The Virtual/Augmented Reality Travel System.
The Virtual/Augmented Reality Remote Controlled Robot Concept.
The Travel Via Lightspeed System.
Systems 1 and 3 can be used to map a Planet.
System 3 can be used to beam Avatars of a person to that Planet Via Light Rays.
System 1 can generate Virtual Tools needed to Terraform a Planet via Real Calculators and actual Scientific Methods.
The Player interacts with the Tools and can view alterations to the Planet virtually.
Note: Though the Player is present on the Real Planet via a Virtual Avatar, he cannot interact with the Real Planet but rather he can view his Tools interacting with the Planet via a System that overlays selected tools with the Planet. To interact with the actual Planet, System 2 is necessary.
The Player can view how his/her interactions with the Planet alters it.
If the Game's System is designed well, the Game can eventually be transformed into Remote Control Technology installed into actual Robots for the purposes of terraforming a Planet.