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100% Saiyan in Marvel (Completed) / Chapter 13: END

Chapitre 13: END

Reese got goosebumps as he shot forward towards Thanos, he flashed in front of him and kicked him, sending him flying through the air and smashing into an alien ship at the end of the battlefield. T'Challa sighed "Why didn't he do that before?" Steve said "I'm not quite sure." Tony flew by and said "Dramatic effect." the duo sighed "Not the time.."

Luna eyes shined and she flew towards Tony, she landed on his shoulders and went super saiyan and fired a Kamehameha at the aliens while giggling. Gwen flew through the battlefield and heated up as she put her hands together and fired a fire beam, that she came up with herself, and incinerated a group of aliens. Pepper landed next to her and said "Nice!" Gwen smiled and said "You know, first time fighting aliens." Pepper sighed "Why is it always earth?" Gwen sighed and continued fighting with Pepper.

Reese flew through the air and kicked the same alien he killed in central park, into the air before firing a Galic Gun at him and turning him to ashes. He flashed down to Thanos and threw him at his own giant space ship, sending him through it before teleporting behind him and smashing him down to the ground and teleporting under him and kneeing him in the back.

Reese lifted his palm and shot an energy sphere towards Thanos, it flew and blew up on impact, causing a massive explosion in the air. He flashed above a group of aliens and Luna joined him, she charged a Kamehameha and Reese stood behind her and covered her hands with his own while pumping Ki into them.

Luna shot her hands forward and fired a massive pink Kamehameha beam, that obliterated the alien group and kept going running along the ground and killing more. Luna was panting and Reese laughed as he patted her head and said "Not too bad kiddo." Luna smiled and waved her tail as she enjoyed Reese's touch. He smiled and said "Go help your mom, he's not finished yet." Luna nodded and Reese smirked "You haven't seen this before either.."

He shouted and thunder rumbled as the ground shook, everyone looked up and saw Reese's hair spike up and turn blue, he smirked and appeared in front of Thanos and punched him in the face, sending him flying towards Carol, she grimaced and punched him back, he grinned and kicked him back towards her. The duo started playing ping-pong with Thanos, who really didn't expect to get his ass handed to him and gritted his teeth at the humiliation. Tony flew over and said "Why don't you just kill him?" Reese said "I'm having fun humiliating him. Should I end it?" Tony looked around and said "It would help." Reese nodded and chuckled "You sure you don't want a hit? It's fun!"

Tony chuckled and pushed him aside before locking himself in place and punching Thanos as hard as he could back to Carol, Tony shook his arm and said "Damn that hurts!" Reese laughed and shook his head "Nice shot though, I think we won!" Carol kicked him over and followed him.

She landed in front of the duo, as Reese kicked Thanos into the air, and said "You never said it was duos!" Reese shrugged and smirked "Maybe you should've got a partner? I guarantee you would've lost though." Carol snapped and butted her head to his and said "You want a fight blue man?" Reese looked at Tony and said "Blue man?" Tony shrugged and said "I would've gone with Blue crayola."

Reese grimaced "That's really bad..." before looking at Carol and sneering "Maybe I do E.T-ette." Carol seethed, she saw that movie. Tony said "Ehh, I give it a 7/10." Reese sighed and said "I thought it would be better too.." as he caught Thanos by the neck and slammed him on the ground.

Reese looked at Thanos and said "Hey look at that I caught a big fish!" Thanos said "You're the one from the video in Nebula's memory files." Reese waved and said "Stop, i'll blush." Tony shook his head and fired at the aliens trying to save Thanos, Carol was still gritting her teeth at 'E.T-ette'.

Thanos cough and said "You were right. Balance cannot be achieved the way I did it, I should've taken your advice." Reese shook his head and said "No matter what you did you would've died either way, there are people way stronger than me who can kill you with a snap of their fingers, without the infinity stones." Carol looked at him and said "How do you know that?" Reese looked at her and said "I don't think that's your business is it?" Carol turned her head away and mumbled "Asshole..." he laughed and turned back to Thanos, who sighed and said "Very well, do it."

Reese smiled and lifted his other hand, creating a mini sphere out white light and slapping his palm on Thanos' forehead, his body started to slowly disintegrate and he disappeared. Tony said "Perfect!, Now all we have to do is blast the rest of these aliens." Reese said "Just get me the gauntlet, I'll snap them away. I want to go home." Tony shook his head and said "You saw what that did to Bruce?" Reese chuckled and said "That was Bruce, I'm like 2000x stronger than him."

He disappeared and landed next to Clint saying "Hey chief hand me the gauntlet eh?" Clint gave it to him and said "Thanos gone?" Reese took the stones out and put them into his own gauntlet and said "Yep!" Clint was shocked and said "You're gonna use those?!" Reese nodded his head and said "Yep!" Clint shook his head and said "You're crazy."

Rainbow veins trailed up Reese's arm and he said "Oh that's nice. I feel energized!" Tony landed and said "Woah kid you already did it." Reese smiled and said "Cool huh? I think i'm the strongest person in the universe now!" Gwen smacked him in the back of the head and said "Take them out, I need a husband."

Reese chuckled and snapped his fingers, he literally thought 'turn Thanos' army to bubbles'. The aliens started turning to bubbles and popping, dying and disappearing. Steve looked around and saw Reese with the stones and walked over saying "Bubbles?" Reese grinned and said "Dust is so 5 years ago." as he laughed to himself, Tony licked his lips and turned away, trying not to laugh and Steve said "Not funny." Reese chuckled and said "I have a real problem though." everyone listened quietly.

Reese said "What about the people we snapped back, Gwen was in the same spot. Do people that were in airplanes come back in the air? And what if you walk in the space someone was when they get snapped back, do you turn into a fused Kronenburg monster?" Tony rubbed his chin and Reese continued and said "What about the people that died that die of natural causes! Do they come out of the graves like zombies?!" he started waving his hands in the air and Steve winced and said "I don't know, who do you want me to ask? I didn't make them." Reese sighed and closed his eyes before snapping twice.

He took the stones out and put them back in the gauntlet before giving it to Steve saying "There you go." and walking away with his family as a bright light flashed in front of the rest. Natasha appeared from the white light and said "Oh hey guys! What did I miss?" Clint hugged her and said "You're back!" Natasha giggled and said "I guess so.. Though I don't really remember where I went." Steve frowned and said "Reese brought you back with the infinity stones." Natasha frowned and said "Who's Reese? I only remember going to Vormir alone and the rest is a blur."

The rest gasped and Tony shook his head and sighed "What a kid.." Natasha held her abdomen and grimaced in pain as she fell to her knees, Steve said "Are you okay?!" Natasha nodded and said "Feels like when I got sterilized but in reverse.." the rest froze and realized what Reese did, they sighed and Steve said "Let's get you to a hospital." as the group left.

Reese was inside the building and packing all his stuff as he said "I'm thinking of building a house somewhere, do you want to help baby?" Gwen smiled and nodded "Maybe Tony will help too!" Luna cheered and said "Future house! Future house!" Reese laughed and picked her up, he kissed her and said "Does my princess want a future house?" Luna cheered and sat on his shoulders. Reese carried a big box of everything he owned, that wasn't burned and walked out of the room in his normal state.

He whistled and passed right by Natasha, they didn't even look at each other, she went right to Gwen and said "Gwen! How are you! I was so sad when you left.." as she hugged her, Gwen hugged her back and looked at Reese, who shook his head and walked away with Luna. Gwen smiled and said "Thank you Nat.. For everything." Natasha smiled and said "Of course! Call me if you need me." Gwen nodded and smiled "You too.." as she parted ways with Natasha and chased after Reese, Natasha turned around and looked at Reese, who looked at her for a second before walking away with Gwen, she frowned, he looked familiar, she thought he was a worker at first, she shrugged and left, she need to go to the hospital and get herself checked.

Reese was silent and Gwen said "What happened?" he said "I brought her back, fixed her infertility, and wiped her memories of my existence. She can live whatever life she wants now, while we live ours. Clean, easy, efficient." Gwen looked at him and said "You're happy with this?" Reese smiled and said "She was my friend and I was desperate and confused. I returned a favor, why should I be sad?" Gwen wrapped her arms around his arm and said "I thought you would want her back..." Reese stopped and turned to Gwen saying "Honey, look at me."

Gwen looked up and Reese held her cheeks and said "I love you, only you.." Luna pouted and huffed, Reese chuckled "And the little jealous princess." Gwen giggled and Luna smacked his head saying "I'm not jealous! Daddy's just mean!" Reese laughed and said "I wouldn't be happy with anyone other than you." as he looked into her eyes, she looked back and saw the love and affection in his eyes and smiled slightly while blushing, she looked down as her ears turned pink and she said quietly "Reaalllyy~" Reese smiled and said "Really."

Gwen touched her fingers together and whispered "Then maybe you can give me another child?" Reese was stunned and whispered back "That was already the plan." Gwen smiled and said "And take me out on dates more often?" Reese nodded and held her hand as he walked out, she kept saying things and he kept agreeing as Luna giggled and the family flew away.

3 years later

Reese was sitting outside of his massive house, watching Luna train. He built his own house with Tony's help, he even had an AI system attached to it. Tony's house was about a 10 minute walk away, Reese sighed happily as he sat in his chair with Gwen on his lap and a bump on her belly, she was pregnant again. She rubbed her stomach and smiled as she leaned her head on Reese's shoulder, he got a haircut and stopped drinking everyday, life was back to normal.

A few days later

Reese chuckled and said "Shenron get out here." Shenron appeared and said "Can't you be more polite?" Reese rubbed his head and said "I'm sorry, in 5 years i'll call you normally okay?" Shenron huffed and said "I'm a dragon not a dog!" Luna said "WOAH IS THAT A DRAGON?!!?" she was having a mental collapse, Shenron chuckled and said "Finally get to see the kid." Reese said "Last time, I was trying to revive her mother so I wasn't going to bring her along."

Luna said "Daddy can I have a wish?!" Reese said "You can have 2!" Luna cheered and said "What should I wish for?" Reese said "1 should be to breathe in space, so we can go to vacation on other planets, and the second can be whatever you want." Luna said "I want me and mommy to be able to breathe in space!" Shenron's eyes flashed and both girls glowed for a second.

Luna said "Now I want my Ki to be pink colored!" Reese was amused and Shenron laughed as his eyes flashed and Luna's Ki turned pink as she cheered. Shenron laughed and disappeared, Reese caught a ball and landed back on the ground before saying "Maybe next time you wish for some training stuff no?" Luna smiled sweetly and said "I have you to train me~" Reese sighed and Gwen giggled as she said "You train me too~" and winked at him, he smirked and spun her into his arms as he said "You're just a little devil aren't you?" She smiled and said "Maybe~" Luna covered her eyes and ran away saying "Gross!" as Reese and Gwen laughed and kissed.

5 years later

Reese was playing around with his 4 year old son, who said "Daddy! Luna said that she won't play with me because i'm a baby!" Reese rubbed his forehead and said "You are a baby, Max." Max pouted and said "No i'm not! Look!" he flew up in the air and flicked his tail saying "She always with Morgan.." he turned red, Reese squinted and said "What's that face? What's going on?" Max flew away saying "Nothing! Don't ask anymore questions!" Reese laughed as he watched him go and Gwen walked by saying "What are laughing at?" Reese said "Looks like Max has a crush on Morgan." Gwen giggled and sighed as she looked at Reese, he looked at her and said "What's wrong baby?"

Gwen pouted and said "I'm getting old! Look at me!" Reese shook his head and said "Come with me."

A while later

Reese said "Oh mighty, great, and handsome Shenron, please appear and grant my requests!" Shenron flew down and laughed as he said "Much better than last time, but can you add coolest in the universe?" Reese chuckled and said "If you can do me a favor, make Gwen look like she did at 21 for the rest of her life." Shenron said "Like eternal youth?" Reese shook his head and said "Like eternal youth BUT you don't live forever, she just always looks young, like me." Shenron's eyes flashed and Gwen went back to her 21 year old appearance, Reese gave him a thumbs up and said "Give Max the ability to breathe in space too please." Shenron did it and disappeared as a ball floated in front of Reese, he smiled and grabbed it before turning to Gwen and saying "How about it? In love with me?"

Gwen felt her body and said "I think he turned by body to 21 permanently..." she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered "You remember what my favorite thing was then?" Reese gulped and Gwen felt him poking at her stomach and said "Looks like you remember.. Come with me Daddy~" Reese picked her up and teleported to their room.

3 years later

Luna came home from school with Morgan and they were talking, Max popped his head out and stared at Morgan, Luna noticed him and said "Get out of here! Why are you such a creep!" Max scoffed and said "Says you! You only talk about boys! I'm just admiring Morgan's beauty is all!" he turned his head up and snorted as if he had the high ground here. Luna paled and for good reason, Reese appeared in front of her and said "Thinking about boys eh? Maybe we should have a little chat." as he stared her down, she didn't back down and said "Daddy! I'm 18! I can do what I want!" Reese scoffed, not while I'm alive kiddo, you better find someone who's stronger than your dad!"

He turned to Morgan and smiled "How are you Morgan?" she smiled and said "Not too bad Uncle Reese. How are you?" Reese smiled and said "Great! Tell your dad I said Hi when you see him, and that he can come over more often." she smiled and nodded as Reese turned around and walked away saying "When Morgan leaves were having a talk~"

Luna glared at Max and said "You little!" he yelped and flew away as she chased him, Morgan watched and giggled as she followed the two.

A while later

Morgan went home and Reese grabbed Luna and said "Where do you think you're sneaking off to?" Luna pouted and said "Daddy! Why are you so mean!?" Gwen walked in with Max and said "What happened now?" Reese said "Our daughter wants a boyfriend." Luna snapped "I'M 18!" Reese scoffed and said "You're still a baby, what are you doing thinking about boys?" Gwen said "You sound like my dad." Reese frowned and said "I hate that guy."

Luna said "Grandpa?" Gwen shook her head and said "We don't talk very much but he didn't like your father, actually he still doesn't." Reese grumbled "Just a crazy old man.." Luna giggled and said "So are yooou~" Reese pinched her cheeks and said "Who's the crazy one?!" Luna laughed and Gwen said "So you have a boy you like?" Luna blushed and Reese seethed "Who is he? I'll kill him!" Luna waved her hands and said "Nobody!" Max said "I think his name was Barry..." Reese frowned "That kid from back then?"

Luna said "You met him before?!" Reese waved and said "When he was a kid, his mom got snapped. Anyway, absolutely not! No boys! He'll have to go through me or you'll be the new age Rapunzel!" Gwen giggled and shook her head as she sat down next to Luna and talked with her. Max sat og Reese's shoulders and crossed his arms saying "Hmph, lock her up dad." Reese crossed his arms and said "Yeah, I will." Gwen looked at the two and laughed.

3 years later

Reese got into a space ship with his family and flew away with the coordinates Rocket gave him, it took forever but he might've found a planet with Saiyans on it. Reese flew straight to the planet as the rest looked out the window and said "Pretty!" Reese smirked and went into light speed as he swerved and barrel rolled out of the way of an asteroid and laughed as the rest paled, he said "Don't worry i'm the best pilot in the universe!" as he perfectly maneuvered through the asteroid field as the rest screamed, he smirked and put a book that said 'How to be the best space ship pilot in the universe' back into his shirt.

A while later

They landed on the planet and saw a bunch of people with tails, the people look at them and Reese showed his own tail and said "Is there a king here?" they nodded and pointed to the castle, Reese brought his family to the castle as they looked around.

They entered the castle and saw a spiky haired man, who said "Who are you?" Reese said "I'm Reese, a saiyan just like you all." as he showed his tail, the man nodded and said "I'm King Vegeta." Reese was shocked and said "What?! Do you have a son?" King Vegeta shook his head, Reese rubbed his forehead and said "Man that's weird.. Is there a man named Bardock?" Kind Vegeta nodded and said "Get Bardock!" Another man showed up and Reese looked at him and said "Hello, my name is Reese nice to meet you."

Bardock nodded and said "Is there something you need?" Reese said "Come with me." he left and Bardock followed him, Reese grabbed Bardock and said "I'm going to do you a favor. Stand still." He waved in front of Bardock and his eyes glazed over, he cried and screamed before turning Super Saiyan, Reese waved again and Bardock came back to reality, he looked at himself and said "The legendary super saiyan!?" he looked at Reese, who smiled and went Super saiyan 1, then 2, then 3. then 4, then God, then God Blue and stopped as Bardock was having trouble breathing.

Reese went back to normal as he said "How is it?" Bardock took a deep breath and said "Strong!" Reese smiled and said "Actually 4 is a trick, you go into Great Ape form, then turn super saiyan and condense your money form into a human shape." Bardock said "Why are you telling me all this?" Reese said "Cus I get a good feeling from you." he gave Bardock a thumbs up and Bardock said "At least let me treat you to dinner at my home." Reese smiled and nodded.

A while later

Reese and his family ate dinner with Bardock and left the planet after leaving a mark on the planet so he could Teleport to it anytime, maybe Bardock would be a good sparring partner in time. Reese flew through space on his family vacation, they stopped at many planets and even met Quill and the guardians of the galaxy, they talked for a bit and Rocket said "Race me!" Reese grinned and said "You sure?" Rocket nodded seriously and Reese laughed and said "Let's do it."

Quill shook his head and said "Easy win." Rocket said "Shut up Quill I need to focus, this guy's scary good." Quill put in a cassette and said "We'll do it together." Rocket nodded and Quill's music started playing as Nebula said "3,2,1, go!" the two ships sped off and raced through as asteroid field.

Reese grinned as he rolled over the other ship and winked at Rocket before swerving around a rock and shooting forward, Rocket grit his teeth and Quill took over saying "Don't worry, we'll get the flashy bastard with maneuver 57!" Rocket said "Are you crazy?!" Quill said seriously "If we can pull this off we have a chance! I will not lose to that flashy bastard!" as he sped up and slid of an asteroid before shooting to another one and picking up speed, he flew sideways and squeezed through a small gap as they passed Reese, who laughed and said "Take a seat and strap yourselves in people! We're getting serious."

He chuckled as the rest strapped in, he flipped a few switches and turned a couple of knobs, he grinned and slammed a button before pushing a lever and the shit shot forward and gained on Quill's ship as he spun the ship quickly and dived under a rock before slingshotting up and passing the other ship as they shot towards the finish line and stopped.

Reese got out of the ship and sat on top of it as he laughed, the other ship showed up and Quill flew outside with his mask on as he said "That was some of the best pilotin' I've ever seen!" Reese shook his hand and said "You're not too bad yourself." as he laughed, they talked for a bit more before parting ways as Reese continued his vacation.

As the time flew by the family visited more and more planets, sometimes fought some people, sometimes just relaxed.

One day

Reese was flying the space ship when he came across a giant man with a huge helmet that had horn like protrusions, there was also a silver man with a silver surf board. Reese felt his blood boiling as he said "Stay here, this will be fun!" Gwen said "Who are they?" Reese said "Some of the most powerful entities in the universe! I'm gonna go ask him if he wants to fight!" as he left and Gwen sighed, Luna and Max went outside to watch and Gwen followed them.

Reese flew up to Galactus' face and said "Hey! Do you want to spar a bit?" Galactus turned his head and said "Who are you?" Reese said "Reese! So is that a yes?" Galactus waved and said "Leave before I annihilate you." Reese went Super Saiyan God and said "C'mon, please?" Galactus said "You're annoying." Reese laughed and said childishly "I won't leave until you fight me." as he crossed his arms.

Galactus slapped him, sending him flying through space. Reese teleported back and grinned excitedly "Nice! My turn!" he threw a punch and sent Galactus flying into a planet, Galactus looked down and ate the planet before getting up and saying "What's the big idea kid?! I'm just trying to eat here!" Reese laughed and said "Exercise is good for your health!" as he shot forward and met Galactus' punch and the two started fighting.

The Silver Surfer flew over to Gwen and the other two and said "Hello, i'm Norrin Radd." Gwen sighed and said "Gwen, nice to meet you. I assume you are a celestial?" Norrin said "Currently. Why is he fighting Galactus?" Gwen said "He likes to fight strong people, we're supposed to be on vacation.." Norrin was just stunned as he watched the two fight.

Reese flashed to Galactus' knee and kicked it before flashing to his chin and uppercutting him, sending him in the air, he flashed above him and firing a final flash at Galactus, sending him back down into... well nothing really, he just flew down. Reese flashed under him and propped him up as he said "It's no fun without a stage..." Galactus coughed and said "You're really strong." Reese smirked and said "Yeah I know. Thanks for the fight, you almost got me before with that kick, punch combo."

Galactus sighed and said "Now I'm hungry again.. Surfer! Find me a planet!" Norrin sighed and said "Right away... damn celestial bastard.." he bid farewell and left, Galactus followed after him and said "See you never hopefully." Reese chuckled and waved as he watched him go and flew back to the ship and flew away again.

As the time passed Reese found more and more people to fight as he traveled the universe with his family. He fought the Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, and a bunch of other celestials, but none of them pushed him to his absolute limit yet, they were close though. Sometimes he even had to goad them into fighting him and promised them a favor if they won, he always came out on top though, he was having the time of his life and the rest of his family took in all the beautiful scenery and watched him fight. They had been in space for 2 years now, Gwen was getting tired and said "Can we go home soon?" Reese smiled and said "Su-" suddenly a person hit the windshield.

He brought the girl in and laid her on the table, she had tri-colored hair that was red at the roots and flowed into orange, then green at the tips. She also had curly eyebrows, Reese sat back in the captain's chair and flew off as the rest looked at the girl, who looked to be the same age as Luna.

A while later

The girl woke up and held her head as she sat up and looked around, Luna said "Hey! Are you okay?" The girl said "Who are you? Where am I?" Luna said "I'm Luna! You're um in Space." the girl giggled and said "I'm Emma, nice to meet you." she sighed "I got lost again, my dad's gonna kill me." Reese laughed and Gwen said "Honey, let's go home." Reese nodded and teleported the ship back to Earth.

The ship landed in the back yard and Morgan showed up saying "You're back!" Luna ran out ot hug her but Max flew in and hugged Morgan saying "Ah Yes, my princess, your knight in shining armor has returned!" Luna stopped and Morgan giggled "A little young for me." Max cursed his very existence and got an idea, he grinned and flew into the house before flying away. Reese laughed as he watched him go and Emma gasped "He just flew without wings or using Geppo!"

Morgan said "Who's she?" Luna said "Emma! We found her in space!" Emma walked over and said "Hello, I'm Emma nice to meet you!" Morgan smiled and the three girls started talking. Reese frowned, he could've sworn he knew was Geppo was, he couldn't put his finger on it though. He put his book down on the table and walked away, Emma saw the book and picked it up, she read through it and threw it away saying "I don't even know what that means!" the book flew in the air and warped into nothingness.

The book flew through worlds and smashed into a guy's face, he rubbed his head and cursed "Which asshole throws books?!" he opened it up and read a bit, an orange haired girl said "Reed! What is that?" Reed looked up and she took it from his hands before throwing it away saying "What the fuck is a space ship?!" Reed quipped "That's spaceship-sist Nami." she seethed and kicked at him, he laughed and ducked before saying "Black today? Expecting company tonight?" her face turned red as she punched at him and he laughed.

The book continued on it's journey and flew through a crack, the crack sealed after the book passed through.

The book smashed into a man with white tiger ears and a white tiger tail. He picked it up and read through it quickly before a woman snatched the book out of his hands and said "How to be the best space ship pilot in the universe" she grit her teeth and snapped "Space ships don't exist!" as she threw the book, the man reached out and sighed as the book flew away. the woman said "Thirteen, I swear to god." Thirteen gulped and said "I don't even care Robin, I promise!" she nodded and hugged his arm saying "You better not."

It circled around the globe and hit a man with a long nose in the back of the head, the man was sitting near Thirteen and reached down, he grabbed the book and read a bit before saying incredulously "THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT?!" he looked around and stuffed the book into his overalls and ran away.

Back to Reese

He frowned as he thought about where the girl came from. Gwen leaned her head on his shoulder and said "It's good to be back." Reese smiled and said "You gonna retire, beautiful?" Gwen giggled and said "Then we can spend all-day together... and the kids are going to school now so..." Reese sat her on his lap and said "I think we can find something to do.." Gwen giggled and kissed him.

A while later

Max came back and said "Arise Shenron!" Reese looked at him with amusement and wondered what he wanted to wish for as he pulled out his glasses and recorded what he saw, Shenron appeared and said "What do you want kid." Max said "I want to be 18 years old!" Reese spit out his drink and laughed so hard he fell off his chair with tears in his eyes, Shenron was also amused and his eyes flashed, Max grew and aged 6 years becoming 18 years old. Max rubbed his chin and said "I also want that guy named Trunks' techniques!" Sheron's eyes flashed and he disappeared while chuckling.

Reese watched from his chair and secretly followed Max, who walked through the house and peeked at the girls as he mumbled "I hope she's not scared.." Reese covered his mouth and kept recording. Max walked out and said "Luna, dad needs you." the girls looked over and gasped, Luna said "What happened to you?" Max smirked and said "I wished to be 18, and for some guy's techniques! Anyway, I'm 18 years old now!" before walking away.

Luna sighed and looked at Morgan before saying "What an idiot." as she walked to find Reese, Morgan wasn't quite sure how to feel about that to be honest. Emma was just confused. Reese sent the video to Tony as he laughed and wiped his eyes, he walked out and chuckled as he said "Emma can I speak to you?" she nodded and he said "Sorry Morgan, the kid's not too smart." Morgan giggled and shook her head saying "It's okay." he shook his head and walked away with Emma.

He said "Tell me more about where you're from." Emma said "Well on the planet, there's only islands and sea, not like this planet. I was a space pirate before I got separated from my crew and fell into a wormhole." Reese nodded and rubbed his chin, it was on the tip of his tongue as he said "Continue." she said "Devil fruits? You eat them and get powers?" she waved her hand and it turned into a galaxy, she said "I ate the Galaxy-Galaxy Fruit. I'm a Galaxy Human, you can't hurt me unless you use Haki."

Reese snapped his fingers and said "One Piece!" Emma nodded and said "How did you know about that?" Reese looked at her and said seriously "I don't know how you got here but you aren't in your reality anymore." Emma gasped and said "You don't mean.." Reese nodded and said "I do mean." Emma teared up and said "I'm not gonna see my dad ever again?" Reese patted her head and said "I think I might have a solution.. But it's a stretch." Emma nodded and said "Let's do it!" Reese nodded and said "Get ready to leave."

Reese walked over to Gwen and said "I have to leave.." he explained what happened to Emma and what he was going to do. Gwen looked at him and said "Be back soon okay? And be careful, I love you." Reese kissed her and said "It won't be long. 2 years max! I'll teleport back if we don't find what were looking for in that time okay?" as he caressed her face, she smiled and held his hand as she said "Okay my love." Reese smiled and kissed her before leaving in the space ship with Emma.

1 and a half years later

Reese was flying through space and missed his family, he realized he could teleport back and forth when they landed on planets and started doing that 3 months in but it was always a short time, he wanted to get Emma home and go back before staying on Earth and relaxing for the rest of his life.

The ship flew through space before stopping as Reese said "Finally. Let's go." He and Emma got out of the space ship and Reese said "Hey!" a dark blue and gold suit of armor turned to him and said "Ah Reese! Nice to finally meet you." Reese said "You know me?" The armor laughed and said "I brought you here, how could I not know you. I granted you, your saiyan body, and you haven't disappointed."

Reese scratched his head and said "No wonder.. You made Shenron too then?" the armor nodded and said "Why did you come find me?" Reese pointed at Emma and said "She fell into our reality." One Above All said "Quite troubling, those wormholes.. So?" Reese said "Can't you send her back?" One Above All shrugged and said "I could but why would I?" Reese blinked and said "I don't know, I assumed you would."

One Above All laughed and said "I'll give you a choice, you fight me and if I'm satisfied, I'll send her back." Reese went super saiyan blue and said "I was going to ask to spar anyway." as he grinned, Emma floated away and One Above All waved his hand, a stage and gravity materialized under them. Reese landed on the ground and shot forward, he kicked at One Above All's head.

One Above All ducked and grabbed his leg before slamming him on the ground, it was extremely hard and didn't even crack, Reese spit of some saliva and pushed off the ground. He kicked up and hit One Above All's face, knocking him into the air as Reese flashed behind him and punched his back before flashing in front of him and kicking towards his chest. One Above All spun in mid-air and dodged the kick before punching Reese in the face and sending him flying across the stage.

Reese coughed out blood and grinned as he screamed, his hair and eyes turned silver and he flashed in front of One Above All. He threw a series of punches and One Above All blocked while trading blows with him. Emma couldn't even keep up with their movements as they were moving so fast.

One Above All punched at Reese's head, and Reese tilted his head slightly, barely dodging as he punched One Above All in the stomach at the same time as One Above All punched him in the chest, they separated and Reese charged up a Kamehameha, it turned silvery-blue as he threw it forward. One Above All fired a beam of his own and they collided in the middle, the stage started to crack and break under their sheer power, Reese screamed and pushed his Kamehameha forward, over taking One Above All's beam and exploding.

Reese shot forward and punched into the dust cloud and disappeared, Emma watched and heard a loud boom as the dust cloud cleared, she gasped and saw Reese on the ground in his normal form with One Above All standing above him.

Reese sighed and said "I didn't get you eh?" One Above All stretched out his hand and said "Maybe next time kid." Reese grabbed his hand and chuckled, Emma floated over and said "Are you okay Reese?" he smiled and said "Yeah. Sorry I couldn't get you home." Emma sighed and One Above All snapped his fingers. A portal appeared behind him and he said "There ya go kid, I owe that god of yours a favor anyway." Emma thanked him and Reese before saying farewell and jumping through the portal as it disappeared along with Emma.

Reese let out a breath and said "That was fun! Maybe my kid will do better." as he laughed, he looked at One Above All and said "Why did you bring me here by the way?" One Above All waved his hand and said "I was bored, I grabbed you and slapped you in a saiyan body and watched you play around. It was entertaining! Now I have a sparring partner, none of the celestials want to fight me anymore.." he sighed and Reese wrapped his arm around One Above All's neck as he laughed and said "Anytime you need me, you know where to find me! I'll beat you one day, I promise!"

One Above All laughed and said "I'll wait for that day, friend." and waved his hand, sending Reese and the ship back to earth. Reese landed in his house and saw his family and smiled "I'm baaaack~" they all hugged him and said "We can get ice cream now!" Reese grimaced and said "You're 24 and '19' and you still need me to get ice cream?" Max and Luna were embarrassed and said "Well mom's said we should go as a family so..."

Reese laughed and hugged the two as he said "Alright my babies let's go get ice cream! Do you want two scoops? Or will you get a tummy ache?" Gwen giggled and the kids snapped "We're adults!" Reese flicked Max's head and said "You're still 13 Mr. I'm putting you back to normal when the dragonballs are good again." Max paled and said "You can't! Morgan won't like me anymore!" Reese rubbed his forehead and said "We're both smart, why is this kid an idiot?"

Gwen said "He is smart! Aren't you my baby?" Max hugged her and stuck his tongue out at Reese, who's eye twitched as he said "Let's go get ice cream." the rest smiled and they drove to the ice cream stand, Reese hummed a song in the car as he drove he looked next to him and smiled at his wife before looking in the rear-view mirror and smiling at his two kids, who crossed their arms and looked at him from the backseats.

He laughed and looked forward as he drove into the distance and drifting around as the kids groaned and Gwen giggled.


(Author's Note)

Hey guys! It's over, what a ride! Anyway hope you liked it!

If you did! You can check out my OTHER books:

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

One Piece: Price of Freedom

Twins of the Sea (On Hiatus)

One Piece: Shadow King

Another Dragonball Adventure


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