No-one POV
.The goddess was simply astonished, the woman in front of her not only wanted to become one of the strongest beings in the universe, heck! Even the entire multiverse wouldn't be safe from the woman in front of her if she chose too.
She was even as shameful as to say she wanted the only other being who would then rival her as her wife? The goddess simply at moment had one single thought
'Has she gone mad?!'
"So, when do i get those wishes fulfilled?" The mortal asked the stunned goddess.
"I-i'll g-g-grant them!!" Said the goddess while madly stuttering like she was some tsundere in an anime.
When the goddess finished speaking the crazed mortal felt something inside of her expandig, like she could grasp and understand everything, a better way of explaining it is to be high on drugs but multiply that with 100. She felt as if she knew the meaning of life, which obviously any sane mortal would know is 42.
(A/N: Google it, i dare you)
"Now that was something else! phew! Anyways, now thats finished shall we talk about were I or should i say we, are going to reincarante?" Said the now less insane newly turned goddess.
"W-what?! what do you mean by we?!" said the madly blushing goddess.
"Well it's only natrual to be by my wifes side right? and i just claimed being the dominant in the realtionship between the two of us. So it's only natural that you join me by my side no matter where that may be." Said the new goddess while talking in a matter-of-factly tone like it was only natural.
"W-well t-that makes a little sense i guess.. H-HEY WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY D-DOMINANT?!" Said the yet again madly blushing and stuttering goddess turned into submissive wife.
"Well i am clearly the alpha in the realtionship between the two of us, and even though i am in-inexperienced in bed i can still pleasure you real good~" Said the new goddess while cooing into the ear of the much older goddess.
"I-i guess it's fine then, oh by the way my name is Irina! nice to meet you!" Said the now named Irina while having a big smile on her face.
*Image of Irina here*
"It's very nice to meet you, Irina honey~" Said Yuri while her 2 two hands snaked around her and grabbed her breasts, kneading them like dough.
"A-A-AHH S-S-STOP T-THAT YURI, n-n-not now atleast.." Said Irina while the last part was said in a mumble.
"Alright alright i'll stop, for now~" Said Yuri while slightly nibbling on Irinas right earlobe.
"Anyway, shall we get going to the new world. I was thinking a sword and magic world, we can create a new wolrd, with us being the two gods of the place, what do you think honey~?" Said Yuri while nibbling on the same earlobe:
"S-Sounds G-Great!" Said Irina while blushing.
"Oh and let's make things more interesting, I'll be the 'Goddes of Darkness and Death' while you'll be the 'Goddess of Light and Life' sounds cool right?" Said Yuri while giving a toothy grin.
"Mhm" Was the only response she got from the new goddess of light Irina who seemed to be in deep thought.
"Let's go then!" said Yuri who couldn't contain her excitement.
Writing and coming up with ideas is harder tham i thought.
I spent like a full 4 hours on this chapter, i underestimated how hard this would be.
I'm probably gonna stockpile some chapters now and relase them all together when i feel like i have something acceptable.
Should be finished by the end of the coming sunday or the sunday after that!
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