“That’s absolutely preposterous!” the Star Dragon yelled out. “Didn’t you hear the part where all of our fleets are already engaged? We have ships out there that are in dire need of repair, and yet are still on the front lines. And you want to thin them out even further?!”
“While I have you in mind, Dregha,” said Lady Felrahn. “Didn’t we just hear from the parliamentarian that we’re losing on all fronts? That our territory is slowly getting whittled down, House by House? But it isn’t exactly true, is it?
“No, the truth is that Parliamentary Records show that there are dozens and dozens of fleets in the Hegemony that aren't losing. The 5th Fleet included.”
The Lady Felrahn turned to one of her aides, and gestured at him with a frail hand. It shook so badly that it almost threatened to break off at the wrist.
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