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40% Rebirth of the Straw Hat / Chapter 6: chapter 6

Chapitre 6: chapter 6

Daytime has arrived in Beacon as the students prepare themselves for initiation.

Luffy was in front of his weapons locker sulking about breakfast. He got up after Ruby and Yang whispered the word into his ear to wake him up, since the first thing that comes to mind is food for him. He entered the cafeteria only to find out that he has indeed been restrained by the faculty on how much he can eat.

The limited amount given was not close to enough to satisfy him, and now he has to deal with it.

The sisters, who have their lockers next to his, sighed in annoyance at seeing him in a sour mood.

"Ugh... Luffy cheer up, you should've known this was going to happen after last night."

Yang said in a knowing tone. Of course they are gonna take precautions after witnessing a glutton consume what could be days worth of food. Luffy still had his childish pout on his face after hearing that, still upset about it.

"This is why I wish I could eat those Grimm. I could hunt, cook, and then eat them... bunch of jerks."

Luffy said in an irritated tone as he opens the locker to take out his Soul Solid, Clima-Tact, a satchel, and a small pouch to hold some of the medical balls he made by using Chopper's bond.

He tried once after the Grimm died, but it tasted just as bad as when he ate the devil fruit. The people that heard his complaint looked to him in slight disgust at the imagery of eating the dark creatures. Ruby was in the middle of grabbing her scythe out of the locker before she commented.

"As gross as that is, it would be a win-win for all of us."

Ruby said, adding her two cents in. It really was a win-win, Luffy could keep himself fed full of meat and kill Grimm at the same time. They wouldn't have to spend a fortune for just his meals at that point, which was a big plus.

"Now all that awkward meet and greet stuff is over with, now I can let my partner do the talking."

she continued, gesturing to Crescent Rose as her 'partner'. Yang couldn't help but look at her sister with a frown.

"What about when we're in teams? You're gonna have to talk to them at some point."

Yang said, bursting Ruby's bubble. They overheard something about having a four person team. She knows Luffy would be alright with it, he would still come to them to hang out. Ruby thought pensively about it for a few seconds until she came to an answer.

"I can always be on yours or Luffy's team. Maybe we'll get lucky and be on the same team with only one other person. Are you saying you don't want me on your team?"

Ruby murmured, wanting to stick with her family rather than with complete strangers that will judge her based on her age.

"N-no no no, that's not what I meant. I just want you to go out there and try to make friends without mine or Luffy's help, that's all."

Yang consoled her while waving her arms in a placating motion. She's trying to get Ruby to be a little independent of them, but not so much that she doesn't want to hang around them.

"I don't see how making friends helps me fight Grimm, and it's scary to deal with people that are a whole two years older than me. It just feels like only me and Luffy as the youngest applicants of Beacon."

Ruby argued her point in an upset tone. As much as her sister means well and is there for her, she still feels alone in the academy. Her cousin is the only other person that she could confide in. Speaking of Luffy, he was nowhere to be seen by them.

Luffy decided to look around for Jaune, Blake, or Weiss to just talk to them. He didn't find Blake, but he did discover Jaune and Weiss with a red head that's an inch shorter than Jaune when she's in her high heeled boots.

She has vivid green eyes and a pale white complexion with her hair in a ponytail. Her attire consists of a light brown strapless top divided vertically over a bronze v- neck, a red A-line miniskirt with ankle length drapery with a belt connected to two pouches and a bronze plate bearing her emblem, brown cut off sleeves with a bronze bracelet on the upper half of the left arm and a bracer on the same arm, a large gorget, a circlet headpiece, and a pair of greaves and cuisses that begin mid-thigh.

Jaune was in the middle of flirting with Weiss when he misunderstood one of her comments as a compliment until he noticed the red head and tries to swoon her onto his team. Weiss decided to give him an earful for his audacious behavior, at least in her opinion.

"Do you know who you are speaking to?! This is Pyrrha Nikos, one of the top fighters in the Mistral Tournament ranked as the second best fighter for the past three years! What makes you think that you have a chance at her being on your team?"

Weiss said to Jaune as she explains to him about the identity of the red head named Pyrrha. Luffy raises a brow in question as he approaches them.

"Cool! That would mean you're pretty strong, but who got first place?"

he asked Pyrrha, thinking she would know the most about the champion. The three were startled by his arrival, Pyrrha looks over at him with a curious look.

"To be honest, I never got his name. He would always leave shortly after the fight before any news reporters can interview him. Um, what's your name?"

Pyrrha said to Luffy while trying to get his name. So far, Jaune showed no knowledge of her, and now this boy looked oblivious of her fame as well since he is walking towards them without worshipping her.

Even in second place, people still think that she's too good for them and since the champion was absent, that left her to be the celebrity. Although she would prefer if people didn't recognize her for her fame, as it isolated Pyrrha from society.

"I'm Luffy... I guess he doesn't care for the attention, huh Pyra ? Hi Jaune and Wise, how are things going?"

he introduced himself as he butchers two out of three names. Weiss' eye was twitching in annoyance of the straw hat kid messing up her name as well as the celebrity's.

"Get the names right Straw Hat! It's Weiss and Pyrrha!"

Weiss yelled at Luffy for the insolence. Luffy tilted his head to the side as he tries to put the names to memory, but is failing at the moment.

"Sorry, it's hard for me to say so for now I'll stick with Wise and Pyra."

he apologized, earning him a fuming Weiss and a nod of understanding from Pyrrha. She was fine with it, as the name he gave was still pretty close to her own.

Jaune was inspecting the satchel on Luffy with curiosity as he never really paid attention to it. He might as well ask, since it couldn't hurt to wonder.

"So Luffy... what's inside of that satchel? Does it hold any ammo- no wait, you don't use a gun."

Jaune inquired while coming up with theories. Luffy looks at the satchel with realization at not showing him the other weapon he has.

"Shishishi, actually it does have ammo, but it also holds the weapon that uses it."

Luffy informed them as he opens the satchel and pulls out a slingshot.

The slingshot was black in color, about the length of his forearm, and has five prongs.

"It's called Black Kabuto, and it shoots dust pellets."

Luffy said as he puts away Black Kabuto, and looks to see Jaune and Pyrrha with a confused expression upon seeing a primitive weapon such as that. Weiss was silently giggling to herself, mocking the bizarre choice of a weapon.

Since there were no Pop Greens on Remnant, Luffy had to improvise with Dust and with a little help, he crafted Dust pellets with solid Dust crystals. It has wind Dust interlaced inside the slingshot to imitate the breath dial that was in Ussop's Kabuto for increased power and kept the design for stability and range.

"Ok, so you usually use your fists, but you also wield a cane sword, that blue rod, and now... a slingshot. Anything else you have?"

Jaune said after he listed all the possible fighting methods that Luffy has thus far. Luffy puts on a grin as he grabs the small pouch and pulls out a light green marble from it. Jaune raises a brow upon seeing it, very familiar with it aside from color, but Pyrrha takes a guess.

"Is that a special pellet for the slingshot?"

She hypothesized, thinking that it would be wise to separate ammunition by how common the ammo is. The pouch can't hold as much as the satchel after all. But to her surprise, Luffy shook his head.

"Nope, it's medicine. This one makes the aura's healing thing stronger."

He said simply. Jaune doesn't know what aura is, but if that little ball can heal then that was pretty sweet. Pyrrha and Weiss, who stopped giggling, stood there with wide eyes at the prospect of medicine affecting aura's properties. Before they can ask more of him, Yang and Ruby came around the corner and spotted their cousin.

"There you are Luffy! Geez, stop wondering around all the time. Come on we need to go to the cliffs where it's supposed to start. Later Jaune and Weiss."

Ruby said cheerfully, still trying to be friends with Weiss. Everyone except Weiss waved at each other as they went their separate ways. As they were walking, Yang had a question that was bugging her for a while.

"Hey Luffy, why are you trying to have Weiss as our friend in the first place? I know you're stubborn about that, but all she does is yell at you. What's the deal?"

Yang said in a confused tone. Luffy continues walking, but none the less answers.

"Because Wise is alone... and I know how much it sucks to be alone."

Luffy said with little emotion in his voice. When he looked into her eyes, he could see the loneliness in them, and wants to befriend her in order to get rid of it. The two sisters share a look of understanding and will try to be patient with Weiss' attitude after hearing that.

They reached the cliffs along with the rest of the students as they were instructed to stand on the plates on the ground. Ozpin and Glynda are standing in front of them, scanning over to see if all are present. After it was confirmed, Ozpin cleared his throat before speaking.

"Today, your skills will be put to the test in Emerald Forest. Now before we begin, there have been questions about teams. Well, I will inform you that you will be finding a partner today. So it will be wise to find someone you work well with."

'Ooooh, I hope I can find Luffy or Yang before anyone else.' Ruby wishfully thought, sticking to her original plan.

'I guess I can try to find Ruby. Knowing Luffy, he'll probably think of it as an adventure. Meh, he'll be fine.'

Yang thought, making a compromise to find her sister. As much as she wants to be next to Luffy where the fun is, she would have to pick Ruby to bring comfort to her four year tenure.

'Ok, stay away from Straw Hat, look for Pyrrha. Shouldn't be too hard.'

Weiss thought as she narrowed it down to only one person. She would rather have the strongest fighter in her opinion than some happy go lucky idiot.

'I don't really care who my partner is at this point. As long as they're not racist towards faunus.'

Blake thought in indifference. Even though Luffy was a mystery to her thanks to what he said last night, it didn't warrant him being a possible candidate.

'So here are my options... there's Snow Angel, that Pyrrha girl, Luffy seems like a cool guy even if he wins the ladies without trying.'

Jaune contemplated in his mind. Sure, he thought of having a cute girl for a partner, but he wouldn't kick Luffy out of the line up. He already experienced his knowledge in medicine first hand, seems like a capable fighter (even though he uses a slingshot), and begrudgingly witnessed Luffy attract the opposite sex last night. Aside from all of that, Luffy is a stand-up guy.

'I'll just work with whoever I meet. Though I wouldn't mind Jaune or Luffy.'

Pyrrha thought, going with the flow of things. She does like the thought of a partner that doesn't think of her as a celebrity or an idol.

"That being said, whoever you make eye contact with will be your chosen partner."

Ozpin quickly added, causing the world to break on some of the students, especially Ruby.

"Once you find your partner, you will head for a location where relics are placed. Choose one relic per group then proceed to the top of the cliffs. You will be met with opposition, prepare yourselves to eliminate any hostiles or you will die. Now, since there are an odd number of students, there will be a single relic off the beaten path. The warrior that finds this relic will be rewarded with something very special."

he continued with his instructions, but the extra relic mentioned garnered the attention of Luffy as he perked up upon hearing it. Luffy began to drool on the possible reward that was being given out.

"Hey Ozzy! What's this special prize... is it a lot of meat! Oh man, I'm gonna find that secret thingy."

Luffy exclaimed in childish enthusiasm, causing everyone around him to stare at him with a sweatdrop.

"That is for you to find out on your own young man, why spoil the surprise. But take heed, those that seek greater fortune often leads to more hardship."

Ozpin warned them with sagely advice. Ozpin kind of figured Luffy of all people would take the time to search for it, especially with the mindset for adventure and the next meal.

'Welp, guess I'm better off finding Yang then, since Luffy is gonna go all over the place to find it.'

Ruby thought, resigned to the fact that her cousin is going to ignore the partner objective in favor for treasure hunting.

Luffy has shown to be incredibly tenacious when it comes to things he wants, from his goals to protecting those he cares about. After several seconds, the plates on the ground were revealed to be launch pads, launching the participants into the deadly forest one by one.

Luffy couldn't wait any longer and looked around for a good launching point. He later found a tree off to the side and left his plate to prepare his own entry. After getting in position, Luffy stretched his arms out to grab a branch. Everyone present; with the exception of Ruby, Yang, Ozpin, and Glynda; had their jaws drop at his stretching ability.

"Gomu Gomu no Rocket"

And with that, Luffy sends himself flying through the air while laughing like a maniac. Ozpin let out an amused chuckle while Glynda was staring out with a twitching eye. They didn't say anything against using their own launch method. The students regained their composure before they too were launched. Jaune was stuck staring with wide eyes at Luffy as he disappeared from sight.

'Huh... Lets add stretching his arms into his arsenal. OK SERIOUSLY, what can he not do?! Wh- wait, why do I feel the wind beating my face?'

Jaune ranted to himself until he realized something was amiss. He feels weightless and the forest is in motion below him... wait.

It was then that Jaune came to the conclusion that he was launched without even knowing it. He tried to remember asking Ozpin about the landing strategy or possibly a parachute beforehand, but was sidetracked by Luffy's stunt. So he does the best thing he could do at the moment.

Jaune screamed like a girl as he sailed through the sky. Back at the cliffs, Ozpin had a smile plastered on his face while Glynda looks at him with dull eyes.

"I love this part of my job... have I ever told you that?"

Ozpin said in longing as he takes a sip of his coffee. He turns to see Glynda staring at him, causing Ozpin to quirk a brow.

"You knew that Mr. Branwen was going to search for the secret relic, didn't you?"

Glynda said with a stern tone. Now that Luffy believes he will get food out of it, he will look high and low for it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Besides, he seems to be having the time of his life."

Ozpin said, earning him an incredulous stare from Glynda. Ozpin takes on a neutral expression, thinking about something else.

"Still, the fact that Luffy was once the pirate king is hard to take in. And he may not be the only one reincarnated into Remnant as well, given the reports. Things are about to get interesting."

Ozpin stated to Glynda as he pulls out a wanted poster, the same old poster of a 400,000,000 beli bounty on Luffy. It's not even the bounty he had when he became pirate king, but it's enough to prove it. They may not know how much beli are compared to lien, but if this was the bounty for an up and coming pirate king, then it must be a fortune.

next chapter
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