"Pe■s■■s..... what wouldst thee tradeth for some meager luck? In the nameth of salvation?"
"Luck is nothing but another parameter in conducting the principles of a world. A slightly volatile one, but a somewhat predictable factor nonetheless. Namely, Plot Armor....or as I like to call it: Narrational Armor."
"An artificial Champion he may be....let him prove his worth. After all, the mechanical flesh of outer gods is no trifling matter."
"Are you serious? A prototype for the Dimension Hopper?"
"Ah, yes, I need to reforge the vessel....for Greece....yes, Zeus shall do."
"Hi, my name is Pe■s■■s! But you can call me Pe■■■!"
"St■■■o! Why am I not allowed to meet M■■■sa anymore?"
"The flesh...! Oh...it burns....! It hungers...! Oh, the starvation....! The pain....the unbearable pain...! My mind....like mush...."
"Do not disappoint me....it would be an awful waste if you were to fail while crowned with that prestigious name....."
"What is that.....abomination.....!?!"
"Thou art son of Zeus....and mine own great-grandson"
"Show me your adventure, my little project born from the programmed husk....I expect great things from you"
ACT 1: Dawn of the Golden Age/Son of Zeus (A)
Any ideas for Ancient Greece? Oooooh booooy......
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis