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52.11% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 74: Chapter 71: The party goes wrong, very wrong

Chapitre 74: Chapter 71: The party goes wrong, very wrong


So many words, my fingers feel sleepy. Don't ask for anything more today, please!



(Percy POV)

I woke up with Nyx slapping my face, "WAKE UP!" she yelled.

'Why is Nyx always there when I wake up?' I thought, though I had to admit it was also good to know that she would not leave me sleeping alone, especially since I tend to black out a lot.

"I'm awake!" I yelled, before she could slap me again, her expression softened, "You blacked out twice today?"

I groaned, "I know, I hate it!"

"We need to go." she said with a stern look, "Luke's cruise ship can arrive any moment."

She pulled me up and led me to the others who were waiting for me and Nyx.

Rebel was happily jumping around my legs, in kitten form luckily.

"How'd you do that?" Artemis asked.

I shrugged, "Told you, I got a lot of secrets."

"And this is one of the secrets?" Thalia asked, probably thinking back to the conversation we had in Artemis's tent.

Nyx saved my ass, "Personally I think it's better if we pretend this never happened, otherwise Thanatos might try to claim her."

"The fact that she was only dead for a few seconds might work in our favor." Annabeth said thoughtfully, "Though if we acknowledge the fact that she died Hades might be forced to claim her anyway."

I shot her a grateful look.

"Okay," Bianca said, "But what about Atlas?"

She pointed at Atlas who was surrounded by a barrier of swirling shadows, thanks to Nyx.

"The shadows dissolve after a few hours," Nyx told us, "Let it stay a mystery."

"I agree with Nyx," Zoë said to my surprise, "Let's just keep this between us."

Artemis grunted but agreed reluctantly.

She walked towards the silver chariot, which I totally had looked over, and gestured us to come in.

Then I noticed Britomartis was gone, I looked around confused. Artemis noticed it and answered my unspoken question, "She's already busy with her a new mission."

"What mission?" I wondered.

Artemis smirked, "We all got secrets."

'Hahaha,' Chaos laughed, 'She is so funny.'

'Shut up.' I replied.

Zoë and Thalia helped Bianca to the chariot.

Annabeth and I hoped in, Nyx was to lazy to walk and just shadow traveled herself a few meters.

Artemis said something in Greek and the silver deer that pulled the chariot ran away.

Thalia kept her eyes closed while we flew over mount Tamalpais.

"Thanks for rescuing me." Annabeth suddenly said blushing.

"Hey, no big deal. We're friends." I said, then I remembered something. I took her invisibility cap out of my backpack and gave it back to her.

Annabeth smiled gratefully, "You actually knew I was still alive?"

I waved it away, "Nope."

'You've never traveled across the country for me.' Nyx complained mentally.

'Well, if you get kidnapped I'll save you.' I said with a smile.

'Deal.' Nyx said with a smirk, which made me wonder if she would set up her own kidnap scenario. I already feel pity for the monster that would kidnap her.

We landed at Crissy Field after nightfall.

"I must go to Olympus immediately," Artemis said once we got of her chariot. "Though I've seen you already have your own transport."

I wondered what she was talking about, until I realized she must have heard about Cerberus and Nyx's chariot.

Her gaze rolled over us, as if she was considering something, then she finally said, "You heroes did a good job today."

"Hell yeah!" Nyx cried out, "We fucking nailed it!"

Artemis frowned, "What?"

"She's saying she's glad we saved you." Annabeth quickly said.

Artemis nodded confused and waved her hand.

We averted our eyes, a second later the Goddess and chariot were gone.

I whistled a tune and immediately a three-headed mastiff appeared in front of us, all the three heads barked happily at us.

Annabeth and Thalia stepped forward, patting the heads.

Nyx waved her hands and a chariot made of shadows and dark metals appeared. Along with two void black horses with silver fangs and glowing eyes.

"You owe us a donuts!" Shade cried out the moment he appeared.

"A big donut!" Shadow agreed.

"I agree with them." Nyx said.


We walked into the throne room of the Olympians, Rebel was the only one of the team who was not present, he preferred to stay inside my backpack.

Twelve enormous thrones made a U around a central hearth; I saw Hestia sitting next to the hearth smiling at me.

Next to the hearth, which made no sense to me, was a sphere of water. Inside was Bessie swimming happily. Hestia tossed an apple in the water sphere, Bessie swallowed it with one bite.

"Welcome, heroes," Artemis said.

We slowly approached Zeus's throne and slightly bowed. Though I saw that Zoë and Nyx did it grudgingly.

'I can wipe out this council within a minute, want to make a bet?' Nyx asked teasingly with a glint of danger in her eyes.

I shook my head, knowing really well that she could do it easily, 'Thanks but please don't it. It would ruin my day.

I glanced at my father, who gave me a warm smile and nodded, I glared at him.

He gave me a confused look but I already returned my gaze to Artemis.

Artemis got of her throne and her appearance shimmered, and she changed into human size.

As she walked through the throne room a beam of moonlight followed her, making her silver dress shimmer.

"The Council has been informed of your deeds," Artemis told us. "As you told us before, Kronos is indeed rising. His armies are gathering. Othryrus is rising and Atlas even attempted to free himself, we voted to act."

"Zeus gave the hunt permission to hunt down the most dangerous monsters. Poseidon shall unleash his wrath on the Titanic."

The Gods chuckled upon hearing the name, Artemis glared at the council.

"And Athena shall check on the remaining Titans, see if they are still imprisoned." Artemis went on like nothing happened, "And for these heroes."

She looked around to face the Gods, Zeus sat in his pinstripe suit, he was staring at Thalia like he was not sure how to act.

Next to him sat Hera. Her silver hair was braided and slung over one shoulder. She wore a dress that displayed multiple colors at once, continuously shifting.

To Zeus's right sat my father, Poseidon.

To Poseidon's right sat Hephaestus, his hair caught fire but he didn't seem to notice it, or care.

Hermes smiled at me and gave me a sly wink and I had the idea he knew what I did, being the God of thieves and all.

Apollo was leaning back in a golden throne, he had a sad expression his face and I had the idea he knew about Despina's dead.

He managed to give me a cracked smile and I felt pity for him, I knew Apollo cared for Despina more than her own parents did, talking about parents. I had some harsh words for them.

Dionysus looked bored and was twirling a grape vine in his hands.

Next to him sat Ares. He was sharpening his sword while glaring at me.

On the ladies side of the throne room sat Demeter, sitting on a throne of intertwined tree branches.

She smiled at me but I didn't return the smile.

Next to her sat Athena, Annabeth's mom. Her grey eyes were gazing over me.

She was studying me like I was an interesting riddle she had to solve.

Aphrodite sat next to Athena and gave me a wink and then glanced at Nyx with a smug smile.

Apollo raised his hands. "These heroes did a great job, we should reward them."

"All in favor of not disintegrating them?" Hermes asked awkwardly.

"Wait," Athena said quickly, "We have right now four children who fit the great prophecy."

Bianca, Thalia and I shoveled in our places, feeling uncomfortable.

"One of them sworn loyalty." Aphrodite reminded Athena.

"But the daughter of Zeus," Ares said, "She'll become sixteen tomorrow."

"We're not going to kill my daughter." Zeus said gritting his teeth, "She has proven herself to be a true hero."

Thalia blushed, it was for her the first time that she saw her father.

Athena coughed, "I am proud of my daughter as well. But there is a security risk here with the other three, the children of Hades and Thalia are wildcards."

"No, they are cute." Aphrodite argued, "We can not kill them."

"We're not going to kill Thalia." Zeus repeated glaring at Athena but she ignored his glare.

"All the three elder gods have children now, but Poseidon's son is already dealt with. Sadly he isn't the oldest right now."

"Bianca is a huntress," Artemis argued, "She won't age. Besides, they helped me. I don't think they are a risk."

I coughed, "If I may?"

All the Gods looked at me curiously. Zeus gestured me to move on.

I stood straight and quickly looked around the room, making sure I had the attention of all the Olympians, "I think I can solve the problem with Thalia."

"You can?" Thalia muttered nervously.

Zeus raised his eyebrow kept silent.

I opened my backpack and put my hand in the gaping darkness, Nyx once told me that my backpack was not anti-theft for her. She could wield the darkness inside my backpack to obey here, shadow traveling objects to and from my backpack.

In fact, she had emptied an entire sea container filled with Cola cans, chips, junk food and other strange things Nyx never uses but swore were useful.

But now I was looking for the most recent addition to the backpack space.

I pulled out a golden Apple of Immortality.

The gods gasped as they saw the shining golden apple I held in my hand, the apple spread a scent of delight and happiness through the throne room.

Zoë stared at it with awe and shock, "You-"

"You stole an Apple!" Hermes cried out, "You're my hero man!"

Next to Hermes Apollo groaned in his seat, he waved his hand and a sack filled with golden drachmas appeared.

He tossed the sack to the hearth where Hestia caught it with a big smile.

"Thanks." she said and gave me a wink, "Apollo and I had a bet, I predicted you would be able to steal one, Apollo thought you couldn't."

The gods nervously chuckled while glancing at Zeus, waiting for his reaction.

Zeus simple said, "How?"

Nyx and I grinned, "Nyx and I worked together, I distracted the Hesperides and Ladon with an act."

My friends stared at me in awe, "What?"

I chuckled, "You guys didn't really believe I put up the entire act to get past Ladon? We could've shadow traveled or something instead."

Nyx nodded with a smug smile, "Yes I did. I stole the apple!"

Demeter and Aphrodite looked hungrily at the golden apple, then I noticed all the gods were looking hungrily.

I quickly turned to Zeus, "I stole those apples for Thalia. I know she doesn't want to be the prophecy child. If she takes this she will become an immortal and never reach her sixteen birthday."

Athena nodded, "He's right father," she said thoughtfully, studying the apple in my hand, "If she eats it. She'll become an immortal. That would make Percy the next in line for the prophecy."

Thalia looked at me, frozen, "You stole that apple for me?"

I wanted to wave it away but Nyx cried out, "Yes we did. So shove it down your throat and become immortal."

I laughed, "Come on Thalia, you deserve it. Besides," I turned to Zeus, "If Thalia is no longer a mortal you can finally see each other without breaking the ancient laws."

Zeus grinned and grunted something which could've been a compliment, "It's a smart way to avoid Thalia's birthday, I give permission."

Thalia's eyes widened, I tossed the apple at her.

She glanced around the throne room. Looking for certainty.

The Gods, well most of them, smiled at her. Happy to welcome the new member of the family.

She took a bite of the apple.

Thalia must have been really hungry because the apple was gone within a minute. The entire apple!

She probably swallowed the seeds inside too, ugh.

When she was done with the apple she looked up, expectantly.

She began to glow bright, and I was forced to look away.

When the glow faded, nothing had happened.

Or at least, it looked like nothing had happened.

Thalia still looked the same, I gave her a confused look and Thalia returned it.

Zoë handed Thalia a silver hunting knife, "Check your blood."

Thalia brought the knife to her hand, shaking heavily and made a cut on her palm.

Immediately golden ichor spilled out of the wound, and she began to smile.

"I'm immortal." she said with awe, like she couldn't believe it.

I turned to the rest of the Gods, "See, problem solved."

Thalia looked at her father, Zeus grinned like a mad man, "I think you deserve a father hug." Zeus said.

Thalia hurried towards her father, Zeus shrank to human size and embraced his daughter. "Welcome home Thalia."

I saw Thalia sobbed a little and felt a warm feeling inside, I turned to Hestia, and she gave me an approving nod.

Hera scowled at Thalia and I had the idea she was not as happy with the new addition to the family as Zeus.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence Athena coughed.

Zeus blushed and returned to the throne.

Thalia shot me and Nyx a grateful look as she returned to us.

"Nico," Dionysus warned. "He's still a problem. If Peter here dies he will be next in line."

"Nico is a good kid," I said.

"He would never destroy the world." Bianca added.

'Unless he gets his own Mythomagic card.' Nyx argued.

'Hey, not everyone has their own Mythomagic card.' I replied.

'I don't have on either.' Hemera pouted.

Ares frowned and wanted to say something but Artemis cut him of, "We're not killing the little brother my huntress."

"So that problem is out of the way." Athena said, "Next problem; the destruction of the Ophiotaurus."

"Dinosaurus?" Nyx asked.

"Ophiotaurus," Artemis corrected her, "that monster is still a big threat to Olympus."

"We can't kill him," I cried out, "You should keep it at Olympus, keep it save."

Demeter scowled, "But Percy, if this creature-"

"Dies we are no better than the Titans." Aphrodite finished her sentence and gave me a seductive wink as to say; I got you covered.

"Let's vote." Zeus said, "All in favor of letting the Ophiotaurus stay alive on Olympus?"

A lot of hands went up, the only ones who abstained from the vote were Dionysus and Ares.

"We have a majority," Zeus said, "Just one more thing, and we can get to the party."

I scowled, this didn't happen last time.

Luckily, it had nothing to do with me, instead she turned to Artemis, "Artemis I have a new mission for you, a solo hunt."

"What?" Zoë, Bianca and Artemis cried out.

Zeus nodded, "Boston, last week we felt the presence of a powerful monster there. The presence seemed to be gone but I want you to track this unknown monster and bring it to Olympus."

Hestia, who sat at the hearth paled for a second, thought it could've been my imagination or the flickering flames.

Artemis groaned in her seat, "Fine," she turned to Zoë, "You and the hunters have to stay at camp for a while."

Before Zoë and Bianca could protest Hermes clapped his hands and cried out, "Party time!"


The party at Olympus was awesome, or at least that was the way Nyx phrased it.

She had never been to an Olympian party, and she was stunned to say the least.

She had demanded to dance with me, which I was reluctant to do, not because I didn't like her but because I was scared of embarrassing myself.

After an hour of dancing around, meeting Gods and demigods we saw Thalia who was hanging out with Zeus at a fountain, she saw us and happily waved at us.

Nyx waved back with a crazy grin on her face, "She grew onto you, didn't she?"

Nyx stared at me, her shining eyes piercing straight through my brain, "So what if?" she asked.

I shrugged, "It's just good to see you acting more human."

Nyx scowled at me, "Not that's something's wrong with you." I quickly added.

Nyx threw her head back and laughed, "You are so funny," she said confusing me more.

"So you like it if I act more human?" Nyx asked.

I nodded, "yeah, it makes you more...human."

The moment I said it, I felt incredibly dumb.

Nyx's face got closer to my as we slow danced, "You know what humans also do at parties?"

"No, tell me?"

She was about to do something when someone behind us coughed.

We quickly broke up to see Athena looking at us with an amused smile.

"Can I borrow Percy for some time?" She asked Nyx.

Nyx smiled at me and said, 'If she attacks you, I'm only a thought away.'

Then she dissolved into shadows.

Athena stared at me before saying, "You have interesting friends."

I blushed, "Thanks, I guess."

Before Athena could notice my blush I quickly asked, "Why'd you want to see me?"

Athena relaxed a little, "I wanted to compliment you on this quest."

I raised a brow, "What?"

"You did really well. The way you took out the Blemmyae and Ladon? Certainly interesting."

"Thanks," I said nervously.

She noticed my comfortableness and said, "I'm not here to harm you."

I relaxed a little, thought it could be a psychological trick from Athena, you never knew.

"I want to thank you for saving my daughter." Athena explained.

I laughed nervously, "No problem. She's my friend."

"Even after she tried to kill you in the underworld?" Athena said with an amused friend, "That's true loyalty."

I shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"I want to reward you," Athena said and stepped closer to me, "You'll need this."

And she tapped my shoulder.

I felt nothing, yet Athena stepped back with a satisfied smile, "Done."

I frowned, "I don't feel any different. Why did you bless me anyway?"

Athena's expression changed to the expression my teachers always had when I asked them a stupid question, "You are now the child of the prophecy, I think it's wise to aid you as much as I can. Besides, you are the smartest child Poseidon ever had. I will not let your parentage ruin your brain."

I was not entirely sure this was a compliment, an insult to my father or to me.

Nonetheless, I was grateful for another blessing.

"So what does it do?" I asked.

Athena sighed, "Wisdom doesn't do anything Percy."

"So vague and cryptic?"

Athena frowned, "No, it's not like you are suddenly smart. My blessing only help you to think and analyze faster. Not to make you all of a sudden a genius. Wisdom is something you cannot buy-"

"Got it!" I said quickly, trying to prevent Athena from getting philosophical.

"I'm a faster thinker, great."

Athena nodded satisfied, "I expect great things from you Percy Jackson."

And with that, she turned around and walked away.

Someone groaned behind me, I turned around to see my father who was scowling at Athena, "What did she do?" he asked immediately.

I sighed, "She blessed me."

"It's not wise to trust Athena." Poseidon said.

"Don't tell me who I should trust." I spat out.

My father gave me a surprised look, "Percy?"

"I can make my own decisions." I sneered, feeling angry all of a sudden.

Maybe it was the fact that I now faced my dad and was not running for my life since the quest started.

"I am trying to help you." Poseidon said.

"Just like you tried to help Despina." I said, Poseidon scowled.

"How do you know-"

"She died." I snapped, "She died thinking her parents didn't want her."

Poseidon looked shocked, "Percy, I didn't know."

I shook my head in disappointment, "Of course you didn't. She died trying to save my life and now she is dead."

Poseidon stayed silent.

"You should've taken care of her when she was a child." I argued, "Instead you left her."

Poseidon looked at me with hurt in his eyes, "Percy, I'm sorry."

"You better be," I spat out, "I always thought you were the coolest dad in the world. Now I realize that all the attention you gave me is something my other siblings didn't receive."

Poseidon glanced at me with sorrow in his eyes, "I'm so sorry Percy."

I sniffed, "I'm going to check out on all my other godly siblings once I'm back. See who else you've abandoned."

With that I turned around, not wanting to face my father. I knew I was maybe irrational but I felt so sad for my sister and angry at my father's lack of care.

I walked around for a few minutes, my head in the clouds but literally when I bumped into Demeter.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Fates claimed they were no longer controlling my string I would've sworn they were messing with me.

Demeter turned around in surprise.

"Percy." she said with a smile. "You've come to visit me."

I rolled my eyes, "We are at the same party Demeter."

She shrugged, "Counts for me, your quest went really well I saw."

I studied the eyes of Demeter, wondering if she had heard about Despina.

"Despina is dead." I murmured.

Demeter frowned, "Who?"

"Despina," I repeated frowning, "Your daughter."

"O." Demeter said not particularly interested, "Haven't thought about her in years."

"She faded." I explained, Demeter shrugged which angered me.

"Your daughter faded." I repeated.

"She wasn't my daughter." Demeter said without any remorse, "She was just a bastard child I had with Poseidon,"

I felt myself getting angrier at Demeter, I always thought so high of her but now I saw another side of her.

"A mistake." She added.

I clenched my fist, "Don't you care at all?" I asked.

Demeter was totally oblivious to my anger, she waved it away, "She never visited me anyway."

I did one of the dumbest things in my life.

I punched her right in the face.

Demeter stammered backwards, and brought up her hand to her face, "YOU!"

"She's dead!" I cried out in anger, the gods and demigods caught up on what was happening and were looking at us. Not that I cared.

"Your own daughter died!"

Demeter looked furiously at me, "How dare you!"

Then her eyes shifted to a darker tone, they went from brown to green, "Curse you Perseus Jackson. May my domains fail you when you need them most."

When she finished the sentence she looked at me with shock, "Oh my gods." she whispered.

"Percy," she murmured.

"Stop it Demeter." A male voice behind me said.

"Yeah, go run away and leave Percy alone." A second feminine voice behind me said.

Demeter looked at me with regret, then she turned into a whirl storm of cereals and disappeared.

I turned around to face Apollo and Aphrodite looking at me with sympathy,

"Aphrodite? Apollo?" I asked confused why the Hades they would help me.

Apollo and Aphrodite surprised me by hugging me, "You put them in their place." Apollo said when he pulled back, looking proudly at me.

Aphrodite nodded, "Your love for your sister is so sweet."

Apollo glared at Aphrodite who shrugged, "What? It is."

Apollo returned his gaze to me, "You did a good job."

I shook my head, Apollo had sent me dreams about Despina the entire quest, hoping I could save her. And I failed.

"I failed to save Despina." I sobbed.

Apollo shook his head, "No, you didn't. You saved her."

"But she's dead." I protested, "Faded."

Aphrodite gave me a warm laugh, "But you gave her something she craved for her entire life; love."

"And then she died." I muttered.

Apollo glanced at Aphrodite, silently asking for privacy.

Aphrodite nodded and disappeared in a pink cloud that smelled like perfume.

"You helped her more than I ever could." Apollo said, "I knew you could do it."


"That's why I wanted you on this quest, I hoped you would be able to bring her story to a good end."

I didn't saw how I brought her story to a good end, I failed horribly.

Apollo saw the bitterness in my eyes and said, "It was her fate to die by the hands of a hero. I couldn't do anything about that. But you, you gave her a fate so much better than her own."

He then looked at my ice blue watch, "I see you got her shield."

"She gave it to me." I explained.

Apollo nodded, "You know how to aim with it?"

I shook my head, "My aim is the worst."

Apollo laughed, "Don't worry with my blessing we can quickly fix that."


Apollo touched my forehead and for a second I felt like a sun was burning inside my brains, trying to boil my veins and eyes.

After it faded away I looked at Apollo, "You blessed me?"

Apollo chuckled, "Well, how else would you learn to throw your shield?"

"Through hardship and practice?" I suggested.

Apollo laughed like I made a hilarious joke, "But you can take the shortcut, with my blessing you get all kinds of awesome powers!"

"Like what?" I wondered.

Apollo looked at his wrist, like he was checking his watch. Except he had no watch.

"I need to go! You can probably figure it out on your own."


Apollo was already gone when I tried to ask for more information.

I turned around in confusion, so much happened within an hour.

'Hey, Percy.' Chaos said with a sympathetic smile, 'I know what can brighten your mood?'




so we reached the conclusion. Now we only have around 2-3 chapters before we finish Defying fate. Did you guys like it? It's quite a long chapter so I hope you did enjoy it. BTW; Demeter's curse doesn't mean he is no longer her champion.


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