When Evie stepped out of the castle, she was already wearing the same black cloak that Gavriel and his men were wearing. Her fiery dress and silver hair were now hidden under that thick and luxurious black cloak.
While Gavriel was speaking with a man who was also wearing the same black cloak, Evie was busy looking around. She turned and looked up. She knew it was dark, but she still couldn't help but admire how intricately beautiful the castle grounds were. Even in the dark, it was nonetheless obvious to see how massive the castle was and the garden on the front yard was also vast. Her vivid thoughts could already picture the view of this place in broad daylight and she must admit, this place was more beautiful and bigger than the infamous Lily palace in Southern Empire. As she looked around, she thought that there must have been an error in thinking that the emperor doesn't favour Gavriel. He must be the emperor's most beloved and that's why he was given the most beautiful castle in the empire.
"Wife," Gavriel pulled her attention back to him as he walked closer to her. "Before we go, I'd like you to meet my men," he said, and five men stood in a line a few steps away before her. The hoods of their cloaks were down. Evie swallowed inaudibly at their overwhelming presence. Three of them were just as tall as Gavriel but the other two were huge. Evie immediately remembered the huge and terrifying generals that used to accompany her father and the human emperors back in the Southern Empire. In fact, despite looking very relaxed, these five men were emitting a powerful aura that surpassed any human generals she had ever met.
"Good evening Your Highness, I am Samuel," said the biggest one with long brown hair. The first thing Evie noticed was the two big scars running from the middle of his forehead down to his left cheek. Trying her best not to stare at his scars due to her surprise, Evie's curiosity was sparked because it was common knowledge that vampires heal themselves and if they do get healed, they would never be left with scars. So how was it that this man had a scar?
"My name is Levy. Nice to meet you My Lady." The man with a jolly and friendly smile introduced himself next. His hair was brown as well, but he had a neat haircut that complimented his good looks. The first thing Evie noticed about him was his wide, friendly smile.
"I'm Luc, My Lady." The third man was almost as tall as the huge Samuel. He looked aloof and expressionless. His tussled golden hair stood out and Evie thought that his bright hair – though gorgeous – gave quite the exact opposite feel of not complimenting his rather grey personality.
"I'm Zolan, My Lady." The fourth man had a lively voice and an energetic smile. He had long blond hair tied loosely behind him and Evie's eyes immediately caught the lone golden earing in his ear.
The last one had an innocent look. He was as tall as the others, but he looked young. His blue eyes and curly ash grey hair were standing out. "Reed, My Lady," he said simply.
"N-nice to meet you all." Evie was a little confused what was the point of the introductions. Back in the human empires, this wasn't a norm. There was no need for a soldier to do any introduction like this unless the person they were serving asked for their names. Moreover, they definitely were not Evie's men. They were her husband's. Why were they introducing themselves to her?
As though Gavriel had read her thoughts, the prince spoke. "These five are my most trusted men and they will be the ones guarding you whenever you venture outside our castle. So, it would be good if you memorized their names and faces."
Evie creased her brows. They were guarding her? Why did she need to be guarded? Vampires cannot touch her and harm her, right?
Before Evie could ask a question, another man approached them. The man doesn't feel intimidating and he wasn't a towering tree like Gavriel and the other five. He was wearing a kind smile and his demeanour was almost human-like. He even had the same red hair as her two human maids. Yet clearly, he wasn't human. He was a vampire. A weak vampire, maybe?
"Meet my butler, Evielyn. He'll be your butler from now on as well. Don't hesitate to ask him if there is anything that you need." Gavriel said and the butler smiled at her.
"I am pleased to meet you, Your Highness. I am Elias."
Evie slightly nodded in acknowledgement of his greeting and then Gavriel leaned in on her. "Are you ready?" he asked. "We're not going to use a carriage as we are already late. I will be carrying you in my arms, wife."
"O-okay," Evie could only nod and her approval made Gavriel's lips curved in a slight smile. Evie avoided looking at his face, so she didn't see how his gaze mischievously flickered.
Without wasting a moment, he bent and lifted her so easily it was as if she was made of paper. "Wrap your hands around my neck, wife." He said gently and Evie obeyed. Her eyes carefully avoided looking at his glorious face. This was the solution she had thought of to avoid temptation. She shouldn't look at him longer than necessary.
Her hands around his neck were so loose that she didn't even allow her hands to brush against his naked skin. However, the moment he leapt high above the ground; Evie's hands instinctively tightened around his neck.
She was holding her breath and her eyes were squeezed shut. This was the first time she experienced this. Were they flying?! She had always wondered how flying would be like before but now that she was experiencing it in the flesh, it actually felt scary.
When she felt him land, Evie let out the breath she wasn't even aware she was holding in and prepared herself for another leap. But the man holding her didn't move again.
"Open your eyes, Evielyn." His deep voice echoed, and she slowly opened her eyes. "I told you I will show you the city while we are on the way there."
"But… you said we're already late."
He smiled at her. The moonlight was so bright that night that she could see his other-worldly face clearly. "Yes, but it's fine. No one can scold us for being late." She saw a naughty yet seemingly dangerous glint in his eyes. Why was he so carefree? Weren't they going to meet the emperor? He is known to be the most powerful and dangerous being in this empire and perhaps even in the entire continent.
"Now look, Evielyn. This is the view of the city at night."
Evie could no longer resist. She slowly turned her head away from him and her lips parted at the sight that welcomed her. The vampires' imperial city was totally different from what she had imagined. It wasn't that creepy and lifeless place that she expected it to be. Lights were everywhere, the shadows of countless castles looming over certain sections of the city and the streetlights made it look so magical – as though she was looking at the imperial fairy city. How could a place that supposed to be hell-like end up looking so enchantingly picturesque!?
"Do you like it?" He asked and Evie couldn't even stop herself from nodding. "That's great. But we better move on. We can roam around on our way back."
The next second, they were flying through the air again. Evie fought her instincts to shut her eyes and when she looked down while they were in mid-air, she was surprised at the thrill and excitement she felt. She wasn't scared anymore, and she actually found herself enjoying it. Oh my, she was flying!
She was so busy enjoying the incredible experience that she almost asked Gavriel why had he stopped. Thankfully, she heard him speak before she could ask and embarrass herself. "We're here." He said as he put Evie down.
Evie turned and was speechless when she saw that they were already standing in front of a huge double door. This was obviously the palace's door. When she looked behind her, an even larger garden came into view. Oh my, just how big is this garden?
"Let me help you with your cloak, wife." Gavriel, pulled her attention back to him and Evie could only stood still as Gavriel carefully pulled down the hood of her cloak. While he removed the cloak from her, he whispered in her ear. "Are you ready?"
To my readers in hellbound and p.at.re.on, I am sorry but I cannot update yet. I've been suffering from numbing pain and weakness in both my hands since I got sick. It's apparently caused by my medications and its really giving me a hard time to write.
So I'm asking for your patience again. I can only update this book because I have stockpile from p.at.r.eon.
Thank you so much for your understanding.
Love, Kazzen
Exhilarating yet melodious Baroque-style music could be heard coming from the huge doors. It was apparent that there seemed to be a ball going on inside and that the event had long started. Did the vampire emperor throw a party to welcome her? Evie quickly shook her head and berated herself for the thought. There's no way they would do that. She was their enemy and Evie thought that everyone in this empire knew that. Even if this party was held because of her, she could only think of one reason. The emperor was probably planning to make her feel like she was wanted and welcomed in his empire and then make her drop her guard down.
"Scared?" that glorious voice yanked her from her deep thoughts and the moment Evie lifted her face, she stumbled back in surprise because he had bent so close Evie thought their faces would collide. He caught her waist with his strong arm.
Once Evie regained her balance, she took a step away from him. "Please stop surprising me like that." She muttered under her breath. Gavriel tilted his head, acting as though he had not heard her.
"My wife, we can go back if you're not ready yet," he said gently and Evie's eyes widened. W-what?! Was he really telling her this now? Why didn't he tell her this before he took her to this place?
Evie found herself tongue-tied. But she was more surprised at herself for actually not blurting out a big YES immediately so they could finally go back. She was very nervous and she knew she was never going to be prepared for this, so why was she hesitating?
After a long, motionless minute of indecision, Evie looked at the opened door. Her hands clenched under her cloak and reluctantly pointed out, "But we're already here," she uttered without looking at him. She didn't see how the corner of his lips curved up slightly in pure amusement.
"Right, the emperor must be getting so impatient now." He agreed and he moved in front of her. "Let me help you take your cloak off, wife."
Evie dropped her gaze after she nodded, determined not to break the rule she had just set for herself. However, she was curious as to why the prince was the one doing all these menial tasks for her. He had obviously introduced and brought the butler along with them on this trip, so why wasn't he letting the butler do this job instead?
She valiantly fought against herself on the temptation of wanting to peek at him and to her delight, she managed not to look until he finally took the cloak off her. Though was it just her imagination that she felt like the process of just removing the cloak seemed way too slow? It must be, she thought. The thought of it being something else just frightened her that she shied away from it.
After giving Evie's cloak to Elias, Gavriel offered his hand to Evie. His gaze not leaving her face. The fiery dress she was wearing created a beautiful contrast with her long silver hair. He thought she was like an exotic red rose under the moonlight.
When they finally entered and walked through the huge door, Evie could do nothing but look around and appreciate the lavish luxury inside the imperial palace. The place was nothing like she had ever seen. She thought all palaces were almost exactly the same but this one had surpassed every palace she had ever seen. Just how rich were these vampires?!
Finally, they stopped a few steps before another huge door that appeared to be the entrance towards a massive ballroom. Evie looked at Gavriel, curious as to why they halted.
"If anything troubles you or causes you to feel uncomfortable, don't hesitate to tell me." He whispered, causing Evie to blink.
She could only nod, biting the inside of her lower lip. When they stepped forward, the music became louder in her ears. The lights of the massive chandeliers were a feast to the eyes. Just as she imagined, the ballroom screamed of nothing but magnificence and elegance. It was a dream place. Ladies in beautiful gowns and sparkling jewels were moving so gracefully while the men moved so gallantly in tandem with their partners. Everything and everyone truly were a breathtaking sight to behold.
The party was lively, and the atmosphere wasn't heavy at all. She could see the vampires enjoying themselves – smiling, talking and dancing. At that moment, one thought came to Evie's mind. These vampires' behaviours and actions truly were like humans. She surprised herself even as that thought arose in her mind. Had she ever thought what kind of life the vampires had aside from killing humans and drinking their blood? Never. Until now. Now that she thought about it and even witnessed it with her own eyes, she never would have thought they could even smile and laugh like her too.
As a strange emotion began to bloom inside her, she felt Gavriel's slight tug. "Let's go." He said and Evie nodded. She took a deep breath as she subconsciously tightened her grip on his strong arm.
The vampires began to notice them and Evie felt as if more and more eyes were being trained on them as they proceeded further into the ballroom. The uplifting and gentle music continued playing and the couples on the dance floor didn't stop, so why did it feel like the atmosphere suddenly became heavy? Evie's expression slowly changed. She could only think about one thing that moment and the fact that she must be the reason why the atmosphere changed. She was the only outlier there – the only odd one out. The vampires didn't welcome her presence. But they knew she was coming, didn't they? The vampire emperor himself was the one who invited her.
An announcement acknowledging the presence of the second prince and his wife reached Evie's ears and she further tightened her grip on Gavriel's hand.
The slow march towards the emperor's throne was one of the most unnerving march Evie went through ever – perhaps only second to her own wedding march down the aisle! She wondered if Gavriel could hear the loud thumping of her heart against her chest. It seemed as if he did because he was already leaning closer to whisper to her.
"Relax, wife. I am here." He said and Evie wondered how just his words could so easily made her heartbeat mellow out a little.
It felt as if that at long last, they were finally standing before the emperor. The moment Evie looked at the emperor, she was surprised. She had expected the vampire emperor to be someone so terrifying she would probably be covered in shivers all over her body just by standing before him. However, to her bewilderment, she felt none of that. Granted, the emperor was a big man, but she actually thought to herself after having a good look at him that he was not terrifying.
"I am pleased that you came tonight, Lady Evielyn." His voice sounded like deep flowing waters over the riverbed – quite unexpected looking at his big build.
Flustered, Evie bowed and greeted him. "The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty." She managed to say it all out without stammering. And after a few exchanged of words of pleasantries, Gavriel led her to their designated seats.
Evie felt relieved but as soon as they were seated, she could still feel that the atmosphere remained somewhat slightly tense. She finally looked around and when her eyes caught Gavriel's men, her brows creased. Something was off. This was a ballroom, why were they all armed and even looking alert?
She looked at Gavriel, and she finally realized that the man never spoke to the emperor. Why can't she remember the emperor throwing even a single glance towards her husband ever since they approached him? Did Gavriel even greet His Royal Father? He didn't!!
That realization shocked Evie. She looked around again and she couldn't help but think that perhaps her presence was not the main reason contributing to the change in that weird atmosphere in the ballroom. She didn't know why, but she had a gut feeling that the culprit wasn't actually her but her vampire prince husband – Gavriel. But why?
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