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Before going to speed, Sora tried using his walking ability. so he tried walking the wall, it was like second nature to him but after the second step he fell to the ground.

He tried walking on air, Sora felt the air under his foot move strangely as his foot came down. stand of moving out of the way of his foot, it instead seemed too hard allowing him to walk on air. but this was more tiring compared to wall walking.

Sora didn't know about water, but he believed it would be much harder than walling, but easier than air walking due to the changes in water.

The next morning came, with some time before the shop opened, Sora went around the village searching for ninjas who were using chakra. He soon saw someone running from a rooftop, he was a quick jump from one rooftop to another.

Sora quickly opened his left eye, time instantly seemed to top as his skill took effect. Chakra, Sora instantly learned everything needed to know about Chakra and mastered the use of chakra to perfection. times 10

Chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts. This is rarely seen due to the restrictions of eight specific tenketsu known as the Eight Gates, which limit the amount of chakra an individual can release at a single given time.

Since being spread by the Sage of Six Paths, chakra has become a form of life energy that all individuals produce to some degree; those who run out of chakra will die. Produced within and manipulated by organs such as the heart, the energy circulates throughout the body in a network called the "Chakra Pathway System", which is similar to the cardiovascular system.

Groups such as shinobi have learned to generate more chakra and release it outside their bodies through pressure points called tenketsu in order to perform jutsu.

Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's "stamina", are molded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience.

These two energies becoming more powerful will in turn make the created chakra more powerful. Therefore, practicing a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, the ninja is able to do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies to physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead.

Sora's body felt light-headed, but Sora's experience through the many things he learned was no small. Although he fell weakly to the around almost about to faint, this was because Chakra was more profound compared to stuff like walking and cooking Ramen.

in fact, if this was the past Sora would have failed to copy Chakra because his mind wasn't strong enough. But now he knew he can increase his spiritual energy just by going around copying stuff. after some rest, Sora got up and tried to return home. but he found he was lost, panic overtook Sora, but he quickly calmed himself down.

He simply had to track back his steps, he had made sure to look at some landmarks while on the way here. asking around, some people showed him to each landmark, although he ended up still getting lost even after being pointed in the right direction, he soon made his way to a park where he gave up and sat on a swing.

while the wing, he went through his knowledge of chakra. Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build-up, the key to its use is not actually having large amounts of chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called chakra control.

In order to have good chakra control, a ninja should only mold as much chakra as they need to perform a given ability. If they mold more chakra than is needed, the excess chakra is wasted and they will tire out faster from its loss. If they don't mold enough chakra, a technique will not be performed effectively, if at all, likely creating problems in a combat situation. Because chakra consists in part of spiritual energy, the user is more easily able to mold the correct amount of chakra by remaining calm and focused.

General training methods for improving one's molding and manipulation of chakra are the Leaf Concentration. which is sticking a leaf on your forehead and holding it with your charka, Tree Climbing, which is walking up trees using just chakra, and Water Surface Walking exercises. A good way to build up chakra in the body is to spin it into a tight spiral; Whether to spin the chakra left or right is dependent on the way the user's hair grows. Hand seals are often used to manipulate chakra more easily, allowing shinobi to execute their techniques faster and more effectively. Shinobi who are extremely skilled at chakra control often specialize in genjutsu or become medical-nin.

Chakra can also be used for general performance enhancement. By molding the chakra into key points of the body, usually the hands or feet, it will greatly augment their physical prowess. Certain shinobi are able to rely on this skill to gain a speed boost, acquire a sixth sense, and even perform superhuman strikes.

When creating a ninjutsu, the two methods of manipulating chakra are referred to as shape transformation and nature transformation

Shape transformation deals with controlling the form, movement, and potency of one's chakra, determining the size, range, and purpose of a technique.

Nature transformation deals with the molding and defining of the nature of one's chakra, altering its properties and characteristics for use in techniques. There are also the nature transformations of Yin and Yang, which deals with changing the ratio of spiritual and physical energies within the chakra.

The Five Basic Natures are the five elemental chakra natures, which are the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. They are so vital to the shinobi lifestyle that each of the Five Great Shinobi Countries is named after one of the five. Each element is naturally weaker than and stronger than another

Fire is strong against Wind but weak against Water.

Wind is strong against Lightning but weak against Fire.

Lightning is strong against Earth but weak against Wind.

Earth is strong against Water but weak against Lightning.

Water is strong against Fire but weak against Earth.

Basically, if an elemental technique is put against another elemental technique of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the technique with the superior nature will prevail. However, a technique with a weaker nature can overpower a technique with a stronger nature if the former is of a higher level.

A similar principle applies to how techniques of the same element interact, which is called counterbalancing. If two techniques of the same nature and the same level are used against each other, they will cancel each other out however, if the two techniques have different levels, the higher-level technique will not only prevail but will grow stronger from interaction with the weaker.

In general, every person's chakra has an affinity toward one of the five basic nature transformations. Affinity can at times be genetic, or at least common to a particular family. One's affinity can be determined using pieces of paper made from a special type of tree that is grown and fed with chakra. When this so-called "Chakra Induction Paper" is exposed to even the slightest hint of chakra, it reacts according to the chakra's latent element.

Sora had not gained an affinity for all nature transformations, he mastered them. but it was just a normal mastery to the peak. by mastering chakra, he had at the same time gained a mastery of chakra control and nature transformation.

Shinobi have an easier time learning to create and control a chakra nature that matches their affinity, although even then it may take a number of years. Shinobi are not limited to the nature they have an affinity for, and it is in fact common for jōnin to have mastered two natures. Although it is technically possible to master all five natures, it is very rare because how all individuals are naturally less inclined to certain elements, requiring much more training. Shinobi capable of using all five natures were the first, second, and the current 3rd Hokage.

but these 3 are considered to be the strongest people of their time, Sora didn't know if other villages had their own ninjas with such capability, but he knew his master of chakra control is max times 10 and his natural affinity is max.

Sora didn't have to worry about his spiritual energy, but his body was weak. so he would have to start working out, he didn't mind. he wanted to live to the fullest, and being healthy should be one of his goals.

gathering chakra into his feet, Sora jumped off the swing and disappeared. with such a level of speed, Sora found he had to gather chakra into his eyes to see, and the rest of his body as the speed was too much for him to handle.

in this world. there was a ranking of power. the lowest was for children or normal adults. Academy students make up the student body of the Academy, where they are trained and prepared for life as shinobi. They are not an actual part of the shinobi force, as they are still in the process of mastering the very basics of the ninja lifestyle. However, they can be conscripted as part of the war potential in times of emergency.

usually, a person would enter the academy at the age of 8, but for some talents, it could be as young as 6 years old.

Genin literally meaning low ninja, are the lowest level of a ninja. When they become genin, ninjas start to do their bit for their village's economy, being sent on missions that the village gets paid for. They are typically sent either on D-rank missions, which are almost entirely risk-free jobs of manual labor, or rarely, on C-rank missions, which are a cut above that and begin to verge on real "ninja" work that has a very low possibility of risk to the ninja involved.

Chunin literally meaning Middle Ninja are ninjas who have reached a level of maturity and ability that primarily consists of leadership skills and tactical prowess. Chunin are typically sent on C-rank or B-rank missions. Some chunin, move on to become Academy teachers.

Tokubetsu Jōnin literally meaning Special High Ninja are ninja who, rather than having all-around jonin skills, only excel in a specific area, much like warrant officers in real-world militaries.

Jonin literally meaning High Ninja, or Elite Ninja are generally highly experienced and highly skilled shinobi who serve as military captains. Jonin are generally able to use at least two types of elemental chakra. It is not unusual for jonin to go on missions alone. They are often sent on A-rank missions, and if experienced enough, S-rank missions, which are considered to be the greatest difficulty.

Kage literally meaning Shadow is a title reserved for the leader of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries' hidden villages. They are collectively known as the Five Kage. A Kage oversees the activities of their village, from sending ninjas on missions to making the hard decisions regarding the safety of their people. A village's Kage is generally acknowledged as its most powerful ninja.

Sora's speed at this moment has reached Chunin, a 10-year-old with Chunin level of strength that was not rare within the hidden leaf. but Sora was just standard, his future was countless times brighter than anyone.

with every footstep, Sora left behind some chakra, which he was using to map out the place. Sora jumped into the sky, and with a 360, he quickly found his house. landing lightly on the ground, Sora smiled slightly

before disappearing towards his house, but a few minutes later, Sora was stretching his hand as he found him at the playground. he was sure he went straight.

doing everything again, this time he left chakra on the ground to see if he made any turns. Sora was speechless when he sensed his chakra was spread all over the village, he was heading straight for some steps but then began taking countless turns until he found himself back at the park.

Sora rubbed his head, before jumping into the sky once more. Sora took a deep breath before he shot a beam towards his house, as soon as he landed on the ground he rushed after that beam of pure chakra. Sora sighed in relief as he found himself back home.

"i'm never going back outside," Sora said as he had the chakra he placed all over the village disappeared. touching the door, he left chakra on it before he went inside, but he got lost once more inside his own house.

within the Hokage office, the Hokage was calmly watching Sora's action. Sora's action of living chakra all over the village of course caught his attention, Sora was not dangerous or anything. he was just speechless at how someone could have such a had sense of direction,

Sora's information was soon placed before his table, there was nothing special about Sora. his parents passed away but left him a good amount of money. he along with Teuchi came together to open a ramen shop which opened yesterday,

Sora was not talented and couldn't even join the academy due to his low talent. the knewest information about Sora was the fact yesterday he faint and was such to the hospital where it was discovered his left eye was blanded something within the forest he has always been running into since he was a kid.

The Hokage thought for some time, the amount of chakra Sora had was above average for someone of his age. but that would mean Sora has been training his chakra for this effect, Sora control of chakra was perfect.

the chakra he was hiding around the village was unnoticed by normal ninjas, even those sensory types ninjas would have trouble picking up on this energy. with such a level of chakra control, Sora's capabilities were not something someone with trash talent could gain.

He quickly had a few ninjas keep tabs on Sora, before making a decision, he wished to know about Sora's capabilities. what was he hiding and so on,

meanwhile, Sora was dragged back to the busy village street by Teuchi to open the ramen shop. Sora was horrified of getting lost, so upon arriving, he marked the shop as well before getting to work.

Sora of course limited his cooking capabilities to be a level above Teuchi. Over time, he will show his true capabilities and even teach Teuchi.

that day, many people arrived at their shop. Sora found it found listening to the ninjas coming over telling the stories of their missions and stuff they experienced. Sora didn't care about becoming a ninja, just because every kid dreamed of being one didn't mean he wanted to.

later that night, they closed the store and counted the monkey they made that day. they only made around 5,000 Ryo that day, this was from around 50 people that had. one should know a D rank mission gives about 5,00 to 50,000 Ryo.

So, in just one day it was similar to doing a simple D rank mission. But this was just their first day, over time their skills will draw more and more people over to their shop.

Sora and Teuchi returned home, along the way Teuchi was causing at how Sora got so much better than him at making ramen. they were around the same level, but all of a sudden Sora was a level about him, this was of course shocking.

Upon returning home, Sora went on to help Teuchi improve his skills. Sora opened his left eye a few times to copy a few things Teuchi was doing,

the first is his ability to talk, Sora mastered talking. gaining the ability to speak however he so wishes, he can freely change his voice to match another without any makes. he mastered his voice times 10, he could even speak and have another person who doesn't speak the same language understand him. this also came with the ability to perfectly read a person's limits.

the second ability was Teuchi's ability to listen. Sora mastered listening to the peak, times 10. this meant Sora could hear just about anything, down to the footsteps of an ant. with chakra, he can enhance his hearing to hear a person's thoughts, and hear the slightest twitch from muscles, allowing him to instantly understand what his target is planning on doing. although loud sounds can't overwhelm his senses, they would lead to his hearing dropping so he can't be overwhelmed. so that was kind of a weakness

the second ability was Techni's ability to see. This allowed Sora to master seeing to the peak times 10. Sora can see and understand what he is looking at countless times faster than others, he could see farther, sharper, and to some limited degree see in the dark. this also gave Sora the ability to read a person's movement, down to the slight twitch of a muscle that could allow Sora to know read your movement perfectly. This also allowed Sora to see more colors that normal humans can't see, as well as see chakra.

and with the enchantment of chakra, Sora could see through some stuff, see perfectly in the dark, see further, and see into a person's mind. Sora could even change the way he sees the world, turning it into 360-degree visons, of course, the range he can see is limited

the last thing he copied from Teuchi before he was too tired was his sense of touch. this allowed Sora's sense of touch to reach its peak, times 10. from doing things like feeling the slightest movement in the air, mapping out a hole area through just vibration in the air, and so on. Sora was like a spider, and the air was the Wed. the slightest vibration allowed Sora to know what was around him 24/7. even the ninja currently hiding in the shadows was caught by him

That ninja hid breath, heartbeat, and so on. but his breath, and his every blink, allowed Sora to know his existence. with just his hearing, he could hear his eyes blinking, or his thoughts.

with everything he needed to be mastered, Sora was too tired to go on, just 4 abilities were his limit. it would be higher, but he was tired from work at the ramen shop.

as his mind grew stronger, the more stuff he could do. although Sora was tried, he tried to get in a workout before bed, but trying doesn't mean he did anything. he gave up as soon as the thought entered his mind, he will do it tomorrow.

and So tomorrow came, and Sora was a man of his work, he went out for a run around the village. with his new senses, although it didn't help him much with his senses of distraction, Sora could map out a large area around him, but mapping out a line to said location seemed like the hardest thing in the world.

Sora worked up a nice sweat, but he pushed himself to his limit. why? because hearing the thoughts of the ninja following him secretly scared him, the Hokage set his eye on him. out of fear, Sora stopped being lazy and tried to become stronger. for now, he seemed to be safe but it might now stay like this forever. he didn't know anything about the 3rd hokage, all he knew was that he was the 3rd hokage even after the 4th hokage died in the anime.

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