair and opening an unknown vent in the floor he jumped it, "They'd think I'd want them to strip it for parts…"

I rolled my eyes and angrily jammed on the controls, "I get it! Everyone's a critic!"

It didn't take us long to jump to tattooine… however, there was a recent addition to the planet that I was a little nervous about. A star destroyer was orbiting the planet… but it was looking like it was undergoing repairs of some sort. Keeping a wide birth I took the Rebel down.

We landed in our usual hangar and transferred the docking fee, as I walked towards the back to the rest of the crew I saw Aiden already at the ramp of the hold and heading down into the humid wind. "Where's he going?" I asked.

Milky turned angrily to me, "To see Torga." She grabbed my wrist tightly in her grip and dragged me to Aiden's bedroom. For a second I thought she was going to yell at me, I could take that… instead, her short-shorts hit the floor revealing her wet pussy lips…

"Uh… Mil-MMPH!!!" she shoved my head to her lips and instinctively my tongue shot inside her tunnel as she purred coldly.

"That's it…" she hissed angrily, looking down at me as I ate her out. "I am angry with you Yura…" she scolded, gyrating her hips trying to get my tongue to go deeper. "Aiden is depressed… I don't like it when he's depressed." She took my hands and placed them on her ass, "When he's depressed, he won't play with me…" she quivered suddenly as my tongue made her cum, "So until Aiden is feeling better you're going to help me…"

Her taste flowed into my mouth as she leaked her essence onto my tongue. And Aiden was right, she was always so tasty… she suddenly pulled my head roughly away, glaring at down at me. "Understand?"

"Yes…" I said obediently, "I get it… I'm going to fix him…" I mumbled dreamily as she pulled me back onto her pussy.

"Good… because he eats pussy way better than anyone else on the ship…" she gasped and enjoyed my tongue.


I made my way to Torga's office; fiddling with the holo-com I had been given. I had thoroughly checked it and examined it, and it was perfectly normal. So why then all the secrecy? I knocked briefly on the door to Torga's office and after a moment of polite waiting, I opened the door and entered.

"Sir…" I began watching as the lovely masseuse Situna worked her talented magic on Torga in her sapphire blue decorative bikini. She smiled patiently at me and gently prodded Torga awake, he often fell asleep under her tender and expert touch so it was understandable.

Torga snorted awake and blinked around before spying me. "Urai?" he yawned, "…I must have drifted off again… thank you Situna." He stretched as she made her way to the door, her wide hips sashaying just a little more than usual as she met my eyes, and winked at me… shutting the door behind her I returned my attention back to Torga.

"Torga this was given to me… it's apparently important." I approached him and turned on the com, it suddenly erupted into light revealing a thin line in the display. Then a voice spoke on the com and the line vibrated in a voice modulator.

"Hello Torga Dallerac…" the voice said, "I would like to hire one of your bounty hunters…"

Torga stared at me, "What is this? A recording?"

"Yes sir…" I said nodding only for the com to suddenly change.

"Actually… this is a direct line to my office and I would appreciate it if once we were done you'd remove all trace of it." I stared at it shocked, when I activated it before it played a recording, not whatever it was doing now.

"…I assume you would like some anonymity?" Torga mumbled, glaring at the vibrating line as it chuckled.

"A price of my job I'm afraid… anyway I would like to hire Aiden Kane." It said, saying Aiden's name very specifically, "…I want him to steal a prototype ship for me from the Kuat Shipyards…"

"Why not just hire him directly?" Torga asked annoyed, leaning on a fist as he stared at it.

"Because it would build his confidence more if it came from you… I imagine he is not having the best of times right now after his loss of the Gathering. If I know him he's probably thinking that he's a failure and a disappointment to everyone."

"I have plenty of confidence in Aiden…" Torga laughed, "Not even Ozjin Knights won the Gathering on his first try. Aiden came in second that's a damn good result…" I coughed slightly, not wanting to point out that Torga bet against Aiden in the Gathering and therefore won a hefty sum of his own. But I digress.

"Regardless, knowing that you'll still give him work despite his loss will improve his morale. Therefore I'd like the job offer to come from you… but if necessary I'll give it to him myself."

"How do you even know he'll take the job?" Torga asked as the holo-com made a noise and distributed a napkin-sized paper contract. Torga took it and read it.

"Tell him the ship I want him to steal is for his mother…" the com said abruptly, suddenly popping and fizzing as it shut down and dimmed. It destroyed itself.

Torga sighed and abruptly swept the broken device into the nearby trash bin before eying me, "…What happen to the good old days when people talked to each other?"

I tapped my eye, referring to the vibro-scar across his face and he chuckled, "Somebody abused it… should I send for Aiden?"

"Take your time…" Torga mumbled pulling out a smoke pipe and relaxing as he began to think, "I'm sure he could use a little more alone time…"

"He's on a ship of beautiful women how much alone time does he need?" I mumbled and left his office.

I was barely two steps down the hall when I was stopped by a long green mirialan leg stretched across it. "Urai…" came the sing song voice of Situna. As her long shapely leg slowly stroked mine, "…You look stressed…" she said softly, smiling sweetly at me, opening a nearby door to a waiting room that was certainly not in use. "Why don't I help you relax?" she took my hand and lead me inside, I locked the door behind us and wrapped my arms around her, slipping them under her bikini bottoms and caressing her soft bountiful rear as her lips pressed against mine in a kiss. Her hands rested on my chest armor, and she briefly pulled away, "Take it off…" she said impatiently before returning intently to my lips.

My armor was easy to remove it clattered into a nearby chair as I stood bare-chested before her feeling her round supple breasts press against my skin and I continued to caress her, lifting her off the ground by her rear as I pulled her against me.

Sucking my lips she smiled at me, "…So… where should I start?" I opened my mouth to answer but she silenced me with her fingers, "No wait… let me guess…"

She squatted down, her knees spreading her legs wide as she became level with my crotch. Her hands slowly stroked my quickly hardening dick and she unzipped my pants. Freeing my length to the air she abruptly took me inside her mouth, quickly bobbing her head, desperately suckling my length as she watched my face for a change.

She moved quickly and roughly, moaning desperately for me to enjoy myself and she slurped at my average sized length. Soon her expert hands were gently stroking me with each bob of her head… then she want all the way down, moaning seductively as she took my whole length into her throat. She looked up at me with smiling eyes before pulling away, just enough to keep my cock head wrapped in her lips, then going all the way down again. And again… over and over she fucked her throat with my cock. She didn't look away, her bright green eyes staring intently into my own as she begged without words for my release as she struggled for her own by rigorously playing with herself with her free hand…

"I cumming…" I said simply, and with a noise like a triumphant scream, she buried my length in her throat and let me release directly into her stomach. She kept her head still, determined to take all of me as her body shook for oxygen. She looked up at me as I finished, tapping my length with her tongue as if making sure I fired everything she pulled away, smiling brightly at me as she stood up. Taking her wet pussy fingers and gently suckled them, watching me in a side glance as she did.

"All gone…" she said lovingly. Then with her recently cleaned hand she began stroking me again, "…Are you still stiff?"

Pushing her bikini bottoms aside I shoved my own fingers into her wetness, she immediately moaned at my touch, leaning against my body as I molested her. Thrusting my length between her thighs and rubbing against her wet pussy. "I don't have a condom…" I told her, kissing her neck and shoulders as she continued to moan at my touch.

"I told you it's okay to cum inside…" she breathed desperately, "I want to feel your seed filling my insides. I want you to fill my womb…" she gyrated her body on my length, eagerly enticing me to penetrate her. "Urai give me your cum…" she begged and whimpered, flowing her essence like a fountain upon me.

I could no longer resist… I gently shoved her onto the couch, and instinctively she spread her legs and watch me with bedroom eyes, he hands went to her bikini top and pulled away the cups, letting her breasts free as I knelt down and easily slipped inside her.

"Yes…" she hissed, squeezing her breasts as I stretched her tunnel, "Oh Urai…"

I buried myself fully inside her, feeling her legs tremble as I pulled them farther apart for access. I gripped the couch behind her, pulling on it as I thrust deeper and deeper inside her. Her body trembled and came as she moaned her arousal. "Deeper… go deeper…" she begged, wrapping her legs around me, encouraging me for more. "Yes!"

I pumped rapidly into her, feeling my arousal build as my balls tightened. My cock throbbed impatiently as my instinct to spread my mandalorian seed overrode my logic. I suddenly wrapped my arm under the small of her back and pulled so her body arched up and I slammed into her. "Take it." I breathed, and released…

She had an orgasm, a real good one as my seed flooded into her womb. "Yes…" she whimpered blissfully as she stared wide-eyed past me towards the ceiling. "Finally you filled me up…there's so much inside…"

I pressed fully on top of her, kissing her as she wrapped me tightly to her body. Still inside her, I pulled her on top of me as I sat on the couch, holding her head to my lips as we kissed. "Isn't that better than a condom?" she breathed, licking my lips seductively.

"…It was much better than a condom…" I said, squeezing her ass. "You took your pill just in case right?"

"Yes Urai…" she said, rolling her eyes, "For force sake enjoy yourself a little…" she caressed my chest, watching me intently, "Enjoy me a little…" she giggled as she felt me throb inside her. "…There you go…" she kissed me again and began bouncing in my lap.


I walked down the hall, ignoring the ecstatic scream of a woman in a nearby room: somebody was having fun. I approached Torga's office, and knocked.

"Enter." Torga replied and I did. He looked up and blinked at me rather surprised, "Aiden? You're here…"

I held out a small bag of credits. "I figured I should get started on some of my down payments…" I said. resting the bag near a burn mark on his desk. "No time like the present right?"

"Aiden you can take your time with it…" Torga said a little hesitantly, "In fact why don't you hold off on giving me that." He slowly and a little hesitantly shoved the credits back towards me and I glared suspiciously at him.

"…I'm sorry but are you refusing credits?" I asked just as hesitant, "You wasted a ton of them on my entrance fee and I need to pay you back…"

Torga watched my face for a moment and sighed, "Aiden I bet against you…" he said firmly, watching my expression. "…Before you get upset. I just want you to know that it wasn't personal."

…I actually didn't know what to think. I mean I'm glad I didn't cost him more money and dug myself and deeper grave. But at the same time, I was distinctly insulted. "You bet against me?"

"To be more specific." He said calmly, "I bet that it would come down to you and Blackjaw, and Blackjaw would win… I was the only one to make that bet so my odds were huge. I essentially made back everything I spent on you. Give or take a few more credits…"

"Seriously?" I said, both insulted and amazed at his gambling prediction.

"I had confidence in your ability but at the end of the day I was playing the odds…" he said, easing slightly as he found that I wasn't shouting obscenities at him. "No one has ever won the Gathering on their first time. It's never been done." I snorted annoyed but he gestured calmingly with his hands, "…I have every confidence that next time you compete you will win… in fact." He took the credits and shaking the bag at me, placed it into a drawer of his desk. "I'll bet all of that on you to win the next time you compete.

I sighed, well I couldn't blame him. "And besides…" he continued, "Because of your recent fame as second place the contracts have been pouring in for your services… in fact I got one for you that you might like."

I shook my head, I really didn't feel like doing any sort of job. "I don't know Torga I think I'm just going to-"

"Somebody wants you to steal an Imperial ship from the Kuat shipyards." He said pushing on, smiling knowingly "From Altora Kane."

Fuck depression time for work.

It's amazing how much hatred can fuel you, I made my way out of Torga's office, hardly registering Urai and that sexy mirialan masseuse Situna coming out of a side room.

"Nice job Urai." I praised, as Situna blushed and Urai facepalmed.

With grim determination I marched through the town, heading directly to the Rebel and matching up the ramp finding the girls almost instantly as they stood chatting nervously in the hold. "Who wants to go piss off my bitch of a mother?" I said, smiling faintly as I held up the contract.

They all flinched, and then slowly Yura spoke. "Uh Aiden. You have guests…" they parted to reveal Tolara, and Kavilla…

"Oh…" I stared at them, torn between joy at seeing them and concerned that I was about to be black-bagged again. "…You didn't hear me say that…"

"…We originally came to see if you were alright…" Tolara said professionally. "It was a good thing our Star Destroyer needed repairs and we were able to find the parts we needed here on tattooine."

"Yep…" Kavilla said dismissively, handing Short-round a bag full of what sounded like machine parts. "Darn good coincidence that." she said, ignoring my humored look.

I could not help but chuckle. They hugged me, pressing their foreheads to me as all my troubles and nerves seemed to vanish. The girls gave me a moment, dragging Short-round and his less than legitimately required Star destroyer parts out with them.

"You did a good job." Tolara said kindly, caressing my face with her hands as she looked at me, "…You'll get them next time."

"You were watching?" I asked, smiling at the news.

Kavilla slapped my shoulder, "Of course, we were watching… well Newt was watching in our presence since as Imperial admirals we were not allowed to be seen supporting a 'traitor'…"

"…Mother is being investigated by a low-level agent because of your recent return." Tolara said softly, "Some of the other moffs are beginning to question how quickly she wrote you off as dead, and to your loyalties…"

"So she's annoyed?" I asked.

"She's furious…" laughed Kavilla, "She tried saying that you're undercover but a watcher sent information against that… Mother is not having a very good day."

"A good week." Tolara added.

"…That's the best news I've heard in a while…" I smiled at them, then seeing an opportunity, "Oh… do you two have any spare Stormtrooper uniforms on your ship?" I asked.

They glared at me and answered simultaneously, "Why?"

"No reason…" I said looking away, "And if you two could stay away from the Kuat shipyards for the next few days that would be great too."

"No can do." Kavilla said bluntly, "We were given orders to go to the Kuat shipyards just recently…" she said, "…In fact very recently…" she turned around glaring at the doorway that lead further into the ship. "Newt." She said firmly.

Newt, in her combat suit and wearing the crew's red armguard smiled as she entered. "Yes?"

"…Where exactly did those orders come from?" she said coolly.

"Do you even need to ask me that?" she replied a little indignantly before adding sheepishly, "Come on we know who gave them…"

We all groaned together, and I knew we were all thinking the same thing. Zero. Suddenly my mind clicked at a sudden thought, "…Can I bum a ride?" I asked, looking at Tolara and Kavilla as Newt gave us a mysterious smile. "On your Star Destroyer; we can say my crew is being hired for a mission near Kuat."

"Aiden…" Tolara said warningly but Kavilla snorted. I could tell they were nervous about the idea.

"Look. I'll stay hidden on the ship the whole time. I replied, "Nobody will know. If anyone asks just say it's Cipher Agent business and their punishment would be death if they asked questions!" I said as they looked at each other. "You know standard Imperial code and stuff…"

They seemed to have a silent conversation with each other; twin telekinesis! finally, Tolara glared at me, "…We leave at exactly 0600 tomorrow. If you are not on the ship by then, that's it." I gently kissed her cheek then Kavilla's as they began to leave.

"You coming Newt?" Kavilla asked, hesitating on the ramp to look at her.

"I think it might be better if I returned with Aiden…" Newt replied, smiling mysteriously at them. "You know to sell the story."

Kavilla nodded, seeing the logic behind it. "…See you tomorrow Aiden do not be late."

I shut the ramp behind them before staring thoughtfully at Newt, "…What the fuck is your dad planning?"

Newt honestly shrugged, looking just as confused as I was, "No idea… he keeps a lot of things close to the chest… speaking of." She suddenly pulled me tightly to her and kissed me, moaning into my mouth. "…How about you get close to mine and we commemorate our joint operation?"

"…Yeah okay…" she giggled and lead me to my room only to find a much more pleasant surprise. Milky was naked on my bed (except for her collar), thoroughly and legitimately using Yura's face to masturbate. Thrusting her hips against Yura as she ate her pussy… Yura, not entirely naked by only wearing a black thong, stuck her ass in the air as she kept up her work. Milky bit her lip as she quickly approached an orgasm, stroking Yura's lekku as she held her in place.

"Cumming! I'm cumming!" she panted, then squirted all over Yura's face as she buried her tongue deeper into Milky drinking her essence, wagging her rear as if like a happy pet. "Oh force I'm cumming!" she blissfully caught my eye, and purred…

"Fuck me…" Newt said amazed, absently unzipping her suit as I watched my girls go at it.

"…Yeah okay…" I said, as I approached my bed stripping my armor as Milky and Yura crawled towards me.

"I missed you…" Milky gasped as my erection popped out of my pants and throbbed impatiently before them. she kissed my dick chastely as Yura's tongue began to lap at it.

"Are you talking to me or my dick?" I asked jokingly as I throbbed under their tongues. She didn't answer only taking my cockhead into her mouth and eagerly sucking on it while Yura licked. Newt, naked and ready knelt on the other side of Yura and she too began to taste me, looking up at me with her ruby eyes as they shared my length between them. Their moans and hums like aphrodisiacs, their sloppy slurping noises hardening me immensely…

Soon I couldn't hold it. "Cumming…" I breathed only to feel Milky possess me as she shoved Yura and Newt aside, diving deeply onto my cock, desperate for my full load.

"Hey!" Yura growled indignantly as Milky continued her deep throat. "Don't be greedy!"

Milky made a noise that sounded distinctly like 'No!' and increased her pace. "Milky…" I scolded and she stopped staring wide-eyed up at me as I stopped her, gripping her hair as I lightly thrust into her mouth. "You share like a good girl…"

"Um hum…" she said, it sounded like 'okay' so I was going to take it as such as I filled her mouth with my seed. Newt wrapped her lips on my shaft and Yura joined her, almost kissing each other as they moved up and down, pulling my seed from my balls into Milky's mouth.

Her cheeks comically bulged as she held my seed in her mouth before gently taking Yura's face in her hands and standing above her as Yura opened her mouth wide. Milky squeezed out a long rope of my cum into Yura's mouth. Yura rose up to catch every drop given to her and promptly swallow as Milky did the same to Newt. Only they kissed, swapping my seed as if it was nectar of the gods…

I throbbed instantly as Milky and Newt continued kissing, and my attention turned to Yura and she promptly turned on the bed, presenting her ass and pussy to me and shaking her rear temptingly. I moved her thong aside, and claimed her pussy…

"Yeah…" she moaned as I quickly thrust into her, her lekku bouncing and her body surging forward with each deep thrust. "Yeah, fuck me…" she moaned, her eyes closing in bliss as she gasped.

Milky whimpered as she watched me plow away at Yura, "…I wanted to go first…" she pouted, looking at me childishly as Newt began to grope her breasts from behind.

"Ah poor pussy…" she teased, lying down on the bed with Milky on top of her as she spread Milky's legs wide and began playing with her pussy, "…Don't worry I'll pet you until he's ready…" Milky quivered and moaned on top of Newt as her breasts were teased and her pussy was stroked, I hardened painfully at the sight before me, and pounded away as Yura came, her arms losing strength and dropping onto the bed.

"Oh force!" she screamed as I fired deep inside her. "Fill me!" she begged, feeling my seed flood her womb, "Oh force fill me!"

"My turn!" Milky begged as I pulled out of Yura's quivering body, "Please! Please my turn!" I didn't even hesitate, immediately entering Milky she screamed happily as she felt my cock pierce her womb. "YES!!" she tried to wrap around me but Newt restrained her, she struggled valiantly but Newt was vehement.

"No… be a good pussy and let him play with you…" she said, watching Milky's tits bounce rhythmically as I plowed her. "Don't you want his kittens?" she teased, and I looked at her questioningly, but she merely shrugged and kept driving Milky on.

"Babies! I want babies!" Milky purred, her mind lost in pleasure as her body tightened around my length.

"Oh? So anyone's babies will do?" Newt said coolly, "What a slut…"

"No! I want only Aiden's babies!" she screamed and I fired into her, "Yes! Give me babies!" she gazed lovingly up at me, "…I want it all…" she moaned, her whole body twitching from her arousal induced orgasm.

Newt kissed her cheek and stared up at me adoringly, "My turn…" she said flatly, and pulling out of Milky's dripping pussy I slammed into Newt's beneath her, pressing Milky's and my body down on top of her as she moaned, "Yeah fucking take me…" she bit her lip in pleasure as I slammed deep inside her. "Give it to me."

I kissed her, feeling Milky's chest press against me as I mindless kept thrusting into Newt, "Cum in me.." she breathed into my mouth, "I want to feel it too…" she gazed longingly into my eyes, "It only feels good when you do it…" that finished me, exhaustedly I fired into her as she trembled. "Yes…" she hissed, feeling my seed fill her body. "Yes there it is… I love that feeling…" she blissfully stared at the ceiling, "I feel so full."

We all collapsed, relaxing with each other as we drifted away into dreamland; Milky blissfully licking my cheek and mumbling 'babies' most of the time as Newt unconsciously groped Milky's breast from behind, tenderly kissing her neck…

I woke up later in the arms of beautiful woman and it was hard to be depressed. Getting out of bed I left the three lovely women and pulled my pants on, making my way to the kitchen as the events before my lovemaking took place. Finding Scarlet absently examining a holo-com of reports I smiled at her and sat next to her. "What do you know about the Kuat shipyards?"

End of Chapter

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