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3.98% Reborn as the Clown Prince / Chapter 8: The Library

Chapitre 8: The Library

The morning, as always, was disgusting. Well, what else would you like when you have a feeling of pain all over your body, once you wake up? It's probably impossible to get used to it. Therefore, clenching our teeth, we slide off the couch in some red-polka-dot swimsuits and start training. I have never been an athlete, and all my physical activity was limited to jogging behind the bus and compulsory physical education at school and at the institute.

So, let's start with a standard warm-up. Head, shoulders, arms, body, legs, once again I am convinced that my new container is many times superior to my previous body: locked hands with relative ease make a full turn with a slight delay at the highest point, unpleasantly twisting the joints. My quiet laughter is periodically heard in the room, because this is the only way I can endure the rolling waves of pain. The feeling of almost complete control of the body does not cease to please.

The warm-up is over and it's time to start strength exercises. I start with traditional push-ups, taking a lying position. The elbows are pressed against the body, the shoulder blades are slightly brought together, the chest is looking forward, looking down, the neck is in a neutral position. The body, which is a straight line, slowly descends on inspiration and lingers for two seconds at the bottom point. On exhaling, the hands push off the floor, returning the body to its original position. Repeat.

It looks like I'm doing something wrong... A hundred push-ups, but still no fatigue... Am I cooler than Saitama, the main character of the One-Punch Man manga? But this can't be happening! Let's add the load by putting our feet on a hill. One... two... three... It became more difficult, but not much.

Hmm, but I have a great sense of balance.

My feet leave the surface and I move into a handstand.

Now the load is felt more clearly.

Five sets of twenty times tired me enough to collapse wearily on the cold floor, catching my breath.

It was the turn of squats, but this time it was not possible to provide enough load and after the two hundredth time I just got tired of monotonous actions. Listening to myself, I felt only standard pain, but not muscle pain, which is bad: it means there is no development, and I still need simulators and a training program, because I definitely do not have enough weight to pump.

If you think about it carefully, then I have a system that should correct the distortions in physical development, then I can try pumping only the upper body by doing push-ups in a handstand, but before that it's worth clarifying a couple of points with the first start.

System, remind me, what is the First Beginning?

[The First Beginning: this is the physical body. The only One of the Beginnings, the existence of which no one is trying to dispute. It can be seen and felt, measured and weighed. Responsible for health, endurance, strength, immunity, regeneration. Depends on the Second Beginning]

"So by improving it, I am improving every aspect evenly? Hey, system, am I right?"

The question remained unanswered.

Sometimes I regret that she is not intelligent and acts according to internal algorithms that I do not have access to, but at the same time it is good because I do not have to share the skull with the left tenant. I hope I won't make it worse if I try to earn an extra point on my own at the first start, after that we'll see how much my body changes. Now it seems to be developed quite harmoniously: providing me not only with strength superior to an ordinary person, but also with dexterity, flexibility and endurance.

Again, handstands and push-ups to exhaustion, I feel like a Rock from Naruto, it remains to put on a green tight jumpsuit, grow bushy eyebrows, get a potty haircut and shout about the power of youth... Imagining this picture, I mentally shuddered. No, I'm afraid that Harley will hand me over to Arkham on his own after that, as terminally ill, ha-ha.

During the next approach, I felt the presence of an outsider in the room, but there should be no one else in the shelter, so I calmly finish the exercise and turn around, bumping into a cute blonde who naturally devoured me with her eyes.

"Good morning, Sunshine."

Harley slowly tore her gaze away from the cubes of my abs, and, realizing my words, blushed, which looked quite funny on her pale skin.

"Good morning, Mr. J, I see you're already in shape."

"Not really, I decided to take care of myself, but the load is too small... Do we happen to have a shelter with a gym? And if there is an Internet connection, it will be absolutely great."

The girl was deep in her thoughts.

"No... All our shelters are mostly ordinary transit points where you can stay for a couple of weeks. You usually "rested" in Arkham or here when it was undesirable to get caught."

This information upset me.

"Can we get the Internet or cable here to keep up to date with the news from the surface?"

"I don't even know... This requires certain skills if we don't want to be instantly identified. I'm not good at all these things and I know maybe a little more than the average user. Do you remember anything about this after the injury?"

I shook my head negatively, maybe I can still set up the router according to the instructions, but I definitely won't be able to pull a cable here or connect over the air through repeaters, besides covertly.

"That's right! W.C.O!" my faithful assistant hurried to the main hall, where her things were laid out and began rummaging through her bags. "Where is she?"

"Wco?" I asked Harley again.

"Not wco, the W.С.О.: the world construction organization. They have branches all over the world, and they providet heir services to anyone who can pay and ensure the complete secrecy of the construction. I had them... I found it!"

The blonde was holding a tattered booklet like it was the holy Grail.

Some kind of multi-level shelter was painted on the front side and large red letters that said W.С.О. – we are constricting everything!

"Did you say something about the mystery of the building?"

"Yeah, you pay money, they build, and then they erase their workers' memories. Other villains said that it really works and it's pointless to kidnap workers, but whether it's completely anonymous, I have no idea, maybe someone from the management knows, but if they still leak data, then no one would use their services."

I thought about it, but the presence of such an organization in this world is quite logical, otherwise how does every second hero or villain organize their secret hideouts. It is quite possible that Batman used the services of this organization: judging by the comics, he has a lot of underground rooms there: a hangar for a bat machine, a bat wing, a super computer, and even a mini-museum with a full-length statue of Tirex, plus the construction of a future Justice League orbital station. The same Lex Luthor, of course, could use his own workers, but how to keep various secret buildings secret? You can't shut up all people's mouths, and what two people know, the pig knows.

"Mr. J, you're stuck again!"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry... I don't think it's worth contacting them yet, besides, we need money, a lot of money. First, let's try to do it on our own and first visit the library. And it's also worth bringing sports equipment here on the way back."

"Okay, then get yourself cleaned up and at the table, for breakfast we have scrambled eggs with bacon and orange juice. Almost a classic English breakfast, but without the vile oatmeal," the girl curled her nose.

After a light breakfast, we hit the road, winding kilometers through the underground tunnels of Gotham.




An ordinary couple of lovers walked along the streets of the morning city, past various small cafes and restaurants. The girl, dressed in a light autumn coat and a wide-brimmed hat, from under which brown hair escaped, almost hung on her lover, while cheerfully chirping and actively gesticulating with her free hand. A tall man with dark hair and a slight smile on his face, dressed in dark blue trousers and a matching coat, like dozens of ordinary people on the street, briefly answered the girl's questions and asked his own, sometimes laughing at the answers of a charming companion.

You look at him directly and you envy him. I squinted at the reflection in the window and sighed sadly. I was wearing a shapeless jacket of a dirty green color, which somehow managed to squeeze my shoulders. Ordinary blue jeans of terrible quality straight from the basements of China were also not my size and hugged my ankles too tightly. Although my charming assistant assured me that it was fashionable, but I would prefer comfort and mobility, how quickly I got used to high-quality Joker clothes, wearing them only a couple of times. His hair of an unusual color was hidden by a large green baseball cap of the Gotham Hounds team. It was also good that my escort was in no way inferior to the man walking on the opposite side of the street, but because of this, our couple looked even more ridiculous.

"Bonnie," I said to my companion by the previously chosen pseudonym, "wasn't there something in the store that was a more appropriate size? And, I don't know, more stylish?"

"Clyde, why are you so childish?" the girl snuggled closer to me, hugging my hand and expressing boundless happiness on her face. "You did't let me take measurements."

"You don't have to get in my pants to do that. Waist and hip circumference are enough, well, maybe even length."

"Don't be like that," Harley pretended to puff out her cheeks. "If only you'd let me try on what I wanted and I wouldn't have to pick up clothes by eye."

I don't understand her, now she's embarrassed about all sorts of nonsense, like our first kiss and the usual hugs, and at the same time she behaves like a schoolgirl in love, then she climbs up to me without hesitation, taking a place on her lap instead of Batgirl.

Judging by her behavior, a mistake in the size of clothes is a petty revenge. I felt that I shouldn't have let her go for a disguise suit today without giving clear instructions, especially when the measurements went somewhere wrong while we were standing at the exit to the surface. It didn't cost anything to remind her once again of the basic requirements for appearance, but no, we are proud.

It's even a shame that there were no normal outerwear for me at the base, but only standard purple suits, in which it is advisable not to appear in public, of course, unless I want to cause chaos and panic.

"How long do wehave to go?"

I studied the surface map less carefully, so I only had a rough idea of where the library we needed was located.

"Another three kilometers."

It's a long way... If I understood the direction of our movement correctly, then it would be possible to walk along the subway, which means...

"Admit it, you just wanted to take a walk."

"Yeah, like a real couple."

"Oh, Bonnie, you could just say, I don't mind walking with such a sweet and charming girl–"

"Who is Bonnie?!" the blonde looked at me suspiciously, clutching my arm.

"–besides, I have free time," I finished my sentence. "It's you. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh, that's right," Harley replied and fell silent.

Okay, I think we can stay a little longer, we still expected to spend the whole day in the library, so we turn off in the direction of the nearest cafe.

"Mr. J... Clyde, the library is not in this direction."

"I know, but I want to treat my charming companion."

"Super! Then what are we waiting for?!" the gloom hanging over the girl instantly disappeared and I was dragged more actively to the planned cafe.

Having settled at one of the empty tables, we made an order: a couple of pies and two cups of green tea. It seems like nonsense, but Harley was absolutely happy.

After another light snack, we continued on our way and finally reached the central library of Gotham.

The library, like most buildings in the city, was decorated in the Gothic style. The majestic building, somewhat resembling a religious structure rather than a municipal facility, was decorated with many decorative elements. Four symmetrically arranged turrets, which were connected to the base by semi-arches, aspired upwards, contrasting with the heavy rectangular base. In the center of the facade there was a traditional Gothic style stained glass window in the shape of a "rose".

"Are we really here?" I asked. It is unexpected that someone has really set up an ordinary library in such an unusual and beautiful building in its own way.

"That's right, that's right."

Stepping over the threshold, we found ourselves in an equally fascinating room. Hundreds of thousands of books filled the library shelves, which were located along all the walls and went somewhere deep into the aisles, creating a kind of maze. The central part of the library was reserved for a reading room and, it is worth saying, it was a great idea, since the high ceilings (at least eight meters) and the full-length window created a pleasant and magical impression.

"Holy shit," it sounded too loud in the silence.

"Could you not express yourself in the temple of knowledge?" a disgruntled voice sounded from our right.

Turning around, I came across the green pools of a beautiful young girl sitting at the library caretaker's desk, and who, after only glancing at us, appreciated my outfit and returned to reading the book lying on the table in front of her. To her left was a small working laptop, from which a headset stretched, lost in thick red hair. She reminds me of someone...

"It's forbidden to sleep in the library, so leave or I'll call the police."

Yeah, thanks for the clothes, Harley, I haven't been compared to a bum yet...

"Wait, miss..."

"Barbara Gordon."

Holy shit! That's how *cut by censorship*, *cut by censorship*, *cut by censorship*, was it possible to stumble upon her?! Is it karma or what? In this world, and in the past, I did not have time to sin much, I even defused two bombs, which should count as a plus... Although, if there was a strong joint, then we would have faced Bruce Wayne, who cosplays a bat at night and beats up bandits. So, the pause has dragged on and it's time to decide something, I need information anyway.

"Miss Gordon, you were misled by my appearance, but we just came to get acquainted with the history of such an old and interesting city, to read newspaper files or some chronicles."

They looked at me suspiciously, but now they noticed Harley dressed normally.

"Okay, I'll be right there..." Barbara's gaze lingered on the open book. "You can go through, all the information about Gotham, including newspaper files, in the 2D section, straight and to the left, there are signs, so don't get lost. Smoking, eating, and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the library... any drinks, making noise and spoiling library property. There are cameras everywhere, so you'll be out of here in no time if you break them... Hmm, to read only here, in the main hall, if you plan to take something home, then you need to issue a library card."

I feel like if I mention the ticket, I'll fly out of here without even breaking the rules. By the way, it's good, but it's strange that it's not required, because we planned to get it using my companion's fake passport. It seems that the girl found the book very interesting, since the Mouse, and it was she, still did not understand who she was talking to right now.

"Thanks. Don't worry, we will faithfully follow all the rules. Bonnie, come on."

Putting my arm around the waist of my beloved, who swam from this gesture, I headed for the 2D section, feeling someone else's oppressive gaze on the back of my head.

Having collected a bunch of newspapers over the past hundred years and even a little more in a special cart, I sent Harley to look for information on network routing and protection, and I moved to the main hall and began to study the available information about the world around me, looking for familiar names of heroes.

Well, I can say that some famous heroes of the world of DC have already been noted in history: Superman, Green Lantern, Eagle, Batman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Flash and Cyborg are missing to form one of the variants of the Justice League. There were no fewer villains, but I just got tired of reading about them, I just noted the absence of Mr. Freeze and Bane, who can be attributed to the local "celebrities". Judging by the newspapers, all sorts of crap is constantly happening on this troubled planet and the monthly major incidents in Gotham don't look much worse against the background of the rest of the world. For example, a small park that has grown thanks to Poison Ivy in the middle of the city looks much better than an alien ship threatening to destroy the planet. And it was just Superman's relatives who arrived and decided to terraform the Earth for the Kryptonian race to live on.

Studying the realities of the new world, I did not notice at all how evening fell on the city. Harley was sitting at the table opposite and did not distract, being carried away by a new direction for herself, for which I thank her very much. Maybe we will still have the Internet, otherwise finding out the news after the fact is not very good in this volatile world. In addition, as a resident of the twenty-first century, it is unusual for me to do without information noise, although the lack of information temporarily smooths out the active study of new directions, but this will not last long.

"Excuse me, could you give me the newspapers for eighteen hundred and ninety?" commissioner Gordon's daughter's melodious voice was interrupted when I looked up from the not–so-fascinating reading.

I was too relaxed while reading, so I unknowingly took off my cap, exposing my characteristic green hair to the public. Although maybe it's not fatal? You never know, maybe I just like this color, and I decided to dye my hair in it... Besides, the Gotham Hounds rugby team also uses green on their uniforms and merch, and I'm a fan of them, judging by the headdress. You can't be silent. 

We carefully rummage through the waste paper we have read and take out the right newspaper, without showing excitement.


The girl silently accepts it, without taking her eyes off my face.

"Heh..." I run my hand through my hair and put on a cap with symbols, focusing attention on it. "I'm just a fan of the Hounds, so I painted myself."

"Your makeup is leaking..." dumbfounded and a little scared, the red–haired girl touched her cheek.

Well, that's bad. I could feel her brain creaking, passing off theory after theory, like the one that I figured out or some other nonsense far from reality.

"Har... Damn it, Bonnie, we're leaving!"


I quickly circle around the hovering heroine, grab Harley by the arm and walk briskly to the exit before Batgirl gives chase or does something else stupid. But I wanted to put everything back in place later, but, apparently, not fate. Let her suffer now. Once free, we broke into a light run and turned into the nearest alley in order to get lost in the urban maze of buildings.

After five minutes of running, we switch to a step.

"It seems to have come off."

"I don't think she would have followed us, at most she would have called the cops" my assistant replied, peering into the darkness of the abandoned alleys, turning her head a little.

"Ha-ha... Well yeah.. Exactly... Through the sewers or take a little ride on public transport?"


That's right, I don't feel like going down there right now either. Just as we were about to head towards the lighted streets, a shout was heard nearby: "Help!" and immediately interrupted.

So, I was going to become a hero and this is a good opportunity to declare my new role, otherwise only a couple of people know about the neutralization, and they are unlikely to share this information with the whole world, although I am not one hundred percent sure about Harley. A second later, a sign appeared in front of my eyes:

[The "Lady in Distress" quest has been generated: personally save a girl from robbers. Reward: 1 free point.]

Great, into battle!

"Harley, we're heroes now, so we need to help!"


We dive back into the alleys, following the source of the scream.

We are getting closer, someone else's speech and the sounds of a weak struggle became audible.

"Don't mess around, chick, we just want to have fun, and take off these unnecessary things from you."

"Mmm!" the girl mumbled indignantly, trying to unhook the arm of one of the robbers, rapists, while the second tried to hold her kicking legs.

"Shit, Artur, I told you that you need to take a rope to the case!" a short man with black hair and some kind of weird dark coat resembling a lab coat was indignant.

"Fuck you, Bruce, I don't have any spatial pocket to stuff her in there," the guy holding the victim was Asian, dressed in military style.

"Yes, wring her neck, or we'll neither fuck properly, nor take off the jewelry!"

Looks like it's time to step in. I step out into the light, leaving Harley behind, and.. And what do they say in such cases?

"Gentlemen,lether go,otherwise it willbeverybad for you!" I feel like anidiot.

The robbers flinched and looked at me, only to burst into laughter a second later.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha... No, Artur, did you hear that? Some cock in faggot pants is ordering us something, ha-ha-ha! Gentlemen... Ha-ha-ha! This... Bonjour, for fuck's sake, let me stab you, ha-ha-ha!"

These are the schmucks. They asked for it themselves, since they didn't want it in a good way! I take off, which makes my cap fly off, and hit the nearest man in a parody of a lab coat on the shin with a low-kick.


The laughter is instantly replaced by a painful howl. Bruce falls to the muddy ground, holding onto a broken limb, but it hurts me too. Now the alley is filled with my laughter.

The pupils of the remaining robber dilate and a wet spot spreads on his trousers.

"The-the-the Joker?! No, wait!" the Asian man let go of the victim and began to retreat in horror. "Mister, we just didn't recognize you. Excuse me..."

One step, one more step, I slowly advance on the defending robber until he hits the wall of the alley. There is nowhere else to retreat. I take another step, finding myself a meter away from the frozen Chinese, and he rolls his eyes and slides to the ground.

The freak didn't even let himself be hit and just passed out from fear, and even pissed himself. I don't want to get my hands dirty on such carrion, besides, I was distracted by a message:

[The "Lady in Distress" quest is completed: personally save the girl from robbers. Reward: 1 free point.]

Yes! Now we need to help the victim, so that it would be quite heroic. We approach the failed victim:

"Miss, are you okay?"

"Please don't," she whispers faintly.

Oh, right, if the criminal was afraid of me, then it's amazing that the fragile girl has not yet followed his example and is still conscious.

"Miss, I understand that you are scared, but try to go out into the lighted streets and call the police."

I tried to put as much participation in my voice as possible, but I doubt that she understood me. On the other hand, the robbers are definitely not up to her now, and we made a lot of noise here, so it's time to know the honor.


The harlequin was instantly there, starting to emotionally share her delight.

"Mr. J, that was so cool! The first one didn't even have time to understand anything, as you broke his leg, and the second one even pissed himself out of fear!" admiring eyes looked at me and it was fucking nice.

"Thanks, but now we need to hurry up and get the hell out of here."

Again, a light meditative run through a couple of blocks to the right hatch: soon the cops will be crowded in that area if the girl still calls the police and describes the incredible event that happened to her, so waiting for the bus would not be the best idea.

The system, I was thinking, you answered that the bonus is also charged for murder... As far as I understood, if I had killed both robbers, I would have received the same amount of the ba-hion as for the rescue... But people can't be saved every day... Let's just say I take a hefty machete and go outside attacking random passers-by, it will be a dark path, but I organize the event myself, and do not depend on circumstances.

[Getting the ba-hion is possible only after forming a request, which is signaled by the appearance of a quest, otherwise, it goes to the local Higher Ones]

Hmm, now it becomes clearer that there will still be no freebies, even if I turn into a maniac... The higher ones... I take it these are local gods, demons and Aspects? There is no answer, but it is not surprising and familiar.

We reached the right place and went down, plunging into the darkness of the underworld. Once again, some gloomy tunnels are replaced by others.

"Mr. J, it looks like someone is following us again, and I think I recognize these steps."

next chapter
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