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54.11% Raiden's Storm (ASOIAF) / Chapter 46: Fateful Decision

Chapitre 46: Fateful Decision

I lifted the sheets over and saw blood. It didn't look like I had been cut anywhere, nor did she... chances were I outdid myself this time.

I got out of my bed and put on a robe, looking in the mirror. I saw Raiden Shoguns' reflection, who didn't look all too pleased. That didn't matter. What mattered was the consequences of my actions...

The Tyrells have something to hang over my head... and the Starks, too. Arya will probably bite my ear off and I doubt Robb would be all too approving. God forbid I become a father as well. I'm not ready for that at all...

How did it even happen?

I can remember fuck all...

"She came in the middle of the night without invitation." Raiden Shogun said, floating around me. "She saw that you were not in the right state of mind and guided you along into... entangling. In essence, you were taken advantage of."

'Is that so?' I thought, looking at myself. I looked like a bloody mess, alright. My head was buzzing, and I was one wrong turn from throwing up everything I had eaten the previous night.

It takes two to tango...

"Good morning, Your Grace."

I glanced back, seeing Margaery sit up. Arguably, she looked worse off than I did. It must've been a wild night. Then again, no one wakes up looking organized in the morning, but I wasn't used to seeing her like that...

I managed to smile as I turned to face her, acting courteously.

"How did you find last night, my lady?"

"... Wonderful. Marvellous, for lack of a better word." She gave me an innocent-looking smile as she fixed some of her hair. "It was like… a dream I didn't want to wake from. A night of endless burning passion, love and desire. It's a night I will never forget."

"Sounds like you enjoyed yourself." I chuckled. "Nor did I disappoint, by the looks of it."

"Not at all, Your Grace." She chuckled, nodding her head. "I would even say you were a bit too impressive."

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't believe I'll be walking straight for a few days, in truth." She jested with the slightest of smirks.

"You must forgive me if I hurt you. A man tends to do foolish things when he's drunk on Stag's Fury."

"Oh, you did no such thing." She shook her head. "There was not a moment of displeasure… except the first few, of course, when you took my maidenhead."

"Shame I don't remember any of it." 

"You don't? I suppose you were rather drunk…"

"... Margaery."

I stepped closer, sitting down beside her. My tone was far more serious than before. 

"Yes, Your Grace?"

 "I want you to speak the truth. For how can any bond be considered true if it is built on lies and deception? How could there be love without trust?"

"... What truth do you seek?" She blinked, raising an eyebrow. "I dare not lie to you, Your Grace. I never have."

"Did I invite you to my bedchamber?" I looked into her eyes.

"... No. However, you did not send me away as I came."

"I see." I nodded. "... And what were your intentions with this unexpected visit in the night?"

"I simply wished to spend more time with you. In the celebration, it was not at all easy... and I did not wish to disturb you then as you reunited with your friends."

"How did it lead here?" I questioned.

"One thing led to another..." She paused, glancing away with a slight blush. "Though I only offered words of comfort, you... grew impassioned and pushed me down."

"Did I force myself on you?" I raised an eyebrow. "If so..."

"No, Your Grace. I... will admit that I goaded you into fulfilling your heart's desires. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than that - against my better judgement." She lowered her head, looking regretful. "I did take advantage of the opportunity that presented itself... that is the truth. I only wanted to be closer to you, Your Grace. I pray you forgive me."

She almost made me feel like I was in the wrong. By the sound of things, though, I did play quite a large part in it all...

I raised her chin with my hand, smiling reassuringly as she looked at me.

"Thank you for speaking the truth, my lady. I appreciate a bitter truth more than a sweet lie." I raised my hand further, brushing it against the side of her soft cheek. "Since I so brazenly took your maidenhood, I ought to take responsibility for the matter... and I will. After all, your marriage prospects must have dimmed quite a bit, and a great part of that is my fault."

"That need not be true, Your Grace..." She took my hand and cupped it in both of hers.

"The Targaryen Kings of the past had a great many liberties, with their dragons... for absolute power commands absolute authority," I spoke, freeing my hand. "And, ultimately, absolute authority bends the laws of men and faith."

"If I become as mighty as a dragon..."

Margaery's eyes suddenly lit up. No doubt, she got my meaning.

"Well, that's a matter for the future." I smiled, shaking my head as I got out of bed. "Will you need a hand getting out of bed? Perhaps I should carry you... since it doesn't seem that you had any intentions of being discreet."

"I would have been, Your Grace..." Margaery smiled sweetly. "If not for how hard it was to walk at night."

"Well, it will undoubtedly come to light in time, regardless. There is no use hiding it."


The moment we separated, I stood alone on the only tower of Storm's End. The wind brushed my hair as I remained deep in thought. I was a bloody mess, through and through. What even goes through my head when I'm drunk?

Did I want to fill that hole, seek that feeling of love that has eluded me?

Did I want to reel the Tyrells closer to my side by taking Margaery's virtue?

Or was I simply feeling lustful and just let myself go loose...

I sighed, shaking my head.

A King having an affair isn't something pedestrian - so it's not quite the end of the world. It would be best to accept what happened and try to pick up the mess rather than take drastic action. Starting a rebellion over one drunken entanglement isn't exactly wise... I need the Realm to be united.

After collecting my thoughts, I went to Maester Jurne and asked him to concoct one serving of moon tea. He didn't question me, going straight to work. As I waited, my heart was conflicted. Did Margaery act out of love or political gain? She was, without a doubt, intelligent and cunning to the point that she could make any act convincing...

She could probably convince the world's ugliest man that he was, in fact, quite the charmer.

Except he could look in the mirror and determine otherwise...

As for the love others hold for you?

It's much, much, harder to tell.

"It is done, Your Grace." Maester Jurne handed me a cup of hot moon tea. "I will not ask why you seek it... however, I wish to say that all life is precious."

I looked at him. "Go on."

"If it were Lady Delena who drank moon tea after her affair with your father... I would have never had the pleasure of teaching you, nor would Lord Renly have or even Ser Cortnay. The Realm would be a far different place, a pit of chaos... without a doubt." Maester Jurne lowered his head. "As I see it, moon tea is worse than the killing of children, for you do not even allow them to see the light of day."

"Is being born a bastard any better?" I questioned.

"You are the King, Your Grace... your word is law. If you wish for someone to live in luxury, it shall be so." He lowered his head as I kept looking at him. "Forgive me, I have said too much."

"No... it's fine. I find your words insightful, maester." I managed a smile. "Thank you."

"It is my pleasure to serve you, Your Grace."

After a solemn bow, he left.

I turned my eyes to the moon tea, watching it sway. I imagined what could be...

A girl, with long brown curls and shimmering blue eyes. She was little and truly adorable, a bundle of joy that one would wish to embrace. Her smile was sweeter than all else in the frozen world around her. Ice and snow melted at her feet as a purple-gold rose grew from the ground.

She offered it to me and I imagined myself taking it.

"You wouldn't ever hurt me, would you... father?" She tilted her head slightly, her smile fading slowly.

The word father struck a cord... 

"... No." I shook my head, managing a smile. "You are my family... I will always protect you."

She smiled once more, nodding, before throwing herself into my embrace.

"I love you, daddy."

The illusion broke as I gathered myself. It seemed so real, far too real. Was it a green dream? Even if it wasn't a matter of prophecy, the meaning behind it remained the same....

'That love... is undeserved.'

I took a deep breath, turning back to the moon tea. 

'Grow up...'

I told myself, turning away from the moon tea. It was the coward's way out, a boy's way of running from the consequences of his actions. I'll face them when they come.

I left the room and saw Maester Jurne smile slightly, nodding.

"Leave it for someone who needs it, maester."


[3rd Person]

In the main yard of Storm's End.

"This is the master-at-arms of Storm's End, Ser Davis." 

Edric presented him to his three squires. There were others on the sidelines, including his Kingsguard, the Hound, Brienne, Garland Tyrell, Oberyn Martell and others.

"A brilliant knight and an even better teacher. He taught myself, Ser Loras, Ser Arthur, Ser Robert, Brienne and most of the other highborn of Storm's End." Edric smiled, looking at his squires. "One should strive to learn from various great teachers, rather than a single one. That is why he shall be instructing you lot today and for the rest of our stay in Storm's End. I hope to see some improvement by the end."

"Yes, Your Grace." 

All three nodded dutifully, even Dickon Tarly, who admired Edric greatly for his martial prowess—as did his father. To him, Edric's words were like holy scripture.

"Good." Edric nodded, turning to Ser Davis with a slight smile. "I hope three more boys is not too much."

"You honour me greatly, Your Grace." He nodded. "The more the merrier, I say. In this time, I will teach what I can."

"Mn, good."

Edric turned to the rest of his company, mostly looking at Robert, Brienne and Arthur. The only one missing was Loras, who was asleep. "This does bring me back... hm. Should we do a few duels?"

"Sounds like fun." Robert grinned slightly, glancing at Arthur. "I'd like to see just how brilliant the new Kingsguard are."

"Be my guest." I chuckled, turning to Arthur. "Go on, put Robert on his ass. First blood wins."

"I'm not that much of a pushover, surely." Robert smiled, shaking his head.

Arthur drew an ordinary steel longsword, and so did Robert. Robert was taking a more defensive approach, waiting for Arthur to strike first. 

"You were always the kind to come at me first... what unmans you so greatly now, Ser Robert?" Arthur taunted him.

"What can I say?" He chuckled. "That shiny white cloak is quite intimidating. Only the seven greatest knights in all the Realm have that honour, no?"

"... Aye." Arthur's eyes narrowed slightly as he edged forward.

He threw a lightning-fast pierce, to which Robert moved his sword to deflect... only for it to be a feint. Arthur twisted his sword and slashed Robert's arm so precisely that only the slightest of cuts emerged. Robert gasped, stepping back as he observed the cut in his garment.

"... So swift," Robert said, blinking as if he were confused. "I thought I had improved, but... you made me look like a fool."

"Don't sweat it too much." Edric smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "Arthur does nothing more than guard me, sleep, eat and train the sword. He breathes swordsmanship every moment of the day. I'm quite sure that's all he does in his dreams, too."

"Heh..." Arthur chuckled. "Aye, that might be true."

"Living up to your name, Ser Arthur the Second." Robert smiled, taking a deep breath. "However, no true fight is to first blood. I'd like another chance... but with full plate."


While Robert aimed to make the second duel a brawl, Arthur kept his distance and used the half-sword technique to continuously whack his helmet with the pommel. Eventually, Robert got thrown to the ground and yielded. 

After that, Edric had Robert fight Ser Balon and Mandon... both of whom beat him rather easily with blunted weapons. Then he made Robert fight Brienne, who also bested him. 

"Robert, would you like to face me next?" Edric tilted his head slightly. "Mayhaps the Hound, or Ser Arys..."

"I'd rather not, Your Grace." Robert chuckled, shaking his head. "It would be a slaughter. I am already... quite tired."

"Fair enough." Edric shrugged. "I would like to see you fight next, Brienne."

"As you wish, Your Grace."

Though she lost more than half of her duels, she stood nearly on equal footing with most of the Kingsguard, who had been trained quite rigorously. Edric observed her carefully, smiling at each of her victories. Some people were impressed by her show of ability, though others denounced her as a freak in low tones.

After that, he started matching up the Kingsguard against each other and had them continue training.

Meanwhile, leaned against the wall in the shade with Brienne.

"If I recall correctly, you were not in the fighting against the Lannisters, nor the Ironborn, even though your lord father answered the call to war... why is that?"

"My father forbid me from going," Brienne answered honestly, shaking her head. "I wished nothing more than to fight by your side, shield you in battle and slay those who would harm you, but..."

"Your father, huh?" Edric smiled slightly. "If you wish to still do so, I will permit it myself. You need only..."

"..." She bent the knee at his feet, presenting her sword. "I would wish for nothing more, Your Grace."

"Well... that was quick." Edric blinked with a cheerful expression. "Brienne... you made a habit of protecting me in my youth. I have most certainly not outgrown your shield yet. If you wish to grant me your sword... I will take it gladly."

She looked up, her blue eyes shimmering as she met Edric's gaze. She couldn't keep herself from smiling as he bid her to rise in his direct service. To be a King's sworn shield was not so far from being a Kingsguard and an honour even most knights could not reach. This triumphant feeling was only bolstered by her opinion of said King, who had treated her well and accepted who she was.


After finishing his physical training, Edric delved further into magic and focused mainly on skinchanging as his falcon. He soared around the nearby lands, observing his village from afar. He tried to expand his abilities further by changing into other animals but could not do so.

The following day, he rode out to his village with a smaller royal entourage. The village had grown considerably in his absence, primarily due to its prestige as the King's first holding and Edric's allocating some of his funds to it. 

"The King has returned!"

The entire village gathered and knelt before his presence. He got off and looked around with a proud smile, his black hair waving with the strong wind. This... had once been his dream. Even though it was so small, he did not frown upon it. 

"Rise, all of you." Edric kept his smile. "Do not treat me as a stranger just because I have a crown on my head now."

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