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72.22% POKEMON: DRACONIC / Chapter 10: It's all Relative!

Chapitre 10: It's all Relative!

There was a lot of discrete difference between Steelix with his regular counterpart which I needed to understand as there is a high chance that even his abilities are different. As the Metal Coats are still present it just further supports the possibility that the Nevermelt Ice triggered his evolution so I can expect Steelix to be an Ice-type now however I don't have a clue what his other type is or is he even still currently dual-typed.

(I'll look into that later but for now, it's better to get to know what Steelix can do, now that he has evolved)

"Steelix are you ready?"


(Well at least one thing for certain, the big guy is still the relaxed pile of crystals like before and did not become arrogant like what I've seen happen to some of the Pokémon of the trainer that stayed in the penthouse, and at first, I thought that the anime exaggerated Charizard and ash situation but no its a one to one copy, I still pity that one guy with the Chesnaught as one second he was with a happy go lucky Quilladin and a minute later it became a moody Chesnaught that did not even acknowledge his existence. It may be a form of puberty as Steelix and Milotic are considered adults when I got them)

"Then show me the moves you had learned in your evolution, wait did you learn a new move?"

'Steelix Stee Steelix'

"So you have several huh, then fire away with the middle of the lake as your target"


"You need physical objects? well then um ... Ohh! why don't you create your own targets by using Rock throw, just make them a bit bigger"

'Steelix stee steelix'


"Good that's big enough, put it near the banks"

'Wham!' 'drop'

(Even the crystals Steelix generates are like ice now as I can feel the temperature drop even at a distance from it but that's fine ... I think)

"Neat, then let's get started"





(So first move is Crunch, well with a large mouth like that anything it chews on will surely feel pain. Hmm, his using another move no breaks between moves huh.)



(Another biting move but this time the crystal that remained seems to be covered in an additional layer of ice ..... yeah it's gotta be Ice fang)

"Congrats Steelix you learn some nice moves"

'Steelix stee steelix'

"More coming up? well I ain't complaining keep them coming"


'Swooosh' 'flight'


"Dragon breath? how did you learn that .... ah it must be from seeing Milotic and Deino use it in training"


"Okay so the last one is coming up, then better make it a show stopper"


'Swooosh' 'charge'

(Ohh a charging move)

'Wham! Boom!'

Steelix radiated silver energy throughout his body and charged towards one of the crystals and slammed his body towards it causing the crystal to be blasted into pieces like it was hit by a cannonball.

(Heavy slam or Takedown? judging by the color it should be a steel type move so its most likely be Heavy slam)

'Steelix stee Steelix'

"Your Heavy slam really hit the mark on the destructive charts but I think it's time to show others in the team your new form. Milotic, Deino come out"



Milotic and Deino at the start were cautious of the familiar creature but quickly understood that it was Onix who must have evolved. The team congratulated Steelix on his evolution and Milotic even challenge him in a battle which I allowed as I know its Milotic way of helping Steelix get acquainted with his new form. Before they began their battles I gave each of them an item, a dragon fang for Deino, Mystic water for Milotic and the metal coat goes to Steelix. I then proceeded to my parents to inform them of the good news as I would also need help in contacting the Cliff family.

"Mom, Dad my Onix evolved into a Steelix"

"That's great! Looks like the Metal coat was still successful in triggering the evolution of your variant Onix"

"Actually, the Metal coat did not work however the Nevermelt Ice did though"


"Al are you sure about that?"

"Yes, as we still have the metal coat but I would need a new Nevermelt Ice for Milotic, and can we contact the Cliff family to examine Steelix"

"If your saying is true then we really would need to contact them and maybe even the Stone as they would be happy to study a new Pokémon that might be a rock or steel type but since you used the Nevermelt Ice it should be part Ice now right?"

"I think so as I'm fairly certain that his body is covered in a type of Ice but I think its better for you to see it yourselves"

We proceeded towards the lake with the help of Cofo's teleport where they were able to gaze upon Steelix's ice-covered body battling against Milotic. The match was like watching a mini kaiju movie from my old world as the two large creatures fight it out.

"It's indeed quite different from a regular Steelix"

"Of course it is dear, it evolved from that Onix, after all"

"But Al please make sure to tell us beforehand if your gonna do something like evolving your Pokémon when we are around as we ..... or I myself specifically am interested in witnessing the event unfold so no more surprise evolutions next time."

"Well that's not really a problem as the only one left yet to evolve is Deino so when it's time I'll make sure to remember"

After staying a few more minutes observing Steelix my parents returned to the mansion and contacted both the Cliff and Stone families. The Cliff family immediately sent someone over after a few days to look over Steelix and the Stone family followed suit after a week or so, both representatives came to the same conclusion that Steelix is a variant with a Steel-Ice dual typing. We also learned that the Ice covering Steelix's body is harder than diamond and can't be melted but oddly enough it still retained most of its metallic property. However, what really surprised them was the change in Steelix's Rock-type attacks where it was discovered that the crystals produced by Steelix using his Rock-type attacks were all seemed to be turned into Ice-type attacks instead of Rock-type. It was theorized that it must be an unknown ability that was causing the phenomenon but it was still not certain.

The representative of both families left after ecstatically observing Steelix for a month not to Steelix's amusement as he seemed uncomfortable with how they were looking at him. I then asked my parents if we could get in contact with the current gym leader of the Shalour Gym, Gurkinn. They were first curious on why I would need to talk with a Gym leader but I told them it was to ask for advice, they took it as me wanting to expand my horizon so they gave me a large Phonebook containing the numbers of all prominent people in the region.

(I forgot those things existed as even in my old world they were so rarely used)

Looking at the log I learned that Gurkinn was a member of the house of the Concombre family which was one of the oldest clans in Kalos that is said to have existed as far back to the crowning of the first king of Kalos. My father called the number listed for the Shalour Gym as they may not take me seriously considering my age and they scheduled a video call for me and Gurkinn in a few days. In the meantime, I start thinking of ways to explain how I came to know about him and Mega's ..... I'm just not sure if Gurkinn will buy the things I will say.




"Hello, this is Kate a gym trainer of the Shalour gym how can I help you.

"Hello!, Um I'm Albert Ryuma from the Ryuma clan I have a scheduled meeting with Mr. Gurkinn"

"Ohh, give me a minute to get him as he should be already informed of your call"

.... A few minutes later ....

After a few minutes a person with blond hair and eye brows so long that it formed a letter M showed up and sure enough, it was Gurkinn.

"So what do I owe the honor of being called by the little celebrity of Lumiose city"

"You know of me?"

"News travel far as even some of the trainers that challenge my gym talked fondly of your little Penthouse and being able to train up an Elite level Pokémon even before starting your journey speaks for itself. So how can I help you? I don't think you contacted a gym leader just to get training tips considering your mom is an Elite four and all but that would be fine too"

(Better make it look like I'm clueless on the topic as explaining why I have the knowledge that I have would be a pain)

"Well tips would be nice but I'm calling because I found this strange crystal that has marble with DNA like a helix insi ...."

"Show me!"


"Ahem, I mean can I see it?"

"... Here it is, It resembles the marble in your Lucario's arm brace that I've seen in one of your televised matches so I thought to contact you as you must have a clue on what it is"

"Where did you find it?"

"I found it inside a meteor in the orange islands where I caught my Steelix when he was still an Onix and he seems to be very attached to it"

"Is your Steelix still attached to it even now?"

(Hmm? is that a piece of relevant information? well if I said yes it must confirm to him that it's a Mega stone for Steelix)

"Actually his obsession with the thing just increased upon evolution"

"Ohh! .... your a lucky one kid as I do know what you have in your possession but .... I can't tell you as of yet."

"Why? Is it a league secret or something?"

"Or something. Are you about to start your journey?"

"Not yet, It's still more than a year away as I'm turning nine a month from now but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Your eight? I mean .... I see, well if you send it over to me I can process it into something similar to what you have seen with my Lucario which you can get after getting your Trainer ID. In that time you can also battle me and if I'm satisfied with your performance I might tell you what it is and even give you something and don't worry you won't be needing six badges to battle me as it's not gonna be an official gym match but a challenge in the Tower of Mastery"

(Give me something? It gotta be a Keystone, then I better step up my game for that scheduled battle)

"So you will make Steelix an accessory? then how much will it cost?"

"I won't be making your Pokémon an accessory but I will process the thing inside so let's just make it so that you must battle me, Win or lose you still get it back but disappoint me don't expect to get an answer to your question"

(Well that's no problem as I'm sure Gurkinn can be trusted, besides I made sure that this call is recorded and for the accessory my Father's company can make something that can hold the Mega stone for Steelix .... a large brace for one of his spikes would be cool)

"Then I would like to thank you in advance and I will have someone deliver it to you in a few days time"

"Make sure to contact me again before coming to the Tower of Mastery in a year's time. As I have a few matches scheduled today I would need to cut our conversation here but once again remember to contact me again in the future"

The conversation with the Gym leader Gurkinn went better than I had hoped and after finalizing the one-year agreement I began preparing strategies for the battle as I'm fairly certain that Lucario is not the only Pokémon he has and the possibility of him using Mega in our battle is high.

In the following month, I celebrated my ninth birthday, and once again we had the guest from the penthouse partake in the festivities. It was fine and dandy however something started to feel off when I noticed the staff brought in a large projector and several speakers around the venue. When the projector started playing everyone was shown several clips of me and my team singing by the lake with added background instruments which lasted for an hour. I was not the type to easily get embarrassed about such things, and seeing the guest seemingly enjoy the clips just boosts my and my team's confidence but when the last clip ended a big announcement was played stating that most of our songs are to be broadcasted into a radio station and even in Tv. It was one thing for such stuff to be shared with family and a few acquaintances but to show that to the whole region it's something that needs to be discussed as those clips have the video quality like it was shot with a potato and worst part of it all is that they did not even get my good side.

I immediately went to my parents who were watching proudly at the side and had a conversation about the whole showing me to the region thing but they told me that it's only the song and not the video and all revenue will go to my personal account. I was surprised at first but accepted the offer in the condition of making a new recording for the songs as I wanted to make it at least closer to what it was supposed to sound like because from what I heard earlier it seemed that the musicians for the background instruments got a tad bit too creative, well it was good but some times less is more.

After five months I was able to finish strategizing and perfecting my team's training for the scheduled battle however there is something more important that happened and it's the birth of my sister Alice Ryuma. She was the bundle of joy of our household and I took the time to visit her once a day with Milotic as she seemed to enjoy seeing the large serpent. I only introduced her to Deino and Steelix at a distance since they tend to get overly excited, well mainly Deino as there's a high chance he will try to take a bite but overall they were still happy to meet our new family member.

The songs were also a big hit not only in Kalos but also in other regions but for some reason, only the songs from the Pokémon series got widespread attention mainly the anime openings. The extra income was a great help for my upcoming journey as my Pokémon has appetites corresponding to their size, well except Deino who goes beyond the norm.

In our training Milotic was able to teach Steelix Dragon dance after he took interest in the move after seeing Milotic use it in her battles. Dragon dance was a big help for Steelix being a physically oriented battler and raising a bit of his speed will help but it does have the drawback of weakening the move Gyro ball due to the speed increase. The process of which Steelix use the move Gyro ball also got an upgrade where he has the choice to only spins the segments that have protruding spikes, it's a nice development for Steelix as he could now use a wider range of movement while using it for both attack and defense.

Deino also learned a new move in the form of thunder fang which just came about unexpectedly as it was a move we did not train or even encountered before but Deino did have a lot of experience taking hits from electric types from our battles which I presume to be the cause of the welcome surprise. The situation with Deino is not all good however as his temper tantrum due to the Everstone is worsening to the point where Milotic needed to cool him off with a blast of ice beam.

I asked my mother again about the situation and she suggested just allowing Deino to evolve as she too noticed that Deino had no notable growth in terms of size in the past months even with all the food we gave him and considering that he is already at an Ace level while still in his base form it won't do him any good if it's delayed any longer. I informed my mother and father about my decision and as of now, they are viewing us from the penthouse while snuggling Alice and being served with snacks by Joseph, Cofo is also there but was forbidden to make any sound when around Alice in order to avoid a certain incident from happening again.

(Mom might just send all her team to beat up Cofo if Alice's first words were also Alakazam)

The penthouse was temporarily closed due to the situation as, unlike Steelix who is mostly relaxed Deino is a bit unruly due to his typing so I thought it's better to avoid putting the guest in danger in case of an unexpected change in mood of Deino after his evolution.

"Deino I think its time to finally remove your Everstone"

'Deino! Dei'

(Well he is excited to get the Stone removed but funny enough wants the collar to stay on)

"You like the accessory huh, Don't worry I have a new one for you here"

As Deino can only use one item which was the Everstone I was not able to equip him with other items for the longest time however the items were already prepared long ago as it's one of the items I ordered alongside the Metal coat. The Items I got for Deino were a Quick claw and a pair of Dark Glasses which is just a literal shade as our storehouse already has a stock of Dragon fangs I did not need to order any more. I took out the two new collars made from Dragon fangs which I prepared beforehand that looked like my mom's dragon fang bracelets, well it is very well the same but is just made with lower quality Dragon fangs as my mother's bracelet is made from crazed Elite level Dragon-types she .... um, Defanged?


Deino was ecstatic upon sensing the new item as even without seeing it he was still able to know its presence which I think may be because of the little dragon-type energy still present in the item or he is able to smell it which I'm not so certain of. As there is a high chance that Deino will immediately evolve upon the removal of the Everstone I decided that it is best to inform him about it and have Steelix and Milotic around if he ever goes unruly.

"I knew you would like it but do understand that if I remove your Everstone you will likely immediately evolve so are you prepared for that?"

'Deino dei deino!'

"Good but first, Milotic, Steelix come out."



"I will remove Deino's Everstone so watch closely. Deino get ready"


Seeing the rest of the team exited on the prospect of Deino's evolution I proceeded to unbuckle the strap of the collar and after a few seconds of separating the stone, Deino suddenly shined in a brilliant white light that all of us knew meant that Deino is evolving. Deino's body started growing and underwent several changes as the fur that covered his neck expanded towards his back and a pair of wings with the shape resembling that of a Wingull's started to sprout out on the location. Another head also started to develop alongside the first one and claws formed on his front legs that became more stout.

"What the ...."


All the changes were what one would expect in its evolution however the bright light did not end as his body continued to grow larger than expected. I was glad as he reached the size past that of a regular Zweilous however his evolution still continued until he reached the height of two and a half meters, a size larger than that of a Dragonite. When as a Deino he was considered abnormally small but now as a Zweilous he became freakishly big, the change was really a huge surprise 'No pun intended.

(Zweilous became a giant?! why? how? .... is it because of all the food supplements I gave him or because I delayed his evolution a bit too much? I won't know for sure but I can consider this a good thing ..... maybe)

"Zweilous congrats on evo ....."




"Zweilous calm your self .... selves!"


'Swooosh' 'flight'





(He mastered Draco Meteor?! too bad he targeted himself. Better stop this quick as it looks like they still want to continue the self-mutilation)

"Steelix use wrap on Deino"


'Swooosh' 'charge'

"Now Milotic use Ice beam to trap him in ice but make sure to let the top of their heads out"


As I was not confident to calm a giant multi-headed dragon-like how Iris did in the show which comprised of diving head in and getting bitten, I made sure to first immobilize Zweilous before doing anything drastic that might cost me an arm and a leg in the literal sense. Milotic also incased half the body of Steelix which is still wrapped around Zweilous to make sure that Zweilous is not going anywhere. My mother immediately had Cofo teleport her to our location after witnessing the incident while my father stayed guard to Alice with Joseph's Gardevoir in the penthouse.

"Al are you okay?"

"Yeah Mom but as you had seen Zweilous was a bit disoriented upon seeing itself"


'Zweilous Zwei Zweilous'


"Zweilous relax, I know its hard to do considering you incased in ice but listen to me, this is your evolved form so don't attack yourself Zweilous, as your literally just hurting yourself. I may sound redundant but that's your current situation."


"Yeah, it's trippy right? It's unavoidable that you might not get along most of the time but at least do not use attacking moves on yourself"


"Good, Steelix will you please"


Upon hearing my request Steelix released Zweilous by breaking the ice encasing them and upon release, Zweilous stared and then started talking to itself it was fine at first then it started arguing but luckily it did not start an all-out brawl once again.

"Mom, why is Zweilous so big?"

"I don't know for certain but I've heard of Pokémon becoming much bigger than normal upon evolution but nothing this drastic as your Zweilous is more than twice as big as a normal one. Just imagine how big he would be when he evolves into a Hydreigon"

(If I were to guess Zweilous must have had a form of gigantism upon evolution but luckily it isn't one of those shown in the anime where a Dragonite, Tentacruel, and Claydol the size of a Skyscraper that had gone into a real Kaiju Esque rampage, property damage aside I just can't imagine how to feed something that has that big of a stomach .... Ohh no if a Deino can eat as much as a Gyarados, now that he's a Zweilous how much can he eat and when he evolves into his final stage?.... Mom, I may not want to imagine it. Better start making preparations to make a Poffin that can suppress appetite upon consumption like the Pokeblocks May has in the anime, too bad the recipe does not exist yet as Pokeblocks or the berry blender machine that pops them out have not been invented.)

"Al, better heal up your Zweilous as taking a direct hit from his own Draco meteor and an Ice beam from your Milotic must have dealt a lot of damage on him."

"Sure, Zweilous come here for a dose of Full Restore, and after that get a bit of rest in your Pokeball"


(I still can't tell if Zweilous had any attitude change after his evolution as he had been an arrogant but docile fella since he was a Deino.)

"Okay Full Restore, eat, then Pokeball. At least you now have something to agree with yourself and not to my surprise its food"


Zweilous appetite did increase proportionally to his size as now it's like I'm feeding two full-grown Gyarados for each of his meals. As my journey is only a few months away I decided it's best to start developing that Poffin recipe so while Zweilous was resting in his Pokeball I went to my father and request the help of his company.

"Dad I need help with Zweilous"

"If you're worried about his temper acting up don't worry I hav ....."

"No, not that it's about his food"

"What about it? If I recall correctly he eats a mixture of both our family and your mom's food recipe for Dragon-types "

"He eats a lot so I was wondering if I could ask some help to formulate a Poffin recipe that can help suppress excess appetite in other words make Zweilous eat only what he needs as for now it seems that both his heads are out-competing each other in eating even though they had enough food."

"That will be no problem but it would take a couple of months to make"

"Really! thanks, Dad!"

After a few days, I was able to fully understand Zweilous improvements after evolution. He was only able to learn two moves upon evolution consisting of Dragon Rush and Shock wave but considering the overall boost in offensive and defensive power that came with his size it was a fine trade-off. Dragon Rush is an amazing charging move but as Zweilous still can't fly the attack still seemed like a fancier tackle just with a drake silhouette covering Zweilous. Shock wave is also a nice addition for Zweilous range coverage as Thunder fang had the same problem as Fire fang which needs to be up close to his enemies and in addition to being ranged the attack also chasses after its target like a homing missile where there is no dodging the attack unless it is blocked by another object in its path.

There's one interesting I found out about Zweilous is that when using a move both of his heads release the attack and in the opponent's view it's like being attacked two times. Zweilous is also a prodigy at using different attacks at the same time, for instance, one of his heads can use Dragon pulse while the other is using Dark pulse. Using multiple moves at the same time is a hard thing to do and needs a lot of training to accomplish but Zweilous was able to do it easily and according to my mother it's not normal even to other of its kind.

(From what I can see it seemed that the power of one of his heads is equivalent to twice as much as when he is a Deino, which means Zweilous currently has the firepower of four Deino's which is a scary thought considering he was already a monstrous fire-power as a Deino.)

Although Zweilous had several major upgrades after his evolution he still had a hard time coordinating his movements at the start because both of his heads can't seem to agree on the direction to go, it was especially problematic when evading attacks. It took a few days of training to get them mostly in sync but it was still not perfect as there are situations where they still can't get a sense of unity in making decisions.

A lot of trainers were once again amazed by the sight of my team even though the Hydreigon line was not native in Kalos, tales of its rampage is well known, and seeing Zweilous really stimulates their imagination on how big a Hydreigon is as even if they know of its existence the stuff such as size and other characteristics is not that well known aside from people who came from Unova or had seen a specimen once before.

As I was training my team I noticed Joseph sometimes watched us with an expression full of worry which I thought was because of Cofo's inevitable battle with Milotic which the latter is very excited about.

(Too bad as there's no running away from Milotic's vengeance as they say hell has no fury like a woman scorned .... I don't know if it's applicable in this situation but it kinda-fit and besides its Cofo's fault for overdoing it and turning Milotic into a ragdoll in their battles when she was only a Feebas.)

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Line break llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Joseph POV

(Near the banks of the lake)

It's been over twenty years since I've started working for master Alden and all this time I considered it a privilege as I am a part of the clan that served the Ryuma family for hundreds of years and in all that time we never forgot our main objective and that is to keep the mission given to us by the last king of Kalos.

Only two members of my clan are allowed to work under the Ryuma clan per generation and the position was greatly sought after as only those that had worked under the Ryuma clan are eligible to be the next family head and the condition of being a candidate is harsh as one needs to have journeyed as a trainer to the elite rank while gaining a lot of connections and then studying under the head for two years on the ways of properly serving under the Ryuma clan. I was lucky enough to get the position along with Jess as it really was a stiff competition where we were up against ten other candidates who also fulfilled the criteria and the end result was decided by several trials and battles. Jess at the time was really an amazing trainer with a battle style completely different from us as her team is mainly composed of tanks that can keep healing themselves and what everyone feared was her Blissey and Miltank that was dubbed the immortal duo.

Three hundred years ago our clan was only a branch family of the ones that served under the royalty of Kalos as both retainers and knights but that all changed when a foreign family had arrived in the region in the midst of a potential war. The foreigners held knowledge rarely seen in our land which is being able to tame the draconic magical creatures or what we now call the Dragon-type Pokémon. At the time war was imminent in Kalos as the peace treaty with another region went awry and the last king decided that any help would be welcomed in the large war that's about to start thus he commanded the visitors from a faraway land to prove themselves by taming one of the Dragons found in the wetlands or the high mountains and that what just they did but they went beyond as only after a few months living in the wilds they returned with a tamed Goodra and a Dragonite.

The king was amazed by their performance as at the time they were without any Pokémon or weapons but even with their situation, they were still able to do something only a few ever accomplished. The foreigners were proud of what they had done as the hardship they underwent was evident even to the king, with ripped clothes, larges scars and even missing appendages on one of their members, with all those the king decided to welcome them to the region as long as they help with the war effort by taming more dragons. They were given all the resources they would need to start a new life in the region and even a plot of land to call their own but after taming more dragons the king was informed that the dragons only followed the orders of those that tamed them as they deemed them worthy. In that realization, the family was tasked to join the battle and that's where they showed more of their prowess as they ravaged the battlefield and caused destruction comparable only to the ten Duke families of the region.

When the war ended the family of dragon tamers was further rewarded with the title of nobility alongside a larger expanse of land which included an island that was home to dragons-types. It was one of the two mysterious islands that suddenly appeared a long time ago which still baffled the nobility of the region to this day. The first island is located off the coast of Shalour city and was found to contain large metallic pillars, cave systems, and a few never seen before vegetation. The Concombre clan which is one of the duke families was given ownership of the island as long as they try to uncover its origins and what see what resources can be found on the place. It was said that they already uncovered some of its secrets long ago even before gaining ownership of the island and it has helped boost the power of the region however aside from the Concombre only a few others know what lies on the first island which the Concombre family named Mega Island.

The second island is located a couple of miles westward of Ambrette Town which is found to also contain cave systems and strange vegetation similar to the first island however no Steel pillars were found but unlike the first island, it was home to numerous Dragon-types. It was also given to other Duke families but they all relinquished their ownership due to the difficulty of the task of studying the island considering it is home to wild Dragon-types. The ownership of the island was shifted by the royal family from one nobility to another and in the end, it just ended up back to the ownership of the royal family as no one is willing to go to the island as even the Concombre denied the offer as they too did not want to face against the island's inhabitants.

The appearance of the family of dragon tamers was an Arceus send as they were the perfect candidate for venturing and discovering the secrets of the second island. When they accepted the offer my family was tasked to serve them and make sure that they keep their promise to venture into the island which they did to a frightening degree.

The task given by the last king to them was just to send the firstborn to venture and investigate the island when they see fit in hope that they can discover its hidden secrets however after gaining ownership of the island they immediately made it so that every member of their family can enter the island whenever they wanted which was fine at the start but soon became a problem. They named the island as Dragon nest in respect to its inhabitants.

The foreign family changed their name to Ryuma for reasons still unknown to us however my ancestors knew it was an important decision for them as they even changed their family symbol into a Coat of arms to resemble the ones found in Kalos, Their Coat of arms comprised of a Goodra and Dragonite holding a shield to remind themselves of the tasked they accomplished that was able to impress a ruler of another land, In the shield, a merchant was displayed in the right to show their rise in wealth by selling commodities found in their land of origin and four Soldiers is displayed in the left to make it known that they are prepared to protect their new home once more if the need arises.

After a hundred years of serving the Ryuma clan, a problem suddenly arose when they decided to send every child in the age of ten to the island for their first Pokémon which they stated to be a normal right of passage in the region they came from and only decided to start now after successfully boosting their numbers. My ancestors begged them to stop such form of savagery however it was all for naught as it seemed the culture was just too different and from what my ancestors can understand the first generation of the Ryuma clan also wanted to forget about such traditions however the following generations seemed to be more hard-headed than the dragons they aspire to train as when they had learned of the old tradition they immediately decided that it was a good way to show everyone that they can accomplish the same thing the older generation did and even surpass them.

The decision yielded both good and bad results as it indeed made it so that strong trainers joined their ranks every generation however their number also steadily decreased. It was only in master Alden's generation where the situation came to the worst possible outcome where he became the last heir of the Ryuma clan as his parent can no longer bear any more successors and from that moment they knew, they messed up.

There was still a good thing that came about in the situation as Alden unlike his relatives is smart and is comparable to the first generation of their clan because he has both their skill and resourcefulness as he was able to increase their family business to the point of being able to turn it into one of the largest company in the whole region. Master Alden was also more reasonable as he decided to not go on a journey to make sure that their bloodline continues on and he also married and had the young master in his early twenties which was a good decision on his part as there may or may not had been a plan devised by my clan to lock him up with several women of our clan who already volunteered as tribute to make sure the Ryuma family lives on.

The young master was truly a blessing bestowed upon us as he is just like his father ..... no he is more than that as he is the combination is his father's intellect and his mother's skills. It amazes me that even before the age of ten he was able to train up several elite level Pokémon under his wing and his knowledge of Pokémon is comparable to us adults ..... some times I feel that he knows more than he puts on as his encyclopedic knowledge on Pokémon is scary to say the least, considering there is still no such thing as an encyclopedia listing every Pokémon in each region and the knowledge about the creatures are still scattered and is yet to be officially gathered and publicized, to put it into perspective even the Ryuma archives only contain an incomplete listing of the Pokémon found in Kalos. Making such a collection of information was tried by many researchers however traveling around the region and separating the truth from myths was a hard task as funding such a project is something that would take a very long time to accomplish just catching a specimen would be something normal researchers will be unable to accomplish unless they are also accomplished, trainers. Other trainers are also not too keen to let the secrets of the members of their team be easily known so asking for their permission to study their Pokémon is a fruitless endeavor.

Everything has kept getting better as master Alden even abolished the barbaric tradition of literally feeding children to dragon-types on a deserted island and the last straw that made my clan throw a big party at our village was when the young lady Alice was born as she was a sign that our long pestering to master Alden has finally worked and he was finally making further strides in once again increasing the heirs of the Ryuma clan. The clan gave me and Jess a mission to make sure that Master Alden fulfills his responsibilities as young master Albert is sure enough to start his journey in a few months and even with his strong team accidents still may happen.

Young master Albert's team is both a blessing and a curse as even if his team is strong it is mainly composed of very rare Pokémon that is considerably rarer than the dragons his family trains and it may catch the attention of some nefarious groups such as poachers, thieves, and even other noble families but in the end, it was a needless worry as all the Noble families already have precautions in place for such situations.

However, right after the young master's Feebas evolved into a Milotic, Master Alden decided that allowing young master Albert to build up a reputation as a strong trainer with an even stronger background is the best course of action for his safety and with the young master's training ground that came in the form of the Penthouse it was already a done deal. Letting everyone know that the young master is supported by two noble families and an Elite four who all train Dragon-types already acts as a great deterrence as no one wants to be hunted down by Dragon-type trainers as their rage is also something comparable to the creatures they tame.


Thesilentwooper Thesilentwooper

Happy Holidays every one. Once again feedback on mistakes and possible improvements is greatly appreciated.




This is my last chapter for a while as I decided to take a licensure exam and a lot of studying is needed. As i'm also working along with the studying my free time will be greatly impacted.

next chapter
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