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66.66% Rimuru Tempest: Journey Through the Cosmos / Chapter 2: Simple Life

Chapitre 2: Simple Life

Within the cardinal world existed a plethora of different races. Whether they were angelic, demonic or even beast like did not matter to a single being.

That beings name was Rimuru Tempest.

Rimuru was a slime that got reincarnated into this world. A being whose birth shifted the natural path this world was supposed to take. But that was not all, he may have been a mere slime, but this slime was now the strongest person within their world rather their entire multiverse.

First a slime, then a demon lord and lastly a True Dragon. This slime truly knew no limits to his amount of evolutions.

His presence among this planet was already an anomaly but his growth to power made him even worse of an anomaly. No one in this multiverse is capable of matching that growth rate or even his current power.

Even with all this power that he destroy the multiverse an infinite amount of times over, that was not something Rimuru desired. He was a peaceful and easygoing slime. One that yearned to simply enjoy his life and benefit the lives of others.

As his beginnings of a monster were seemingly already bad enough, he knew it would be difficult or even for humans to accept him. He created a kingdom that would grow and thrive to become the strongest and most profitable kingdom to exist.

Though it was hard at first to get others to recognize him, soon they did and realized that going against him would be something quite foolish and impossible to do.

Not only would you be going against an entire kingdom with a population of over 3,000,000 named monsters. You would be going against 12 monsters capable of fighting awakened demon lords. But you would also make an enemy out of the True Dragons and those connected with them.

In a sense, you would be fighting all the strongest forces in this world at once. Truly an idiotic thought to even commit.

Currently that slime named Rimuru is within his labyrinth with a distinct three individuals.

Demon Lord Ramiris

Storm Dragon Veldora

And the Demon Lord Milim Nava

Rimuru POV:

Hah, these three can certainly be a handful. It is already tiring to deal with a certain holy knight, but dealing with these three is entirely exhausting.

(A/N: The Hinata slander shall remain in this Rimuru.)

"So.... Run me through this again. What do you want to do?" I asked them as I took a sigh. Ramiris was the one to answer.

"What is so hard to understand! We want to use our portal we made to travel through other universes."

"Exactly Rimuru. Think about how fun it would be to explore the vast multiverse out there." Veldora said while grabbing my should and further making hand motions to emphasize his point. Turning my gaze over to the loli to my left, I decided to speak to her now.

"And you want are embracing this idea?" I asked. She simply gave me a stunned expression before speaking.

"Of course! It sounds like a fun way to pass the time." Milim spoke in an excited manner.

'Why are they always this eager to explore the damn multiverse?' I asked myself.

{The multiverse is a complex place to understand after all. So their curiosity is warranted.} My trusty partner Ciel decided to speak up.

'Yeah and just how curious is this multiverse to warrant this kind of excitement?' I asked as a vein was appearing on my forehead. Weird, I don't have veins.

{The multiverse is an extremely complex construct. Are you sure you would to hear the explanation?} She asked.

'Yes. If it will help me completely understand then yes.'

{Very well. To begin, Veldanava created an infinite amount of universes to fill this space including the Great Spirits of Light and Dark which are responsible for the creation of the primordial demons and primordial angels. Each universe has its own space-time continuum. Even with these universes there are infinite worlds and other cosmic constructs that exist separate of them and transcend those universes. The cardinal world transcends all of this. If the cardinal world were to collapse then everything below it would as well. Both Heaven and Hell are infinite in size and have connections to each and every world and universe making it a perfect gateway to travel between worlds and universes if one cannot do so already. The realms of Heaven and Hell are not affected by changes in any world or universe but are still affected by the Suspended World being invoked. The Suspended World is an ability that allows its user to suspended time in all worlds and universes including the Cardinal World. The Promised Land is a place where everyone goes once they reach their end. Including those of the cardinal world. The Promised Land Transcends the Cardinal world and the Great Spirits of Light and Dark transcends this. The only people who stand above all of this are the Star King Dragon Veldanava and you.}

(A/N: And there is my Tensura fanfic Cosmology, for now that is. As I don't really understand power-scaling in general I did a little research on it. I believe with how I explained it here, since it has an infinite amount of universes with their own space-time and Rimuru being able to destroy those would already put him on where he should be in canon a.k.a multiverse+ or infinite 4d. But idk really where the transcendence puts him and Veldanava. I think 10d or 11d which would be High Complex, but don't count me on that. If I am wrong, someone please correct me. Power-scaling is fairly hard.😕)

'Is that so? I am surprised at how strong I have become over the years. But am I really that strong to be on the same level as Veldanava?'

{Of course. Master has to be the strongest and shall remain that way until the end of time.} Ciel said, seemingly all happy. Disconnecting from my communication with her, I turned my focus back on the three in front of me.

"Fine. I won't oppose this idea of yours any further if thats what you want to do." As I said those words they all looked at me with seemingly stars in their eyes. I simply smiled back before teleporting away and ending up back in my room.

"Hah..... you know things were supposed to get easier for me after the Tenma war but they remain the same." I muttered in an exhausted tone as I allowed my body to become lifeless as I collapsed on my bed.

'Hah. Too much mental exhaustion.' I thought to myself. It is far too painful and tiring to be a king for this long. Two-thousand years later and I still have my own problems. Such as, dealing with the nuisances of both Ramiris and Veldoras crazy experiments.

{Four individuals are on their way here.} Ciel had notified me. My frustration only grew more as I had known who it was. The one person who always decides to fight me only to prove his damn strength.

'Its Guy, Velzard, Rudra/Masayuki and Velgrynd isn't it.' I asked Ciel with an exasperated tone. It has gotten quite tiring dealing with his nonsense. He has visited Tempest quite alot these past two thousand years, but in the last 100 years we have not fought for some reason. I guess I will allow a fight this once just so it can cure my boredom.

{Indeed. Master should know that it is always this group attending.}

'I do. I just never want to deal with it anymore. All those demon lords come here on a whim all the damn time like this is some spa for vacationing.' I have much to say due to this recent stress of mine, but I will have to pressure through it like I always do.

{After this greeting master has paperwork to resume.}


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. I refuse to do such a thing after all my pain and suffering. I am good.

'Sorry but not sorry, have a Parallel Existence do all the work.'

{It is best if master himself does-}

'If your reasoning is to increase the speed I take in information on my own and process it completely, I cannot do that in my current state. Understood.'




'Great.' I said while cutting off my communication with Ciel right there. I know she simply wants whats best for me and this can attribute to me being the strongest. However, I cannot waste away at my desk marking yes and no on differentiating papers. It is torture that can even kill god himself.

I opened a rift in space and appeared in my throne room. What throne room you may ask. Well it is quite simple. Sometime after the war and me ending up saving everything and everyone. A few religions had erupted around me and people began viewing me as some sort of god that descended upon the mortals. I was funny at first, at least till I realized they thought of me as a 'goddess' and not a 'god'. That was annoying and I got laughs from lets see.... Guy, Luminous, Milim, Dino, Ramiris, Veldora, Velzard, Velgrynd, Masayuki/Rudra EVEN DAGRUEL after his resurrection.

It was both humiliating and annoying. But if I ever wanted to shut one of them up I could always fight them.

Oops, I went off track.


Anyways, like I said a religion around me sprouted up. Due to that religion sprouting up, it became popular enough and was even the main religion of the monsters of Tempest. So what do they do? They build a castle for their supposed 'goddess'. That is where I live now. My old house still exists but it is mostly used as a place I use to get away from problems.

They built it to be quite the luxurious place that I really could not deny it. It had a total of 50 floors. They truly went out of the way for this supposed 'goddess'.

{Master is a goddess. Masters looks are far to phenomenal and awe-inducing to be called a god. Including masters powers are far to complex and supreme to not be called a goddess or god.}

Damn. Ciel went on a whole rant about me. I guess that shows you how much she cares about me. Its sweet. Anyways time to take my seat.

I walked over and took a seat in my throne as I awaited their arrival. I could slowly sense them getting closer with their guide. Usually it was Shuna who would guide them but now the presence felt even more demonic and refined. I assume it would be Testarossa leading them this time around.

'Ciel. If I were to fight Guy now. Who would win?'

{That is an absurd question to ask. Even with his training these past few millennia he will never hope to be able to harm you. You have access to every skill Veldanava had created and can even create your own skills. He. Will. Lose.}

Great to hear I have no such worry about losing. As I had finished speaking to Ciel on such a matter, the palace gates had begun to open. Slowly revealing five people and they all proceeded to walk over to me.

They all had stopped below the steps that had lead up to my throne. It was only about 6 steps anyways but still felt the need to point that out.

"Greetings Rimuru-sama. I have arrived with the guests." Testarossa had bowed to match with her greeting.

"Thank you Tess." I uttered in a thankful tone. Though by now they already know the way here and don't need a guide.

Testarossa raised up from her bow and walked up the small steps leading to my throne and walking to me. She took her position and stood right behind my seat.

"Yo Rimuru. How you doing bud?" Guy greeted me in such a casual manner like usual. I'm thankful for it but he gets on my nerves far too much for me to be genuine.

"Hello once again little brother or sister." Velzard said and essentially teasing me. After the war both Her and Velgrynd recognized me as I guess the "Fifth" True Dragon. And as you have heard, she said or sister. Due to that entire mess with this damn religion.

"Nice to see you all again. Even though its like the 7 time this month."

"Hoh, was that some sarcasm in your voice little sis?" Velgrynd followed that up with a slight giggle and I could see Masayuki following that up with a smirk of his own. During all this time he surely has grown into his own and embraced his feelings for Velgrynd. He even gained the balls to do that kind of shit to me. Im surprised.

"Please don't call me sister. Anyways what brings you guys here again?" I questioned.

"What, we can't stop on by to see our friend?" Velzard had teased. I subconsciously let out a tired sigh.

"Haha! Well it is getting closer to the annual Tempest Founding Festival isn't it?" Hm. I guess it is getting closer. I do remember the stalls being put up once again but I have been so preoccupied with my own experiments and the labyrinth and my own paperwork that I nearly forgot about it completely. I still need to send out invites too.

"We simply thought we would arrive early." Guy had finished his sentence.

"That is reasonable I guess. Well then simply enjoy your stay here till the festival begins. I still have many things to do myself." I said as I stood up and prepared myself to leave. But....

"Hold it Rimuru." Guy said as he put his hand forward, motioning for me to stop my movements. This is what I have been waiting for. Something to stave off some boredom.

"What is it?" I had asked. Even though I had already known what he was about to suggest.

"It has been awhile since we last fought right?" He asked with a smile. Seeing that smile on his face alongside that question had undoubtably caused a smirk to form on my face.

"Indeed it has. Are you wanting a rematch?" I asked him, my smirk not leaving my face yet.

"Indeed my friend. I have grown stronger since that last battle of ours." His gaze not leaving me for a second while his smirk simply grew wider as did mine.

"What is it? Are you perhaps wanting to fight now?" I asked. Please say yes. Please say yes. I need to get rid of my boredom.

"Not right now that is. I want to save it for the tournament." He said. Goddamn. I never felt so disappointed in this demon in all my life. As he said that my smirk faded from my face and my head drooped down. Everyone could visibly see that I was disappointed.

"Hehehe, it seems Rimuru is disappointed with you Guy." Velzard was giggling at such a sight to behold. Me being disappointed.

"Its natural. Who wouldn't be disappointed in this demon?" Velgrynd had said, clearly antagonizing him. Masayuki had nearly burst out laughing but continued to stifle it with his hand.

"Hey! Im right here you know!" Guy retaliated.

"I dont care! You disappointed my beloved little brother! Its the least you deserve!" Velgrynd retaliated back. Velzard seemed to be doing nothing to stop their arguing. Simply sitting back and enjoying their words thrown back and forth. Same as Masayuki.

'Hah. While that is going on may as well check out something. Ciel?'

{Yes Rimuru-sama?}

'How is the analysis on "That" coming?'

{The analysis is almost complete. Once done, it will be completely safe to integrate it within Rimuru-sama.}

'Perfect. Thats all I needed to know. Thank you for all of your hard work.'


{I-It is only n-natural, R-Rimuru-sama} Ciel stuttered before abruptly cutting it out. Interesting. I turned my focus back to Velgrynd and Guy who were still arguing.

((Testarossa, please guide them to their respective rooms.))

((Sure thing Rimuru-sama))

I had sent a [Thought Communication] to Testarossa. There was clearly a need to end this and what better than to simply have them separate. That way I can clear my head from such disappointment. Testarossa proceeded to walk down the steps and simply guided them to their rooms. Even going as far as dragging Guy by the collar of his shirt. Soon after they were all out of the room.

"God!" I shouted up the door closed and slumping back down on my throne.

{You are god.} Ciel had said.

'Somewhat but still not. Can we have a parallel existence send out those invitations.' I suggested as I still don't want to do anything.

{Already on it. The parallel existence had already been created and is traveling to the different domains to deliver invites.}

'Good. Thank you for being so on top of things.' I praised Ciel for her ever so hard and perfect work.


'Now. What to do. One parallel existence is taking care of paperwork. While the other is sending out invites. Is there anything I can do in my [Imaginary Space]?'

{I suggest master uses the Imaginary Space to create what he desires.}

'Good idea. Perhaps that will keep me tied over till the festival begins. Yeah. Lets do that!" I shouted inwardly. As soon as I gave the okay to her suggestion, I had begun to fade from this world as I began to enter my own world. Separate from all constraints and bindings of the cardinal world.

next chapter
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