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34.56% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 74: EPISODE 74: The Dojo Tower!

Chapitre 74: EPISODE 74: The Dojo Tower!

A red tower with tinned ceilings, large iron walls and structures, the walls were color red while the ceilings were black and lanterns gave the tower luminosity, this is the Dojo tower! A tall tower filled with approximately 20 floors! It is the last standing building after Arceus burned down the whole kingdom.

The Dojo tower is also referred to as the battle tower. In the battle tower, I must defeat a dojo for an extremely rare item. There's a catch though, you have to battle four dojos before battling the master dojo. Once the challenge is accepted, there's no going back. I have to defeat the four dojos in a row without healing my Pokemon. Afterward, I get to battle the Master Dojo.

This would serve as my training grounds for my Silvent City gym challenge. With full determination, I accept the Dojo Challengee!

"Good luck at the dojo challenge. We aren't able to watch you but we'll be waiting for you here." Glade uttered with encouragement.

"Win the dojo challenge for all of us!" Camellia uttered with encouragement.

"Thanks everyone, I'll make all of you proud!" I smiled and beamed with determination as I slowly walked to the stairs.

"Do your best Kalem!" Elly shouted and waved.

"Trainer Kalem! Welcome to the Dojo Challenge, please enter the room for your match to begin. Once you enter, there's no going back!" The dojo explained.

"Alright! I'm ready to take the Dojo Challenge!" I beamed with determination as two heavy metal doors opened. I walked inside with full determination! It's time to knock this tower down.

"Good afternoon trainer! I am Black Belter Salk! If you want to proceed to the second floor... you'll have to defeat me!"

"Alright Salk! I accept your challenge!" I beamed with determination as the two metal doors were closed and locked with a heavy key.

"This will be a one on one Pokemon battle! The battle ends, when either side has no more Pokemons left to battle with!" The referee explained.

"I understand!" I uttered with determination.

"Alright... Let the first round of the dojo challenge take place! Good luck Trainer Kalem!" The referee announced and declared.

"Alright! Gurdurr it's battle time!" A large and buff Pokemon holding a barrier came out of his Pokeball. The Pokemon's name is Gurdurr, the muscular Pokemon. A fighting type! It shows off its muscles to Machoke and other Gurdurr. If it fails to measure up to the other Pokémon, it lies low for a little while.

"If that's the case, then you're up Riolu!" I called Riolu to the battle stage. Riolu's eyes were filled with determination and spirit.



"Let the first round begin!" The referee proclaimed.

"Gurdurr! Use Stone edge!"

"Riolu, use Force Palm on the ground!"

*Large rocks rose from the ground as it tried to hit Riolu, but thanks to Force Palm... Riolu blasted himself to the sky making Gurdurr's attack miss!*

"Now! Riolu... From the sky, land at Gurdurr's head then use metal claw!"

"Gurdurr! Hit Riolu with your barrier!"

<Gurdurr!!!> The Pokemon screams with determination.

*Riolu's attack missed as he blasts off due to Gurdurr's barrier!*



"Riolu! Are you ok?"

"Kalem! You worry too much. I can still knock him out!" Riolu smiled and rose with determination.

"Gurdurr! Use Brutal Swing!"

"Riolu! Go to Gurdurr's barrier then use force palm on it!"

*Riolu jumped on Gurdurr's barrier.*

"Swing Riolu up into the sky then once he falls, use Brutal swing!"

*Riolu was thrown to the sky and was hit with brutal swing!*



"My plans aren't working! Come on brain think!" I uttered with determination towards myself.

"Gurdurr must have a weak spot but where?" I added unto my mind.

"Riolu! Go to the barrier again!"

"Copy that!" Riolu uttered with determination and jumped back to Gurdurr's barrier.

"Gurdurr swing Riolu off again!"

"Not this time, Riolu seismic toss the barrier!"

*Gurdurr wasn't able to swing Riolu off! Riolu used Seismic toss on Gurdurr's barrier, since Gurdurr was holding on to the barrier... Gurdurr was tossed together with his barrier*



"Amazing thinking skills! Now, use Hammer Arm!"

"Use Force Palm on Gurdurr's arm!"

*Riolu pushed Gurdurr to the wall! Gurdurr's attack missed.*



"Riolu now use Metal claw!"

"Gurdurr get up quick!"

*Gurdurr wasn't able to stand upright away!*



"Gurdurr! Use Dynamic Punch!"

"Riolu, use quick attack!"

"Gurdurr, push Riolu now!"

*Riolu's quick attack was intercepted with Dynamic Punch!*



"Riolu! Use Force Palm on Gurdurr's foot!"

"Gurdurr use Hammer parm!"

*Gurdurr's attack missed! Gurrdur fell to the ground due to Riolu's force palm on Gurdurr's foot!*

"Riolu, now use force palm on the other foot!"

"Gurdurr get up now!"

*Gurdurr wasn't able to get up! It's left foot was badly damage.*

"Great now use seismic toss!"

"What the!?"

*Gurdurr's leg were paralyzed! It was unable to dodge!*



"Now grab Gurdurr's barrier then throw it on Gurdurr!"

"Oh no Gurdurr! Fight your paralyzed feet!"



<Gurdurr!> The Pokemon screamed with pain.

"Riolu, use Force Palm again and again!"

*Gurdurr wasn't able to stand due to its paralyzed feet.*



"Gurdurr! Stand up, you can do this!"

<Gurd! Gurddeeerrrr!> The Pokemon tried to stand up but failed miserably.

"Riolu, now finish this match with seismic toss again!"

*Gurdurr was thrown off!*



"The first round is over! The winner is Kalem!" the referee dictated.

"Well done kid! You've got some great battling skills." Salk complemented and shook my hands.

"Thanks Salk! You and Gurdurr battled well!"

"Trainer Kalem! Please proceed to the eight floor for your second match!" the referee instructed as the doors to the stairs opened again.

"Alright! Riolu, you deserve to rest!" I beamed with joy as Riolu got up my shoulder as usual."


I walked to the eight floor for my second challenge! I brought my confidence with me as I walked through the stairs.

"Welcome to your second match trainer Kalem! Please proceed inside!" I walked slowly to the room and the heavy metal doors were closed once more.

"Hey there Kid! The name's Black Belter George!"

"My name's Kalem, and this is my partner Pokemon Riolu!" I beamed with determination.

"Each trainer shall use one Pokemon each! The battle ends when either side has no more Pokemons left to battle." the referee dictated.

"Alright, Zorua, it's playtime!" I sent out my cute little fox Pokemon.

"You can count on me Kalem!" Zorua uttered with determination.

"Sawk! Let's do this." A blue bulky Pokemon wearing a Karate outfit came out of its Pokeball. The Pokemon's name was Sawk. Sawk is the karate Pokemon! A fighting type. Tying their belts makes the Pokemon even stronger. It hates to be disturbed while battling or training.

"The second match begins now!"



"Zorua! Use tackle!"

"Sawk, now kick Zorua with low sweep!"

*Zorua's attack missed as Low Sweep kicked Riolu back!*



"You got this Zorua! Use Payback!"

"No prob Kalem!" Zorua smiled and used Payback at the foe.

"Sawk, go close to Zorua, then use close combat!"

*Zorua's attack missed! Sawk used close combat! Critical hit!*



"Zorua are you badly hurt?" I queried with worry as Riolu observed our battle.

"Nope! I can still win this!" Zorua uttered with determination.

"Alright brain cells, use critical thinking!" I teased myself.

"Zorua! Use Pursuit!"

"Sawk, use close combat once more!"

"Zorua, now use pursuit on Sawk's feet before close combat hits you!"

<Zor! Zor!> Zorua laughed and smiled with determination.

*Close Combat was canceled thanks to Zorua's pursuit!*

"Now from its leg, use payback on its head!"

<Sawkkk!!!> The Pokemon uttered with pain as Zorua unleashed a powerful Payback!



"Sawk! Use Poison Jab!"

"Zorua dodge it then use tackle!"

*Zorua was able to dodge and used tackle on Sawk!*



"Sawk! Don't get underestimated! Now use fire punch!"

<Zorua!?> The Pokemon uttered in surprise.



Zorua was punched to the wall! When Zorua stood up... Zorua's eyes began to glow red. Then a black veil surrounded Zorua!

<Zor!> The Pokemon uttered with rage.

"Zorua? Are you alright?" I queried.

Zorua's black veil became thicker as it rushed and covered Sawk!

<Sawk!!!> The Pokemon in pain as the black veil squeezed Sawk.

Zorua's eyes returned to normal afterward.

"Impossible!? Zorua just learned Dark Pulse!" George shouted with shock.

"Great job Zorua! You learned a dark pulse!"

Zorua smiled back at me.



"Sawk! Use close combat!"

*Sawk flinched and was unable to move!*

"Yes! This is our opportunity, Zorua! Use Dark pulse again!"

*Zorua's eyes turned red again as she transferred the black veil to Sawk! Sawk was squeezed due to the black veil!*

"Oh no... If Kalem keeps using Dark Pulse, then Sawk would flinch for almost every move."George worried in his mind.



*Sawk flinched again!*

"Zorua, use pursuit this time!"

Zorua smiled back to me as her claws turned purple and attacked Sawk.



"Sawk! Now use Close Combat!"

"Zorua, use Dark pulse before Sawk reaches you!"

*Zorua was able to use Dark Pulse! Sawk's attack missed!* Critical hit!



*Sawk didn't flinch!*

"Great! Sawk, now use Close Combat!"

"Zorua, dodge it then use Payback!"

*Zorua was unable to dodge the attack!!!*



"Zorua, use Dark pulse once more!"

"Sawk, dodge it quickly!"

*Sawk was unable to dodge the attack! Sawk flinched!*



"Dark pulse for the last time!" I uttered with determination as Zorua smiled back.

*Sawk couldn't move because it flinched!*



"The second match goes to Kalem and Zorua!" The referee announced.

"Good work Kid! You deserve to go the 12th floor!" George complimented and shook my hands.

"Thanks George! Sawk did great as well!" I smiled and showed sportsmanship as I returned Zorua to her Pokeball.

"You deserve a long rest Zorua!" I complimented as she smiled back at me.

"Alright Riolu! it's time for the third round! Let's go!" I beamed with determination as Riolu clung on my shoulder.


The doors to the stair opened and me and Riolu went to the third room! Just two more and we can challenge the Dojo Master!

"Kalem! Welcome to the third room. Please proceed inside!" The referee instructed as the iron doors shut once more.

"Welcome kid! My name is Allan, and if you want to go to the dojo master... You must defeat me first!"

"Alright Allan. My name is Kalem and I accept your challenge!" I beamed with determination.

"Each trainer shall use one Pokemon each! The battle ends when either trainer has no more Pokemons left to battle with!" The referee dictated.

"Alright! Torah, it's battling time!" Allan sent out a bulky red Pokemon wearing a karate outfit. The name of the Pokemon was Troh! It is the Jude Pokemon. A fighting type.

"Alright! Scyther come on out!"

"Heh heh! I got this Kalem!" Scyther uttered with confidence.

"Battle Begin!"



"Scyther use sword dance!"

"Troh, use seismic toss!"

*Scyther's attack rose sharply!*



"Troh, now use vital throw!"

"Scyther use double team!"

*Scyther's evasiveness rose as Troh's accuracy lessened. Troh's attack missed!*

"Scyther use sword dance again!"

"Troh, let's use Storm throw!"

*Scyther was thrown up to the sky, higher than when a foe uses seismic toss! Scyther's attack rose sharply, however.*



"Now, Scyther use wing attack!"

"Troh, dodge then use storm throw again!"

*Scyther's attack missed!*



"Scyther, just hang in there!" I uttered with worry.

"I trust you Kalem!" Scyther uttered with slight pain."

"Troh! Use Dynamic Punch!"

"Scyther, now use X-Scissors!"

*Troh's attack missed!*


Troh[340] (Due to Scyther's sword dance)

"Alright Troh! Use vital throw this time!"

"Use X-Scissors again!"

Scyther's X-Scissors began to glow yellow!

"Could it be!? Scyther's learning Brick Break!" Allan uttered to his mind.

"Great work Scyther! Continue the brick break move!"

*Troh was damaged heavily with brick break plus Scyther's sword dance.*



"Scyther! Finish the match with Brick break again!"

"Troh! Dodge then use Dynamic punch!"

*Troh was able to dodge! Critical Hit*



"Use, X-Scissors this time!"

"Troh! Dodge it!"

*Troh was unable to dodge!*



"The third match is over! The victory goes to Kalem and Scyther!" The referee announced.

"Great work Kalem! That was some impressive battling skills back there. You deserve to challenge the last dojo before heading to the dojo master!" Allan complemented.

"Thanks so much Allan! You and Troh were good as well! Good job to the both of you." I smiled and showed sportsmanship!"

"Come on Riolu! One more left and its time to battle the Master Dojo/Dojo Master!" I beamed with excitement as Riolu clung back to my shoulder.


"Trainer Kalem! Please proceed to the 16th floor for your last match!" The referee instructed as the doors to the stairs opened.

I walked up to the 16th floor with full determination! It's time for the last match. The doors opened for the last time as I walked slowly to the fourth room.

"Trainer Kalem! This will be your last match before challenging the Master Dojo! Please proceed to the battle stage!" The referee instructed.

"Hi there! My name is Harvey! No one goes to the master dojo except through me!"

"Alright Harvey, my name is Kalem! I accept your challenge!" I beamed with determination.

"This will be a one on one Pokemon battle! Please send out your first Pokemon!"

"Alright Scarf! Let's go." Harvey sent out his Pokemon Scarfty! The Hoodlum Pokemon, which is a dark and fighting type!

"Gardevoir! I need you now!" I called with excitement.

"Let me win this for you Kalem!" Gardevoir smiled and uttered with confidence.

"Battle Begin!"



"Alright! Scrafty use High Jump Kick!"

"Gardevoir dodge it quick!"

*Gardevoir was able to dodge! High Jump Kick damages the Pokemon if the foe dodges the attack!*



"Scrafty, use focus punch!"

"Gardevoir! Use Psychic on Scrafty!"

*Gardevoir controlled Scrafty's body and forced Scrafty to hit the wall!*



"Well this one is easy..." I boasted in my mind.

"Gardevoir! Use Magical Leaf!"

"Scrafty dodge then use High Jump Kick!*

*Gardevoir's attack missed!*



"Alright Scrafty use Focus Punch again!"

"Gardevoir use Psychic and slide Scrafty's head across the wall!"

*Scrafty's attack missed and Gardevoir smacks down Scrafty's head as she dragged it across the wall!*



"Oh Arceus no! Scrafy is confused!"

"Yes! Gardevoir, use shadow ball!"

*Scrafy bangs his head on the wall 3x! While Gardevoir used Shadow Ball! (critical hit)*

Scrafty[130!]-[80 due to confusion!]= [40]


"Scrafty snap out of it!"

"Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball!"

*Scrafty wasn't able to snap out of confusion!*



"The battle is over! The winner is Gardevoir and Kalem!"

"Good work Gardevoir! You deserve to rest." I complimented as Gardevoir smiles back at me.


"Congratulations Kalem! Go ahead and challenge the Dojo Master!" Harvey complimented.

"Thanks Harvey! You and Scrafty battled great as well." I complimented and showed sportsmanship.

"Alright Kalem! Please proceed to the 20th floor for your last battle!" The referee ordered.

"Riolu! Let's do this!" I uttered with determination as Riolu clung to my shoulder.

I went up to the top floor to battle the Master Dojo! I wonder what Pokemon or Pokemons will he/she use?

"Kalem! Welcome to the final Dojo Challenge. Please come inside and challenge our master dojo!" The referee uttered.

I went inside the last room and saw the master dojo. She was sitting down peacefully as I walked towards her.

"Welcome trainer Kalem! I am master Cao. Please, proceed!" Master Cao introduced as the two metal doors closed. Master Cao stood up with elegance as our battle was about to begin.

"The Master Challenge is about to begin! Each side shall use three Pokemons each! If the trainer wins, he shall be awarded with a rare candy!" The referee announced.

"Rare candy? Alright then! I'm ready!" I beamed with determination.

"Let the battle begin!"

"Pangoro, let's show them how a master dojo battles." Cao sent out Pangoro! A fighting and dark type. Pangoro looks like a giant panda to me with a small minty leaf on his mouth.

"Then, Scyther it's up to you!" Scyther glared at the Pokemon's eye!



"Scyther use sword dance!"

"Pangoro use stomping tantrum!"

*Pangoro squishes Scyther with his feet!*

"That move was powerful!" I uttered with awe and worry.



"Scyther, use X-Scissors!"

"Pangoro! Please use Dynamic Punch!"

*Scyther's X-Scissors was canceled out due to Pangoro's Dynamic punch. Scyther was pushed back to the wall!

"Scyther is unable to battle! Kalem please send out your second Pokemon!"

"Scyther, you did a good job! Now return to your Pokeball."

"That Pangoro is surely strong... Alright, Zorua it's battle time!" I uttered.



"Alright! Battle continue!" The referee proclaimed.

"Zorua use Dark Pulse!"

*Pangoro accepted the attack!*



*Pangoro flinched!*

"Zorua this is the perfect opportunity now use Dark pulse again!"



*Pangoro didn't flinch this time!*

"Alright, Pangoro use Dynamic Punch!"

"Zorua dodge it- ah!!??"

"Pangoro, then follow up with another stomping tantrum!"

*Zorua was unable to dodge due to Pangoro's amazing speed!*



"Zorua return and rest!" I uttered slowly and began to panic. How could Pangoro be this strong?

"Alright, Riolu your up!" Riolu walked to the battle stage looking serious and fierce!

"Battle continue!"

"Riolu use force palm!"

"Pangoro! It's time to use a Z-move!" Cao ordered as her Z-ring began to glow. Riolu stopped his attack in surprise!

"Oh no... We're doomed Riolu!" I panicked while wiping off the sweat my face.

"Pangoro! Use all out Pummeling!" Riolu flinched as the attack came rushing towards him.

"Riolu is unable to battle! The match goes to the master dojo and Pangoro!" The referee announced

"Riolu, you did great! You deserve a long rest." I smiled and hugged Riolu's body.

"I know, but we lost..." Riolu uttered with a sad and grumpy face.

"It's ok Riolu! Don't be sad. At least two members of our team learned a new move! We're not yet strong Riolu, we may be close but we should grow stronger! There's still room for improvement anyways." I comforted while playing with Riolu's head.

"Yeah! You're right Kalem! We'll get stronger soon, and together... we will the strongest trainer in the world!" Riolu exaggerated.

"Kalem, even if you lost, you and your Pokemons still battled tough! I wish you luck on your Silvent City gym battle!" Cao smiled and shook my hands.

"Thank you Ms. Cao! I and Riolu needs to train stronger in order to achieve greatness!" I smiled and uttered as I went down the stairs.

"Kalem!? How's your match? Did you win or lose?" Camellia queried with eagerness.

"I lost... But two of my Pokemons learned a new move!" I exclaimed.

"Well at least you got something from the challenge!" Mr.Florence clapped his hand slowly.

"Are you ready to challenge me?" Mr. Florence queried.

"C...Challenge you!?" I wondered with surprise.

"Heh heh! I'll be expecting you at my gym!"

"Wait... You're the gym leader of Silvent city!?" I wondered in shock.

"Yes! Dad is the gym leader! His Pokemons are so strong!" Elly smiled.

"Alright then Mr.Florence, I shall take part in your gym challenge!" I uttered with determination.

"Heh heh! Good luck kid, you'll need it! Come on! It's time to head on to the Silvent City gym." Mr.Florence uttered.

"Then what are we waiting for! It's time for my fourth gym battle!" I beamed with surprise.

I wasn't able to win the dojo challenge, but at least I was able to train with my Pokemons. We may seem strong but we haven't achieved greatness yet! Now, it's time to head to Silvent City! The site of my fourth gym badge. Who could have thought that Mr.Florence is the gym leader? That's why he was writing and observing my Pokemons.

As the journey continues!

next chapter
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