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66.34% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 66: Chapter 66

Chapitre 66: Chapter 66

"I have no enmity with you and I only come to hunt down these people who tried to rob me, so I will just clean up the mess and leave." Of course I have to try to reason with her, and of course I know I'm crazy to think she would even consider it. And the fact that she attacked me again shows what I think, is it too much to ask that they have some common sense?

"Why the hell, all of you have the need to go making enemies everywhere!?" I can only say as I continue to dodge her attacks.

"Silence! The mere fact that you discovered my presence is your death sentence!" And then she proceeds to attack again.

"Fuck. Even if I attack you and defeat you, you will say your background and that I will suffer the consequences of my actions." Actually I think that even her attacks would not pass my defenses I just dodge to not lose the habit.

"As if a person like you had the skills to do it!" Excuse me miss, so far you haven't even touched me, what makes you think you have the advantage?

"This is ridiculous.... alright then." I quickly proceed to approach her quickly, applying the technique of Naruto and Jesus running across the water, of course I am using magic for this.

"Wha-" Without giving her a chance, I take her by the neck and subdue her, its was it really easy... or did she really think she had the advantage? Although she continues to attack me with her ice power, she is not really achieving anything.

"Now you will proceed to threaten me with your affiliation and that if I do not release you, others will come to avenge you."

"How dare you touch me! When the Sect finds out about this they will..." As soon as I hear that I let go of her, proceeding to stand still while she takes the girl and moves back a bit.

"We can finally have a conversation like civilized people that we are? And by the way, here take your veil back... why the hell are you wearing this thing if you want to cover your face isn't a mask like mine better?" I complain a little while throwing her veil, she doesn't even glace at it, letting it fall to the ground and continuing to watch me...

"Sigh..." Since she doesn't speak, I just turn around and walk back to where the bodies are, to keep them in my inventory, although when I finish to turn around she attacks me again.

So without saying more I use [Body Relocation] to appear next to her, using Skyrim's paralyzing poison to stop her... and to think what would happen the same as in the game, she just remains frozen in position and falls to the ground, next to her the girl really gets scared and begins to despair...

"Don't worry, it's just a paralyzer, nothing will happen to her in 10 seconds she will go back to normal, not to mention that I don't want to hurt Chu Yuechan's sister and a disciple from her sect." So I proceed to pat her head, IT'S LITTLE EFFECTIVE, since she tried to froze my hand when I do it, although that does not mean that I stop doing it.

"THERE IS NO WAY A MAN LIKE YOU KNOWS MY SISTER!! STAY AWAY FROM MY DISCIPLE RIGHT NOW!!" Yueli yells, and proceed to prepare another attack.... Hmmm apparently they don't learn, although this time surprisingly she doesn't attack me, well I practically have her by the balls with this little girl by my side....

"DAD!" Before we can continue our conversation a new person comes, Nysynea appears in front of me and I proceed to pat her head while she hugs me, so now I'm in the curious position of patting the heads of two young ladies at the same time, one who gleefully accepts it and the other who does everything she can to stop me.

"How are you Nysy, how is the situation in home? They haven't had any problems right?" Apparently this really surprised both of them, I don't know the little girl but Chu Yueli is surprised for something... probably not having felt the presence of Nysynea until she was in front of her.

"Don't worry, there are no major problems, dad, although the rest are somewhat worried about you, it's have been a long time since the last time you came to the castle..." She immediately stands up straight and begins to speak, observing the situation... "Hmmmm are you our new sisters?" After she says that I stop my hand that was on this girl... and I can see how for some seconds they really don't understand what Nysynea just said.

Very well this already got a little awkward, so I immediately take my hand from the girl head, who doesn't respond much just looking closely at Nysynea... Yueli for her part doesn't really react either although I can clearly see that she is clenching her fists now...

"No, they are.... This woman is the sister of a friend of mine, and this girl is a disciple of her sect... By the way, my name is Leonhard Hauser. Nice to meet you....?" I try to talk to them but they just stare at me... Chu Yueli with a look full of resentment... Sigh.... and I thought Yuechan was difficult, at least she answered when I asked her something...

"My name is Nysynea von Hauser, nice to meet you! A friend of dad is a friend of all! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask!" Nysynea then proceeds to lean in slightly with her right hand on her chest… doing a aristocratic greeting.

'Nysynea von Hauser? I have no problem if they want to have my last name... but German? They are Norse... actually I have no idea of how Norse titles works.'

"Hmph, as if someone like you could offer us anything! The nerve of a person, if my sister decided to save you on some occasion, it does not mean that you are her friend!" Chu Yueli immediately speaks up, if it was in a modern world I would surely have been spit on... who was the guy who left her like this? He really had to be a real bastard to manage to create so much resentment in her.

'Sigh..... I feel that I would have more opportunities to become friends with a stone than with this type of women... well at least she's not attacking me anymore so it's an advantage... or maybe it's because I'm still at the side of her disciple...'

"My name is Xia Qingyue, nice to meet you... I hope we can be friends." Well at least all is not lost. But why she suddenly..... I see she wants to become friends with Nysynea.

"Yes, we are going to be friends! It doesn't matter what you need, just say it, in my case I specialize in infiltration and assassinations, but my sisters can do anything! Alchemy! Smithy! Hunting! Tracking! OUCH! DAD!" It's nice to see that Nysynea is so animated but that doesn't change the fact that she's talking too much... look Chu Yueli is seeing me worse!

"Well we are all busy people, since your teacher wants nothing to do with us lets part ways here.... but you are a junior so take these gifts from me." I quickly proceed to take a few things out of my inventory after placing them in an ornate wooden space-box purchased from the system adorned with the Imperial Aquila.

' As far as I remember, this is something normal in this type of world, right? Besides it would be best that she and Nysynea becomes friends, I have no problem offering her our services but we are currently in... hostile or awkward negotiations?'

So we proceed to leave this time without anyone's interference, well not before cleaning up the place a bit and taking the corpses with us, these Stalker abilities really work for this, I didn't think that his [Graffiti] and [Remover] would function like this and clean the area as it was before.

Further on, we find Shetinoth who proceeds to hug me as well and I end up walking with two beauties, one in each hand, I'm sure if I had the Hate Detect Skill right now I'd be over 9000, I can even feel Yueli following us until a restaurant, for now I have a good dinner with both of them, I really want to know if something happened apart from their normal.... life, day or everything?


Chu Yueli POV.

'It is not possible that my sister can be friends with a man.... This person is definitely strong, to be able to dodge all my attacks and get close to me quickly... I couldn't even defend myself...'

That is the harsh reality, one that Chu Yueli does not want to accept, if that man wanted to do something with her, she would not even have been able to commit suicide, that poison that he gave her left her completely vulnerable, for a few moments she feared how he would take advantage of her disciple in front of her only to be her turn later...

'However, no matter how we offended him, that man maintained the same position and attitude, I am his friend...' Yueli scoffs, knowing full well that can't be true. Although.... she calm a little when that girl appeared, presenting her as his daughter, a very beautiful young woman.

'But that girl have a little smell of blood and from the way she moved, she is clearly a assassin as she stated... a really dangerous one that somehow was able to get close enough to me without being detected...' Just thinking about that makes a shiver run down her spine, if she gets close and uses that poison that she has, how could they even have a chance to defend themselves...

'I will have to warn the sect about them, the thrones maintain the stability of the sect but there is a group of assassins that can finish off the rest... Besides, that man doesn't stop infuriating me!' Just thinking about what would have happened... but that man saw her face and didn't react in any way, it's as if he had seen a stone on the road, he just sees it and continues.

It's a contradiction that she has, she hates it when men don't want to do anything but see her but the fact that Leonhard don't even look at them makes her even more angry! But this also shows something else that kept her a bit restless, that man never saw them as anything other than friends, something Chu Yueli found reassuring but had a hard time to accept, more coming of a man.

For her all the men, are those who only think of possessing them as beautiful caged birds for their entertainment, she really can't remember a time since she grew up when a man didn't stare at her when she showed her face, or cast glances of lust or envy in her direction when she pass walking, waiting for the slightest weakness to take advantage of it...

'Those girls, his daughters... are really free... they can walk down the street showing their faces without worries... that only means that he really has the power to become our ally... the Burning Heaven Clan and the Xiao Sect would have already taken them for themselves otherwise, even the Heavenly Sword Villa will be tempted.

My sister has always been wiser than me, so in truth she must have some other plan, there is no way she would want to be friends with a man on her own....' After seeing them enter a restaurant, she immediately returns with her disciple.

Chu Yueli really has a lot to think about, she also has to contact the Sect to find out if the things this man says are true, but if they are really true... She doesn't really know how the Sect might react, they might even force her to apologize.....

'And surely he will want to take advantage of me... wait a second if their daughters are so beautiful does it mean that his wives are too? Could it be that's why he doesn't react much to me? But clearly those two girls come from different mothers so he must have a harem... or is it just the way his sect runs?

I guess it's the sect, with his appearance I really can't imagine many women wanting to be with him... and they are a group of assassins, so it wouldn't be so crazy, no one would suspect if they normally talk like that, they would only see them as a father with his daughters... and they could easily speak in code, speaking like a normal family in public. ' As Yueli continues to think more and more crazy theories, she finally returns to the Xia Manor where her disciple is observing the small box.

"What are you looking at Qingyue? Is it the gift that man gave you?" Not wanting to keep thinking about those things, she quickly changes the subject to clear her mind.

"Master, actually there are several things inside... they don't have much information apart from their names and a basic description, for example this red, orange and white potion are called Health Potions, and as it says here it is used to heal wounds, external and internal." Qingyue begins to take out several glass bottles and show them to her master.

'There is no way that so much stuff comes out of that little box, apparently it is some kind of storage space. But will these potions do what they say? They smell like herbs but I don't know if they are effective...'

"In addition to that, there are other potions, this blue one says that it recovers the Spirit and the green one detoxifies... however, it does not say which poisons it works against, additionally these potions in this bottles increase your mental capacity temporarily." Qingyue says as she continues to take out several others crystal bottles from the box.

"How many of these potions did he give you?" Yueli ask as she see the craftsmanship of these crystal bottles.

"Assorted red and orange on the hundreds, blue and green just over 100, the whites only 50 and the others are... 200 Concentration, 150 Awakening and 50 Berserk Potions, these have instructions not to use them below a certain level... although I don't understand what they mean by 40 and 85, but the one called Concentration one is safe for everybody."

"Hmmm then we have enough to test them... I'll take some of the lower level ones to see their effects, then we'll test them on normal people, the higher level ones we'll test as soon as we get back to the sect, anything else? " Yueli comments as she takes a concentration potion in her hand and puts it against the light to observe it, not noticing any impurity on it.

"Yes, two weapons, an type of ice whip and a pair of ice swords claws?" In Qingyue hands, she pulls out three weapons, a whip made up of multiple ice balls, at first glance it looks very fragile but it clearly feels like a powerful weapon the other ones.....

"The blade is made of ice? But these aren't claws, because of their shape you should put your hand in the handle here...it a kind of push dagger..." when Yueli places her hand to hold, it seems to activate some kind of mechanism that makes the blade 'unsheathe' and is more comfortable to hold, and if the mechanism is activated again the blade goes back to 'sheathing' state.

Next step she proceeded to move her hand in various positions and forms, admiring the way the weapon works, clearly this weapon is designed to quickly finish off victims, a weapon made specifically for assassins, so both weapons really are one.

'If the blade is made of ice... surely it has freezing properties...' Yueli walks towards the small pool and proceeds to insert the blade of the weapon, watching how it quickly freezes everything around her and in several seconds the small pool is frozen, really surprising her by the power it shows.

"That weapon reacts a lot to your profound energy Master, just placing it in the water quickly freezes it." That comment from Qingyue really made her remember something... she didn't use any kind of energy to do it, she just put the weapon in the water, if she uses her power...

"This weapon is very complex, in order to use it correctly you must go through a long trai- WHAT!?" Suddenly Yueli yell and drops the weapons and they fall to the ground with one of them digging into the ground that proceeds to start freezing it.

"WHAT'S GOING ON MASTER! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Qingyue quickly approached her observing something that could have happened, but her master does not respond, only observing the weapon on the ground.

"I'm fine don't--- Qingyue can you show me the whip?" Chu Yueli look okay, but when she turns to see her disciple to assure her that nothing happened, she sees her weapon and with a strange look in her face asks for it.

This time she takes the whip and begins to observe it carefully, feeling how a cold aura emanates, which is even affecting her, using it towards a rock, the place it hits is freezing immediately, after that she closes her eyes and when she opens them she places the whip in front of them... and you can see how little by little they open more together with her mouth...

"Master are you okay?" Qingyue speaks again, finally managing to get Yueli out of her concentration.

"Yes... I'm fine Qingyue, give me a few seconds..." Yueli then begins to breathe, trying to calm down, since the surprise she just had was very big..." I need to return to the sect, with both weapons, it is not safe that we have them here, your life will be in danger."

"Master? What are those weapons, why did they surprise you so much? Is there something wrong with them!?" Qingyue asks a little fearful, although when she touched the weapons she didn't really feel anything strange, just a cold aura emanating from them.

"No, well yes.... there is no problem with them! They are perfect weapons, the problem is their level... Qingyue, these weapons are at least I think are at Emperor Profound Realm level, so if someone finds out we won't be able to protect them!" That really surprised Qingyue, as she watched her master take the other two swords claws and inspect them as well...

"These are too... to think that we found weapons of this level and even more so with an element that is only compatible with us...." And actually without waiting any longer, her master quickly says goodbye to her leaving some instructions and quickly leaves the place.

Something they didn't notice much was Chu Yueli's way of acting, clearly she no longer acts as cold and refined as she was before, now she acts little more like a normal woman, clearly something happened to her frozen heart, since if it was really working normally she would not have made such a decision without thinking about it more.

For her part, Qingyue began to remember the person who gave her the weapons, beginning to feel curious about him who really did not think anything when she was in his presence and he never thought anything about her. Not to mention the other girl who appeared with him, having a beauty equal to her, who really wanted to get her friendship, without any kind of deceit.

But most important of all, if he can give away weapons of that level surely he has a similar power to have them or at least knows something about it, This could be her only chance to learn anything about her mother's whereabouts, or at least have an idea of where to look for.

Actually this is something that Leonhard did not think of when he gave up both weapons, for him, these weapons are really not that valuable, after the invasion of Comodo he got some of them, and among the rewards of the various quests he took he found the method of forging them. They are 'simple' weapons a Katar of Frozen Icicle and the other is a Icicle Whip, both only Rare weapons according to the system.

[Katar of Frozen Icicle Rank: Rare Type: Katar Property: Water

A Katar fashioned from a cold, sharp icicle that are eternally frozen. Inflict the Frozen status on enemies by a low chance.

Req. Level: 55, Assassin Class. Attack - 105 Price: 45,000]

[Icicle Whip Rank: Rare Type: Whip Property: Water

A whip created from enchanted icicles that are eternally frozen. Inflict the Frozen status on enemies by a low chance.

Req. Level: 30, Dancer. Attack - 110 Price: 20]

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