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5.3% Quick Transmigration : Chased in the Multiverse (BL) / Chapter 13: Actor / 3.1&2 : This Eden is the unwanted child

Chapitre 13: Actor / 3.1&2 : This Eden is the unwanted child

When Eden opened his eyes he was sitting in a waiting room. There were multiple people seated reading what seemed to be a script. Eden checked the specs of this universe and he frowned. He selected receive and he felt the universe's information pouring in.

This Eden is a 21-year-old omega. In this universe, there are three genders: Alpha, Beta, and Omega. Alphas are typically the largest and physically stronger of the three genders, they tend to be aggressive, territorial, and protective. Betas are similar to regular humans since they are in the middle of the alpha/omega scale, they're inclined to be more stable. Omegas are the smallest and the most fragile out of the three genders, they're the ones that carry the children. Eden had a twin brother named Storm.

The two of them were often sick when they were younger and they found out that they both had cystic fibrosis an infection of the lung. Over time Eden's health improved despite the illness having no cure. Eden started to take acting classes and audition since he always dreamed of being an actor but his poor health got in the way before. He was signed into the talent agency Zephyr Talen and became fairly known. Storm's conditions made it so he had to stay at home with a nurse at his side. Eden would always stay at his side as well when he wasn't working.

His mother Colton was a stay-at-home mother and his father Alaric went bankrupt meaning Eden was the only breadwinner of the family. He gave his father a huge paycheck from one of the movies he did so he would be able to create his talent agency named Rgency. His father told him that it was his dream so Eden gave him the money and let him use his name as owner since Alaric's name was blacklisted from the business world. Eden would always promote Rgency despite being signed to another talent agency and thanks to it the agency became incredibly successful.

Since Eden had a heavy schedule he wouldn't spend as much time with Storm as he used to and he started to resent him. The more recognition Eden would get the angrier and jealous Storm would be. He would always get Eden in trouble by lying and acting feeble. His parents thought that Eden was bullying his weak younger brother and they felt disgusted. Over time they felt that Eden looked down on them because he was the breadwinner of the family and that without him they wouldn't have Rgency. Those were all lies told by Storm to create a divide and it worked. Despite all the lies Eden would silently get insulted and take punishment.

He felt that his brother resented him for not being at his side like before when he was just as sick as him. His life at home became difficult and he felt that his parents truly hated him. He moved away when he was eighteen years old and he continued to have a flourishing acting career. He cut all ties with his families even though they were still using his name to help the Rgency thrive and it did. After auditioning for one of the lead roles of a tv show based on his favorite book High Priest Eden was cast and he was over the moon.

On the day of the table read he was surprised to see his brother Storm who had gotten a minor role. Despite all the cruel things he had done to him Eden felt that they should get along and become brothers again. Storm seemed open to it and his days on set were great. Eden even helped him with acting lessons which allowed him to improve until he realized that he hadn't moved on and he still carried resentment. Rumors about Eden started to circulate on the set and online about his character.

Everyone turned their back on him the day there was an accident on set and Storm almost died. One of the heavy chandeliers fell but he was pushed out the way. Directly the finger was pointed at Eden by a friend of Storm and everyone believed it because people kept hearing rumors about how terrible of a person he was especially to his sick baby brother. Since the beginning Storm had made sure that everyone knew he was sick while Eden never told anyone about his health conditions when it was actually worsening while Storm was getting better.

It was everywhere how he was bullying his brother and almost killed him. His parents made a public statement talking about all the horrible things Eden had done to him since Storm was a kid. The studio fired him and killed his character on the tv show. A week later he died in a freak car accident. During the crash his healthy lung was intact so they transplanted it to Storm which allowed him to live a long life. Turns out his parents made him sign a contract when he was younger saying that he would give away his lungs to him when he dies.

When they were extremely sick they were put under a medically induced coma and the doctor said that one of them might have more chance to survive if they pulled the plug on one of them. Before his parents could pull the plug on Eden he woke up and got better. During the haze they made him sign a contract in case it happened again to make sure Storm would survive.

Storm's minor role on the show became bigger after Eden was fired and it became a breakout role for him and his career skyrocketed. During the filming Storm became closer to the film Emperor Luka Zephyr whose father owned the studio and he realized after his accident that he had feelings for him. They became a power couple and they lived happily ever after.

When he received all the information Eden burst out laughing. Everyone looked at him but he couldn't care less. In the previous universe, he had to force himself not to laugh since there were cameras pointed at him but not this time. When he finished laughing he wiped the tears that had rained down his face. He did everything for his family and this is how they repay him? The only reason they live so affluently and Storm was able to get healthier is because of him.

He's been working ever since he was seven years old and all the money went to the house and the medical bills. When he was ten years old he made a movie that became that made it to the box office and he gave the money to his father so he can build his talent agency Rgency. The worst in all of that is that because of his father's terrible business decisions he became blacklisted in the business world so he had to use his name.

The only way for Eden to be able to start his company was if he was deemed an adult so he divorced his parents which legally made him one. Rgency is under his name and he is the one who put up all the money meaning his reputation was on the line if his father screwed up as he did with his previous business venture. Despite being in a different talent agency he attached his name to Rgency and because of him, they were able to sign big names and get exciting offers from studios and big brands.

Even after he moved out they still continued to use his name but his father stopped when Storm ruined his reputation in the original timeline. Then Alaric and his mother Colton made a public statement telling everyone what a terrible person he was and that he is the one who decided to divorce his parents when he was a kid, not only did they make him seem like a bully but they also made him seem unfilial when his father is the one who said that it was the only way, and since he cared for him he agreed. He sacrificed so much in the expanse of his health but his parents ever only cared about his brother.

When the doctor told him that they might have to make a choice they didn't even think, it was evident to them to save Storm. That was before Eden started to work his ass off for them so you would think that they would feel guilt and regret after everything he sacrificed for them but they never did. When he died the first thing they did is harvest his lung.

The funniest thing in all of this is that Storm is signed at the Rgency, the only reason he got the role is that Luka Zhephyr's father Cedro Zephyr is a friend of his father Alaric and the show is being filmed in one of their studios. Again Eden is the reason they became friends since he is signed at their talent agency Zephyr Talent. Not only does Zephyr Talent represent the biggest celebrity but they produce and own multiple studios.

The Zephyrs are worth millions and his father used his name to have a partnership between their agency which opened them a lot of doors. Not only is he going to make his family pay but he will take back everything. The agency is in his name he just named his father president, he put 100℅ of the funds meaning he has complete control, even the mansion they live in was paid by Eden. You'll rue the day I was born. When he is done with them they'll wish they would've pulled the plug on him.

Eden went to the bathroom to look at his reflection. He looked slightly different in the best possible way. He looked breathtaking which didn't surprise him since he is an omega and they tend to be beautiful. He had blue peach blossoms eyes making anyone who looked into them enamored. His eyebrows were thin and he had an aquiline nose with high cheekbones. His skin was fair and his full lips were red as blood. His blond hair made his beautiful azure eyes shine brighter. Eden was satisfied and he went back to waiting for his turn.

He ignored the people secretly taking pictures of him and checked his schedule. He has an agent Rune Ivara but he is useless. Rune has been in love with Eden forever but he never confessed. He thought that Eden knew and that he was just pretending not to know when he was genuinely in the dark. When the news about the book High Priest being turned into a series was everywhere Storm knew that Eden would audition since he knew how big of a fan he was.

He seduced his agent Rune and he told him to make sure Eden wouldn't audition, he would also advise him not to take amazing opportunities that came his way. When Eden said that he wanted to audition he said that felt hurt that he didn't trust him and that he had his best interest at heart. Eden managed to get an audition since he is a household name and was cast as the lead. Rune helped Storm tarnish his reputation and he is the one who pointed the finger at him when the chandelier fell.

The best in all of that is that he made a lot of money after getting the lead on the show and Rune did too since he is his agent and get 10% when he did everything in his power so he wouldn't take the role. Eden will make him pay dearly, he'll keep him close but he'll be the one who'll deal with his career from now on. Storm thought that Rune was in love with him this is why he thought he helped him when he was just using him as a placebo since he couldn't have Eden and he was the closest thing from it.

Eden took a paper writing down his number and email address. He looked up when his name was called. He walked into the audition room with a smile. The producers, the director Arsen and the author of the book Cael felt stunned by his beauty. The author felt that he matched perfectly the main character Wei Ying.


Arsen woke up and he smiled back.

"Hello, Eden. Here is the script and you'll play act 4 scene 3. The most important is to see if you and Luka are compatible like Wei Ying and Lan Zhan are."

Eden took the script quickly gazing at it and he gave it back to Arsen.

"You can read from it if you don't know it by heart."

"I do."

They seemed surprised to hear that. Since they weren't specific about what scenes they wanted the person auditioning for Wei Ying would be playing they gave them multiple scenes and everyone auditioned using the script.

They felt that Eden took it seriously, he didn't have to memorize all of it but he did.

"Oh okay. This is Luka Zephyr he has been cast as Lan Zhan you'll perform the scene with him."

Eden just glanced at him and he nodded to the director.

Luka had a chiseled jawline and his almond-shaped eyes were gold. His hair was wavy and dark and he had a well-set straight nose with full lips. Currently, his thin eyebrows were down creating a crease between them. Even if he and Eden have no relationship despite being signed in the same agency he could at least say hello.

He usually doesn't care about that since when he would see him in the halls of Zephyr's Talent he wouldn't acknowledge him and neither would Eden but this time some reason it bothered him. He frowned deeper when Eden moved on already. Eden took a seat on the chair and Luka stood a few feet away from him. Arsen said:


Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan and he asked:

"When are you going to stop?"

Lan Zhan answered with a vicious smile:

"Once every person who had a hand on my clan's extinction die."

Wei Ying said:

"You're only hurting yourself."

Lan Zhan chucked his eyes shining.

"You're wrong I'm hurting those who betrayed my clan."

Wei Ying stood up and walked to Lan Zhan.

He put a hand on his chest and Luka felt his heart beating faster. Wei Ying said:

"I know your heart and I know that it hurts you."

Lan Zhan asked angrily:

"Why would it hurt me?"

"Because not every cultivator in the clans you destroyed betrayed yours."

Lan Zhan's eyes flashed with anger.

"They're guilty by association."

Wei Ying sighed. He looked at the place where he had placed his hand and he murmured:

"I wish you were still the person I lo-"

Wei Ying stopped himself before finishing his sentence.

It seems like the words came out of his mouth without thinking. He swallowed with difficulty and he said meeting Lan Zhan's eyes:

"I wish you were still the person I grew up with."

Lan Zhan looked at him furiously and Wei Ying took back his hand surprised by his level of anger.

Before he could withdraw it Lan Zhan held onto his wrist tightly. He asked his eyes flashing with anger:

"What are you doing?"

Wei Ying opened his mouth but nothing came out. He seemed to finally understand the magnitude of what he almost said. He pulled his hand back but Lan Zhan was unwilling.

He yelled:

"Do you think you can just say those kinds of words and I'll let you walk away?"

Wein Ying blinked and he whispered looking down:

"I'm sorry."

Lan Zhan pulled him in his embrace and he lifted his head. Wei Ying looked at him stunned his cheeks flushed.

Lan Zhan smiled maliciously and he said:

"It's too late to be sorry High Priest now I will never let you go."

Wei Ying looked at him panicked and he opened his mouth to object but Lan Zhan kissed him. It wasn't a small kiss and Wei Ying felt that Lan Zhan was trying to swallow him whole. He struggled to get free but quickly he melted in his arms.

He kissed Lan Zhan back just as wildly. Wei Ying pushed his tongue in his mouth and Lan Zhan held onto his waist tightly kissing him back desperately. Luka felt like he hadn't kissed Eden in so long when this is their first kiss. His heart was beating faster than it ever has and he didn't want to end the kiss.

Since he didn't Eden leaned back and they both looked at each other panting. Lan Zhan said his eyes flashing with obsession and determination:

"You're mine now body and soul."

Despite Luka playing a scene, it felt right to say that to Eden for some reason. Wei Ying looked panicked but his eyes flashed with excitement.

The whole room was silent when the scene ended. Arsen was so stunned that he didn't say cut. Cael felt like he was looking at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan in real life, it felt surreal to see his work becoming reality. He could feel the subtle attraction, Wei Ying felt for Lan Zhan and Lan Zhan's obsession. He already knew Eden was a good actor but he never thought he would become Wei Ying even if he looked like him.

The director finally said:


Everyone clapped in excitement. Eden looked at Luka waiting for him to let go of him but he seemed unwilling. He pushed him and he wiped his mouth while looking at him in annoyance.

The fact that he had to kiss him pisses him off, he is the last one to audition for Wei Ying and ten people did before him. That means Luka kissed 10 people, he doesn't like to be touched let alone kiss someone who kissed so many people before. Luka looked at him with an amused smile which further annoyed Eden.

He looked at the director and writer and he bowed.

"Thank you for giving me the chance to audition."

Arsen said:

"Of course thank you so much for coming."

They were all surprised by Eden's way of acting, usually, big stars like him aren't respectful and they feel like they should be thanked for allowing them to lay their eyes on them.

But Eden's aura was different than any other actor, they could feel his confidence when it came to acting but his aura overall was princely. He is the kind of person anyone would naturally feel drawn to and the fact that is drop-dead gorgeous certainly doesn't hurt. Eden grabbed a book out of his bag and he walked to Cael. He asked with a humble smile:

"I was wondering if you could sign my original edition?"

In the original timeline, he didn't dare to ask despite bringing the book but he is a huge fan so he won't miss the opportunity this time.

Cael smiled and he said while signing:

"Of course, it would be my pleasure."

"Even if I'm not cast as Wei Ying I'm so happy I auditioned or wouldn't have the chance to meet you and tell you how much your book meant to me growing up. It saved my life more than once. While Wei Ying had Lan Zhan to lean on I had your book."

It's the truth, the reason Eden identifies with Wei Ying so much is that their childhood is similar.

Wei Ying slaved off for his family but they ended up taking advantage and walking all over him. But he never gave up and he rose above becoming the High Priest. Every time he felt down after being yelled at for something he hadn't done because of Storm he would read High Priest. He read it more than 100 times.

In the original timeline, he regretted not telling how much the book meant to him especially when Cael and the director Arsen were the only ones who never believed the rumors about him.

Hearing those words Cael felt touched, he handed the book to Eden and said:

"It means a lot coming from you, I'm glad I was able to help you in this small way."

Eden took back the book and he said earnestly:

"It wasn't in a small way. When I said that High Priest saved my life I meant literally."

Growing up he was depressed, he worked so much to support his family while he had no support system. It was extremely hard and more than once he had suicidal thoughts but then he would think of Wei Ying who did too growing up but decided to fight back and rise above.

Everyone felt a pang of pain hearing that. Luka frowned and he walked to Eden to hug him but Cael beat him to it. Eden hugged Cael back with a bright smile, he's happy he'll get to work with him. He does not doubt that he'll be cast but he has to seem humble. Cael pulled back and he said:

"I'm glad you survived so I could meet you."

Eden's blue eyes shone brightly.

Everyone smiled feeling like it was such a beautiful sight. He gave a paper to the director and he said:

"When you make a decision could you contact me on this number?"

Arsen said:

"Of course"

Eden smiled and after saying goodbye he left.

When the door was closed Cael immediately said with excitement:

"He is Wei Ying, I never thought I would find someone so close to him in real life. Even his life experience is the same."

Arsen said:

"You're right, when he played it didn't seem like he was acting because he is Wei Ying."

Cael nodded with a smile. Arsen looked at Luka and he asked:

"What did you think?"

Before he could answer Cael said:

"When you and Eden were acting I felt like I was looking at Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. Your characters had such amazing chemistry and they had this extraordinary drawing power."

Luka smiled, the chemistry was between him and Eden, not the characters.

When they saw Luka smile they felt that he was on board, the fact that he is difficult when it comes to finding a co-star isn't a secret so they were worried he might disagree. Luka said:

"Eden is perfect for the role as you said he is Wei Ying."

Arsen said with a smile:

"Perfect Eden will be the lead."

Eden smiled and he closed Versem. He looked out the window, he knew that he would get cast so it isn't surprising. Shooting starts in ten days and he can't wait for it but first, he needs to do something.

Storm went down the stairs in a good mood. It feels good to have everything going so well. He auditioned for a role on High Priest and he was cast. He can't wait for Eden to see him in the adaptation of his favorite book. He's lucky Rune Eden's manager is such a fool in love. Thanks to him Eden didn't audition, he'll keep using him until his reputation is destroyed. Why should Eden be such a big star when he was stuck at home always sick? It isn't fair, even if he knows that his parents prefer him it angers him how the entire world worships him and he won't rest until they all hate him.

He entered the dining room with a smile. At the head of the table was Cedro Zephyr facing his father Alaric. On Cedro's right was his mother and on his left was Luka.

"Hello sorry for being late I wasn't feeling well."

Storm took a seat next to his mother and he immediately asked with worry while touching his forehead to check his temperature:

"Are you feeling better?"

Storm smiled.

"I'm better don't worry mother."

Cedro smiled.

"That's good it would be disappointing not to have you on the show."

Storm said:

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

His father invited Cedro and Luka for dinner to make sure that he would be taken care of on the tv set. Alaric already told Cedro all the struggles he went through regarding his health. He is been better for a few years already but people seem to care more about him when he tells them that he is sick. It allows him to get away with a lot of things, he doesn't get why Eden goes out of his way to keep it a secret when it's so beneficial.

Plus he hopes that Luka will be more sensible and care for him. He's been in love with him since the first time they met but despite his outgoing personality he never opens up. He is like a vault and everyone knows how easily prone to anger he is which isn't surprising for an Alpha.

He looked at Luka and he felt his heart beating faster when he saw the smile on his face. He knows that he must be interested in him physically at least. He is handsome, he and Eden were identical until he died his hair black. He was sick of people asking if he was Eden and when he would say no they would say how lucky he is to be his twin brother. If anything Eden is lucky to be his twin.

Things are finally right in the world, he will become a huge celebrity once High Priest is released. The book has such a cult following and this is the most awaited tv show in history. Once he is on top of the world it'll be easy to destroy Eden. Storm looked down his eyes flashing ruthlessly. He looked up when his mother Colton called incredulously:


Storm looked at Eden wide-eyed as he took a seat next to Luka. He smiled and said:

"Hello, I thought I would stop by to have a family dinner as we used to."

Alaric and Colton were stunned. Since Eden left he would send a text every week to let them know he was okay. They never responded since they don't care, they just don't understand why he came back, especially when things are better than ever.

Rgency is thriving, they have a close relationship on and off work with the Zephyrs, and Storm was cast in the adaptation of the most sold book in history. They don't want him to ruin everything like he is used to and they'll never allow him to hurt Storm ever again. Even to this day, he is still weak but they feel so proud that he is still working hard and auditioning. He doesn't let his illness dictate his life.

Storm's hands tightened into fists when he saw Luka looking at Eden with a charming smile like he wanted to make a good impression on him. It infuriated him more when Eden didn't seem to notice as if he is used to it. I'll never give up until you're six feet under. Storm's eyes flashed viciously while Eden looked at him with an angelic smile. You three will pay dearly.

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