I handled most things without much effort, but there had been several events that had made me question Flynn's relationship with me. There had also been several choke points for me on Kayden's wedding day. The first was when I helped Amber into her wedding dress. She looked stunning and the smile she had when she looked in the mirror was one of a girl in her perfect moment.
"Are you nervous?" I asked.
"Of the wedding or marrying, Kayden?"
"Both, I guess," I answered, honestly.
Amber scoffed and smiled warmly, "Are you kidding? Neither. I'm not. I can't wait. I have an awesome guy who treats me like a princess, who's always there for me no matter what, and I can't imagine living my life without him. I'm not nervous, Valerie. I'm excited and heady and... well, I just can't wait for that moment when we exchange vows and stand before God as man and wife."