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4.76% Son of Asgard / Chapter 1: God of Might
Son of Asgard Son of Asgard original

Son of Asgard

Auteur: Necro_

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: God of Might

'I had thought that I would enjoy being a god, or alien rather...' Drüin thought, 'Honestly things are not how I imagined, actually they seem more repetitive than anything. Father finds a realm that he wants, and me and Hela are sent to take it. If the current occupants wish to fight us, then we slay them to near extinction if we must.'

As Drüin was pondering this, he stood within the middle of a battlefield. Asgardians and scorched skinned demons laid around him in blood and ashes. He lifter his spear Aëgor, brandishing the mighty spear, then with a twirl he swung sideways to cut down three rushing demons. The man was adorned with jagged yet closely nit armor, it shined against the fire that spewed from the earth beneath him. A few panted breathes left him as he gazed upon the intense battle. He stood upon a rocky hill, one that overlooked a large battleground were thousands of Asgardians could be seen either charging in against flaming demons. He was currently in Muspelheim, leading a campaign alongside his twin sister.

That was when he heard the flutter of wings coming down to him. Looking upwards, Drüin found golden haired woman riding atop a Pegasi descending to him. She was covered in blood, ash, and traces of molten rock. A stoic look was on her face, one that showed that she had just gotten herself out of a dangerous situation. "My Prince, Lady Hela aims to charge forth with her Berserkers and Fenris!" She reported, gaining a frown from Drüin as he turned his attention to the center of the battlelines. He could see black and green armored like ghouls charging forth headlong with nothing stopping them. At the front of the charge was a green armored woman who held a mighty hammer in yer hands. "The fool...", He scolded, "She is going to get herself killed. Brunhilde, have your Valkyries regroup and charge in from the enemy's flank. Me and my men will cover Hela's flank and with luck, the battle will be ours. Go!" With her orders, the Commander of the Valkyries nodded and stirred her Pegasi upwards.

Drüin watched the Valkyrie soar into the air, finding others beginning to form up with her as they battle fire demons in the sky. When he turned around, Drüin reacted quickly to dodge an incoming strike from a large fire demon's strike. It's claws slashing against the place where he once stood. Then with a thrust, Aëgor was stabbed into the demon's head, and popped out if the other side of it. A grunt left Drüin as he roundhouse kicked the dead demon off of his weapon, then shoved the but end of Aëgor into the ground. Light poured out of the weapon as he gritted his teeth, the nearby Asgardians were hit with a golden light, and not long after they felt their strength return to them. "Asgardians!", Drüin called as he raised Aëgor into the air, "What is your profession!?"

More than a legion's worth of Asgardian men and women raised their weapons in the air despite being wounded or previously tired. Then let out a battle cry as they turned their attention to their prince. Drüin gave them a proud smile before turning back to where his sister was charging to. She was heading straight for the bulk of the enemy, where even her Berserkers would not last. With a glance being sent back to the fired Asgardians, Drüin lowered Aëgor pointing ahead of him.

"For Asgard!" He exclaimed, then jumped off the hill that he had stood upon. He was soon followed by nearly a horde of Asgardian warriors. The golden glow emmited from Drüin did not cease, each Asgardian that he past felt their exhaustion leaving them. Their vigor being restored and their wounds become a non-issue. They soon followed in behind Drüin and his horde of Asgardian warriors. They all charged forth, becoming an arrowhead formation with shields at the front. The Asgardians with Drüin at the front seemed to shine a golden glow as the Asgardian prince let loose a torrent of energy from Aëgor. It cut through several fire demons who came to try and disrupt their charge. Just as Hela and her Berserkers came in and plowed into the enemy, so too did Drüin and the Asgardians alongside him.

Drüin skewered a fire demon who had the luck to be in the air of Aëgor's tip. He used the mighty weapon to cut upwards and split the unlucky demon in half. With a turn, his face was met by a fist from a cheap shot from a demon. However the prince of Asgard simply moved with the punch and twirled Aëgor around to be stabbed behind his back. The weapon pierced through the demons chest, and was promptly back kicked off of his weapon. Drüin looked upwards and saw a flying fire demon coming in spewing fire until the Asgardians. With a stern glare, he cocked his arm back, took aim with Aëgor, then hurled the mighty weapon at the demon. It pierced right into the demon's head, killing it instantly. Drüin watched as the demon fell, crashing into the ground. Then with a turn, he immediately picked up a fallen Asgardian's sword. He also grabbed a nearby shield continuing to fight without Aëgor.

Just as he lifted the shield to block an incoming claw from a demon, a jagged dagger pierced through the demon's back and put through it's chest. Then it was swung to the right, cutting it in half, revealing it to he Hela. The woman had a sadistic smirk on her face as her emerald irises landed on her twin. The two stared at each other for a moment, before Drüin sent a jab that went right into a demon that had been coming in to strike his sister down. Hela glanced back, watched as her brother's sword pierced the demon's head and was removed with practiced efficiency. She held a hand out, and watched as a small hammer came to her grasp.

"Why do you not use Aëgor as much as you use to brother?" Hela asked with a teasing sneer, then she winded up the mighty weapon and swung it down on an unsuspecting demon.

"Because dear sister, I do not need a weapon to become powerful." Drüin replied, then raised his shield up to block a torrent of fire being released onto him. Then with a throw, he hurled the sword right into a demon responsible for the fire. All around them, fire demons and Asgardians fought fiercely as the twin Prince and Princess of Asgard fought and talked.

"It is a weapon made specifically for you brother, use it!"

"I will use it when I have need of it!"

Drüin saw from his peripheral vision that the Valkyrie had arrived on their Pegasi, plowing the fire demon's flank and cutting down all that stood their way. A small smile came to Drüin's lips before turning to block a sudden attack that had come his way. He raised his shield to stop a fireball from colliding with hid face. When he looked to see who had fired that infernal attack, he found that it was a fire demon who was just then being blown away by a thrown hammer from Hela. Hela sent a wink to her twin before recalling her hammer. The battle seemed to be turning around to being in Asgard's favor, the fire demons were being cut down left and right now.

Just as Drüin felt that victory was near, the ground rumbled beneath him. He looked around seeing the fire demons beginning to retreat, as if they knew what was coming. With his instincts speaking, Drüin turned to his Asgardian brethren. "Asgardians, get onto higher ground!" Drüin ordered, and watched the warriors trying their best to trek over the rocky terrain onto jagged hills or mountain sides. Right as Drüin followed after them, he noticed that neither Hela nor her Berserkers were among the retreating Asgardians. He turned to find his sister smirking and waiting for the whatever was coming had arrived. "Hela!"

It was too late by the time that he had called after her, the ground gave way to reveal a colossal Fire Demon that was near the size of mountains. It let out a demonic roar that shook the earth and was even ear shattering for all those around it. Drüin gritted his teeth and let out a frustrated growl. "Of course, they have a Fire Giant..." The Asgardian prince uttered to himself then saw a spark of Lightning come down smacking against the Fire Giant. Unfortunately it suffered no damage, and instead conjured a sword of molten rock and lava into it's hands.

"You Asgardians have fought bravely", the giant called, "But I, Surtur, shall send you to Valhalla! This is where you die!"

Hela could be seen flying upwards with her hammer being used to propel her. Drüin could make out a sadistic grin plastered on his sister's face as she called forth lightning once again to blast at Surtur. 'That battle hungry fool, how did I end up with the bloodthirsty sibling?' Drüin thought to himself, then turned to find a distraught Brunhilde landing beside him on her Pegasi. "My Prince..." She called, her tone laced with worry. "Yes, I know...Surtur has us outmatched, we are withdrawing", Drüin ordered then looked at her Pegasi, "However I will do what I can to keep Surtur from focusing on you lot...allow me." He gestured for Brunhilde to relinquish her stead for him. Her brows furrowed with confusion, then became widen with shock. "But Prince Drüin-"

Drüin was hearing none of it, he gave her a stern glare that showed that he was in no mood for argument. With reluctance, the golden haired Valkyrie removed herself from her Pegasi. Then watched as her prince moved onto the winged stead. It let out a neigh as Drüin seated himself on it. Then with a look, he gave Brunhilde a nod just as lightning went off overhead, showing that Hela was still battling Surtur. "Go, I will buy us time." He ordered.

With a turn, Drüin held his hand out and waited for something. He watched as his spear of valor, Aëgor returned to his grasp, flinging at him as if it had heard it's master's call. Then with a pull on the reins for the Pegasi, he road off into the air towards Surtur. Drüin could see that Hela wasn't making much headway with the God and King of Muspelheim. She had a scowl on her face now as she hurled her signature iconic daggers at Surtur. The pierced his molten skin but seemed to just burn each time that she did. "Hela!", Drüin called, "Prepare to withdraw! This foe is beyond the both of us!"

To this the Goddess of Death sent a glare to her brother, not liking the idea of retreating from a battle. Before she could voice her opinions however, she was swatted right out of the air by a backhand from Surtur. The giant smacked her into the side of a mountain as if she were a fly, getting a shocked expression from Drüin. The God of Might focused on Surtur now and stirred the Pegasi forward. With Aëgor raised, he aimed the tip of his weapon at Surtur's eyes. A golden bolt left from his weapon, and impacted the giant's eye. Surtur let out a howl of pain, then raised one hand up to his eye just as Drüin dove down with the Pegasi heading straight for Surtur's face. Suddenly, Surtur moved his head to glare at Drüin, then in one foul move, he opened his molten mouth and spewed out a wave of fire upon the Asgardian.

With stoic glare, Drüin raised Aëgor up and used his power to conjure a barrier between the fire and his stead. The flames collided with his barrier, sending both he and the Pegasi spiraling backwards and from the God of Muspelheim. Just as it seemed that Surur had gained the edge, raising his gigantic molten sword to cut down Drüin. That was when over a dozen jagged sword came flying towards Surtur's face. Blades that grew larger than the last as Hela came forth with blood drilling from the corner of her lip. With her hammer, she called forth lightning once again, blasting Surtur directly in his face. Now having a chance, Drüin turned his attention to where Brunhilde was and saw her with the last of the Asgardians withdrawing through the Bifröst. "Hela, we must fall back!"

"I will die before I admit defeat!" Hela exclaimed, then charged forth with an electrified Mjölnir. She came down at Surtur with a battle cry and smashed the mighty weapon right into Surtur's cheek. The blow actually made the God of Muspelheim move back, feeling himself being pushed back. However, Surtur regained his posture and unleashed a hail of fire in all directions. Drüin stirred the Pegasi to dive down, doing his best to stay in the air as Hela used Mjölnir to block most of the flames. Try as she might, she was eventually being scorched by the blistering heat of the fires of Muspelheim. With a focused fire, Surtur sent Hela flying once again, this time incapacitating her. Drüin seeing this felt his eyes widen, his sister had been bested for sure but he feared if the fires burned away her flesh. She was too far for him to be sure, and Surtur was already turning his attention onto him.

With no other way to win, Drüin flung Aëgor towards a falling Mjölnir. The spear went through the strap attached to the handle, and when he called it back, both weapons began coming to him. Once Drüin had Aëgor back in his hand, he caught Mjölnir as well and felt resistance from it. It was as if the hammer did not recognize him as it's master, even so he kept a firm grip on it. "Fret not, this will not take long." He chided to Mjölnir, then turned his gaze to an approaching Surtur who had his sword poised to stab at him. With gritted teeth, Drüin charged forth with the Pegasi rushing forward. Mjölnir crackled with lightning and Aëgor hued with golden white light. "For Asgard!"

Surtur sent his sword to stab at Drüin, but before it could reach him, Drüin jumped onto the blade and burst forward with inhuman speed. He may not have been as fast as Hermod, the faster Asgardian there was, but he was fast enough to reach Surtur's shoulder. Drüin watched as Surtur opened his mouth to unleash another torrent of fire from his mouth. However, now with Mjölnir in hand, the Asgardian winded up Mjölnir to act as a shield. With the hammer spiraling in circles, the flames were being blocked by the mighty weapon. Drüin felt himself be pushed back by the force of the flames hitting Mjölnir, but instead of taking the attacks he jumped. He came flying right at Surtur's head with a adrenaline induced battle cry. Aëgor was poised to pierce right into the God of Muspelheim's head. The spear punched right through Surtur's temple, and with Mjölnir raised, Drüin brought the hammer down to make Aëgor go through the Surtur's head. The spear pierced right through the King of Muspelheim's head, exiting through the back of his head.

Drüin felt Surtur falling backwards, feeling as if the battle was over. Until his body was engulfed by Surtur colossal palm. The God of Muspelheim tightened his grip on Drüin, squeezing the fight out of the prince. Then just as his back hit the earth below, he hurled Drüin like a ball, causing the Asgardian prince to skid through a two mountains before rolling on the ground below. Drüin's body steamed, some parts of his skin burning, and his armor scorched. Even so, he let out a groan just as he forced himself to rise back up. His bones ached, his body numb and burning, but even so, he rose to his two legs. Aëgor in his right and Mjölnir in his left, the mighty weapons hanging from his palms. Surtur was already rising to his feet as well, locking his enormous glowing eyes onto the Asgardian Prince.

Drüin looked to where his sister's body landed, and noticed that she was gone. A small smile came to his lips, he felt a little happy that she had been taken back to Asgard. His gaze then went back to Surtur, watching as the God of Muspelheim pointed his sword towards him. Fire erupted from the blade, as if a torrent of inferno was about to be fired at him. Drüin readied himself, preparing to face Surtur again, until thunder roared overhead, signaling that the Bifröst was being used. Drüin watched the Bifröst come down and land in front of him. He hadn't a clue as to who was about to step out of it, though he was surprised to see the Allfather himself step through in his full regalia.

Drüin blinked twice, now seeing that his father had joined the battle. Then his brows furrowed when he saw Odin turned to him. "This battle is no longer yours Drüin", Odin stated then held an outstretched hand to his son, "It is mine now." With a swipe, an unknown force sent Drüin into the Bifröst and hurtling out of Asgard.

"Father!" Drüin called, just as he saw the Allfather readying himself to face Surtur alone.


Drüin's body came out, stumbling forward and being caught by several Asgardians. His vision was a bit blurred, but he found himself standing just fine as he turned his gaze to the men. "Heimdall do not close that Bifröst, I am going back!" Drüin declared, but saw the golden eyes of the water of the Bifröst turn to him. "My Prince, I cannot allow you to return", Heimdall said in a deep but gentle tone, "You are unable to go to battle, despite your strength and in your state. You would only slow down your father." This made Drüin scowl at Heimdall, and before he could go to argue he began to think logically. He was in no condition to fight and nor was he able to contend with Surtur. Aëgor had went through the God of Muspelheim's head, yet it did not kill him.

In his peripheral vision, he made out the mingled form of Hela being lifted onto a stretcher. Worry came over Drüin's face as he dropped his weapons and came to his sister's side. She was unconscious but living all the same. A pained look came about him as he saw the extent of her injuries. Her armor had been burned right through, Surtur had showed her no inkling of mercy. With a nod to the guards, they began to take her to the healing chambers. Drüin watched them leave, and watched a few Asgardians come over to tend to him. "Worry not of me, worry for my men." Drüin ordered, and rather reluctantly, the Asgardians went to go aid the most injured.

With a slight limp in his step, Drüin came over to Heimdall's side as the Asgardian stood watch and unmoving. Compared to Heimdall, Drüin stood bit an inch taller than the black skinned Asgardian. His muscles being around the same size as well. Slowly, Drüin removed his helmet, allowing a short plume of hair to fall out. He was piercing blue eyed with midnight black hair. Despite his injuries, he stood firm and waited beside Heimdall, the two remaining silent. "How is the battle going?" Drüin questioned, and watched Heimdall take a breathe before speaking.

"The Allfather is evenly matched with Surtur." Heimdall answered flatly.

"Are any of Surtur's demons joining the battle?"

"Fortunately no, though that remains to be seen."

"If anything changes, you had best tell me Heimdall, otherwise there will be Hel to pay", Drüin warned, "My father is down there while I stand here. I'd rather not be the prince who became king when their father was the one to send them away."

"Worry not Prince Drüin, the Allfather is far from losing this battle."

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