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18.75% RWBY : Ruby's Second chance / Chapter 6: 6

Chapitre 6: 6

Tossing the corgi shaped pillow back at her sister, Yang walked up to her sister's bunk and put her elbows up on the side, making herself comfortable. "So, what happened?"

Ruby sighed. "Well, Velvet doesn't like girls like that, to start with. She's got a crush on Yatsuhashi."

Yang blinked, then grinned. "Yeah, he's quite the tall drink of water, huh?"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "I guess he seems nice... but as we figured out, he's not my type."

Yang nodded. "So... was she mad?"

Ruby sighed, then shook her head. "No, she was actually really nice about it. She wants to be friends." she sighed again. "And that's pretty good. I never really got to be friends with Velvet before."

Yang blinked, looking confused, then shook it off. "Well, everyone gets shot down a few times, sis." Yang told her. "Even me. You just have to get back up on the horse..."

Ruby rolled on her side away from her big sister. "Maybe... but not tonight, OK Yang? I think one rejection a night is my limit."

Yang sighed and nodded. "OK Rubes." She pulled herself up by her elbows, then rolled up onto Ruby's bed, and settled down at Ruby's back. "I'm sorry it didn't work out."

Ruby nodded slowly, feeling somewhat better for the presence of her older sister at her back. "It's OK. It was probably the nicest rejection ever, really. Velvet's really nice."

Yang smiled softly. "Cool. Saves me from getting into a brawl with team Coffee to defend your honor."

Ruby snorted. "You would not fight all of team Coffee just because Velvet turned me down."

"Hell yeah I would." Yang said confidently. "I mean, I'd get my ass kicked. But for you, sis? I'd fight anyone."

Ruby snorted again. "It's good that you're not going to do that then."

Yang nodded. "Yeah. But if somebody does hurt you, little sis, remember, they'll have to answer to me about it. Got that?"

Ruby giggled. "Yes Yang. Big sister much punching."

Yang snorted and spoke in her best caveman voice. "Don't make me Yangry, you wouldn't like me when I'm Yangry... Grr..." Ruby snorted and giggled, her sides shaking with laughter. Yang grinned to herself, mission accomplished, and rolled back off Ruby's bed. "So, want to play some Super Ninja Brothers?"

Ruby rolled back to face her sister, then nodded and hopped down off of her bed to join her. "Sure. I'm gonna kick your butt too."

"Bring it on, sis."


For the rest of the week, Ruby tried to get things back to normal in her head. No saving the city and her friends, no romance, just classes and homework and hanging out with her team and their friends. She could feel time slipping away from her, but she still had plenty of time to deal with Torchwick and Cinder. Cinder wouldn't even show up for another couple months! It was fine.

Team RPBY and Team WJNR remained close, hanging out together at lunch and training together several times a week in the evenings. Ruby was slowly but surely getting better at hand to hand, as were the others. Pyrrha spent most of their training time giving Ruby personal instruction, and Ruby did her best to control how much her heart seemed to race out of control when the Mistralian champion complemented her, or got a little too close while giving her instruction in some grappling technique. She also tried to ignore the occasional heated glances from Blake during those moments. Blake seemed to hardly be aware of it, but now that Ruby knew how she felt, she couldn't help but notice how Blake would glance her way when she was spending time with Pyrrha, looking almost pained, then strive immediately to conceal it.

Ruby noticed Yang noticing, and groaned inwardly, but at least none of their other friends seemed to have cottoned on to the unspoken tension that was starting to build up in team RPBY.

A second week passed, and Pyrrha decided it'd be good for them all to switch up partners for awhile during their team unarmed combat training. Yang started training Weiss in some striking, Ren worked with Nora on agility, Ruby got paired with Jack so she could spar with someone a little closer to her size, and Pyrrha started training Blake, taking the rough edges off of the cat faunus's less formal hand to hand style.

Ruby was more than a little distracted by the concept of the two girls who, supposedly, both had feelings for her, training so closely, and didn't notice that something was different about Jack right away. Still, after the small boy had tossed her around for a few minutes, they stopped so Jack could work on correcting her form for doing a snap kick, and Ruby couldn't help but note that something was almost certainly different with him.

She straightened, looking at him curiously. "Jack, wait a second." She walked right up to him and tried to measure. "Stand straight..." she instructed, then attempted to measure herself against him with her eyes. "Jack, are you taller?"

Jack blinked, then stepped a little closer to Ruby, so that their faces were nearly touching. He looked down slightly into her eyes, and grinned. "Hey! Yeah, I'm taller than you now!" he enthused.

Ruby blinked. "Jack, you were two inches shorter than me when school started."

Jack nodded. "Yeah, that's about right. I was almost the same height as Nora, and now I'm three inches taller than she is."

Ruby's eyes went wide. "You're three inches taller? It hasn't even been a month!"

Jack grinned. "I know! Isn't it awesome?"

Ruby was flabbergasted. "How can you grow so fast?"

Jack looked embarrassed. "Doctor Kitsune thinks my semblance is doing it."

Ruby blinked. "Your semblance is making you taller?"

Jack shrugged. "Yeah. It's kind of a passive semblance. I can't do any cool tricks like you or Blake... but apparently my semblance enhances my body. Well, sort of. My metabolism has gotten more efficient, and I don't get tired as easily, and my bone and muscle density is apparently about fifty percent stronger than average now... and I'm growing pretty fast."

Ruby looked awed. "Your semblance is making you taller!"

Jack chuckled. "Yeah."

Ruby grinned. "That's awesome!"

Jack laughed. "Well, it's OK, I guess. But in a way it's kind of a bummer. I could have gotten stronger and tougher and stuff just by training and using my Aura. Having a semblance doing that for me is kind of like cheating, but it also means I can't do anything cool, like move at super speed, or make clones, or catch on fire and get super strength."

Ruby's enthusiasm dimmed a bit. "Well, I bet if you keep training and working hard, with your semblance, you'll be stronger and tougher than anybody!"

Jack shrugged. "Not as strong as someone with a strength semblance, or as tough as someone with a toughness semblance, and being able to heal faster because of my semblance barely counts. Anyone with a strong aura heals fast. And Dr. Kitsune is worried that my semblance may not know when to stop me growing. I'm OK for now, because I'm still pretty short, but in a year I could start having problems with my joints, and maybe even my heart if my semblance doesn't slow down."

Ruby's enthusiasm disappeared entirely. "Oh no! Can't they fix it?"

Jack sighed. "Dr. Kitsune says there's a surgical procedure that will stop my growth, but it could also make my semblance less effective, so she wants to wait to see if I stop growing on my own first. But don't worry, Ruby, I'll be fine. The worst thing that'll happen is that I'll get really tall and strong and then my semblance will stop working. That's not all that bad. I kind of wish I'd gotten a better semblance though."

Ruby grinned slightly. "I think JUST being really big and strong is a pretty cool semblance."

Jack grimaced. "Yeah, well, people get big and strong without a semblance all the time. Seems kind of a waste to me."

Ruby patted his shoulder. "I'm sure that you'll be a great huntsman, Jack. You're already really good. Can you imagine how good you'll be when you're Cardin's size?"

Jack grinned at that. "Yeah, well, that won't suck, that's for sure." He shrugged. "So, want to get back to training?"

Ruby sighed. "Sure. How was I supposed to do that kick again?"

Jack started to take her through the steps of the kick, and Ruby did her best to pay attention. Jack wasn't a bad instructor at all. He was almost as good as Pyrrha at explaining how to do things. Even if he wasn't quite as experienced and confident as Ruby's partner, he was more than good enough to help Ruby improve, and it was true that it was easier learning some things from an instructor that was more her size.

By the time they were calling it quits for the night, Ruby was exhausted, and she couldn't help that notice that Jack didn't seem the slightest bit winded at any point, even though he'd demonstrated every move dozens of times for her, and had easily worked just as hard as she did. Did his semblance keep him from getting tired as well? That didn't suck at all... it'd be awesome to never get tired. But then Ruby remembered the part where Jack might lose his semblance for good so that he didn't get too tall, and wondered how it might feel to have endless energy and then suddenly lose it. That would be awful. She suddenly wasn't at all envious of the boy's new-found ability.

Their two teams were packing up to head back to their respective dorms, and Ruby and Jack were far enough away from the others for a small amount of privacy. Ruby noticed that only because Jack, after glancing around nervously, had come up close into her personal space.

"Hey... Ruby..." Jack started, starting to blush almost as soon as he lowered his voice, trying to speak to her without being overheard. "Um... I was wondering, this weekend, there's a Spruce Willis movie. Would you like to come with me?"

Ruby brightened at that. She liked Spruce Willis, then she suddenly realized what was happening. "Jack... are you asking me out on a date?" Jack gulped, his face going even more red, but nodded. Ruby swallowed, not sure what to say. "Wow... Jack. I'm... that's..." she tried to remember what Velvet had said to her. "I'm really flattered." she said, trying to give the boy an honest smile. "Really. But... I like girls."

Jack blinked. "Oh." He put a hand behind his head sheepishly. "Wow, I'm sorry, I..."

Ruby smiled. "It's fine. It was nice being asked."

Jack sighed. "Well, thanks for being nice about it." He smiled weakly at her. "Still friends, I hope?"

Ruby beamed. "Of course we are!" She impulsively gave him a hug, which he responded to after a few seconds by wrapping his own arms around her waist and giving her a gentle squeeze. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed away, and Jack let her go. "You're a nice guy, Jack. I'm sure there's a girl out there who will fall for you in a heartbeat."

Jack nodded, not looking very convinced, but smiling weakly anyway. "Sure, Ruby. I'll... I'll see you tomorrow." He started to walk backwards, then turned and jogged off. Weiss, Ren and Nora were waiting for him at the exit to the arena, and the four of them went out together, Nora throwing an arm around his shoulder in a friendly way as they left as a group.

Yang, Blake, and Pyrrha walked up to Ruby hesitantly. "So... shot him down, huh?" Yang asked quietly.

Ruby sighed. "Yeah. I don't think it's any easier getting shot down then it is doing the shooting..." she blinked. "Although saying that out loud makes it sound like we're attacking each other with guns."

Yang chuckled. "Probably would be less painful that way."

Blake was looking surprised. "I didn't know you were into girls, Ruby?"

Pyrrha's eyes went wide as she looked in surprise at the cat faunus.

Ruby blushed. "Um... you heard that, huh?"

Blake pointed wordlessly at her cat ears, then shrugged. "I can't help being able to hear quite a bit better than most people. Comes with being a faunus."

Ruby chuckled softly. "Well, super hearing and being able to see in the dark have to be pretty cool."

Blake shrugged. "I guess? It's just normal to me."

Ruby grunted, then pointed at her. "Blake, take it from me. It's cool. Trust me."

Yang nodded easily. "That is pretty awesome. It's like having a second semblance."

Pyrrha was trying to control her expression. "When did you realize that you liked girls, Ruby?" She blushed. "If you don't mind me asking."

Ruby blushed right back. "Um... a little while ago. I didn't really know for sure till last week."

Pyrrha swallowed hard. "And... and what caused you to realize your... preference?"

Ruby shrugged. "Yang asked me some questions, and I thought about it really hard. I just... I realized I never really felt weird or... warm, or nervous around guys. Not the way I sometimes get around... er... some girls."

Pyrrha swallowed slowly. "Ah." Her ears started turning pink.

Just behind her, Yang was grinning wickedly. "You know, Pyrrha, you never answered my question the other night. You know, about whether you like girls or guys better?"

Pyrrha swallowed. "Didn't I?"

Yang grinned evily. "Nope. Are you having trouble figuring it out?"

Pyrrha went still, almost seeming to stop breathing. "I..."

Ruby rounded on her older sister. "Yang, stop bothering Pyrrha. Can't you see you're making her upset?"

Pyrrha raised a hand placatingly to Ruby. "No, it's fine, Ruby." She turned towards Yang. "To be honest, Yang, I've been asking myself that same question for awhile now. I had thought I knew, but I am not quite so certain anymore."

Yang started to speak, then hesitated. "Hey, Pyrrha. I'm sorry if..."

Pyrrha put out a hand to stop her. "It's fine Yang. Really. I may get rather... flustered sometimes when you tease me, but you haven't offended me. In fact, I am very happy that you treat me as you would any of your friends."

Yang ducked her head. "I guess... but I guess I've kind of got a thing for teasing you and Rubes in particular."

Blake chuckled. "Because they have the best reactions, right?"

Yang laughed. "OK, yeah. That."

Pyrrha couldn't help but giggle. "Well, I'm very glad you find my embarrassment so entertaining."

Yang laughed harder. "You're not wrong!"

Pyrrha sighed and smiled. "Well now, shall we call it a night?" She started to turn for the door.

Yang blinked. "Hey! You're doing it again!"

Pyrrha blinked. "What?"

Yang snorted. "Changing the subject. Don't think I didn't notice."

Pyrrha smiled innocently. "I have no idea of what you're talking about."

Yang rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, pull the other one, it's got bells on. You still haven't answered the question." Pyrrha visibly hesitated, and Yang sighed. "Hey, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... well, we're your teammates. You can tell us."

Pyrrha sighed. "Very well. I suppose I can explain." She took a deep breath. "I had always thought I liked men. In theory, at least, the idea that I'd marry a strong man and raise a family had always been in the background of my mind. It was the expected thing, and, in theory, I didn't really have a problem with the idea. The reality, however..."

Yang raised an eyebrow. "Never found a guy that stood up to the fantasy?"

Pyrrha gave a helpless shrug. "Not as yet, anyway. As I've said, I've never been approached by anyone... romantically. My prowess on the arena floor seems to have intimidated any potential suitors, and I myself have been too shy to approach anyone I may have been interested in."

Yang nodded. "Yeah, I get that. But why does that make you not sure that you like guys? Maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet?"

Pyrrha hesitated, then glanced at Ruby for an instant before turning back to Yang. "Perhaps. And perhaps when I do find... the right guy, I will find myself attracted to him. But aside from some crushes I had when I was younger for various heroic individuals in movies, I have never really felt... physically attracted to anyone. Not in a romantic sense. At least, not until recently."

Yang looked surprised. "Never?"

Pyrrha shrugged. "I honestly didn't realize that I hadn't felt that way until after I did feel that way."

Yang raised an eyebrow. "Can I ask when you... um... realized you did feel attracted to someone?"

Pyrrha looked pained, glancing at Blake, then at Ruby, before turning resolutely back to Yang. "Perhaps it's best that I do." She finally said. After a moment, she turned to face Blake, stiffening her shoulders. "I'm sorry."

Blake sighed and closed her eyes. "It's OK. Tell her."

Pyrrha turned to Ruby, who put both hands to her mouth as she realized what was about to happen.

"Ruby..." Pyrrha said softly. "I am quite attracted to you. I don't mean to ask for anything. I just... I wanted you to know that I do have feelings for you."

Ruby swallowed. "Oh."

Blake was holding herself still, taking long quiet breaths. Her shoulders sagged, then straightened, and her eyes opened. "You know what? To hell with it." She turned to Ruby. "Me too." She shrugged helplessly at Pyrrha. "Sorry... but I like Ruby too."

Pyrrha sighed and chuckled wryly. "I know, Blake. I do apologize for..."

Blake put up a hand. "No, you had to tell her. I get it. I don't blame you for it."

Ruby took a short step backwards, than another, then she sprinted from the room, disappearing in a blur of rose petals.

"And there she goes." Yang said with a sigh. "Well, that could have gone better." Pyrrha and Blake both winced, turning to the blond brawler, but Yang looked more resigned than upset. "Eh, I've known how you two felt for awhile now. It was bound to come out sooner or later." She forced a smile. "Better this way. Now it's all out in the open."

Pyrrha and Blake looked at each other warily, and then Pyrrha smiled. "We don't want to hurt Ruby by fighting between ourselves, do we?"

Blake sighed and shook her head. "No. I think it'd just about kill Ruby if the two of us weren't friends." She smiled weakly. "And we are friends."

Pyrrha nodded firmly. "We are. Absolutely."

Blake shrugged helplessly. "Then I guess we let Ruby figure this out."

Yang snorted. "Yeah, that's going to go well."

Pyrrha turned to Yang. "I think you underestimate your younger sister, Yang. Ruby is remarkably good with people."

Yang looked thoughtful. "Yeah, maybe. She's really started growing up. I was really amazed at how well she's been doing here at Beacon. She used to be terrible at making friends, you know?"

Pyrrha shook her head. "It's hard to imagine. She's got such an... energy to her. She seems to draw people to her. I think we all became friends because of her. Including with team Winter. I doubt I'd have had half as many people I could call friends without her pulling me into her circle."

Yang looked thoughtful. "Yeah, it's kind of weird, actually. I used to be the one with all the friends, and Ruby kind of just hung on to me. But now, she's the one at the center of attention." She smiled broadly. "I'm so proud of her." She sighed. "Now I'd better go find her. She's probably hiding someplace where she thinks you two won't find her."

Pyrrha winced. "I'm sorry, Yang, I'm the one who caused Ruby to run off like that."

Yang chuckled. "Don't worry about it. She's overwhelmed, but she'll be alright. She's kind of been worried about you two getting into a fight over her for awhile now."

Pyrrha blinked. "You mean... she knew how we felt about her?"

Yang shrugged. "I may have brought it up, and Ruby's not dumb, she could tell something was up for awhile. She's been panicking about the team breaking up over it ever since."

"That's NOT going to happen." Blake said firmly, exchanging a glance with Pyrrha, who quickly nodded. "Tell Ruby that Pyrrha and I aren't going to get into a fight, and we're going to remain friends."

Pyrrha nodded. "Please. I don't want her to worry about that. I value this team, and the friendships I have with all of you far more than anything else in my life. I won't risk losing that."

Blake grinned slightly. "Well, you kind of did just a couple minutes ago."

Pyrrha ducked her head, looking mortified. "Oh... yes, well... can I say that I believed our friendship was strong enough to take the chance, Blake?"

Blake chuckled. "Yeah. We'll go with that."

Yang looked from one of her teammates to the other. "Am I going to need to set some ground rules for you two?" Blake and Pyrrha both looked at the blond older sister in consternation.

"If... if you feel that's necessary." Pyrrha agreed slowly.

Yang pretended to glare, then her gaze softened immediately. "I'm just giving you a hard time. Just be careful. You both know that if you hurt my baby sister, I'm going to mess you up. But I trust you two. Mostly."

Pyrrha raised an eyebrow at the threat, but decided to let the statement go. "Understood."

Blake grinned. "Got it. We'll be careful." She glanced at Pyrrha. "Maybe we SHOULD set a few ground rules between the two of us though, just to be safe."

Pyrrha hesitated. "I thought we were going to wait for Ruby?"

Yang rolled her eyes. "Rubes isn't going to make a move unless she's sure nobody is going to get hurt. Which means she isn't going to make a move. I think you two will have to convince her to come out of her shell."

Blake looked at Yang suspiciously. "What exactly are you suggesting?"

Yang shrugged. "Ask her out? Spend some time with her? Go on some dates? So long as you two are willing to be civil about it, you might as well try and see if you're actually compatible."

Pyrrha blinked. "Both of us?"

Yang nodded. "You two can figure out who gets to go first. Take turns, maybe."

"That sounds..." Pyrrha started.

"Really awkward." Blake concluded.

Yang shrugged. "Well, you two just had to confess to Ruby at the same time, and you want to be civilized about it, right?" Pyrrha and Blake both sighed, then looked at each other, then nodded.

"I suppose that is the most logical way." Pyrrha agreed.

"Assuming Ruby agrees to it, anyway." Blake mentioned.

"Naturally." Pyrrha agreed. "And whatever Ruby decides..."

"No hard feelings then, whoever wins?" Blake said, looking like she'd swallowed something sour.

Pyrrha sighed. "That is a bit optimistic, perhaps. But I do promise I'll do my best to not hurt Ruby's feelings, and I truly do wish to maintain our friendship, Blake."

Blake nodded. "Same here. I like you, Pyrrha. I'd hate to lose that."

Yang nodded. "OK then, now that that's settled, I'll go track Ruby down. You two... try to relax. And... I'll let you know if Ruby's ready to talk. And if she's up for... anything." Yang headed out of the room, leaving Blake and Pyrrha alone.

"So... how do we decide who gets to go out with Ruby first?" Blake asked Pyrrha.

"Well, assuming Ruby doesn't show a clear preference..." Pyrrha began.

"Assuming that, yes." Blake agreed.

"In that case, why don't you go first?" Pyrrha offered. "I did... um... confess first."

Blake hesitated, then nodded. "OK." She sighed. "This is really weird. And awkward."

Pyrrha laughed. "It very much is."


Yang searched for twenty minutes before she finally resorted to the tracking app their father had installed on both of their scrolls, and soon found Ruby sitting on the edge of the cliff overlooking the Emerald Forest, near where their initiation test had begun.

"Hey sis." Yang said as she sat down next to the smaller girl. "Doing alright?"

"I guess." Ruby said with a sigh. "I mean, we knew this was going to happen, right?"

"It did kind of seem inevitable." Yang agreed. "But wow, look at you. Two girls after you at once, and we've only been at school for a month!"

Ruby groaned. "How did it come to this?"

Yang chuckled. "Well, personally, I'd blame Dad. Must run in the family."

Ruby winced. "Gah. Bad thoughts..."

Yang laughed. "Man, Dad is going to freak when he hears about today!"

Ruby stiffened. "Yang! Don't you dare!"

Yang chuckled. "I'm just teasing. Mostly. You do know you'll have to tell him you're dating eventually."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Yeah, maybe in four years when I get out of Beacon."

Yang looked sideways at her. "What, you're not planning on inviting your girlfriends over for summer break?"

Ruby looked horrified, then blinked. "Wait, when did Blake and Pyrrha become my girlfriends? I never agreed to that."

Yang kept looking at her. "So, you're saying you're not interested in either of them?"

Ruby chewed on her lip. "No... I'm not saying THAT. I mean, I like them. They're both cute, and smart, and strong..."

Yang nodded. "True." She looked curious. "Got a preference?"

Ruby winced. "I don't know. And besides, if I pick one of them, then the other one will get mad..."

Yang shook her head. "I have it on good authority that Blake and Pyrrha don't want to hurt the team, and they want to stay friends, no matter how this goes, so you don't have to worry about that."

Ruby looked dubious. "And you think it's that easy?"

Yang sighed. "No, not really. But they'll do their best, and things will work out in the end. If you like one of them more than the other, it'd make it easier in the long run."

Ruby sighed. "I've been trying not to think about it. I guess I should start trying to figure this out, huh?"

Yang shrugged. "Well, if you're having trouble, why don't you just go on some dates with them?"

Ruby blinked. "Do you think that's a good idea?"

Yang nodded firmly. "Yeah. They're both on board with the idea, and it'll help you figure out which one you like best. That's what dating is for, after all. You go out with people to figure out if you're compatible, and what you like about each other."

Ruby looked thoughtful. "Yeah. OK. I guess that's a plan."

Yang chuckled, putting an arm around her sister's shoulder. "I can't believe my baby sister has more girlfriends than I do."

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "You've never had any girlfriends."

Yang shrugged. "See? More."

After a few minutes, they headed back to their dorm room, finding Blake and Pyrrha already there, both of them apparently trying to work on homework.

As soon as the door was open, however, both Blake and Pyrrha turned to look at Ruby, causing the younger girl to blush. "Er... hi?"

Pyrrha rose to her feet. "I'm so sorry for causing you so much distress, Ruby. I should have been more thoughtful about how to approach you."

Blake shrugged. "Yeah, we kind of ambushed you all at once there. Sorry about that."

Ruby blew out a breath, then smiled. "No... it's OK! I'm OK. I was a bit shocked by how fast it happened, but... it's fine."

Pyrrha and Blake both nodded, then stood there, looking hesitant.

Yang gestured toward the two nervous looking girls with her head. "I think they're waiting for a response, Rubes. They both just confessed how they feel to you, so they're waiting to hear what you think."

Ruby blinked, then blushed. "Oh! Right..." She trailed off. "I er... I like you both?" She winced. "I mean... I think you're both really cute, and you're my friends, and I'd be happy to try dating either of you?" She scratched behind her head nervously. "I just... I haven't given it a lot of thought yet, and I'd kind of like to get to know you better?"

Pyrrha and Blake both glanced at each other, exchanging a nod.

Ruby took a deep breath and went on. "So... I think we should go on a date." She stepped up to the two girls, holding out her hands. "Pyrrha, Blake, would you like to go on a date with me?"

Pyrrha blinked. "Um... you want to go on a date with both of us?"

Blake raised an eyebrow. "At the same time?"

Yang whistled. "Wow, that's pretty ballsy, sis."

Ruby turned to her sister. "But... I thought that's what you said I should do?"

Yang opened her mouth to answer, but Pyrrha interrupted. "I think that would be lovely." She answered, then glanced at Blake. "If that's alright with you, Blake?"

Blake looked thoughtful, then shrugged. "Sure. Sounds fine to me."

Yang's eyes went wide, then she slapped Ruby on the back. "OK, forget about taking after dad. You've got him beat. I don't think even he ever managed to date two girls at exactly the same time."

Ruby turned bright red. "Did I do it wrong?" She said, looking worried. Pyrrha and Blake glanced to each other again, then they both moved up, each taking one of her hands.

"No, I think it's an excellent idea, Ruby. I'm sure it'll be just fine." Pyrrha said with a warm smile.

Blake nodded. "It will be fine." She glanced at Pyrrha. "Pyrrha and I have an agreement. Whatever this becomes, we'll protect our friendship, and the team."

Pyrrha nodded firmly, meeting Blake's eyes for a moment before turning back to Ruby. "So... what shall we do for our date?"

Ruby shrugged. "Well, what about dinner and a movie in Vale this weekend? Everybody likes food... and movies, right?" Pyrrha and Blake both nodded, then glanced at each other.

Pyrrha spoke up. "So... should we dress up, or...?"

Ruby shook her head quickly. "No, no. Let's just make it casual. We can go on a fancy dress-up date later." She blushed. "Um... assuming our first date goes well and we decide to go on a second one?"

Blake chuckled lightly. "Sounds like a plan to me."

Yang whistled. "You're actually going to go through with this. Wow."

Blake glared at the blond brawler, and Ruby winced.

Pyrrha looked embarrassed. "Do you think it is terribly inappropriate?"

Yang blinked. "Well, it doesn't bother ME at all... I mean, I have to root for my little sis, right? But I guess it might seem a little weird from the outside?"

Ruby grimaced. "Is it a really bad idea?"

Yang hesitated. "I don't think so. I mean, sure, there is absolutely the chance for epic failure here, but at the same time, I think it's a good way for you all to get to know each other better, and figure out if you're really interested in a long term relationship. That's what dating is for. And going as a triad? Well, it's fair that way, right? Nobody gets an unfair advantage."

Blake nodded slowly. "It does seem fair., and it's a first date. We won't be doing anything crazy on our first date anyway, so it's no big deal for us all to go out together."

Yang grinned. "That's the spirit."

Pyrrha hesitated. "Perhaps... perhaps we should not advertise what it is we are doing, exactly, to anyone else yet? We would not want anyone to get the wrong idea."

Yang chuckled. "Or the right idea."

Pyrrha winced. "Quite. But if things do not go well, it will be less... uncomfortable it is not something the entire student body is gossiping about before hand."

Ruby looked positively ill at the thought. "OK, yeah. I can agree to that."

Blake nodded agreeably. "You won't find me complaining about wanting a bit of secrecy."

Ruby glared in her big sister's direction. "Which means NOBODY talks about it, right Yang?"

Yang nodded easily and made a zipping sound as she drew a finger across her lips. "My lips are sealed, sis. I'll even hold off on the teasing in public. Well, about you dating two girls, anyway. It's not like I don't have plenty of other things to tease you about."

Ruby nodded. "OK then, it's a secret for now. Is everyone agreed?"

They were.


The next morning, Ruby, as was often the case, was the last one to rise. Yawning, she stretched, threw back the covers, and hopped down from her bed, causing the loose tank top she often wore to bed to rise up to reveal her taut little stomach.

Blake, who had been sitting on her own bed, reading, watched Ruby's every movement with fascination, her eyes straying automatically to the exposed skin. Pyrrha, who had been working on some homework on the desk in the middle of the room, looked at Blake, causing the cat faunus to blush and look away from Ruby.

Ruby, not noticing the subtle interaction, sleepily went into the bathroom.

"Sorry..." Blake muttered.

Pyrrha shook her head quickly. "No, no. I apologize. There is nothing wrong with you looking at Ruby."

Blake hesitated. "You sure?"

Pyrrha nodded quickly. "So long as it doesn't bother her... I will not let it bother me."

Blake tilted her head sideways slightly. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you about that. Or rather, what you'd consider acceptable behavior..." She gestured to herself, then to Pyrrha, and back again. "In regards to our behavior towards Ruby, I mean."

Pyrrha blushed. "I'm not quite sure what you're getting at?"

Blake hesitated. "Well... about things like looking... or displaying affection."

Pyrrha swallowed. "Oh. I... I suppose I hadn't thought about it?"

Blake shrugged. "Well, are hugs alright?"

Pyrrha blinked. "You mean her hugging us? Or us hugging her?"

Blake nodded. "Yes."

Pyrrha considered that. "I think hugs are fine." She smiled slightly. "In fact, depriving anyone of Ruby's hugs should probably be classed as a crime of some sort."

Blake chuckled. "True. Ruby does like to hug people."

Pyrrha nodded. "It would be wrong to deny her that. And I certainly won't complain if you wish to... um... initiate one yourself."

Blake smiled and shrugged. "Fair enough. Same here."

Pyrrha hesitated. "Was that all?"

Blake thought about it. "Kisses?"

Pyrrha blushed red. "Have you...?"

Blake shook her head quickly. "With Ruby? No. I just wanted to know if... if it would bother you if I...?"

Pyrrha blinked. "If... well, if Ruby is not bothered, then I will try not to let it bother me. But... could I ask you to take things slowly, and... perhaps, let me... er... give me the chance to... keep things even? In that arena, that is?"

Blake raised an eyebrow. "You mean if I kiss Ruby, you want a chance to do so too?"

Pyrrha blushed brighter. "Er... yes?"

Ruby coughed from where she was standing in the open bathroom door, causing both Blake and Pyrrha to blush furiously. "OK... is this super awkward, or is it just me?"

From atop her bunk, Yang started to laugh, reminding all three girls that they had an audience, causing all three girls to blush deeper.

Ruby finally broke the silence. "How... how about we take it slow?" she suggested, still blushing wildly. "Maybe see how the date goes first?"

Pyrrha and Blake both nodded silently, both girls trying not to spontaneously combust.

Ruby took a deep breath, then smiled shyly. "Maybe I'll give you both a kiss if our date goes well, OK?" Having already dressed in the bathroom, Ruby exited the room hastily after that.

Once she was gone, Yang leaned over the edge of her bunk. "Maybe let Ruby take the lead on how far to go? I mean, I trust you two and everything, but she IS two years younger than either of you. I don't want you pushing her to do anything she's not ready for."

Pyrrha turned an even darker shade of red. "I wouldn't think of... I... Of course Yang, I don't mean to imply that... Oh my goodness..."

Blake coughed, seeming quite a bit less embarrassed. "No problem, Yang. You're right. Ruby's still really young. It's easy to forget that sometimes, with how mature she acts sometimes."

Yang hummed at that. "Yeah, Rubes is really growing up quick. She's been surprising me constantly since we got to Beacon. Heck, since before that. What she managed with Roman Torchwick's gang was incredible. But when it comes to romance and stuff, she's brand new. So... take it slow, OK?"

Pyrrha, having managed to calm herself down somewhat, nodded quickly. "Of course. I have no intentions otherwise. To be truthful, I have never had a romantic relationship either. This will all be new to me as well."

Blake glanced at the Mistralian champion, looking surprised, then blinked. "Right, you said that last night. I still can't believe it. I mean..." She gestured to Pyrrha. "Look at you!"

Pyrrha blushed. "Thank you, I think?"

Blake shook her head. "Sorry... but seriously, you are gorgeous. Tall, leggy, athletic... and famous. It amazes me that you haven't had a bunch of boys... and maybe some girls, go after you before this."

Pyrrha shrugged. "Many people do make that assumption. Perhaps that is why they never ask. They assume I must already have someone else. Someone better than they are, perhaps? People act as if I am not only the 'Invincible Girl', but as an untouchable girl as well."

Blake wrinkled her nose. "I'm sorry." She hesitated. "Pyrrha, maybe it would be better for me to step back? Ruby doesn't think of you as some untouchable idol on a pedestal. I think you and she would be happy together."

Pyrrha smiled. "I hope you're right. I certainly haven't met anyone like her before." She shook her head. "But no. We agreed to date Ruby together, at least the once. I would not see you hold yourself back on my account."

Blake sighed. "It just doesn't seem quite fair. I mean... yes, I really like Ruby. But it's not as if I've never been in a relationship before. I've had that experience. You and Ruby... well, maybe it seems silly, but perhaps you're better suited for her? You're both starting out new to this, and that's a pretty special time, you know? I feel like I might... tarnish that for you."

Pyrrha blinked. "How so?"

Blake hesitated, glancing at Yang with a grimace. "Well, I'm not exactly, inexperienced. It almost kind of feels like I'd be taking advantage."

Pyrrha blushed, but looked curious. "Your boyfriend? The one you ran away from?"

Blake nodded, blushing. "Yes, we were... intimate. Right up till the end. It wasn't for very long, but... it was intense while it lasted."

Pyrrha wrinkled her nose. "I... I don't think that should invalidate your feelings, Blake."

Blake shook her head, then chuckled lightly. "Well, that's about as much self sacrifice as I can manage. You had your shot to get Ruby to yourself, and you didn't take it, so don't blame me if I win her heart before you do." She smiled to make it clear she was joking, but Pyrrha could tell there was more than a little truth in her words.

Pyrrha tried to smile back, but it was obvious it was forced. "I... am sure Ruby will chose wisely."

Blake sighed. "Sorry... I shouldn't make this sound like a contest. This is so we can all figure out if either of us are compatible with Ruby or not. I don't want to compete for her like she's some sort of prize to be won."

Pyrrha smile was more genuine. "I agree, although she is a fine prize, is she not?"

Blake nodded. "Oh yeah."

Yang groaned. "Oi! Big sister still in the room, remember?"


Later that day, in history class, Blake and Pyrrha sat down on either side of Ruby. It wasn't their usual seating arrangement, but while Ruby turned slightly pink in the cheeks at their proximity, no one else seemed to take note of it.

As they left for their next class, however, Blake put a hand on Pyrrha's shoulder and whispered in her ear. "What about holding her hand between classes?" Blake asked curiously.

Pyrrha blinked, then whispered back. "Let's take turns? You may go first, if you like."

Blake beamed and gave Pyrrha a little bow before running off to catch up to Ruby.

Ruby squeaked in surprise as Blake took hold of her hand, stopping in the hall. She glanced back at Pyrrha, who smiled at them, then turned to Blake with a questioning look.

Blake didn't speak, but her own expression was that of asking permission.

Ruby grinned and started down the hall again, pulling Blake gently after her.

Pyrrha followed several paces behind. Her eyes were drawn to the two girls clasped hands, and she sighed softly, but forced a calm smile. She was, after all, quite practiced at keeping a polite expression in public, even when she didn't, necessarily, feel all that happy at the moment. She tried to figure out if watching Blake and Ruby walk to class, hand in hand, bothered her, and if so, why.

It didn't really bother her, she decided, finally. It was just holding hands. It would be her turn next, anyway.

When Pyrrha moved to Ruby's side after Professor Peach's lecture and held out her hand for Ruby to take, Ruby looked mildly surprised, then she smiled and took the taller girl's hand in her own, then let Pyrrha lead her towards the lunch hall.

When they got to their usual table, and Blake had settled onto the bench on her other side, Ruby glanced between them. "Are you two taking turns holding my hand?" She asked at a near whisper, grinning ear to ear.

Pyrrha nodded to that, and Blake shrugged. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." The cat faunus agreed.

Ruby chuckled. "Well, you can both hold my hands at the same time if you like, you know? I do have two hands."

Blake raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't that be a little odd? The three of us walking hand in hand down the hallways together?"

Ruby wrinkled her nose in thought. "Maybe? I guess it might be a little strange."

Pyrrha nodded slowly. "Perhaps, at least until we've decided to let people know what we're doing, we should continue to take turns."

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Won't someone figure out what's going on if you two keep trading off like that?"

"Figure out what?" Nora asked in a overly loud whisper as she sat down at the table opposite them with a full tray of food.

Ruby and Pyrrha both blushed, although Blake managed to hold her composure. "It's a secret." She told Nora calmly.

Nora's eyes went wide. "What's a secret?" She whispered loudly again.

Blake just grinned enigmatically at her. "If we told you, it wouldn't be a secret."

Nora nodded at that. "That's true!"

Ren sat down beside her, and she went back into a conversation they'd apparently been having earlier, and in moments, Yang, Jack, and Weiss had also sat down at their table, all of them carrying trays of food.

"Aren't you three planning on eating?" Yang asked, grinning, nodding to the empty spaces in front of Ruby, Blake and Pyrrha.

With sightly embarrassed looks, the three girls got up quickly and headed off to get food.


Things continued in much the same fashion until that Saturday morning, and it was time for the three of them to head out into Vale for their date.

Each of them wore something casual. Ruby wore a comfortable looking grey top and red skirt over black tights, over which she wore her usual hooded cape, black corset, and black combat boots. Blake wore a simple white jacket and low cut black jeans that showed off her toned stomach, a pair of tall boots with buckles and three inch heels, and ribbons wrapped around each wrist. Pyrrha wore a comfortable looking fluffy red sweater over blue jeans and comfortable looking fur trimmed boots. For once she didn't wear her signature headwear, and instead her hair was loose, coming down her shoulders and over her back in a wave, so that it fell down past her waist.

Yang had complimented each of them on their look before they'd headed out, but before they reached the airship dock going to Vale, Blake had taken the time to wrap her cat ears back up in her bow, concealing them from view.

"Aww..." Ruby pouted. "I like your ears."

Blake smiled softly at the smaller girl. "And I appreciate that, I do... but we're going to some public venues, and I don't want anything to mar our night."

Ruby frowned. "If anyone has a problem with you being a faunus..."

Blake put a hand on her shoulder. "You'd protect my honor, I'm sure. And while I truly do appreciate that you feel that way, we're going out to have fun, not to get into fights. It's just for the night. I've worn this bow for much longer than that in the past."

Pyrrha put a hand on Ruby's shoulder, then smiled at Blake. "It's very thoughtful of you Blake. And while I find I agree with Ruby, in that I find your feline ears most... comely, and in that I would be more than happy to stand up to defend your honor, I'm sure you're right. Perhaps it is best if we spend the evening enjoying each other's company and not worrying about battling prejudice. At least for tonight."

Ruby pouted some more, then relented. "Fine. In Vale, on our date. But I don't like you having to wear it." She poked Blake in the chest. "When you come to visit Patch, you're not wearing your bow."

Blake blinked at that. "Visit Patch?"

Ruby tilted her head to one side. "Oh right. That's where Yang and I live with our dad. It's an island just off the coast. It's really nice there."

Blake blinked again. "And you... want me to come visit?"

Ruby nodded. "Of course! You and Pyrrha! It'll be great. I've been meaning to invite you for the summer break."

Blake smiled slightly. "Well, we don't really know how this date will go..."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Maybe, but I'm sure of one thing. We'll be friends this coming summer. I'm certain of that. Maybe we won't be girlfriends. That's why we're going on this date, to see if that's something we want. But we'll be friends. Or we'll be girlfriends. Either way, I'm inviting you. OK?"

Blake hesitated, then nodded. "OK. But why aren't I wearing my bow there?"

Ruby took a deep breath. "Because that's home. And as long as you're there, it'll be your home too. So I want you to be able to be yourself. None of our neighbors will care if you're faunus. They'll be pleased that you're a huntress, because we always need hunters on Patch, but they won't care about your kitty ears."

Blake hummed thoughtfully at that. "We'll see." She finally answered.

Pyrrha pointed to herself. "And you want me to come as well?"

Ruby nodded. "Yeah! Even if things don't work out today, I know we'll still be friends, and I want you to come see my home."

Pyrrha smiled. "Well, that sounds lovely. I'd be glad to come."

Ruby grinned. "It's settled then."

They boarded the airship going into Vale then, and settled down for the trip into the city.

The movie had been fun. They'd picked a romantic movie about a girl who became a vampire and hunted grimm to protect a village that shunned her, and the young man who fell in love with her. Blake and Pyrrha sat on either side of Ruby during the movie, holding both of the younger girl's hands. During a particularly scary scene, Ruby squeezed her hand tightly, and Pyrrha smiled softly, turning to look at the smaller girl with a reassuring smile. Anything she might have said died in her throat as she noticed Blake on Ruby's other side, the cat faunus having also turned toward Ruby in the same moment.

She nodded slightly to Blake, and smiled just a little. Blake returned it, and they both turned their focus back onto the movie.

Thankfully, the movie had a happy ending, and the three girls chatted happily about it at the quiet little seafood restaurant Ruby had picked out. They shared a booth with a couch in the shape of a crescent, sitting close on either side of Ruby. Things were going well. Their food arrived, and Blake's eyes went wide at the sight of the large fillet of bluefin tuna steaming on her plate.

Pyrrha noticed the relish with which Blake fell upon her tuna, and tried to suppress a smile, which was made more difficult when she noticed Ruby grinning at the cat faunus as well. "Seems like you picked the right restaurant." She commented quietly to the smaller girl, causing Ruby to giggle lightly.

Blake seemed too enthralled by her fish to notice, and Pyrrha and Ruby shared a conspiratorial smile at Blake's obvious pleasure.

The two started in on their own food, and Pyrrha had to admit that there was nothing at all wrong with the quality. The restaurant wasn't as upscale as Pyrrha was used to, as when she went out to eat in Mistral it was usually in order to be seen, often following a publicity event or tournament win, but whomever worked in the kitchen was obvious excellent.

And then, from another table, Pyrrha heard heated whispers, and her name, and froze, realizing what had happened in an instant.

"Is it really her? At a place like this? Pyrrha Nikos?"

"No way. It can't be."

"Hey, I'm going to go ask her..."

Pyrrha sighed and forced a pleasant smile on her face as the young man approached their table.

Blake had stopped eating at the first sound the whispers, and she looked at Pyrrha with a cross between support and pity.

"Hey..." The young man asked, hesitating slightly. "It's you, right? You're the Invincible Girl?"

Pyrrha smiled at him politely. "Yes, I'm Pyrrha Nikos. Can I help you?"

The man grinned widely. "I thought it was you. Wow! I'm a huge fan..."

As the young man started gushing about her fight career, his two friends crowded up, grinning and snapping photos with their scrolls.

Pyrrha frowned. "I'm sorry, but we're trying to have a quiet dinner. Could I ask you not to take photos please?"

Blake had covered her face with one arm the moment after the first photo was taken, and she grimaced slightly.

Pyrrha stood suddenly, causing the three young men to step back by the weight of her presence alone. "Why don't we step over here a bit, and you can get a nice selfie?" She suggested with a wide smile, putting out her arms to escort the three young men farther away. She took the scroll from the man who'd taken the first picture before the young man could protest, opened his photo app, and selected and deleted the last several photos. Then she brought him in close to one side, angled his scroll so it would capture them both in it, and took a picture of the two of them, giving the camera her best winning smile.

She repeated the process with the other two men as well, then smiled as she gestured back to their table. "I hope you have a nice night, gentlemen. And please, if you could, wait to share till tomorrow? My teammates and I would like to have a quiet night if we could?"

The young fans, charmed, agreed to the request, and Pyrrha came back to their table, looking mildly annoyed but concealing it as best as she could.

Ruby was gaping at the three fight groupies as they went back to their table. "Does that happen wherever you go, Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha sighed. "More than I'd like. I put my hair down and left my headpiece behind tonight because I was hoping no one would recognize me, but I suppose that was too much to hope for."

Blake swallowed. "Did you manage to erase all the earlier pictures?"

Pyrrha nodded. "I take it you would prefer not to be photographed?"

Blake winced. "It seems pretty unlikely, but I don't want Adam to spot a picture of me in a news report somewhere. The longer he takes to figure out where I've gone, the better."

Pyrrha frowned. "He scares you?"

Blake nodded seriously. "Adam is... the most dangerous man I've ever known. I know you and Ruby are strong, but I wouldn't want to see either of you go up against him. Maybe if we faced him as a team, but... I'd still be worried."

Ruby leaned in, lowering her voice. "Tell us about him. How he fights, what his semblance is."

Blake blinked. "Ruby... what?"

Ruby frowned. "If he comes after you, I want to know how to beat him."

Blake swallowed. "Ruby, you don't know what you're asking."

Ruby looked worried. "If you're worried we'll hurt him... I promise I won't..."

Blake shook her head quickly. "No, no. If Adam comes for me, you should run. But if you can't run, don't hold back. He won't."

Ruby took a deep breath. "OK, then tell us about him. It's better if we know what we'd be up against."

Pyrrha looked thoughtful. "I agree, Blake. If you don't mind? You are our teammate, and friend. I would certainly not stand idly by if this man was to come after you. In the unlikely event that we have to face him, knowledge of his tactics and abilities would not go amiss."

Blake licked her lips. "This is not the most romantic of dinner conversations..."

Ruby giggled. "Well, we are huntresses in training. What do you think dinner conversation around the table at home would be like?"

Blake chuckled. "That's assuming quite a bit, Ruby. But even so, that would be... talking about work. Not something for a date night."

Ruby's face fell. "Oh. Right. Sorry. I'm ruining our date, huh?"

Blake smiled. "No. I appreciate you wanting to protect me." She gave Pyrrha a warm smile as well. "Both of you. But perhaps we should save this particular conversation for back at our dorm? We'd be remiss not to include Yang, if we're talking about team business, after all."

Pyrrha nodded. "You're quite right, Blake. Now... how about a change of subject? Ah... Ruby! You mentioned you'd seen the previous two films in this series? What were they like?"

Ruby's eyes went wide. "You haven't seen them yet? Oh my gosh! Wow, we've got to see them! They're so good, and you miss out on all sorts of things without knowing what was going on in the first two movies..."

Ruby rambled on, and Pyrrha basked in the sound of her voice. She and Blake exchanged a knowing smile as they let Ruby babble on.

They got back into Beacon late, having spent several hours wondering through the commercial district of the city, window shopping, chatting, and just enjoying the leisure time together.

When they stumbled, tired but happy, through the door to their dorm, Yang was waiting. "Have fun you three?"

Ruby threw her big sister a thumbs up as the three girls headed toward their own beds, wanting to relax after their long walk in the city.

Yang spotted them heading for their beds, and grinned wickedly. "Lots of fun, I'd guess." She waited for a long moment before continuing. "So... if you guys need me to leave the room so that the fun can continue..."

Ruby hit her with a pillow.

next chapter
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