[Adrian's POV]
"Han, calm down!"
"I am calm!"
No, you're not! Get down here!"
"Let go of me, Adrian!"
"This isn't the answer!"
"I just need to wash it off! It's disgusting!"
So, you're gonna jump off a bridge?! Are you insane?!"
Adrian groaned as Johan punched his arms, but he kept them secured around the struggling man's waist. He didn't know which was worse, getting splashed on with pig's blood or Johan wanting to jump into the river to wash the blood off of his body.
They had gathered quite an audience from people getting in and out of their respective jobs, but Johan no longer seemed to care. Some had crossed the road to walk on the other side, too disgusted at the blood spread on the pavement. If it was any other day, it looked like someone got massacred at the side of the road.
"Han! Come on! City rivers aren't clean, you know?"
Steamy shower coming up. XD