Lets start back in a time where space between heaven and hell was being formed by gods angels, and being tainted by Lucifers children; a time where creatures of life and death where sprouting around the holy space of Eden. In this era of birth and death five great evils were formed by lucifer himself, five great creatures of mass destruction. These creatures were known by the angels as giants. These five great giants would be sent out from hell with lucifers generals of fallen angels and their army's of demons to conquer the planets of Eden, these five giants would go on to conquer five of the twelve planets and destroying one in the process from a great war which was held between gods angels and lucifers army's. gravely hurting both sides in the process to the point where both heaven and hell making a treaty promising to not make war between each other.
In this time of tense peace the angels would retreat back to the heavens after creating four different race's the elf, dwarves, humans and demi-humans, and they would leave gifts to each of these races which were given to the angels by god to give to these races, elf's having received the gift of being able to create and control spirits, the dwarves given the knowledge of how to forge great weapons and the mastery over fire, and the humans would get the gift of holy magic, and finally the demi-humans would receive the knowledge of battle arts. God then gave one gift directly to these races to make them complete, the ability to grow. The angels would fret over this because god did not give the ability to grow to angels the angels would stay the way that they were created. The five great giants and the fallen angels would also retreat. The giants would become kings of the planets that they have conquered gaining thrones the size of mountains with the fallen angels at their side and helping control army's that could fill oceans.
During this period of time demons would spread in large and small numbers to the others planets that they did not belong to and would have small battles against these races and the races also have battles against each other. The humans would think to themselves as the superior race creating vast kingdoms, And the elf's would hide from the races secluding in large forests hiding from other races and the demi-humans would do something similar but hiding from one race the humans as the humans demised them and then their were the dwarves shy people hiding underground and forging great weapons and accumulating riches from the other races for providing these weapons to the races. As time has past up to the present day a new gift a secret gift would be given to Eden from god and the angels, a warrior with all the races ability's and more a being that is able to one day transcend above god himself a being that is destined to destroy lucifer and his giants this being would be known as Zero The Hero of the Heaven.
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