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16.66% Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson / Chapter 1: Chapter 3
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson original

Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson


© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 3

She breathed in before drowning herself in the tub with her small frame. Now more noticeable, she has a long slash-like scar on her back with many other bruises and scars. The one on her back was when her uncle was drunk and she was serving a drink to him when she tripped, causing him to be angry. He grabbed the largest piece of the broken glass and drew that slash on her and kicked her on the pile of shards. Another big scar was around both of her forearms with the evidence of being tied up with a rope. This one was caused by Dudley's friend who thought it was a good idea to tie her up with a rope on a tree for a day until she was rescued by a firefighter.

Some of the others were all caused by mistakes she made and some are just plain abuse. They were all healed but not good enough as they leave permanent scaring on her small body frame. She has no remorse for what happened to her as she expected from muggles who hated magic, but it still hurt to know the same kind of human was the one she sided with before. Is this why her students hated muggles? Is this why they decided to divide the world in two? Is this why the mother agreed? She doesn't know anymore...

She had covered them with glamour a lot of times for the first time. She stood up from the tub and dried herself with a drying charm wordlessly and wandless and stared at her reflection for good fifteen minutes before getting dressed in her pajama.

Morgana climbed onto the bed of Leaky Cauldron provided and breathed out a sigh. "what cause you to sigh, big brother?"

She turned with a scowl on her face. "I'm a girl now, you bastard. Better call me sister and don't be bitter about my name." She shook her head fondly as Merlin kept on complaining or more like whining.

"You know," he turned toward her questioningly, "Your name means Sea Fortress while my current name means circling sea. We have the word sea as our meaning, don't you want your sister to match with you?" He seemed to be thinking before grudgingly nodding.

"I will call you Morgan and she Morgi." Merlin huffed and turned his head as if he had resolved what was on his mind.

Morgana let out a cheery laugh at the way Merlin called one of her students. She was bawling on her bed struggling to control her breathing while the small portrait Merlin huffed and shouted for her to stop laughing. They had been doing that for a while before a click alerted the both of them.

Instinctively, she pulled the portrait down making Merlin unable to hear or see anything with her Pine Wand under her pillow. Her eyes were glowing eerie green with her pupil slightly turning slit but not in a noticeable way. Just as she was about to cast the curse that was threatening to roll off her lips, a dominating and smooth voice made her stop.

"I don't think your reaction would be like this." She grumbled slightly and cursed in her head, while the man near the door was amused.

"I don't think my so-call archenemy wants to talk to me. What can I do for you, Voldemort?" She sat crossed legs in Indian style on her bed with her wand twirling between her fingers.

Voldemort looked at her questioningly and she quirked an eyebrow at him. "Your eyes go red every time you took control. I wouldn't be surprised that some of your magic would leak out every time."

He gritted his teeth knowing that the girl was correct. Indeed, every time he took control, his magic would leak out and make it impossible to control no matter what. What had drawn him to this brat in front of him, though the irresistible sweet sense that kept on rolling off her kept making him feel hungry?

Seeing Voldemort was quiet, she stood up and propelled a vial of blackish marble potion to him. "This is a potion to restore your sanity. Don't be offended," she quickly altered after seeing an offended glare sent her way.

"When you split your soul too much, it makes you turn insane and fear and insanity don't go well together." she was talking about her experience but he doesn't need to know that.

She peeked at Voldemort, who was inspecting the potion before consuming it whole. At least he knows drinking all of it in one go is better than just sipping it. After a while, Voldermort opened his eyes and the redness in the iris is more profound. It seemed he was confused before his head snapped back to Morgana.

"I wouldn't do if I call out on you, but what the fun in that?" a scowl spread across Quirrel's face while she was twirling her wand lazily with a smirk.

"What are you planning to do, wrench brat?" Morgana can't help but rolled her eyes at the last two words in Parseltongue. She decided to be sarcastic and pointed her wand lazily at the obvious tense Voldemort.

"I would be more careful if I were you," he growled as he eye the wand warily.

She rolled her eyes again, "I'm not planning to do anything," he visibly relaxed "yet." He turned a glare at her immediately.

A giggle escaped her lips with mirth in her eyes, "I want to see how everything turns out, but if you don't change, I can only get rid of you."

Shock spread across his face as she continued. It wasn't an understatement that he was utterly shocked but also a feeling of relief as long spread in his body. It was as if he was used to such threats coming to him, even if he doesn't know the brat in front of him before.

He calmed down and rubbed his temple, "what do you get out of this?"

Morgana's grin fell and her face turned expressionless. "Hmmm... One," she lifted a finger, "I want to go on an adventure. Second, I want to see what the Wizarding World had become if light and dark were to resonate together. And finally," she took a deep breath, "a little living in peace doesn't seem to be a bad idea, right?"

Her gentle and sad smile made Voldemort frown. He scrunched his nose as some kind of emotion erupted in him, it was confusing. "That all?"

Her head tilted to the side and smiled mysteriously. "In return, I can make the same potion to restore your sanity and you will gather all of your souls." His hand landed on his wand again but Morgana didn't notice that "it felt as if you weren't full, you need to solve that problem yourself."

He squinted his eyes before nodding, he felt tired already just thinking about the possibility of her knowing. 'Felt? She can feel the soul of others?'

"Who the hell are you?" He widened his eyes when he noticed he had blurred the question in his mind out. They stared at each other before she goes into a trance-like state.

"The girl who lived, the golden girl, your mortal enemy, your potential ally." She listed the title she know so far, Voldemort growled as he didn't get the answer he wanted.

She stood up from her bed and handed him a rolled-up parchment paper with another smile that doesn't settle well with him. "This is the contract, bye~"

He felt as if his whole was being sucked out of the room and before long, he was standing near the edge of the forbidden forest.

"Damn that brat!"

Morgana sneezed momentarily, 'he must be cursing me...' Before sitting down on her bed and making the portrait of Merlin stood up.

"Sis! Sis! Sis! Let me-" he was frantically banging on the glass and she gave him an amused smile as she watched her brother being frantic.

"Finally calling me sister? What a new development, Merlin." He turned to glare at her and huffed out relief with anger. She shook her head and prepared herself for sleep, also putting on a ward to alert her of anyone coming in.

"Good night, little bro." He looked up and smiled before also saying good night, she pulled out a napkin and dropped it over the portrait.

"WAKE UP!!!" Morgana shot up with her wand in hand before noticing no one was in and the ward she put up wasn't alerting her anything.

She turned and threw the napkin off Merlin's portrait and glared at him. He squeaked before running out of the portrait, possibly behind the portrait. She huffed in annoyance and cast Tempus.

"... 6:30 am" she ruffled her hair before going to the bathroom. "Hmm.. hmm... mmm."

She put down her glamour and drowned herself in the tub full of water again. She stayed in the water for a while before getting out and dried herself with a drying charm and dressed up after putting on glamour again.

Morgan was dressed in a V-neck dark cyan dress, with French embroidery floral designs from the left side of her shoulder to the right side of her dress. She and the same dark cyan ribbon wrapped around her was it making her look slimmer, she had also worn a pair of black matte low heels straps. Her hair was braided on both sides and held back with a silver ribbon, her unruly hair manage to stay a little gravitated to the ground.

She got out of the bathroom and Merlin smiled brightly as if he didn't do anything earlier. She glared softly at him, "Morning, sis~" his sing-song voice made her want to strangle him like she used to do, but he is a portrait right now.

"Will you be heading out, today?" He tilted his head like a cat.

She sighed as if contemplating if she should put him back in the vault or keep him. "Yes... I need to do an inheritance test, along with talking to Ragnok."

He frowned slightly, "you should have done all of those, yesterday."

"I want to finish buying all the school supplies, besides" she stretched and let out a satisfied sigh as she heard the pop. "I want a good breakfast."

He nodded, "okay, bye~"

She nodded and locked the door, not before adding some protective and lock charm first. She goes down and sat near the bar and ordered Kapusta Breakfast Toast and orange juice.

She didn't finish half of it and she is already full, she banished the half toast and drank about half of the orange juice. She paid for the breakfast and walked to Gringott.

The moment she entered, she saw Ragnok already in front of the entrance with many parchments in hand. "Please come this way, Miss Potter."

She raised a brow when Ragnok spoke Gobbledegook, she glanced to her side and saw a couple with one complete blondie with grayish silver eyes while the female next to him had black with blond highlight and a pair of blue eyes. She tilted her head in amusement but still followed Ragnok silently.

"I wouldn't expect the current lord of Malfoy would be here." Ragnok also nodded and passed her a parchment. She read the content and furrowed a brow.

They arrived at Ragnok's office and she settled herself comfortably in one of the armchairs. Ragnok walked behind the table and also settled himself in his chair. She gently placed the parchment down and tabbed it multiple times.

He waited patiently for her to talk while he organized the necessary items. He looked up and saw Morgana begin to be more conscious. "Let's do the inheritance test first, we will deal with this later."

She took the parchment and made a cut with her thump nail and let the blood drop onto the paper. She healed her injury and let the blood settle in the parchment with words forming with her blood.

— Birth Certificate —

Name: Morgana Eirene Potter Peverell Black

Father: James Fleamont Potter (pureblood/deceased)

Mother: Lilian Marie Potter nee Evan (Fae/deceased)

Blood Adopted Father: Sirius Black (exoneration/alive)
















Le Fay


Heir/Heiress Vault:

Black Vault

Gaunt Vault

Slytherin Vault

Hufflepuff Vault

Lord/Lady Vault:

Potter Vault

Peverell Vault

Evan Vault

Gryffindor Vault

Ravenclaw Vault

Emrys Vault

Pendragon Vault

Mortem Vault

Lux Vault

Personal Vault:

Yan Anastasia Emrys Vault


Mistress of Death and Light

The greatest Witch of Camelot

Queen of Dragon

The Light Lord

– Abilities and Magic Stability –

(Smear to read...)

She stared at the result for a solid 10 minutes before tossing the paper away as if it has burned her flesh. "Dragon fire! What the hell is that part?!"

Ragnok got curious and looked at the paper before he paled visibility. He turned his gaze to Morgana and she was staring at him as well with equally shocked expressions on their face.

"Don't look at me like that, ask lord death." He grumbled when a sudden expression of accusation overcome his friend's face.

Morgana frowned after hearing what he said but didn't say anything else. "Let's just ignore this as well," she rolled up the paper, "let's get on the real business." She flung it across the room nonchalantly.

"Please write what vault you want to access." She took the quill from Ragnok's hand.


Name: Morgana Eirene Potter Peverell Black

Potter Vault

Peverell Vault

Yan Anastasia Emrys Vault


'Put Mortem Vault as well, young mistress.' Her hand stilled as she heard a raspy voice in her head, the magic was almost deadly and void.

Her eyes narrowed for a while before her hand wrote what Lord Death had told her to do. 'I do believe I need an explanation, Lord Death?'

If she didn't know any better, she would have thought he was humming in amusement. She waited for him to answer, 'Talking to you would be in private would be a nice idea. Don't worry, young mistress. Your life will still be normal unless you break some circumstances, like involving in a specific war.'


Name: Morgana Eirene Potter Peverell Black

Potter Vault

Peverell Vault

Yan Anastasia Emrys Vault

Mortem Vault


She injured the same injury again and let the blood soak through the paper. "Do your work, Ragnok."

She pushed the parchment to Ragnok and he took it without complaint. He waved his hand and 14 black box was on the table, he jump off his chair and went to the back of his office. She shrugged as she was used to such actions and wore the rings one by one but she leave 2 rings out. She saw Ragnok come back with a black pouch with golden embroidery on it.

"This will only work for you, young mistress. Just think of the vault you want access to, reach in, and take out anything you want from the pouch. In case, you lose you, I put a  tracking rune on it."

She nodded and wrapped the string out her waist, she stood up. "A pleasure to see you after a long time, by the way, Ragnok." And she is out.

Ragnok sat on his chair and sighed while rubbing his temple. He was wondering what kind of things he did in his last life to serve this lady. He was certain it was a punishment for him.

Morgana bought some books from the fifth year up along with some books including dark art that are not that dark. She hopped out of the store and made her way to the trunk store named 'Trunk for Every Day and Night Use!' The store was filled with all kinds of wooden trunks and even metal trunks.

The owner was extremely helpful as he explained to her the properties of each trunk and some new limited edition ones. She decided to buy the one with pine wood, it has six compartments and can be expanded greatly. She had her initial and a symbol of a silver dragon huddling next to it, she also had put all kinds of protection she can think of in the world.

She said thank you to the owner and made her way to 'Magical Menagerie' with curiosity. She was greeted by sounds of squeaking, squawking, jabbering, and hissing of various creatures. She walked around and came across a feline section, she smiled softly remembering when she also have a cat before. As she was about to walk passed the section, she noticed a cat.

It was a Khao Manee breed with white fur and a pair of eyed, the kitten watching her silently was beautiful. She stood in her place before the owner came toward her.

"Is there something wrong, young girl?" she turned to the owner with an innocent smile.

She shook her head lightly, "no, sir. I'm just fascinated by this beautiful little one, I was wondering how old is it?"

"This Kitten's mother had given birth to her just three months ago. She seemed to be a magical species kind of cat, which is kind of rare." the owner informed her mindlessly. He seemed to be very easygoing and calm.

"Can I purchase her?" Morgana reached her hand to the feline but the owner's reaction was odd.

It was... as if he was afraid, but the kitten didn't do anything and just climbed in her hand. She looked at the owner curiously as he composed himself again. "This little one didn't let anyone come close to her."

Morgana raised a brow and looked at her new cat, they silently conversing making the owner nervous before she chuckled. She handed him 9 galleons with a smirk. "I love her. Thank you for taking her in, sir."

She went on to buy some cat stuff and supplies before getting back to Leaky Caudron. She ordered Sunday Roast as her lunch to be in her room after it was cooked. Just like before, she ate only half of it but she gave some to her kitten and to Hedwig, who all happily dug in.

She watched her pets eat happily before taking out a book about potions of a seventh-year and sitting on her bed to read. She subconsciously stroked her cat as she turned to a new page, from the corner of her eyes, she saw her little kitten flapping its tail while enjoying the attention. She suddenly put her book down not before making the page and took the kitten in her arm.

"What should I name you, hmm?" She looked into the odd eye cat before stroking her again, making the kitten purr happily.

She made it purred several times before chuckling happily. "Your name will be Sapphire, Phire will be your nickname." The kitten now named Sapphire looked at her with confusion and curiosity, so cutely that Morgana cooed at her.

She smiled softly before sleepiness come to her.

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