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60% So What If I'm In A Hentai? / Chapter 2: Statement, Walk Home And Confusion

Chapitre 2: Statement, Walk Home And Confusion

Sitting in the well-lit police interview room, I leaned back against the slightly uncomfortable chair, arms leaning against the supports to either side of me. Across from me sat a rather average man with the typical black hair and eyes of a Japanese person fit with a normal build and physique. He wasn't looking at me, rather he was looking at my phone that he held in one hand while the other was furiously scribbling notes down in barely legible text.

Right. Soon after I'd put that pervy bastard down on his ass, it was as simple as a quick phone call to the emergency services and within minutes a few police officers had come to apprehend the fucker. Funnily enough, I didn't see a single ugly bastard among the officers and I hadn't seen one even when I came to the station to make my statement.

If anything, everyone here was either a woman or a stereotypical hentai protagonist-lookalike. And not the protagonists from a harem hentai either. If I were a betting man, I'd say most of the people here had been cucked and instead of going on their villain arc had gone for justice instead. But that'd be pretty out there and odd, right?


Pulling me from my thoughts, the officer across from me who introduced himself as Tatsuo Kurokawa, looked up from the phone as the recording came to an end. That was his third time watching through it, actually. "Kobayashi-san..." he trailed off before glancing back down at the phone for a second, "You were remarkably prepared for this."

Well, if that isn't a loaded statement I don't know what is. Accusatory too. Yikes. Oh yeah, I have a new name as well. I guess Derek Cromwell was too foreign so I'm now one of those weirdly named characters that combines the west and the east. Derek Kobayashi, at your service.

Anyway, back to loaded statements thrown at me by the police.

"I don't know what you're trying to say, Kurokawa-san...but I simply knew the police would require more than just word of mouth to arrest that--" I paused and frowned, finally spitting out the word, "--man." Scratching at my head, I suppressed a yawn and continued, "There was no ulterior motive to my actions. Just trying to do the right thing but doing it the right way, you know?" I shrugged. What were they gonna do, arrest me? For what? Stopping a girl getting SA'd*.

(*A/n - For those who have been living under a rock or simply don't get what SA means, it means Sexual Assault.)

If that happened, I'd probably be fine with just breaking out with my powers and then living in the wild until the M.M.A finally comes online and I can get outta this weird world. I'm beginning to realize this is a Hentai world - a world made up of hentai characters and plots. Which is pretty messed up, honestly.

Speaking of my powers, though, I've been getting more and more used to my senses as time goes by. A feat that would've been impossible an hour ago when I first woke up here was now completely possible for me to enact. So, while I was talking and listening to the officer in front of me, I was also listening in on Akane's interview. Thankfully they'd given her a female officer and she seemed like a nice lady who had a near-violent hatred for rapists, so while I'd keep listening in I knew I probably wouldn't have to rush over there. Thank God for that.

Who knew it was a lot of hard work to safeguard pure love in a hentai world?

...Actually, when I put it like that, it sounds really hard from the get-go. Fucked up world. But hey, at least the women here are hot as hell and I mean HOT. Pretty much all of them have body's that'd put a pornstar or lingerie model to shame not to mention they're all some variation of cute, beautiful or sexy in terms of appearance. So it's not ALL bad.

"Hm," Kurokawa hummed in response before sliding my phone back to me, "Do you think you can send me that video? It...really is incriminating for that bastard. If not prison time, he'll be out of his job and he'll never get another job teaching students ever again."

"Good," I huffed before picking up my phone and going to send it to the officer before realizing--"I don't have your contact information. Got an email I can send this to?" Without missing a beat, Kurokawa pulled out a business card and held it out for me. Taking it, I looked it over and saw it had his phone number (for a work phone, presumably) and an email just under that. "Nice card," I said offhandedly, opening up the email app on my phone and putting in all the necessary details before dragging the video over to the email itself.

He chuckled, "Thanks," and his phone pinged as he got the email as soon as I sent it. Taking his own phone out, he checked around the email and to see if the video had been sent properly before nodding to himself and me, "Everything looks to be alright, Kobayashi-san, so you're free to go. We'll get in contact if you're needed."

Standing, I held out a hand for the man who looked surprised for a second before he stood up and clasped my hand in his own, "Hopefully I don't have to see you around, Kurokawa-san," I grinned and he returned it. Just as I turned around, I stopped and looked over my shoulder, "Kurokawa-san," I called out and when I knew I had his attention, I continued, "How long will Nanao-senpai be held for questioning?"

"Not too long, I'd think. Tsubasa-san should be finishing up with Nanao-san's statement soon enough," he informed me and after giving him a final nod, I exited the room and made my way back to a waiting area they'd shown us on our way to the interview rooms. Sitting down, I pulled out my phone and decided to browse the internet for a little while.

I didn't have to wait long, like Kurokawa-san said, and I heard Akane make her way to the room well before I saw her. She was led by the aforementioned Tsubasa - a middle-aged woman with brown hair and green eyes, who while good-looking also wore a ring on her left hand. Married then. I'll say my prayers to whatever God is listening, wishing for a happy marriage. This is a messed up world, after all.

Tsubasa, when she saw me, gave me a grin, "I was wondering what you'd look like, kid, but I never expected such a tall highschooler. No wonder you took that perverted bastard out with a single hit." Well, it was clear I had her approval. "But seriously, what do they feed you kids nowadays? You've got a better build than most the guys around here," she shook her head in clear disbelief before turning to Akane, "I'm a bit jealous you've got such a good junior," she said with an obviously fake pout.

Akane, in response just blushed a little, looking to me with somewhat teary eyes before she pounced at me. Her surprisingly strong arms clamped around my waist, barely able to circle the whole way round as her shoulders began trembling, "Thank you...thank you so much, Kobayashi-kun--If it weren't for you, Coach Tougou would've..." she trailed off and I could already tell she was crying again.

Haah~ I didn't beat that bastard enough, did I? He deserves a few kicks to the balls for putting the moves on a girl he was in a position of power over. Scumbags, man, and the worst part? I really doubt this'll be the last time I'm in this situation. I'm probably gonna become a regular here at the station but not for the reasons you'd expect from a Half-Beast.

...Which is a line of thought I never thought I'd have. Huh. Talk about surreal.

"Yeah, it could've been bad," I said full well knowing just how depraved it actually would've been, "But it didn't happen. That dickhead won't be able to get to ya anymore. And if he tries to contact you? I'm sure the pretty onee-san can give you her phone number, right?" I said and looked up to Tsubasa who gave me a mixture between a genuine smile and a teasing grin before she jotted something down on her notepad before ripping the page from it.

"This silver-tongued devil's right, Nanao-chan. If that disgusting man tries to get in touch with you - which he won't be able to, I'll make sure of it - just ring me. Doesn't matter the time or the day, I'll pick up," she said to Akane who pulled back from hugging me to turn to Tsubasa, who she then rushed to hug as well. With a huff of air knocked out of her by the force of the redhead, Tsubasa just returned the hug with an amused look.

When they finally separated, Akane looked pretty embarrassed and took the paper with the officer's phone number on it with a whisper of thanks. Then a somewhat awkward silence fell on the three of us before Tsubasa decided to break it, "So, Nanao-chan, do you want me to have a pair of officers escort you home or...?"

"No!" Akane quickly answered, shaking her head rather violently before she stopped and turned to me with hopeful eyes, "Can...can you walk me home, Kobayashi-kun?"

Ah. This...wouldn't calling your boyfriend to pick you up be much better? Or your parents?

...Yet those hopeful eyes were saying I'd be condemned by a higher power if I said no. Fuck.

"Sure, I can walk you back, Nanao-senpai," I gave a sigh of exasperated amusement mirrored entirely by Tsubasa who was glancing between the two of us with an increasingly teasing expression. Oi. Stop that. She has a boyfriend! I just saved her (and him) from being NTR'd! I didn't do that just so I could do the deed of stealing her personally instead!

Akane, oblivious to my own mental despair and the building 'oh, young love' look on Tsubasa's face, gave a blinding smile in response to what I said. Jesus, it isn't fair to be that cute while also rocking such a hot body. My will to stay pure is being aggressively shaken.

Tsubasa, who dropped her weird expression when Akane looked to her, gave another appraising look in my direction, "Well, usually I'd keep recommending you take at least one officer with you, Nanao-chan...but with a strapping guy like Kobayashi-kun? I doubt anyone would have the nerve to try anything and if they did they'd sorely regret it," she said with a smirk. She's got that right, at least. A Silverback Gorilla on steroids could try something and I'd still one-shot it.

Still, why do you look so happy, Akane? Please tell me my budding Hero Complex hasn't led to me inadvertently cucking your highschool sweetheart. Please.

"Right!" Akane happily said before glomping back onto my side, "Kobayashi-kun is super strong and...and he makes me feel safe..." she half-whispered that last bit and my brain was already blaring alarms, a bunch of mini-mes running around frantically while my expression basically factory reset to a deadpan look.

Fuck. Hentai logic strikes again, huh?

Chuckling and with her fingers twitching...hold on, is she imagining taking pictures of us? Goddammit woman, we're not childhood sweethearts, you should know this!

Right. First order of business, do not go near Akane at school. Get her back home and return to normalcy from that point onward before whatever's happening gets even worse. What's her boyfriends name again? Oh, right, Katase-kun...I'm trying my hardest not to steal her, man. Why wasn't it you who saved her?! Why me?!--Oh, right, trying to be a better person and all that. Also, realistically, I doubt the guy could've done much. From my new memories I remember a little bit about him because he's on the baseball team and he's about as average physically as you can get. He'd have been flatlined by that pervy coach near instantly.

But still. Now, because I'm not average, I have to deal with potential being a bad guy. Damn. Just when I was starting to better myself too.

With that, we said goodbye to Tsubasa and left the station where I was led by Akane back toward her neighborhood. At least it wasn't too far and I could always test out just how fast I was on my way back to my apartment--Gotta look at the positives, right?

. . .

POV Switch - Akane Nanao

I could still feel the adrenaline in my system, the way my heart thrummed in my chest with fear. The way coach--that bastard's eyes looked over me, the way his foot touched me down there...it sent a shiver of disgust up and down my spine, more fear soon following it when I thought about the 'what if's that could've happened.

But they hadn't happened. All because of one guy.

Looking to the side, I gazed over his side profile. Derek Kobayashi, a half-Japanese student who I'd heard about before. Apparently he was like a zombie. He turned up at school, spoke to no one and then went home. No club activity, no relationships--nothing. I had trouble connecting what I'd heard about him to the man I saw in front of me right now.

He'd been so...so brave and strong and dashing when he'd barged in and saved me from that horrible man. At the time I hadn't paid much attention to it but now I couldn't help but regard him with a little more concentrated attention.

He was quite handsome, even if he looked a little rough with his rugged features. His eyes would look kind of scary if I hadn't seen how kind and protective he could be. After all, whereas I'd been resigned to doing what that jerk had told me to do, too cowardly to fight back in any meaningful way, Kobayashi-kun hadn't wasted any time before he barged in and helped me. When I was too stricken with fear to move, it was his voice that pulled me out of my own head and before I knew it, I was in his embrace.

My face flushed at the thought but not entirely due to embarrassment. Kobayashi-kun was strong. His body was thick with hard muscle and something about that made something deep in my core ache.

But more than that, I felt safe around him just like I'd said to that kind female officer just now.

More safe than I had around Shou-kun. What had been his reaction to getting caught? A weak excuse. What had been his reaction as soon as his coach told him he could leave? He'd ran away and left me there. Alone. It made me feel bitter. Very, very bitter. It also made me think 'Did Shou-kun really care about me?' and 'Do I mean as much to Shou-kun as baseball does?'. I was scared of the answers to those questions but also angry.

More than anything I felt confused.

Where had Shou-kun run off to? What was he thinking leaving me alone at school? Why couldn't Shou-kun be more like--

My thoughts were cut off by Kobayashi-kun speaking, "Shouldn't you tell your boyfriend about this, Nanao-senpai?" his deep voice added to that mysterious ache in my core and made my knees a little weak at hearing how...masculine it sounded. But all that was overshadowed by a new fear.

"No," I said with a shake of my head, "If I tell him, won't he," I was forcibly stopped by my own quivering voice. Taking a few deep breaths, I looked up to Kobayashi-kun, "Won't he think I'm dirty if I tell him someone tried to force themselves on me? Like, what if he thinks I tried to seduce his coach?" I genuinely asked. Boys could be quite peculiar surrounding that subject and a girl's perceived purity--

"He shouldn't," Kobayashi-kun cut me off once more but he didn't stop, "How does some prick trying to blackmail you, make you dirty? If he even thinks such a thing, your boyfriend is a spineless jackass who'd rather blame the victim than turn his scorn on the person who really did wrong. I can always beat some sense into him if he does, you know?" he looked to me with a grin, his amber eyes almost glowing.

Smiling, I giggled lightly, wondering why I wasn't mad that Kobayashi-kun was borderline badmouthing Shou-kun but also imagining a chibi version of both my boyfriend and Kobayashi-kun with the latter chasing the former around in circles.

Though what he said did make sense. How was the baseball coach blackmailing me my fault? If Shou-kun didn't see it that way, well, I'd just have to beat him up myself.

"Thanks for offering but if anyone is gonna beat up Shou-kun if he blames me for this, it's gonna be me!" I piped up, my chin held high but inwardly wondering what is was about Kobayashi-kun that made me feel comfortable enough to act so silly and informally with him. We hadn't officially met until a few hours ago and even then, it was under such terrible circumstances.

I shelved the thought for now, instead just listening to the man next to me as he laughed at my behavior before he ruffled up my hair. I ignored my first instinct to bask in it and instead swatted his hand away from my hair, "Kobayashi-kun! Don't mess up a girl's hair, idiot!" I turned away from him, trying to sort out my now messy hair without a mirror. Though, deep down inside my mind, I couldn't help but marvel at how big his hands were. I felt like a child in front of an adult when given head pats by hands that large.

It did make me curious, though..."Kobayashi-kun?"

"Yeah?" he casually replied, looking around the quiet surroundings of the suburban neighborhood.

"How are you so strong?" I asked, flashes of memory showing Tougou hitting the man next to me and he didn't flinch. He didn't even move his head. Then when he hit him back. Hugging his side at the time, I felt how strong that punch was purely from his movements so I could only feel disbelief at how hard that punch must've hit the other man.

Eyebrow cocked at my question, I nearly blushed from the 'Why do you wanna know?' that was so clear in his expression before he shrugged, "Just am. I guess you could say I won the genetic gacha," he smirked, seeming to enjoy a personal joke of his that no one else knew the punchline to.

...But isn't the phrase 'won the genetic lottery'? Hm. Kobayashi-kun must like playing gacha games, it would seem.

"Why do you ask, anyway?" he posited his own question before smirking again, "What, did you want me to train you up in some super secret martial art? Jeez, Nanao-senpai, this isn't a shounen manga, you know?" he teased and I couldn't help but go red in the face at his words.

"N-no! I was just curious!" I instantly fired back but instantly knew my stuttering start had damned me from the intensifying teasing light in Kobayashi-kun's eyes.

"Eh~? It kinda sounds like you did, though. What, embarrassed an disappointed that I can't turn you into a super martial artist? Who knew my pretty senpai had such childish dreams," he sighed in faux exasperation, only giving away his amusement by the persisting smirk tugging at one side of his lips.

Giving him the stink eye, I replied with a pout, "Girls won't like you if you tease them too much, you know?" and then I paused, realizing something he'd said. Blinking a little, my heart skipped a beat* and I stood still as a statue.

(*A/n - Ah, hentai logic. Say a simple thing anyone could say and you get a girl's heart racing. Seriously, anyone with decent people skills would have unmatched rizz in a hentai/anime world.)

Seemingly not realizing I'd stopped, Kobayashi-kun gave a laugh, "I don't want girls to like me. I want women!" he said loudly and proudly before finally realizing I'd stopped. "Eh, Nanao-senpai? What's the matter?" he asked with a worried tone that made my chest feel fuzzy and warm. But my focus was still on what he'd said not a few moments earlier.

"You think I'm pretty, huh?" I grinned, a thrill racing across my nerves as I teased him back. For some reason, I wanted to see Kobayashi-kun blush and get flustered.

"Oh, that?" he gave a stiff chuckle, looking to the side almost surprised with his own earlier admission. Then his eyes landed back on me and his smirk came back, "Don't know what you're talking about~" he said with infuriatingly annoying singsong voice that made me click my tongue in slight disappointment. This only made him laugh.

...Hmph. Annoying idiot. You can just compliment me, you know--

I stopped again but for a completely different reason this time. Why did I want a compliment off of someone who isn't Shou-kun*?

(*A/n - Because your boyfriend's a pussy and you're now realizing that irrefutable fact.)

I felt confused again. Did I...did I like Kobayashi-kun? But that can't be. Right? I have Shou-kun. Even if Shou-kun wasn't there for me, I still love him, right? I'm not the sort of fickle girl who'll jump to a new person just because they're better than the old one. Right?

The confusion at my own feelings and the doubt at myself as a person kept on piling up and at some point I'd continued walking silently next to Kobayashi-kun. Taking my silence and probable moody expression as a sign to say something, Kobayashi-kun spoke up, "I did a little MMA before," he said out of nowhere and causing me to look at him with an inquisitive expression. "I can teach you a few things, you know, to help in case something like this happens again," he explained with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

An expression that only added to my earlier confusion when I thought about how cute it looked on him.

What is going on with my head--with me in general?

Pushing those thoughts aside, I smiled at him, "I'll think about it. Thank you, Kobayashi-kun."

. . .

POV Switch - Derek Kobayashi

...Well done, dipshit. You say you should avoid her, that you don't wanna steal her and then you offer her MMA lessons. Jesus Christ, is being a scumbag almost instinctive to me or something? I mean, damn, something is bound to happen if I try to teach her grappling or submissions. Even if I want to be a better guy in this life, so I don't end up like I did in my last life, there's a limit to that well of willpower when you consider I'd be up close and personal with a shortstack like Akane.

I'd just finished walking her back and within around twenty seconds I was back at my apartment. What felt like a slow jog for me was actually stunningly quick by most normal standards. The distance must've been about two and a half kilometers so I was running at...over a hundred meters per second.

It does beg the question of just how fast I could go when I go all out.

Okay, we can salvage the Akane situation. Imma take a few days off school to test out my abilities while also letting whatever she has going on inside her head die down a little, if not entirely. Good plan? Good plan.

Throwing my bag down on the sofa, I wondered what the fridge had for me to eat. Regardless of whatever had happened in the aftermath of saving Akane, I did the right thing. And doing the right thing works up an appetite. My stomach growled to drive that point home and I decided I'd have an early night tonight. Shower, eat and then sleep.

After all, whatever is gonna happen in this world has nothing on whatever I'll be facing in the future as a part of the Group Chat.

So, I've gotta be prepared and to be prepared I need to know my limits.

I can't wait to see what this body can actually do at 100%.

A_Pretty_Calm_Guts A_Pretty_Calm_Guts

Not entirely happy with this chapter but oh well. Hope you at least kinda enjoyed it!

Also, still need suggestions for possible group chat members. I need a:

- Frontline Combatant-Type Character

- A Strategist-Type Character

- Two Ranged Combat-Type Characters (Mage, Archer, etc, etc)

The characters you suggest can be of either gender (I want some bros for the MC, honestly) and I ask that you don't suggest characters that are too OP. Or OP at all, now that I think about it. Strong or with a lot of potential are what I want. But considering the nature of the Group Chat and how it hands out powers, I just want interesting characters to write about at the end of the day lol.

Thank you for any suggestions you do offer me!

next chapter
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