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36.36% Re:zero the authority of Yandere / Chapter 4: The first progenitor

Chapitre 4: The first progenitor

"Ha... what is this amazing taste, is this a liquid, what am I tasting, it's delicious."

"Wait the bigger question is where am I, is this some kind of wall blocking me."


"Hah... did I just press some kind of button, is this a door, oh it is a door I'm guessing this was my spawn point that Satella spawn me at."

"Well let's try pushing it and see what's on the other side."

With that said I push the door open even further, as it opens up, going upward, what I saw before me, was a vast forest, full of giant trees, It would appear that I was summoned around midnight or so, where exactly I do not know.

So from there, I extend one hand out as I proceed to come out of my containment, but the first thing I noticed was the loud sound of something falling to the ground which took me by surprise, and then I look to my right and I saw something rather disgusting.

"Agh... I have just come to this world and im already seeing dead bodies."

"Well whatever, it's not my business."

I said as I began to look around, but just as I was going to leave, the voice of a woman began to ring from around my neck.

<What a waste, master are you really going to waste such a useful tool?>

"Hah... what was that voice?"

I ask curiously as I look towards my neck, and the first thing I saw was a demonic-looking phone that I was too familiar with, but before I could even say anything the phone began to talk again.

<Greeting master, I am the Lacia program, an intelligent A. I created for the sole purpose of serving and guiding the master, throughout his journey to become an eldritch abomination and join the ranks of an outer Gods>

"Oh so your Lacia, well it's good to meet you as well."

<Agh Yes, the feeling is mutual my master, but anyways we have a lot of things to disgust but for now, let me voice my opinion regarding that girl's current situation, I just think it is a waste for it to be disposed of like that>

"You mean that horrible, mutilated corpse, yeah necrophilia isn't my thing."

<No I don't mean it like that, no I mean that girl sacrifices her life to bring you into this world>

"For what reason?"

<Satella did mention she has a puppet that would work and waste her entire life for you, for you to manifest into this world, and she is also a rare specimen as well, she is revered as the witch of spirits, basically master to make this short and sweet not everyone in the world is aware that anyone can use magic, and by some coincident woman are the lucky ones to manifest or realized that they have a gate, so that's why they are looked at as witches, and she is a well-known one>

"I see, so the reason she is like this is that she released my new body from this coffin?"

<More or less yeah that's the reason why she ended up like that>

"Well, to be honest, I do feel slightly bad for her, but that bitch is dead, I can't heal her so she just has to kick the bucket, what you asking is the equivalent of a level one character to fight the last boss."

<Master you do realize that you're a true vampire right?>

"Correction im a half-vampire, and a half eldritch high elf, in short, a true elder."

<Yes I understand that but for the time being I know your body and powers better than anyone else even yourself, although you just awaken, you are more than capable of bringing back a mere human mortal from injuries as horrible as those, she not dead she unconscious due to the immense blood loss and thanks to her contract with several great spirits, her soul is been forcefully preserved as the spirits are trying to heal her, but apart from that she won't make it, her injuries are too severe, at this rate she only has about four minutes left, before the world breaks down her soul to mana>

(A/N): Take note the book of the dead in the watch tower hasn't even been created yet, so for now Od laguna creates souls and recycles them back into the world after they die, reincarnation doesn't exist yet, as Subaru is back into the past, even before the great calamity.

"So that's how it works, this world rejects the idea of an underworld now that is cold, well whatever how do I save her then, do I just bite my fangs in her neck or something?"

<No, that would just turn her into a ghoul, what you need to do is go several steps above that?>

"Which is?"

<Infect her with conceptual energy, it's a type of energy only true vampires are capable of using>

"That's right but I don't know how to use this energy yet."

<You don't need to know how to use it, your blood has it, your blood act as a catalyst to manipulate it in the first place, just inject an amount of your blood into her, but using your claws, not your fangs>

"That's weird as hell, doesn't vampire bite their victims to turn them, so you're telling me to stab her with my claws and let my blood flow into her body."

<Your fang is for feeding only, if you bite someone to turn them they will become a flesh-eating ghoul, for vampire ghouls are like lesser familiars>

"Ok, so where do I stab her?"

<Well first of all she is badly damaged, so we need your blood to pump into her body at a rapid rate so just pump it directly into her heart, that way your blood will do the rest>

"I see, well ok then let's do this quickly, hmm this feels kind of weird, I never did anything like this in my life, so this makes me a little anxious."

<Hurry master>

"Yikes ok, I heard you the first time."

With that said, I began to stab her directly in the heart as all five fingers penetrate her chest, automatically I had a weird feeling of pushing something into her, yes my black fingernails started to glow red as I felt something leave my body.

While im doing this, Lacia began to speak.

<1 pint, 2 pints, 3 pints, 4 pints, 5 pints, ok master I think that is enough, she has absorbed a large amount of it how do you feel right now?>

"Just a little hungry, I don't feel tired, if anything im far from it, to be honest, I feel the same me as always been."

<That because of the authority of sloth, so you won't feel tired no matter what, but apart from that, let me explain to you how your blood works, the more blood you pump into her, the stronger they become, the amount of blood you just pump into her was a great amount, so without a doubt, she will most likely grow into a true vampire within 200 years or so, for now, she is something on the level of a vampire lord, if she eats sufficient blood she will become a high vampire, then a vampire queen, then finally a true vampire-like yourself>

"I see, well this should be sufficient enough to make her live, although I have a question, vampires are known to have immortality, am I also immortal?"

<You are immortal alright, to be honest, you have four different forms of immortality, which is eternal youth, regeneration, life absorption, and shared existence>

"What share existence?"

<So to kill you they would have to kill you and that girl at the same time, and if she turns more people into vampires then they would have to kill the entire vampire race at the same time to eradicate you, this is a special form of immortality that only applies to you>

"So will she inherit any kind of powers from me?"

<She basically has all different forms of your immortality, except share existence, supernatural speed, strength, charisma, stamina, vampire form, enhanced senses, night vision, immunity to sunlight, power boost under the moonlight, and since she is the first progenitor and has drank a vast amount of your blood a random special ability as well, she also has blood manipulation, limitless potential and finally soul link, to explain the last one your soul is linked with hers as she is something like your familiar, so the perks of that is she can't die even if disintegrated or her soul is erased, as it will just regenerate herself back into existence as long as you are alive and kicking>

"Well that's good to hear, and as a vampire lord, she will need to suck blood to live, she is not a true vampire like me who can live on nothing but natural energy, so let's just say this is my thanks for helping me crossing this world, ohh well I don't plan to stay here long, so im going to leave her here."

<Ohh you are not going to bring her with you, this girl is loyal, she did go this far to make your arrival to the world possible you know>

"As you said before Lacia, the big boss herself instigated for it to be so, she was a destined to die for my sake, I deny that outcome, and well seeing that I was born to bring misery to increase my power, she might be a useful tool to me someday, and I don't need her, to be honest, she might already be strong with her magic or whatever but seeing that our existence is shared, the further apart we are the better as long as I am alive she is alive, as long as she is alive I am alive, and we can only be killed together."

"So her job as a tool has already begun, being close to her increased the risk of our deaths, im not strong enough, if anything my only saving grace is my immortality, and seeing that my trump card is this girl, it would be smarter to make her roam and do her thing, for now, I will go my own way as well."

<Yes that does seem like a better idea>

"Yes for now let's just cause as much chaos in the world, let's start small, let's find some unlucky humans and toy with them, I want to test out my emotions absorption, meanwhile you can explain how my power and bodyworks."

<Agh yes...well you are in a place called the whispering woods, a village called hunter village is about 150 kilometers to the east of here which is that way if you start running now, at full speed you should reach in about thirty minutes, and since you don't tire at all, that run will be child plays for you>

"Ok bet, let's test out this body's physical limits, I might not look much but I was rather fit in my old world."

With that said I began doing some small stretches as I sprint with everything I have, as took off at great speed, running through the woods, I was like one of those supercars, but more durable, honestly how fast was I going?

Lacia answered that question for me, and honestly speaking I wasn't going supersonic, no I didn't even scratch the surface, and the answer I got was.

<You're going approximately 278mph, not at the level of a supercar, but faster than an average car, it only feels that way because your heightened awareness is making things so close up, and at the speed, you're going your perception is faster, so everything just seems so slow and clear to you>

"Well whatever this is kind of fun, I never ran this fast before, anyway let's test out the leg strength, even more, these trees are really big like what the hell, they look at least 40 meters high."

<The world plant life is prehistoric in nature, due to the rich Mana in the atmosphere, even animals would be bigger and more dangerous in this world>

"This is very interesting so magic x dinosaur sweet, well then let's see how fun it is to be an eldritch being?"

<For now that is>

"Well, who cares it's still fun."

Right after I said that I bend slightly as I jump high up with all my might, and below me, I could see everything I literally jump over the moon, as saw even the giant trees were surrounding me, how high was I, that was only though I could think of, Lacia also answers this for me.

<You're currently 320 meters in the air, and by the way, do you have a tingly sensation behind your back, you know like the urge to extend something out, it like the feeling to stretch an extra pair of arms out after going to sleep or waking up>

"Now that you mention it, I do, hmm.... let's try extending whatever this is."

And when I did that, a giant pair of full black wings could be seen, with red veins all over, it look like a combination of a giant bat and dragon wing fusing.

And when I extended it I suddenly began to glide across the air with blinding speed, as I glide with the lingering moonlight, I could also flap them but for some reason, I could not support my body weight with this.

Lacia explains the reason why as well.

<So unlike other true vampires, new beginners like you only have baby wings, so for now you can only glide and maneuvers slightly in the air with these, in short, you only use these when falling or when you want to reach somewhere quicker, in the air your twice as fast, so these are very useful for escaping when you have the high ground>

"Fascinating, so what else can I do?"

<Walk on surfaces, for example, defy gravity, and walk through walls or anything that act as a wall>

"I see, to be honest how dangerous is this world?"

<Well the only thing you have to truly worry about are the observers, this world equivalent to gods, they pretend to be readers with avatars that's how bored these gods are, they look at this world as an entertaining game, or comic don't worry though the observer are not aware of your existence, you haven't made a name for yourself as yet, although I have a way to counter them, let's just break into someone house kill a random family, and take that as a temporary base for now though, and I will explain everything to you later>

"Oh murder, I never killed a person, but the experience would be fun, like a guilty pleasure I guess."

<Well I hardly care about morals, to me everything else, but masters are nothing but convenient tools I see potential in, if they are worthless they have no place beside you>

"What was that you were whispering?"

<Oh, nothing... but let's kill some human pronto, we need some shards and the quickest way is to fuck with other people's emotions>

"Well you know what best for us to make some bread, money is important, no matter the shape form, purpose, and use for it."

<That is true>

"Hahah well let's go then."

With that said, both Subaru and Lacia, head for huntsman village a well-known village known for its Viking-like strength, but it is also a place filled with Amazon-like females and dangerous animals.

But little did any of these Viking warriors realised at the time was that a monster far more barbaric than any of them was heading their way at a blinding speed when the inquisitor saw the damage, destruction, and brutality that was done to the famous village known for its various animal and clothes trade, that would have been the day that the church realize that humanity first evil of the other six that has exit till now has finally awoken from its slumber.

And with the many years to come before cannon, the observers, the inquisitor, the heroes, the sages, the greater spirits, the archbishops, the knights, the sword saints, the magician, the warrior, the oni tribe, the evil eye clan, the dark horse men, the ten divine beasts, and even the divine dragon race, would come to realize that the world that they know and watch over would soon fall to chaos unimaginable.

--Carmilla Pov--

Cough!!! Cough!!!

The sound of coughing could be heard from a woman, as she role to the ground, breathing heavily, sweat pouring down her head, she gaze at her hand she was trembling with fear.

But as she look down, she notice her missing left arm suddenly reappear, no it grew back, this shocked her greatly as she began searching and analyzing her entire body.

The result concluded in a simple question she can't answer or grasp, but only that it was done by the grace of a higher entity.

"I...I...Im alive, how, and why?"

The question plagued her, but she didn't lament on it for too long, as she focus back on herself again.

"What happened to me I feel different, no I don't feel like my usual self at all, what is this why do I feel so full of strength I can't describe this sensation."

But even this question was remain unanswered, as I just realized something.

"Wait... no the king in orange, the embodiment of mankind's sins, wait where is he, no... don't tell me, he is gone, did he leave me, no I was supposed to die anyway so I shouldn't be down by that, but still!"

Yes at that moment she realized something about her current condition, there was only one person who could have helped her at that time when she was nearing death's doors, to be honest, she was beyond saving, the damage to her body was evidence of that, after all, she was willing to sacrifice herself for her life goal, the resurrection of the nameless king in orange.

And she was blessed with the honor of even seeing even a glimpse of him, hair so white and majestic that one would never forget the pureness and the uniqueness of its appearance, skin so clear and beautifully pale he could be mistaken for an albino angel, fang so sharp it could bite even Mythril, and overall eyes so beautiful one stop in its presence to submit to its temptation.

Meanwhile being covered in robes of eyes catching orange, that outshines the light around it.

It was at that moment, that she realize that the nameless one was responsible for her current condition, but she didn't even get the time to rejoice upon realization because right before her face was uplifted into a smile.

A weird sensation of lingering danger overwhelms her for a short while, and her body reacted on its own, as she backflips five meters in the air.

As a giant spear suddenly came flying toward her as it destroyed the ground beneath her.

Crackle!!! booooom!!!


But she manages to land on the very coffin from which her savior and lord emerge.

"Holy fuck my physical strength and reflex suddenly enhance into a different realm entirely, what the hell happened to me."

"Another one."

As I said this I jump once more as it passes me but as I jump another one was already about to take my head, at that moment something I couldn't explain happen to me.

Time stopped or was I just faster I don't know but one thing was for sure this power, this current me did this somehow, how exactly, well I don't know, maybe my body reacted to the danger, and awaken a power I could not explain.

But the spear stop right before me, even though I was floating in mid-air, but what I notice in this sudden pause of time was that I could see everything at a perfect 360° degree angle, I could hear everything as well no it was like I was predicting the sound within a pause world before it even happens.

At that moment I also saw many alternatives it was the only way I can describe it, there was one then one became two, from there two became fours, and four became eight.

"Dodge, rewrite, run away, Immediately attack, sacrificed an arm, what the hell was happening am I seeing the future no it's more than that, im seeing possible outcomes, I see, agh it was simply my lord that gave me this power, he saw through long-forgotten wish so easily, In my entire life I never had a choice to do things the way I want, I hated that, so I force myself to carry out these choices, eventually I became obsessed with them and the completion of it all."

"I didn't want to be a witch, I wanted to be a priest, but I grew up in a family who worship the evils of humanity, at first, I wasn't with it, but one night vision of white figures was always there whispering in my ears telling me what to do, how to do it, why is should do it, in time I grow attach to the idea of the voice company, I long for it, so I began talking to it, and listing to the voice words as it was absolute, on multiple occasions it said one thing which was free me"

"So with that said I carry out my task to the end, I even went through seven months of pure torture to get the key to the seal, and my master gave me this opportunity to be different, the opportunity to make my own choices, I see is this your will to live by my own choice, I don't even know how to thank you, an eternity, no I will live to the empress and serve you however I can I must and I will but for that to happen I can let this hit me so, for now, this choice that was force against me, this reality that wants to hit me like I did anything to it could just disappear and kill someone else anyone it doesn't matter, and people who chose to hurt me with this weapon can also take a height."

And when I said this I blink and the spear that almost kill me just disappear, meanwhile time resumed and I land back on the giant spear beneath me.

But that's when I noticed all attacks seem to cease, and that was when I heard a scream coming from the distance, coming from the sky, so I look up, and above me were the figures of seven people falling from the sky, as they come crashing done and bursting like pinata before me.

Bones crack, flesh tore, eyes were crushed, intestine and blood covered the ground and the armor they were wearing bent in several places.

I look at this in a weird shock, did I do this, even my spirit magic was not even that powerful, the only way I could describe this power was that a lot of different choices present themselves before me, and I just pick my ideal one out of hundreds that came before me.

So with that said I slowly walk toward the mutilated body, of the inquisitor that tried to kill me.

And when I gaze at the blood I notice my reflection, and I look completely different, no scrap that did I switch body with some higher entity or something, the reason being I was taller, so tall it was inhumane, I was at least 8'9 in height, my white hair went from white to sky blue, and it was straight and reach the back of my ankle, my eyes were far from normal either, the sclera was amethyst just like the master, while my pupil was a bright blue that glows like a sun.

My breast got larger, while my thighs got thicker, and my ass got larger and curvier, my fingernails became crystal-like black claws, and between my cleavage was a familiar symbol deeply engraved in my flesh, it look more like a tattoo, instantly I know it was marked, instinctively I know I became someone property.

The mark was a snake biting its tail and a giant pupil present itself at the center, the same that was on the coffin, was also engraved on my chest, meanwhile at the center of my forehead was a simple blue dot.

I was in robes that were tattered from the earlier battle.

Instantly I knew what my purpose was, I live to make my own choices, and I shall choose the best alternative for my lord's will and order, this body, soul, mind, and every fiber of my beings belong to him.

"Ha..hahaha..ahahaha.I see so my lords want me to spread the name of his greatness, and so I shall leave everything to this faithful servant, I live and exist to serve, and follow you."

But as I said this I isn't a toy drop to the ground in pain, as I suddenly felt an immense headache struct me.

"Awwww!!! agh....ugh....egh....damit is this the price of that power, shit this hurts, damit, I need to get out of here these inquisitors aren't too far either, aghhh... im in too much pain to even move, ok fight through it, I need to use it one more time, ok think... shit don't care, I choose to be anywhere but here."


With those words said Carmilla suddenly disappear, and all that was left as proof of her existence was the bodies of the inquisitor knights sent by the church, where she went not even she knows as the choice was random, but one thing was for sure anywhere but here is a better choice and a better place to be at.

next chapter
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