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71.92% Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto / Chapter 205: Jhoto - Ecruteak City

Chapitre 205: Jhoto - Ecruteak City

Casey, "Use sunny day Meganium."

Meganium roared, "Meganium!"

Morty, "Cursola use spite."

Casey, "Use razor leaf."

Ash and the others cheered as Meganium battled the ghost Pokemon. Earlier, Casey's Drifblim had fought against Morty's Cofagrigus and won. Next Morty had chosen Jellicent who had taken down Drifblim and Casey chose her Slowbro to battle her. The two water types battled hard till there was a double knock out due to Jellicent using destiny bond. Casey was becoming strong at her own pace and Ash knew she would be a powerful opponent during the Jhoto Silver Conference.

Brock hummed, "I wonder how strong Gary would be compared to Casey and you."

Ash, "Ah? Last time we had a battle he almost won."

Gou, "He is training hard, isn't he?"

Ash nodded, "Ritchie too. I heard he has been helping the Rangers too in the Western part of Jhoto."

Verity, "So we have two budding Rangers in our group."

Sorrel, "Yes, it's awesome. Ranger work is tough work and for them to take it seriously is no small matter."

Ash, "Yeah."

Casey, "Now use solar beam."

Max cheered as Meganium's attack hit Cursola and knocked her out. The group cheered and congratulated Meganium on winning the battle. Ash has a feeling Meganium would be the power house of Casey's group just like Lucario was his power house. Casey was grinning as Morty congratulated her on defeating his Ace level Pokemon and then turned to Ash.

Morty, "Ready for our battle?"

Ash, "Yes! I'm very excited."

Referee, "This is an Ace battle between Gym Leader Morty and challenger Ash Ketchum. The winner will be decided with the last Pokemon left standing. Choose your first Pokemon."

Morty, "Go Haunter!"

Ash, "Let's do this Banette."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Banette Will O Wisp."

Morty, "Will O Wisp."

The two ghost Pokemon used the mystifying circle of fire balls to attack each other while dodging the other's attack. Banette and Haunter have each other feral grins as they flew around the battlefield going in and out of the shadows. Ash called for a thunder wave which hit Haunter as he came out from the shadows getting a shriek. The Ghost type Pokemon hissed as he became paralyzed due to the electricity running through him.

Morty narrowed his eyes, "Haunter dazzling gleam."

Ash, "Banette be careful."

Banette nodded, "Ban!"

Max, "Banette is so cool."

Breloom, "Loom bre."

Abra, -Uncle Banban has been training hard with Grampa Oak's Gengar.-

Sorrel, "He is strong, like Champion level strong right?"

Gou nodded, "Yes, Professor Oak has held the Champion title for twenty years before handing it to the late Mr Ketchum. Then the late Mr Oak, Gary's dad held it before handing it to Lance.... Then Blue got it from Lance followed by Red and now Gold is vying for it."

Brock, "Gold is very brave trying to take over the paperwork for two regions."

Casey winced, 'More like crazy.'

Max, "I'm not sure that's a good idea.. I mean Ash stays up late sometimes to complete his paperwork for the Orange Archipelago. That is if he is not working on his horror book."

Verity, "Yeah, I noticed that too. I'm not sure that's healthy."

Brock, "Don't worry guys, I'm sure Lucario is making sure Ash gets enough sleep."

Absol barked amused, "Sol sol absol."

Eevee giggled, "Vui."

Ash was focused on Haunter watching him disappear and reappear though his speed was slower, "Get ready Banette."

Banette nodded, "Ban!"

Morty, "Shadow punch!"

Ash, "Now Banette shadow sneak and sucker punch."

Banette used shadow sneak to dodge the punch from Hunter before appearing right below his opponent. Banette then punched Haunter hard using sucker punch knocking him out. Banette's eyes glowed as he stood up and grinned, he would have to thank Gengar after returning to the ranch. Gengar and Phantump cheered their fellow Ghost type from the audience.

Referee, "Haunter is unable to battle, Banette wins the match. Choose your next Pokemon."

Morty, "Not bad! You have trained your Banette really well."

Ash, "Thank you, though Banette deserves most praise. He has been working really hard, right buddy?"

Banette nodded, "Ban."

Morty, "Well then, let's go Chandelure."

Ash, "You good to continue?"

Banette nodded, "Banette."

Ash, "Ready when you are."

Referee, "Begin!"

Morty, "Astonish!"

Ash, "Shadow sneak!"

Morty, "Find him."

Ash winced, 'Dammit! Chandelure can find you through your soul... '

Ash, "Be careful Banette."

Banette, "Ban!"

Chandelure however found Banette and used overheat, he used overheat! If Ash was someone else, anyone else he would be gaping at the powerful. The Referee then announced Banette lost and Chandelure won the fight. Ash picked Banette up making sure he was okay first.

Ash, "You alright there buddy?

Banette hissed, "Ban nette."

Ash, "Return bud, get some rest."

Morty, "Your Banette is strong though you might want to focus on his perseverance and stamina."

Ash nodded, "Yeah, I was thinking the same."

Referee, "Choose your next Pokemon."

Ash, "Let's go Milotic."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Water gun."

Morty, "Dodge it!"

Ash, "After it Milotic."

Milotic gave a growl and started chasing the Fire Ghost Pokemon using water gun. The Fire type dodged the attacks and hissed when he was hit by the water gun once and retaliated using night shade. Milotic used water gun and the night shade and water gun hit creating a watery shade.

Ash, "Milotic aqua tail!"

Morty, "Fire spin."

Chandelure used fire spin and attacked forcing Milotic to use his aqua tail to defend herself from the attack. Milotic twitched at the heat coming from the powerful attack and used her tail to jump above Chandelure and landing on the other side. Ash narrowed his eyes and called for surf while Morty told Chandelure to fly higher to dodge the wave of water. Chandelure flew to the ceiling and watched the wave of water cover the battlefield, luckily his trainer was on an elevated platform.

Morty looked at his gym, "Well that adds a strange aesthetic... Like a haunted pool."

Ash, "Guess it does... I'll help clean up later."

Morty, "Chandelure overheat."

Ash watched as the over heat turned the water into vapour, 'Guess not. Cool move!'

Ash, "Twister!"

Milotic gave a shriek as she started up a twister which absorbed the vapour and turned into a tornado of water. Chandelure had an 'Oh shit!', expression on his face as he kept using overheat as a shield against the attack. It looked like they were at an impasse with both Pokemon not backing down before they both stopped planting hard.

Max, "I am wet and and not the great kind of wet.. "

Verity nodded, "Yeah, the sticky kind."

Gou, "The one where you sweat and feel wet."

Casey, "Gross."

Ash, "Rest!"

Morty, "Don't let her rest, shadow ball."

Ash, "Sleep talk."

Milotic created a light screen which stopped the shadow ball and returned it back to Chandelure who was hit on the face by his own attack. Usually he would not be affected by his attack but after using overheat for so long he was a tad exhaustion.

Ash, "Sleep talk again."

Ash, 'Hope this works.'

Milotic used recover and woke up, -Back in business, baby.-

Morty, "Mystical fire."

Ash, "Dragon pulse!"

Milotic shot a powerful dragon pulse just as change used mystical fire to attack the water type Pokemon. Milotic hissed in pain as the mystical fire burned her despite using recover to heal herself. Chandelure was unable to dodge however as he was hit by the dragon pulse and went down.

Referee, "Chandelure is unable to battle. Milotic wins the match. Choose your next Pokemon."

Morty, "Nice job Chandelure, thank you."

Ash, "Milotic are you okay?"

Milotic hissed, -Just let me use recover again and I'll be fine.-

Ash, "Go ahead. But if you need to stand down, then stand down. Don't push yourself too far."

Milotic smirked at her trainer, -This is an Ace battle, Ash. There's no such thing as standing down.-

Ash grinned, "That's my girl. We are good to go."

Morty, "So are we! Let's go Gengar."

Max, "That's Morty's starter right?"

Brock, "You are correct. Ash better be careful."

Sorrel, "More like, he better watch out for Lucario."

Casey, "Ah!"

Lucario whined, -Meema! I want to battle.-

Ash, "Lucario.... Well let's see how far Milotic can go first okay."

Lucario grumped, -Fine but you owe me extra massages later.-

Ash, "Of course Lucario."

Milotic, -Bring it on!-

Gengar raised an eyebrow, "Gengar geng."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Water pulse!"

Morty, "Shadow ball!"

Gengar threw a large shadow ball towards Milotic who had to jump away. The Ghost Pokemon's attack had absorbed her own attack and almost hit her. Milotic narrowed her eyes and shot a hydro pump towards Gengar who phased through the floor to avoid the attack. Gengar appeared beside Milotic who slithered away hissing from the tongue, which she knew would paralyse her.

Milotic hissed, -I am Ash's third Pokemon. Don't think you can bring me down easily.-

Gengar laughed, "Geng gengar geng."

Ash, "Stay calm Milotic use twister."

Gengar went through the floor to avoid the attack and appeared behind Milotic hitting her with a shadow ball. Milotic hissed but before she could retaliate Gengar used sucker punch on her knocking her out.

Referee, "Milotic is unable to battle, Gengar wins the match. Choose the final Pokemon."

Lucario, -Yes, my turn.-

Ash chuckled, "Yes it is, but please, be careful Lucario. I mean it."

Milotic, -Ouch! That was painful.-

Ash, "Get some rest girl. You were awesome."

Milotic nodded, -Yeah.-

Ash, "Get ready Lucario."

Referee, "Begin!"

Morty, "Dark pulse!"

Ash, "Dragon pulse!"

The two attacks clashed and they could feel the power coming from the clash of the Dragon and Dark type energies. The power almost caused Max to fall from his seat if not for Breloom who was eyeing the fight with gleaming eyes. Casey gasped as she and Espurr held each other feeling the power coming from the attack. Sorrel though was impressed, he remembered his dear friend Luxray who was just as powerful as Lucario but lost his life trying to protect him instead.

Sorrel, 'I miss you Luxray. I promise I will become the Best Doctor in the world.'

Verity, "You good?"

Sorrel nodded, "Yeah, I am good."

Ash, "Nasty plot!"

Gengar's smile fell when he was caught, "Geng gengar."

Morty, "Calm Gengar, use curse!"

Ash, "Lucario wait for it and fling it back."

Lucario coated his paw with aura and caught the curse in it before turning and throwing it back at Gengar. Gengar had to jump up to avoid the returning attack only for Lucario to follow up with bone rush. Gengar retaliated using focus punch and shadow punch to fight back against Lucario. Gengar flew back and his fur crackled making Lucario widen his eyes and step back and use Iron tail to the ground. The electric attack passed through him to the ground.

Lucario growled as he smelled the burned fur, 'Meema spent hours grooming my fur.'

Lucario, -You are going down.-

Gengar, "Geng geng geng gengar."

Ash, "Calm mind!"

Lucario, -I'm alright Meema. I just smell.-

Morty, "Thunder punch!"

Ash, "Quick attack, double team and metal claw."

Morty, "Don't let him get closer."

Lucario however used quick attack and double team to appear around Gengar who was using thunder punch to hit them. Morty then called out for thunder wave to take all the copies of Lucario around them. The thunder wave passed and erased the double team completely and Gengar looked around searching for his opponent.

Ash, "Now dark pulse!"

Morty, "Shit look out!"

It was however too late! Lucario's eyes were glowing as he grinned viciously and rammed the dark pulse on Gengar's head making Ash wince. He and those watching had to stop themselves from reaching up and holding their heads. Gengar stood strong for a few decades before swirls appeared and he fell down unconscious.

Referee, "Gengar is unable to battle, Lucario had won the match."

Ash cheered, "Great job Lucario. Oh dear! Your fur has become so rough though. I'll give you extra treat today."

Lucario nuzzled him, -Acceptable.-

Morty laughed, "You two are way too adorable but it still won't let you escape my lecture."

Ash winced, "I said, I'm fine."

Morty gave him a look before poking his shoulder getting a hiss, "No! You are not. Also congratulations on your Fog badge."

Ash grumbled about over protective siblings as he accepted the badge and was literally picked up and taken to the Pokemon center by Morty's Trevenant. Ash was surprised to see the Ghost tree but strangely enough, he didn't feel like complaining. Trevenant's branches were very comfortable and with Banette and Phantump joining him he was way too comfy to raise a stink. His friends snickered at him, they had been trying to get Ash to allow them to help him but he had turned them down saying Lucario could handle it. If a Gym Leader could get him to behave so be it.

[A. N.: All of my darling kittens have been successfully adopted. Yay!

All the hard work paid off!

I hope you all are doing well. Take care of yourselves darlings.


I'm chanelling Wallace a lot lately. XD]

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