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12.9% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 27: EPISODE 27: Cave moon under operation!?

Chapitre 27: EPISODE 27: Cave moon under operation!?

"Nate... Cyra... The boss has a mission for the both of you. The picture you can see above is what you call a moonstone. Its a rare stone but most abundant in Mt. Moon from the Kanto region, and in Cave Moon from this region. The boss and her queen wants you to go to cave moon and acquire the moonstone. Once you have it, bring the moonstone back to headquarters. The boss is getting fed up from all your mission failures in lake Wisdom and Emerald Forest. Do not fail operation moon!"

"We will acquire the moonstone for the boss and her queen! We won't fail, we promise." Nate promised.

"Leave it to the two of us, we won't let team Chaos down!" Cyra added as the big screen of the team Chaos monitor closed.

Meanwhile, I, Zhery, Glade, and Camellia are headed to Norva City! The site of my first gym badge. But before we reach Norva city, it's off to Cave Moon! One of the biggest cave in the region!

"There it is I can see it! Its Cave moon!" Camellia, my best friend who recently joined our adventure beamed in excitement.

"Why are you so excited to go to Cave Moon?" Glade queried.

"Its the only place in this region to find the moonstone!" Camellia explained.

"So now I get it! That's why its called Cave Moon!" Zhery realized.

"Hey Irys, what's a moonstone?" I puzzled.

"The moonstone is a type of evolutionary stone which is said to come from a fallen meteorite in the early days of the Pokemon world." Irys the Pokedex explained.

"Wait, Pokemon can evolve through items?" I queried.

"Yeah! Such as the cute and cuddly Jigglypuffs and Clefairies!" Camellia explained.

We walked towards the inner cave, it was getting darker as we go deeper into the cave.

"D... Doesn't anyone have a flashlight?" Zhery shivered in fear.

"Don't tell me your scared of the dark Zhery..." Glade sighed.

"S... Scared of the dark? Impossible! I'm a master when it comes to dark places!" Zhery objected as she shivered in fear.

"BOO!" Camellia held Zhery's shoulder and surprised her.

"AHHHHH!!!..... Camellia! That isn't funny you know!" Zhery said with annoyance.

"Hee hee hee, I was just testing if what your saying is true..." Camellia teased.

"Guess the teaser got teased!" I joked.

"Hmmm, Ah I know!" Camellia figured out something to produce light, since all our Pokemon don't know the move flash. She picked a long twig from her bag and sent out Fennekin.

"Fennekin! use ember at the edge of the twig please!" Camellia begged.

Fen!*Fennekin smiles at Camellia and followed her plead.*

"Woah! Amazing work Camellia, now we have light!" I complimented as her cheek blushed pale."Thanks Kalem" "Alright! We can now continue walking now that we have light." Glade instructed as we walked deeper to the cave.

We came a cause a double path. We were confused as we don't know what path to take!

"This is easy! All we have to do is to take the left path." Zhery boasted.

"How did you know Zhery?" Camellia puzzle.

"Simple... Right means wrong and left means right!" Zhery boasted.

"Umm... You know that doesn't always work right?" Camellia sighed.

"Well, the last time I listened to Zhery, she was wrong," I added.

"Before it was only a hunch, now I'm very sure that left means correct!" Zhery boasted.

We followed the left path like what Zhery said only to meet a dead end and a group of Geodudes.

"Irys, please scan the Geodudes!" I pleaded.

"Alright Kalem,

[Geodude! The rock Pokemon! A rock, and ground type! When GEODUDE sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the ground. It will not awaken even if hikers step on it unwittingly. In the morning, this POKéMON rolls downhill in search of food.]

The Geodude began to chase and attacked us.

"Phew! That was a close one!" I said as I gasped for air.

"I thought you knew the way Zhery!" Camellia sighed.

"Good thing those Geodudes weren't able to make it!" Glade added.

"Sorry guys... I guess everybody makes a wrong turn once in a while." Zhery quoted.

We took the right path but was met with three more paths.

"How can we figure out which one is the right one?" Camellia puzzled.

"Hmmm? I know! Riolu, sniff the entrance of each path, then tell us which one has no Pokemon turf on it!" I suggested.

"Alright Kalem!" Riolu agreed with a smile!

Riolu sniffed the first path... the second path... then the third path...

"Kalem, The first path and the third path has Pokemons lurking there! However path number two has no Pokemon at all!" Riolu reported.

"Thanks Riolu!" I greeted.

"Wait, Kalem can understand his Riolu?"

"And his Zorua! Kalem has a Poketrans thingy which translates the words of a Pokemon!" Zhery explained.

"Its called Poketrans gem Zhery!" Glade corrected.

We took the second path, just like what Riolu said. It was the correct path which lead to more puzzling paths.

"Now there are four paths!?" I exclaimed.

"There is a twenty-five % chance path one is correct, another twenty-five percent for path two, twenty-five percent for path three, and twenty-five percent for path four to be correct!" Irys, the Pokedex estimated.

"Thanks Irys, but that doesn't help," Zhery said with an expressionless face

"Alright Riolu, sniff them again!" I beamed.

Riolu sniffed all the four paths, and reported it to me.

"Kalem, the first path has a swarm of Zubats. The second path has a swarm of Woobats. The third path has a swarm of Geodudes again. But the fourth path has no Pokemon!"

We followed what Riolu said and took the fourth path. Wherein we reached a large place in the cave. In the center, there was a large glimmering stone.

"This... This must be the location of the moonstone!" Camellia burst in excitement.

"Woah, never thought that moonstones can be that big?" Glade was surprised.

"I got to collect some of them!" Camellia said with determination.

"Collecting moonstones? but why?" I puzzled.

"If I want to become a Pokemon professor, I can start by analyzing different rocks!" Camellia explained.

"What a good way of practicing to become a Pokemon professor!" Zhery complemented.

"Thanks a lot Zhery!" Camellia thanked as she walked closer to the moonstone with a small pouch and a small hammer. She was able to get nine samples from the large moonstone. When suddenly, a large drill came from the ceiling chopping down some rocks.

"Camellia watch out!" As I jumped and pushed her from the falling rock.

"Are you alright?" I questioned.

"Yeah... Thanks!" Camellia smiled and blushed.

The drill came down and two persons went down.

"Well... Well... Well... I guess the twerp and twerpette started on their own adventure." Cyra teased.

"Team Chaos!" Camellia badgered.

"Ahh if it isn't Camellia the fl-" Nate got interrupted by Glade.

"Team Chaos!? What are you doing here?"

"What else? We want the moonstone oops... I mean the boss wants the moonstone!"

"No! You can't have the moonstone team Chaos!" Camellia shouted.

"Careful on what you say Camellia remember, y-"

"If you want the moonstone then you have to battle me!" I interrupted Cyra.

"Alright twerp! We'll battle, but if you lose. You have to give us your Pokemon got that!?" Team chaos bargained.

"So be it!"

"Kalem, let me fight along with you!" Glade volunteered.

"Go Go Go Golbat!" Nate sent out.

"You two sandshrew!" Cyra sent out.

"Pansear! Sear them up!"

"Zorua, let's teach these thieves a lesson!"

Zhery and Camellia were just watching, hoping that we'll win.

"Golbat use supersonic!"

"Zorua, hide behind one of the rocks!"

"Sandshrew use metal claw!"

"Pansear, dodge the metal claw then use flame charge!"

*Zorua dodged the supersonic as the supersonic was dodged by the stone Zorua was hiding on.*

*Pansear was able to dodge metal claw and used flame charge on Sandshrew*

"Sandshrew get up and use metal claw on more time!"

"Pansear! Same tactic the same move! Use flame charge!"

"Golbat use astonish!"

"Zorua dodge the astonish then use Pursuit!"

*Pansear dodged metal claw and used flame charge on Sandshrew.*

*Zorua was able to dodge astonish and used pursuit*

"Golbat no!!"

"Sandshrew return!"

"Alright Team Chaos, Kalem and Glade won fair and square now let go of the moonstone!" Zhery ordered.

"That's it! Your shenanigans are over, we're not surrendering the moonstone! We're still going to take it!" Nate proclaimed as Cyra opened the drill and broke the floor, the four of us fell into a pit.

"Ha haha! Now that your trap! There's nothing you can do about!" Nate shouted.

"Team Chaos release us right now!" Camellia badgered.

"No can do Camellia! You're a t-"

"Riolu use force palm on the floor to send you flying up to the sky, then do force palm on the drill!" I ordered and interrupted Cyra Riolu did what I told him to do and destroyed the drill.

"There's nothing you can do about it team Chaos! You're stuck with us now!" Zhery teased.

"Why you little brats!?" Nate badgered.

"Riolu use force palm and send them blasting to the air!" I ordered.

"Don't you dare you little hybrid!" Cyra teased.

"WHAT!? Did you just call me a hybrid!?" Riolu got mad and force palmed team Chaos to the sky.

"Were blasting off again!" Team Chaos shouted.

"Kalem! how can I help get all of you out there!?" Riolu queried.

"Riolu, find a rope somewhere, there must be one!" I ordered.

Riolu looked and searched for a rope but there was no rope!

"Kalem, there's no rope anywhere!"

"I know Kalem! Try asking Riolu to ask help from the Geodudes!" Zhery suggested.

"Riolu! Zhery suggests that you ask help from the group of Geodudes!" I translated.

"I'll see what I can do to convince them!" Riolu left and went to the Geodudes to ask from help,.

"Help! Help! Please help me Geodude! My trainer and his friends are in trouble and they need your help!"

"No way Riolu! Your trainer and his friends went here and disturbed us remember? No way we're helping people! People are ruthless and unworthy beings!" The other Geodude added.

"Don't you dare say that to my trainer! My trainer is the best buddy in the world! He doesn't harm Pokemon, we just came here because we were lost."

"Look at what your trainer did to you! You have been blinded! They use you to fight! You're a slave to them! They just use you and say that your their buddy, but this is the harsh truth Riolu! All people are bad!" The Geodudes explain.

"I know that people are bad, I know that there are some trainers which treat their Pokemon badly! I know all of those! But my trainer isn't one of them. There are still good people in this world that you haven't met. One of them is my trainer. My trainer doesn't treat me like a slave, because if he does they why does he feed me? Hug me before sleep? Or even care for me when I get ill?"

"Sorry but we won't help! You have no business here!"

"Please Geodudes! Do you think I will come here and persuade you guys if my trainer treats me like a slave?"

"You have a point, but I promised myself to never help any human anymore!"

"You were released aren't you? You used to have faith in humanity don't you? But you were treated harshly by your trainer weren't you?"

"Yes... Yes... I was treated badly. I was a weak Pokemon! My trainer scolded me! Threw stuff at me! Then one night... He left me, he left me and never returned."

"But you must learn how to move on, we shouldn't believe people who underestimate Pokemon, we shouldn't believe on those who called us weak! We should prove to them that we are strong and worth traveling with them!"

"Your trainer never did that to you, that's why you don't know how it feels."

"I may not experience it but I witnessed a lot of trainers who treat them badly! I feel sorry for them, they never gave up on training! The Pokemon owned by harsh trainers believe that they're treating them harshly because for their own good! I know its wrong to treat Pokemon like that, and if you were released, that doesn't mean you should lose hope and faith in humanity! Now please help my trainer Geodude!"

"Alright fine... We'll help your

trainer and his friends just this once!"

"Thanks Geodude!"

Riolu rushed towards me and told me, "Kalem, I was able to convince the Geodudes to help!"

The Geodude held each other's hand, the last Geodude held a rock, while the Geodude in front held our hands and pulled us up.

"Thank you Geodude for rescuing us, here take these oran berries and share them with your friends alright!" Camellia thanked the Geodudes as she gave them a reward. Geodude cried in happiness he never experienced a trainer's love. Before the Geodudes left...

"Thank you Riolu... Thank you for restoring my faith unto humanity. I won't forget you, I promise."

"No Prob Geodude!"

We waved goodbye to the Geodudes as we left the cave.

"Hey Camellia, I didn't know you knew team Chaos?" I puzzled.

"Ah! umm... Ummm... I was, I mean I saw team Chaos in Covelry town before, that's how I met them..." She said worriedly.

"Finally we're out of Cave moon! Now we can go to Norva city!" Zhery beamed.

"You must start training up Kalem!" Glade suggested.


"WHAT!? You two were defeated by those brats again?" An executive exclaimed.

"S... Sorry, but me and Cyra couldn't defeat them."

"And I saw Camellia with them..." Cyra added.

"Don't ever mention the name of that traitor!" The executive said as the tv booted off.

The executive walked to the room of Team Chaos' boss.

"Sir, they failed again..."

"Those two are nothing but disappointments!"

"But at least we found the traitor sir!"

"Camellia? We finally found you!" The boss of Team Chaos said as he continued playing chess with his queen.

next chapter
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