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18.73% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 139: CH8 (138), What Happened/Water Squad (2)

Chapitre 139: CH8 (138), What Happened/Water Squad (2)

I have mentioned them pretty often until now, so let's go over the Feebas I caught that fateful day next. *pfft* Ahem, Abzu, and Tiamat had since I had caught them turned into Milotic.

The fact that both had yet to reach the (high) silver stage despite having evolved to Milotic showed that I did not use a Prism Scale to trigger their evolution but more on that later.

Let's start from the beginning. Abzu, that's the male Feebas at the (low) bronze stage with light blue potential that I caught, and Tiamat, that's the female at the (mid) iron stage with green potential I gave the light purple ribbon to, which seemed like a fated move now, could be said to be pretty lucky.

After I left the bay that day I entered Utopia to check the two out. I did something there which I should have known was not possible I checked their stats while they were inside the balls.

Since the space inside the balls was actually considered independent space, no matter how small, that should not have been possible, at least not the way I did it.

Now, I know that I did it through the bond but at that time I didn't realize that. Honestly, I didn't even care about the whole thing at the time.

I mean, logically it made sense that it was because of the bond. Otherwise, I would be able to check out the Pokemon of everyone while they were inside their Pokeballs, which I can't.

Anyway, Abzu had light blue potential at (46.9%) and Tiamat had green potential at (44.2%). The reason those were important was because of what happened after I called them out inside Lapras pond.

Before they could really get acquainted, the habitat creation happened and they were placed inside their new pond, which I positioned to the west. This meant I officially had a pond in all 4 directions.

Obviously, Utopia also began doing its optimization thing and the results were great. I had ignored the message on the processes since I was moving towards their new pond and by the time I arrived Abzu's process had just finished.

He was the first one to be done and his potential had turned from light blue to deep blue at (6.9%) thanks to his starting potential. While I was looking through his status Tiamat's process was done as well.

Tiamat's process took about a minute more than Abzu's did and I quickly found out why. The moment I saw her, my mouth slacken in shock. I gaped at her because she had actually turned a shade of light purple.

That's right, apparently, the optimization process succeeded in unlocking one of Tiamat's genes, particularly the shiny gene. Since I did not check the message I did not know that.

On top of that her potential was light blue at (4.2%), which actually meant that the optimization process negated any cost that unlocking the gene usually had, which was also why I did not learn/bother about the precise cost until Parvati.

It slipped my mind until the cost literally hit me in the face. Anyway, my gaping actually made Tiamat shy and she was swimming around nervously. I coughed before asking them how they felt and once more welcomed them to Utopia.

I explained to them as best as I could what this place was, which was not as easy to do to non-sapient Pokemon like Feebas and Magikarp, but I was also a psychic and aura user, so I managed just fine.

I also congratulated Tiamat and explained to her that her new color was actually great. The shiny gene was a Tier 1 gene that gave an overall 15% boost to its possessor, so it was a bit worse than either royal or ancient, but it was still a nice boost.

It definitely helped shorten the gap between Abzu and Tiamat. Anyway, after the explanations were done I pulled up a blob of water with the two inside and moved towards Lapras place.

I recalled her and moved towards Remoraid's pond where the Magikarp were as well. I placed the two Feebas inside, called out Lapras, and introduced them all to each other.

Once the first round of introductions was over I called over the others and a second-round followed. After those events, I began training them, and there was a lot to do. They only knew 4 moves, Tackle, Splash, Flail as well as Water Gun, and they were all only at beginner mastery.

Since Abzu was 3 and Tiamat was only a few months younger this showed that they lived pretty relaxed lives. Well, their relaxing time was over.

I wanted them to evolve without using the Prime Scale as a trigger, so I did everything to help them fulfill the alternate requirements, which were confidence as well as conviction, "beauty", and being at least at the bronze stage.

The strength part was easy and Abzu already fulfilled that one. Still, (high) bronze was MY requirement, so he still had to get stronger.

I and the others helped them with the confidence and conviction part through positive reinforcements. This was mostly done through physical touch like pats or hugs and compliments.

The "beauty" part was the vaguest and hard one. Still, I had a few ideas that involved a few of the materials I had collected until now that had effects such as moisturizing the skin or making it glossy and soft.

Things that could increase the "beauty"/appeal of someone and let's not forget the Prism Scale itself. That I couldn't use it directly did not mean I could use it as an ingredient for lotions and other supplements.

So, I looked into the Feebas section of my super-library and the groomer, breeder, and pioneer section. I found recipes, massages, and a few other useful tips and tricks in the sections I could access and a list of ingredients I would need.

I had a majority of them but was still missing some, so I went to Coast City to buy them. I also bought an E-class Prism Scale for the space to replicate and improve since it couldn't do so with the ones in my hands.

The thing was pretty expensive since people *cough* mostly women *cough* seemed to buy it simply for its beauty, which raised the price because supply and demand were still a thing for everyone else.

At least I had a steady supply on my own after that to grind and add to everything. Anyway, I kept applying as well as feeding them stuff with "beautifying" effects and gave them regular massages that also helped in that regard.

I had to give everyone else regular massages as well since they wanted in after seeing me doing it for those two. So, I assigned everyone to a day, and with the amount of Pokemon part of my main group, I spent about an hour daily just massaging someone.

That went up to about 90 minutes daily after the newbies joined. Still, while I did that they kept up their training and it seemed to motivate everyone so it was fine. Besides, 2 months of doing that elevated our bonds from artificial to genuine ones, so that was a win.

It took Abzu a bit less than 1 year of dedicated effort on my part to feel the signs of evolution signifying that he had satisfied the first and second requirements as well, since the third one, the strength factor, had been fulfilled since the beginning.

Around the same time, he became sapient as well, and we went about choosing a name for him. He chose Abzu who was the primordial god of freshwater in Mesopotamian mythology.

About a month later, just 2 months short of a full year, he managed to reach the (high) bronze stage meaning he was ready to evolve to Milotic. Tiamat at that time was still doing her limit-breaking training for the iron stage.

Everyone gathered in front of him I pulled out the stuff I had prepared for him including a C-class Prism Scale I had bought just for him. I wanted to use one of the two I had for Tiamat and keep one for Utopia to reproduce.

Anyway, I did what I could and he started to evolve, and once the light show settled down a minute or so later, what "stood" in Abzu's place was a gorgeous Milotic.

Wait, can a dude be called gorgeous. Hmm, I think it works, so let's just go with it. Abzu seemed to follow the trend of my Pokemon about being larger than the average size of their species.

However, probably because he didn't go through the limit-breaking training at the iron stage, he was only 9 meters long compared to the 7 to 8 meters Milotic were normally at. He had a girth of around 100 cm, which meant the diameter of his body was around 30 cm.

We all congratulated him and Tiamat was circling him with fascination. Thankfully Abzu did not suddenly turn into a young master that thought he was better than everyone else, so he did not start looking down on her.

Otherwise, I and everyone else would have had to beat that shit out of him. It didn't happen, so everything was fine. A bit less than a year after his evolution Tiamat managed to complete her limit breaking for the iron stage and broke through to the bronze stage.

Her potential rose to blue thanks to the breakthrough and she was more than halfway to deep blue as well. She began at the (mid) bronze stage as well even if it was only because her agility managed to raise the parameter average enough to barely qualify for it.

Unfortunately, the 15% bonus was not enough to make enough of a difference with the racial values of the Feebas species to improve any of the starting parameters.

When this happened Abzu was about to finish his first round of limit breaking (raising everything to S). It took him nearly another 2 years, but about 9 months ago he successfully finished his limit breaking and broke through to the silver stage.

The bonus of that together with the bonus from the supplements so far and the bonus from the things I prepared for his evolution not only raised his potential to light purple, but it raised the percentage to over 93%.

During the last 9 months, I managed to increase that to a bit more than 95%, and roughly 6 months ago our bond raised to "strong". Additionally, Abzu began at the (mid) silver stage and managed to raise his strength, agility, as well as energy capacity once during the last 9 months as well.

This was however not enough to reach the (high) silver stage, for that one he still needed to increase one of his parameters by one. Once, I caught Thor Abzu began his resistance training towards the electric type, but he had yet to succeed.

I was guessing it would still take him a year or more to actually finish with that one. Well, that only left the usual duo, his masteries, and moves.

'Name: Abzu

Species: Milotic

Gender: Male

Age: 7+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Deep Blue (6.9%) -> Light Purple (95.42%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Marvel Scale, Competitive

Talents: None

Affinities: Water


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: None



Stage: Silver Stage (mid)

Vitality: D

Strength: D (E)

Endurance: D

Agility: C (D)

Energy Capacity: C (D)

Energy Density: C


Resistance: Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Ice (Minor), Steel (Minor)


Weaknesses: Electric (Minor), Grass (Minor)



Electric (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Water Energy Manipulation (Beg.) -> (Proficient)




(Unofficial) Initial:







Flail, Life Dew, Aqua Ring, Safeguard, Dragon Tail, Twister



Splash, Tackle, Rain Dance, Protect, Iron Tail, Aqua Tail



Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Scald, Endure, Coil



Water Gun'

Abzu's mastery over his water energy improved to proficient, more than two years ago thanks to the training he did with his water moves, and I thought that he was not too far off from raising it to advanced.

Now, onto said moves. Like was the sacred duty of all my water types, the first thing Abzu, and Tiamat, focused on was training Water Gun until it was mastered. That took a few months to raise it from beginner mastery to mastered.

I then handed them over to Medusa, Ignis, as well as Aby, and the three proceeded to take turns helping them with Splash and Tackle while they were at it until the two became at least proficient with the moves.

Honestly, it took less than a month, so pretty fast all things considered.

So, the next moves on the list I had prepared for both Feebas (at the time) were Water Pulse, Ice Beam, and Scald.

Water Pulse and Scald were left to their three previous tutors, while Manami helped out with Ice Beam. Learning those three and bringing them up to proficiency took roughly 18 months.

Both learned Endure during that time as well, but only Abzu was really improving it at the time thanks to the resistance training that he had started.

Anyway, Rain Dance, Protect, and Iron Tail were moves they could learn as Feebas, and I had them on my list, so both had to learn them.

Rain Dance was the easiest for them to learn and they could go to Manami for any questions so it took less than a month to learn it and less than three to become proficient in it.

Protect was harder and it took them more than a month to learn it with Horus's help and slightly more than 4 months to become proficient. Finally, Iron Tail took the longest, and if not for Mothra I was pretty sure it would have taken even longer.

My girl had a way with moves, not gonna lie. Anyway, it took nearly two months to learn Iron Tail and about 5 to become proficient with it.

Shortly before he became proficient with Iron Tail Abzu evolved to Milotic and got access to new moves, especially ones that were part of Milotic's natural move pool, so easier to learn than moves outside of it.

Life Dew, Aqua Ring, Safeguard, Aqua Tail, and Dragon Tail were the moves I chose for him and Tiamat once she evolved as well. He spent 8 months learning all of them and another 12 to raise them to beginner mastery.

Roughly 4 months were spent on improving Aqua Tail to proficient and then he returned to Water Pulse, Ice Beam, as well as Scald. He kept training them for more than 30 months to raise them to advanced mastery.

The time after that until last month was spent learning and improving Twister until it reached beginner mastery, and learning and improving Coil until he reached advanced mastery with it.

That was pretty much it on Abzu, so let's see what I did not mention about Tiamat.

'Name: Tiamat

Species: Milotic

Gender: Female

Age: 7+ Years


Type: Water

Potential: Light Blue (4.2%) -> Light Purple (69.42%)

Genetic variation: Shiny

Abilities: Marvel Scale, Cute Charm

Talents: Universal (After evolution)

Affinities: Water


Bond: Mikail (strong)

Quirks: None



Stage: Silver Stage (mid)

Vitality: C

Strength: E

Endurance: D

Agility: D

Energy Capacity: C

Energy Density: B


Resistance: Fire (Minor), Water (Minor), Ice (Minor), Steel (Minor)


Weaknesses: Electric (Minor), Grass (Minor)



Electric (in-progress)


Condition: Healthy, Happy



Water Energy Manipulation (Beg.) -> (Proficient)




(Unofficial) Initial:







Flail, Life Dew, Aqua Ring, Safeguard, Dragon Tail, Twister



Splash, Tackle, Rain Dance, Protect, Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, Coil



Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Scald, Endure



Water Gun'

Let's see mentioned her turning Shiny, mentioned her breakthrough to bronze and the effects. 2 months later she became sapient and she took the name Tiamat, the primordial goddess of saltwater and wife of Abzu in Mesopotamian mythology.

It took her about half a year to reach the (high) bronze stage which was nearly half the time it took Abzu, despite having a worse potential at the time. The reason for that was threefold. Firstly, she completed the limit break at the iron stage.

Secondly, she had the bonus from her unlocked gene, and finally, the potential difference was not that large. He had deep blue potential at the time while she had blue potential.

Once, she did, she went through her evolution as well. The event obviously happened inside Utopia and we naturally congratulated her. Abzu locked awesome, but Tiamat looked even better. Being a Shiny with a nice color did that.

Also, because she went through the full training course she was bigger than Abzu. She was 12 meters long compared to his 9 but her girth was the same.

Additionally, to my disbelief, she even unlocked a talent during evolution that seemed to have been derived from one of her abilities. Abzu had Marvel Scale, and Competitive as his abilities while Tiamat had Marvel Scale and Cute Charm.

Cute Charm made it so that every member of the opposite gender that came into contact with the ability owner had a high chance of becoming infatuated.

Those of the same gender, genderless Pokémon, nor those with Oblivious as an ability were not affected by it, and this was where her new talent came in. Her talent was Universal, which practically made Cute Charm work on everyone, practically turning her into Boa Hancock ability-wise.

Furthermore, the potential boost from the things I provided for the evolution and the stuff she took until then was enough to raise her potential to deep blue.

After that happened she resumed training and broke through to the silver stage just last month, which was about 1.5 years after her evolution. It happened a few days after Rose's birthday actually. Now, one would think Milotic are such gorgeous Pokemon why didn't you show them to her.

Well, I mentioned that MY only known water types, not talking about Jinbe, are Lapras and Stan. Also, NO ONE knew about my Milotic because I didn't use them against trainers at all. They exclusively fought against either wild Pokemon or mine.

Exposing Milotic, especially a Shiny one, was way too risky in my opinion, and that came from someone that exposed variant Gyarados as Jinbe, which was why I simply didn't do it.

Anyway, she received the potential boost for her limit break and it raised her potential to Light Purple (69.42%). She had caught with Abzu potential-wise and was not that far away percentage-wise.

The bond increase that normally followed after one of my Pokemon reached the silver stage came pretty fast with her. Our bond upgraded to strong, less than two weeks after she broke through.

The funny thing was that despite having broken through just about a month ago she was nearly as strong as Abzu due to the boost of her shiny gene. It even made her energy density start at B.

Move wise I went through most of the things she learned as a Feebas and how she did so while going over Abzu, but let me add that she learned the other moves after her evolution with the guidance of Abzu so she caught up pretty quickly with the Milotic moves.

Since she had spent longer as a Feebas she had used that time to train Water Pulse, Ice Beam, and Scald. As a result, their move section looked practically identical, with Coil being the only exception. That one Tiamat only managed to become proficient on in the given time.

Obviously, her mastery over her water energy was also the same as Abzu's. She was at proficient mastery with the increase to advanced in sight. That was pretty much it on her as well.


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Another one that turned out longer than my regular chapters.

Help me stay motivated.


Azrail93 Azrail93

Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 3/6 for this week.

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my second patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 7 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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