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55.93% Persona: The Phantom Masquerade. / Chapter 63: Sincerely, The Phantom Thieves.

Chapitre 63: Sincerely, The Phantom Thieves.

Sae Nijima's stride was decisive, her high heels echoing assertively as she approached the interrogation room. Her presence was authoritative, a clear signal of her intentions as she neared the door.

"Hello, Officer Masayuki." she declared, her voice firm, as she made her way to the entrance of the interrogation room.

One of the officers turned to look at her with a surprised expression.

"Nijima? What are you doing here?"

Nijima's expression remained unwavering. 

"I need to speak with the suspect. The details of my visit concern the entire precinct," she insisted, her tone indicating that no further explanation was necessary.

"But Nijima, this case has been reassigned. You're aware the director—" he started, only to be cut off by Nijima's interjection.

"All I need is an hour. You know you owe me one. I am cashing in that favor now." She said with an expression that left no room for argument.

"Make it quick." he conceded with a sigh, stepping aside to let her enter the interrogation room.

Inside, Sae Nijima placed her briefcase on the table, fixing the man seated across from her with a look that mixed professional disdain with determination.

"Now, would you care to explain yourself? I have here a dossier chronicling the offenses you've committed over recent years. It includes a written confession of your crimes and an array of documents that trace directly back to you."

The suspect nodded in acknowledgment, prompting Nijima to proceed.

"You claim there was someone backing your operations. Is that correct? Since you seem to be trying to redeem yourself,  I'm offering you a chance to come clean. Who is behind this? Speak now." She said with a firm tone of voice as she placed the first paper down.

"The police have been able to find and access your servers, but there wasn't any information there. So you can begin by telling me where we can find the paper trails, Kaneshiro."

— — — 

In a frenzy of panic and anger, a man in a tailored suit frantically searched his surroundings, scattering papers and objects in a desperate attempt to locate their missing records. Despite his efforts, only fragments of the crucial documents could be found.

"Since the incident with the billboard, we've kept constant surveillance on this building. How could any of you fail to notice our documents being taken? That fucking pig left empty-handed, so where are they? Everything was accounted for last night," he bellowed, issuing rapid orders to his subordinates to scour the area.

As they quickly began searching through the room, Mona looked on from outside of the window with a smug and tired smile before jumping into a nearby building and vanishing away. Getting ready to go back to Leblanc for some well-deserved rest.

Mona had been diligently monitoring Kaneshiro, anticipating the moment his change of heart would occur. To aid in this surveillance, Mona was equipped with a cat backpack and a smartphone, a setup that would have attracted undue attention had Mona not kept to the shadows.

Mona used every spare moment to watch Kaneshiro ever since the heist. As dusk set in, he noticed Kaneshiro leaving his stronghold with a look of unease. Seizing the moment, Mona dropped his phone out of the backpack and sent out a hasty group message.


To anyone else, the message would seem nonsensical, but the Thieves understood its significance. It signaled Kaneshiro's change of heart.

Mobilized by Mona's alert, the Thieves sprang into action, their strategy reliant on the intel Mona had gathered through his stealthy reconnaissance.

Mona had carefully mapped out a series of infiltration and escape routes over several clandestine visits, ensuring he left no evidence of his presence. Each and every time he snuck in, he would make sure to find any place in which records would be kept, and by now he had the entire plan in his mind. 

When Ren received the message, he altered his hairstyle and opted for inconspicuous attire. He stealthily entered a building adjacent to Kaneshiro's office, his movements untraceable thanks to Futaba's expert disabling of the surrounding security cameras.

"Looks like it's going to be a long night." Ren remarked as he watched Mona leap through the window, a folder brimming with documents in his grasp.

Mona, placing the folder gently on the table, confidently declared.


"Leave the rest to me. Stealth is my specialty, after all. Where would you all be without my expertise?" A hint of playful arrogance laced his words, followed by a light-hearted chuckle as he vanished back through the window into the night.

Kaneshiro was the kind of person who would check on stuff often, so had they begun stealing the records any other day, they probably would have raised some alarm. However, with Kaneshiro temporarily away, they were presented with a rare opportunity to act without immediate detection.

Surveying the now silent room, Ren knew it was time to call in reinforcements for their next phase.

"Caroline, Justine."  he spoke into the stillness, his voice a beacon for the twins. In response, a deep blue door materialized from thin air.

— — —

Deep within the labyrinthine depths of Mementos, the rest of the Phantom Thieves stood vigil, a mix of anticipation and anxiety in the air. Clutching their backpacks, they paced near the entrance, awaiting a sign. Suddenly, a substantial stack of documents materialized on the ground before them.

Caroline had simply placed the stack of folders in front of the door, and since none of the Thieves had a contract with Igor, all they could see was the sudden appearance of the papers.

Without missing a beat, Shiho sprang into action, her hands deftly sorting the heap of documents into organized piles. As soon as she finished a stack, Makoto stepped forward, her keen eye scanning the contents. She meticulously selected the critical documents, transferring them into a backpack designated for Ryuji.

Once the backpack was strategically packed with the necessary files, Ryuji hefted it onto his shoulder and made his way out of Mementos. His destination was Ann's place. Living alone, Ann was the perfect candidate to receive the documents without drawing unwanted attention. Upon arrival, she wasted no time, swiftly scanning the papers and forwarding them to Futaba for analysis.

In the darkness of her room, Futaba began receiving file after file. Ever since Ren's last visit, she had been working on trying to dig through the memories that haunted her, realizing just how distorted her memories of the past had become. 

With each passing day, the distortion began collapsing until only a tiny fragment of the mask clung to her face. The once large headpiece was left as a simple fragment that covered her right eye.

Cracking her fingers with a mischievous grin, Futaba began working on her computer. Her mind worked overtime as she prepared for the second announcement of the Phantom Thieves. On one of her monitors, she had a recording from the police station of Kaneshiro's initial confession.

She also began to prepare to send an email in a secure and untraceable way.

"I hope you are right about this one, Ren. " Futaba muttered to herself. 

— — —

Exiting the interrogation room, Sae Nijima felt the weight of the night's revelations pressing on her. The confrontation with Kaneshiro had been unlike any other in her career. 

She had worked with countless criminals like Kaneshiro, and none of them had looked as remorseful as him. Were it not for knowing what he had done, she might have almost felt pity for him.

Navigating the dimly lit corridors toward her office, she mulled over the information extracted from Kaneshiro. While significant gaps remained, his testimony lent credence to her growing suspicion that the recent spate of mental shutdowns and psychotic breakdowns was far from coincidental.

"I see you're burning the midnight oil again, Miss Nijima," a familiar voice called out, breaking her contemplation.

Turning, she was greeted by the ever-smiling face of Goro Akechi. 

"You do know lack of sleep is bad for your health, no?" Akechi joked.

"You're aware of the stir at the station, aren't you?" She said with a conflicted expression. "The suspect I pursued months ago has just turned himself in. I had to go."

Akechi's smile persisted, though a hint of seriousness crept into his voice..

"Yes, I heard. It was quite the shock. However," he leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper, "the Director's not pleased you intervened. You had been taken off the Kaneshiro case, so it wasn't your place to step in. Be careful, or the director might suspend you."

Sae's determination didn't waver at the warning. 

"I'll deal with the Director later. For now, I have work to do."

"Did Kaneshiro reveal anything of note?" Akechi inquired, his tone genuinely supportive. "I'm here to assist in any way I can. If you have any leads or theories, I'm all ears."

"Somewhat," Sae exhaled deeply. "Kaneshiro's claims were extensive yet largely unsubstantiated. However, I have a feeling that the Phantom Thieves were the ones behind his sudden change. It hasn't been so long since they announced that they would 'clean the streets of Shibuya', so they are my main suspects."

 Akechi's expression dimmed momentarily, only to quickly recover with his characteristic smile. 

"That's a pity. I was hoping you had managed to get something the rest of the officers couldn't. But, on a related note, I have something to confess, though I hope it doesn't bother you. It is something of a good news bad news situation."

Sae's expression mirrored Akechi's earlier seriousness, bracing for what was to come.

"The Director has decided to team us up for the Phantom Thieves investigation. I'm aware that previous collaborations might not have been entirely positive for you. Still, please know my goal is to support your efforts, not to overshadow them," Akechi explained, his tone earnest.

Sae let out a chuckle, a mix of surprise and resignation in her response.

"So after reprimanding me for investigating the case, he assigns it to me? So be it. I am going to work on the case. Are you going to stay late, too?" Sae asked.

Akechi's smile dimmed once again as he answered.

"I'm afraid I have another engagement tonight. I hope you don't think less of me for it. But rest assured, I'll be back first thing in the morning ready to assist."

Sae, with a dismissive shake of her head, expressed her understanding. 

"Don't worry about it. You're still too young to pull so many all-nighters. If you were my sister, I would actually ground you for staying up so late. Get some rest. I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow."

As Akechi stepped away to make a call, Sae continued towards her office, her mind already on the tasks that awaited her. Settling into her chair, she booted up her computer, ready to dive into the night's work. Her focus, however, was quickly diverted by the ping of an incoming email.

The message read:

[Your diligent pursuit of justice has not gone unnoticed. Soon, you will find comprehensive evidence of Kaneshiro's illicit activities. After meticulous consideration, we offer you this opportunity to enact your Judgment. Demonstrate your commitment to justice, and this may be the beginning of a fruitful collaboration.

Our goal is to dismantle the network behind the mental shutdown incidents, a task complicated by their extensive influence. We trust you will appreciate the need for our cautious approach.


The Phantom Thieves of Hearts.

P.S. Be careful who you trust with this information. Not everyone you work with can say their hands are clean.]

As Sae digested the contents of the first email, another notification chimed. This message was more straightforward, intended for broader distribution within the police force, yet crafted to avoid attracting undue attention.

[In recognition of your early efforts to bring Kaneshiro to justice, we extend this evidence as a token of our readiness to collaborate with law enforcement. Enclosed is everything needed to secure his conviction. 


The Phantom Thieves.]

Pausing to reflect on the information, Sae's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her office door swinging open.

"The meeting for my school project was unexpectedly canceled, so I'm available to assist with the investigation tonight," Akechi announced, entering with a warm smile.

"Are you sure you're not too exhausted?" Sae asked with a deadpan face as she looked at Akechi, making sure not to reveal anything.

"What sort of 'Detective Prince' would I be if I took a break while my colleague pressed on with the case?" Akechi joked, a slight chuckle escaping him. "Shall I fetch us some coffee? It seems we might be in for a long night."

Sae nodded in agreement. 

"That would be great, thank you."

With Akechi momentarily away, Sae found herself alone with her thoughts, reflected in the glow of her computer screen which still displayed the Phantom Thieves' email. After considering her next steps, she decisively deleted the message, ensuring no evidence of their direct contact remained.

Her trust in Akechi, which came from how much he reminded her of Makoto, was genuine. However, the Phantom Thieves' parting caution had instilled a seed of wariness, compelling her to withhold the information for now.

Yet, her decision to keep the information to herself was driven by more than caution. Frustrated by years of seeing her efforts overshadowed and her progress towards promotion hindered by others taking credit for her work, Sae saw an opportunity in the Phantom Thieves' case. Solving it independently could secure the advancement she had been denied for too long.

The prospect of solving the case on her own terms was tantalizing. It promised not just vindication but a guaranteed promotion, a reward for her perseverance and skill.

Sae doubted the sincerity of the Phantom Thieves. She was also well aware that disclosing their email to her colleagues might hasten their capture. Yet, through her years of hard work, she discovered that both the justice system and the corporate world were casinos where the odds were perpetually stacked against her. 

In this casino, the email and the trust of the Phantom Thieves was an unexpected ace up her sleeve, dealt to her in the rigged game that was justice. So she rationalized that she had to take a gamble to try to use the Thieves' trust to her advantage. She would play the game by its own rules.


Sae Nijima (The Judgement) Rank 2

~ A/N ~

(I tried something different with this chapter to make it more like a heist movie. Let me know what you think since I might do this for special chapters down the line. The funny thing about writing is that I sat down for this one like, 'Boy, it's been a while since the heist. I should probably make Kaneshiro have the change of heart.' and then cooked up this entire chap lol. 

Shoutout to the cat that has canonically lockpicked a door and disabled a car while in cat form.

Had no idea what I was getting into when I started, but pretty happy with how it turned out. That's the fun part of writing, just sitting down and going with the flow. Ya'll can probably guess what the next chapter is gonna be about.

Also, I went through two other different versions before settling on this one. So, while this chap is 2.5k words, I actually wrote another 2k with the different versions. Rip to Version 1 and 2 lol, they were a mess.)

next chapter
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