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5.26% Recluse in Agents of SHIELD / Chapter 1: A New Life/ Pilot
Recluse in Agents of SHIELD Recluse in Agents of SHIELD original

Recluse in Agents of SHIELD

Auteur: Fallensoldier420

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: A New Life/ Pilot

Santa Monica, California

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Mick sat on the roof of the Sea Castle apartment complex, watching the sun set over the ocean. The sound of the waves were the only soothing part of his evening, barely drowning out the constant sounds of the traffic of the city behind him. Once the sun set, he would be stalking his way through the city in the leather jacket with the silver spider emblem his old friend Coulson had embroidered on it, going by the alias; Recluse. The thought of Coulson brought with it painful memories of the worse day of his life, what should have been a great and joyous day, Patten and Millie's wedding, turned darker than the world could ever know.

Mick fought along side of some of the greatest heroes the world had ever known; Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, even reunited with an old friend; Natasha Romanoff. Granted it wasn't a long reunion due to the giant alien invasion and the nutcase that opened a portal brining them in. The worst part was the aftermath, the one man Mick looked up to, Phil Coulson, was murdered in cold blood by that same psycho who claimed to be a god.

Mick shook off the memories clutching his blade tightly as the cool ocean air took the place of the summer heat. He pulled his jacket on, and then pulled his mask over his eyes, adjusting the positioning of the ear piece and alignment of the goggles. He tapped the bottom of his goggles as the screen flashed to life, "Go time," he mumbled under his breath as he turned toward the city he sprinted toward the edge of the roof. With a bounding leap, he spun in mid air feeling the rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins. With a quick flick of his wrist, webs shot out, almost like an extension of his hand, grabbing the building allowing him to swing between the two buildings with ease.

After a relatively crime free night, Mick returned to his apartment. His body exhausted from swinging around Los Angeles and the few muggers he stopped, he was ready for some rest. After a hot shower he laid across the small couch, turning on his twenty seven inch TV, barely paying attention to the reporters as he closed his eyes. He began to wonder if his old friends were enjoying their lives now. Jerren was an understudy working on getting a professorship position at SHIELD Academy. Davis was a full time field agent, so he could be anywhere in the world at any time, doing who knows what. Patten had settled down into a desk job, so he could build a life with his wife Millie.

Just the thought of relationships reminded Mick why he moved so far away. Jerren and Spencer, which really was a strange combination, Davis had a what everyone else considered a girlfriend, an expert gymnast gone rogue to her own version of Robin Hood. They were playing an interesting game of cat and mouse, but Davis hated admitting how much he admired the girl for being able to escape him every time he tried to bring her in.

Mick loathed the fact that every time he considered a relationship, somehow it always ended up reminding him of what he lost, Samantha Lane. Her blood would always be on his hands, as a constant reminder to never allow anyone to get close to him. The only ones that were safe were part of S.H.I.E.L.D., and even then, that didn't save his father figure, Phil Coulson.

Mick groaned as he rolled over so that the light of the TV was no longer in his face. He thought back to his last day as an Agent, how upset his old friends Jemma and Fitz were, and how surprisingly understanding Director Fury was. "If you ever want to come back, you know how to find us," Fury's words were forever etched in Mick's head. He was grateful that S.H.I.E.L.D. was allowing him to continue being a hero without getting too fussy. The only thing was he had to stay out of sight of the remaining Rising Tide members.

His phone buzzed, ripping him from the dreamless sleep. The news headline read

Hooded Hero Saves Woman From Building Explosion.

"Interesting. I should check that out." Mick muttered as he stretched. He the rolled off his couch, changing into a pair of black slacks, white button up, and his dress shoes. He grabbed his wallet with his old S.H.I.E.L.D. badge, as well as reversing his leather jacket to hide the Recluse emblem.

He climbed on his jet black Ninja, revving the bike so it lurched forward. He had to be quick in responding to the report or else S.H.I.E.L.D. would show up and cover it up, or worse the Rising Tide would get involved. He climbed on speeding out of the parking lot heading into Los Angeles as fast as he could.

Upon arrival he flashed his badge, parking his bike next to a police car, noticing the cracked concrete where something created a large crater in the pavement. He stared dumbfounded at the debris still remaining. He walked up to the crime scene, seeing the disfigured and charred bodies marked by the coroners. He shuttered trying to haunt his gagging as he tried to figure out what happened. He walked over towards the the broken windows, seeing a S.H.I.E.L.D. SUV pulling onto the scene. He stared curiously as three agents climbed out of the car. He ducked away from the window, in shock. For a brief moment those two looked like his old friends, Jemma and Fitz. "That couldn't be possible, they didn't want to go back in the field after the Davin Corp incident," Mick said to himself as his heart began to race. "As much as I'd love to catch up, I can't get involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. again."

He watched out the window until they walked into the building, then Mick jumped, using his webs to swing around the building, climbing down into the ally. He decided since he was already downtown, he would grab a bite at a small diner, one where the girl he knew was part of the Rising Tide usually parked by, Skye. He knew she was trouble after their brief run in at the Stark World Expo a few years back, thankfully she had forgotten all about him, but unfortunately he never forgot about her. After Wren retired from leading the Rising Tide, he had given Mick the info he had on Skye.

Mick was surprised to see her van gone from the ally, which sparked his attention. He walked into the diner, as the chef smiled. "Looking for your girlfriend?" He teased as Mick smirked. It was true that Mick kept a close eye on Skye, keeping her off the trail of Recluse, as well as doing his best to keep her safe in the shadows from the crazy things the Rising Tide got involved with. "She was here earlier, but she didn't stay long. Left after some black SUV's and guys in suits showed up." Mick's face dropped with that information.

"How long ago was that?" Mick asked frantically as the chef stared at him in confusion.

"Just after we opened, she with some guy, but they didn't seem to hit it off."

"I don't care about that! Can you show me the guy on the camera footage?" Mick demanded as the chef motioned for a girl who must've been on break to take his place as he led Mick into the office.

Mick pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the screen to get an idea of who the man was, then walked out, sitting down in the ally where Skye usually parked. He pulled out his phone watching the video the reporters had posted, showing the Hooded Hero landing on the ground with a woman in his arms. "So that's what made that crater? Just what is this guy? I've never seen anyone who can take a fall like that and be unfazed. Except the Hulk." Mick said aloud leaning his head back against the wall.

After watching the video a few times, Mick decided it would best to flip his jacket and patrol the city. Surely a guy this powerful couldn't hide forever, but first he pulled out an motion detector, webbing it to the wall, just to keep tabs on when, or if, Skye returned. He pulled his mask on, activating it then tapped the ear piece. "Call Jerren," Mick said as a small picture popped up in the bottom right corner of his vision.

"Well, guess that means you're still alive," Jerren's teaser as Mick smirked.

"Yeah, thought I'd check in for the month. How's life on the east coast?"

"We're good. Only have a month left before I start as a true professor at the Academy of Science and Technology. Spence is good too, she's getting some really good marks in combat and espionage."

"That's great! Glad you guys are doing so well!" Mick grunted as he bounced off of a trailer of an eighteen wheeler, before using his webs to grab a building pulling himself up to a building to recuperate.

"Was that a truck? Mick what are you doing? Don't tell me you're chasing that girl again!"

"Me, chasing a girl? Never! A lead on a case maybe, but a girl, nah. Speaking of, any clues as to why there's a S.H.I.E.L.D. team out here?"

"In Los Angeles? There shouldn't be, everyone is focused on getting Chitauri gear off the streets, guy named Ward just made a bust in Paris."

"Interesting. I'll keep my eyes open. Thanks man."

"Be careful out there Mick, the world is much more dangerous than it was when we were younger," Jerren said as Mick nodded.

"I'll be careful," Mick said softly as the lines disconnected.

Mick's patrol was unfruitful, which was disappointing, until the next day when the motion detector alert buzzed on his phone. He revved his bike, as the image of Skye's van appeared on his visor. He weaved recklessly through the city traffic, even running a few red lights. Upon arrival, Skye's blue van flew out of the alleyway, her face visibly distraught.

Mick pulled into the alleyway to turn around when he noticed a woman unconscious, with a dented steel door behind her. He killed the engine, jumped off the bike rushing to the woman's aid, despite how bad he wanted to follow Skye. He went to help the woman up, until he fell backwards recognizing the woman. Everyone heard the rumors of Melinda May, and to see her unconscious was dumbfounding. "Agent May?" Mick asked looking at the bruising on her face. Her response was even more shocking, as she grabbed Mick, spinning him around, then pinning him in a head lock. He gasped and struggled for a moment before she released him, as he staggered in an attempt turn around.

"You're with S.H.I.E.L.D.?" She asked harshly as Mick tried to catch his breath.

"You can say that." Mick choked out as May glared curiously, before tapping her earpiece.

"He took Skye." She snapped as she held herself up on a nearby dumpster. "We'll deal with that later, at length. Right now we need to figure out where they went," she then tapped the earpiece once more, turning her attention back to Mick. "Is that your bike?"

"Yeah, why?"

"We're going to try to find that girl, before something really bad happens," Agent May stated as Mick nodded.

"I don't typically have a spare helmet, but I can use this," Mick said pulling his mask out of his coat's pocket, handing off the helmet.

"A mask? That's a little weird, but it doesn't matter. Did you see the direction they were going?"

"I barely avoided hitting her when she pulled out in front of me making a left turn, which is how I ended up in the alley to begin with."

"It's a start. Let's go."

Mick revved the bike as they took off, as fast as he could go. A few blocks passed before Agent May got a call again. Mick pulled over as she answered. "Union Station? We're on our way," she stated, then smirked at Mick as he waited for the go ahead. "I'll explain when we get there," and with a go ahead nod, They took off, flying across town as fast as they could.

The arrived at Union Station, despite the police arguing to stay away, only to see the S.H.I.E.L.D. SUV parked near the north entrance, with Skye's van and it's missing door on the ground fifteen feet away. Agent May then tapped her ear, listening intently to a conversation then began moving quickly. "They're under attack, and heading to the second floor!" May snapped as Mick smirked. "What's with that look?"

"I can get up there faster this way!" Mick said, running up towards the building shooting a web at the roof. Agent May stared in disbelief as Mick turned back holding out his hand.

"Just what are you?" She asked as Mick grimaced before shaking his head.

"It's a long story, maybe I'll tell you once we make sure Skye is safe. Grab on!" Mick said confidently as May shook her head, and against her better judgement, held on as Mick jumped into the air, using the webs to scale the building.

The two raced across the roof, as they hear gunfire coming near the balcony. Agent May proved faster, jumping down from the roof, landing on the overhang as Mick struggled behind. He caught up seeing May standing over a man dressed like a police officer, with a shotgun just out of reach, on the other side of him, there was Skye, laying on the ground smiling as if she were impressed. "Glad to see

You're safe." Mick said offering Skye a hand.

"I didn't know the Black Coat worked with the guys in suits," Skye said in a snarky tone.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, starting with this." Mick said pulling the mask off his head. Skye stared at him, curiously, but not surprised by the revelation.

"Look I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do, but we need to contain Mike Peterson," Agent May interjected as Mick and Skye nodded. "As fun as the web ride was, we're taking the stairs, due to bystanders." Mick frowned as he reluctantly followed May to the stairwell.

Once they reached the ground floor, Mick saw the two standing face to face, one that looked like the man he saw in the diner, tall, lean, dark skinned, and holding a small concrete pillar waving it at the other man as he shouted. Mick's mind couldn't focus on what was being said, as it tried to wrap itself around the familiarity with the other man. His suit, his posture, the hair, it was all a perfect match for Agent Coulson, but that was impossible Coulson died a year ago. The man who looked like Coulson stepped forward in the face of Mike Peterson, in his careful and compassionate manner, his voice just a soothing, he began to speak.

Tears began selling up in Mick's eyes, the man even sounded just like Coulson. This couldn't be possible, Coulson would've told me. Mick's inner voice screamed as he crumbled to the ground. Moments later, Mike Peterson dropped to the ground, then out came Jemma Simmons racing by. Mick stared blankly as she dropped to the ground, examining the body then turned and smiled in relief. The man who looked Coulson then turned around, smiling at May and Skye who stood on his left, then glanced up, before looking back at Mick, who was staring at him in full disbelief. "Mick!" Jemma cheered happily as tears continued to fall down Mick's face.

So badly Mick wanted to be angry, he wanted to take out his frustration of the last year by yelling at Coulson, but none of that mattered as Coulson walked up to him. "I thought you were dead." Mick cried as Coulson knelt down beside him.

"I was, for about fifteen seconds, saw the white light and everything. Luckily they patched me up, and stuck me in a straw hut in Tahiti until a few weeks ago when they cleared me for duty." Coulson said, only to have Mick throw his arms around him. "Come on, we can talk on the Bus. You're making a scene."

Mick smiled as Coulson helped him to his feet, "You never change do you?"

"Nope." Coulson said bluntly before walking over to Mike Peterson's unconscious body.

"You cry like that every time you see someone get shot?" Skye teased as she bumped her shoulder into Mick.

"Only when I see a ghost." Mick said hoarsely as Skye shot him a questioning look. "It's a long story."

Agent May took over driving Mick's bike back to the bus, despite his arguments. He hated sitting second, it was never comfortable, and worse, he had to hold tightly on May due to how fast she drove. He jumped off the bike as soon as she pulled up at the large black jet. Mick had heard rumors of the Buses in his days with S.H.I.E.L.D., but never dreamed he'd see one up close. The hatch slowly began to lower, prompting May to climb off the bike as other agents around the hangar began prepping supplies for the launch. "Pretty nice bike kid," May said tossing the helmet back to Mick smiling as she boarded the Bus.

The others pulled in shortly afterward as Ward stomped onto the plane, clearly upset about something, meanwhile; Jemma bounced out of the car in her typical perky fashion, with Fitz following her around smiling as well. Once Skye climbed out, Mick's focus shot towards her, she wore a curious look, as if she were debating something, but wasn't sure how to voice her thoughts on it yet. "We'll be back shortly, we've got a special mission to handle." Coulson said motioning for Skye to follow him to his shining red convertible. "You're welcome to pick up some clothes, if you want to join us on this adventure, but I know you wanted space from S.H.I.E.L.D. so it's your call," Coulson said patting Mick's shoulder.

There was so much he wanted to ask, but before he could Coulson was in his Corvette, with Skye already buckled, pulling down the loading ramp. Mick sighed as he watched them leave, he knew Coulson was up to something with Skye, but what it could be was beyond anything Mick could conclude.

He walked onto the bus, still trying to decide if he wanted to just trust Coulson so easily and rejoin with S.H.I.E.L.D. or if he wanted to stay in his beachfront apartment dealing with small time crimes. He was amazed as he walked through the doors, seeing the bar, and lounge seating, as well as the sleeping quarters lacing the walls on either side of the bar, seven all together. "Are you going to be joining us too?" Fitz asked as Mick spun around seeing him with a small glass in his hand.

"Uh, maybe. What's the mission?" Mick asked as Jemma walked up between them, putting her arms on their shoulders then leaning between them.

"Where indeed!" She exclaimed happily before taking a drink from her glass.

"We go where ever Agent Coulson tells us to go." Ward snapped from the bar, as the trio turned to see him pouring a light brown liquid into a small glass of ice.

"You don't seem as excited as these two." Mick said as Ward ignored him in favor of drinking his drink.

"Don't mind Agent Ward, he doesn't have good people skills!" Jemma whispered as Mick chuckled.

"I guess I'll come on this big adventure too, but I'm going to need my stuff from my apartment." Mick said, as he was met with cheers from his old friends.

"Great." Ward grumbled as well as a few choice words Mick chose to ignore.

The sun was beginning to set as Mick, Jemma, and Fitz returned to the hangar. Agent May had requested food, so Mick had them stop at his favorite Chinese take out place. Thankfully Agent Ward had calmed his foul mood as they entered into the lounge, seemingly excited for the food. "Look, about earlier," Agent Ward started as Mick shook his head.

"Don't bother, I get it. You're the action hero kind of guy, Lone Wolf, there's one on every team I've ever been a part of with S.H.I.E.L.D. Too bad for you, that's my roll to play," Mick said calmly as Ward stared at him intently.

"What?" Ward asked as Mick smirked.

"I'm kidding. You're going to have to loosen up some, Hotshot," Mick teased as Ward glowered.

"Don't call me Hotshot like we're friends or something. I'm Grant Ward, a consultant on this want to be team, and clearly the one that's going to be doing the heavy lifting," he said comparing his size to Mick's lanky stature. Mick and Fitz shared a smile, before Mick decided it would be best to follow Agent May's example and just eat alone.

next chapter
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