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Parem Grisha: Shadow and Bone Parem Grisha: Shadow and Bone original

Parem Grisha: Shadow and Bone

Auteur: JustABeginner

© WebNovel

Chapter I: Tragic Origins (1)

It all starts on a continent in the Kingdom of Fjerda. It's just one kingdom in this magical world, but I always considered it the most unnatural. Fjerda has a rich magical history connected to some of the most powerful architects of the known world.

My blood shares the same connections as a Grisha. Grisha are humans who practice the Small Science. Small Science is the art of manipulating matter in its most basic form. Those who practice the Small Science are called Grisha, but to the Fjerda, they are, we are, simply witches whose only destiny is death.

Underneath their bias and bravado is my origin story. My Mother, Innan, was a Suli Grisha from Ravka. Ravka is a nation bordered by Fjerda to the north, Shu Han to the south, and the True Sea to the west. The Suli are nomadic people who primarily live in Ravka. Suli people have bronze or brown skin, black hair, and black eyes.

Within Ravka, the Suli are a nomadic people, and prejudice against them is alive and healthy. At the same time, Fjerdans perceive Grisha power as dangerous and witch-like, and they train their drüskelle to hunt and kill Grisha. This hostility puts Fjerda at odds with Ravka, who train their Grisha as soldiers. The Fjerdans see Ravka's large number of Grisha as unnatural and dangerous.

So when the Suli Grisha Woman was taken after fleeing the confines of the Little Palace with a servant, no one batted an eye. She was deemed a deserter to Grisha, Suli trash to Ravkans, and blight of humanity to the Fjerdans.

My mother was held captive for years because she was special. She was a type of Grisha that the Fjerdans had use for.

In Ravka, Grisha are traditionally divided into three orders, Corporalki, Etherealki, and Materialki, with each order being further divided into specialized types.

Corporalki, the Order of the Living and the Dead, are Grisha, whose power focuses on the human body. The Order is divided into three groups: Heartrenders, Healers, and Tailors.

Heartrenders are Grisha who can use their power to damage a person's internal organs. Their ability ranges from slowing a person's pulse to snatching the air from their lungs. The target must be in their line of sight.

Healers are Grisha of the Corporalki class who can use their powers to heal others. They can mend bones, heal wounds, etc.

Tailors are Grisha of the Corporalki order who have the ability to change a person's appearance. Tailors were once considered rare and special; however, in Ravka, tailoring is now taught to all Corporalki students of the Second Army.

Etherealki, (singular: Etherealnik) or the Order of Summoners, are Grisha whose power lies in the manipulation of different natural elements. This Order is divided into Squallers, Inferni, and Tidemakers. Loosely referred to as Summoners.

Squallers are Grisha of the Etherealki Order who can manipulate the wind by raising or lowering the air pressure to fill a ship's sails or to move objects.

Inferni are Grisha of the Etherealki Order who can manipulate fire by gathering combustible particles of substances like methane or hydrogen, but they need a spark to start the fire. Tidemakers are Grisha of the Etherealki Order who can manipulate water.

Finally, Materialki, (singular: Materialnik) or the Order of Fabrikators, are Grisha whose power focuses on composite materials such as metal, glass, textiles, and chemicals. This Order consists of Durasts and Alkemi; collectively, they are commonly referred to as Fabrikators.

Durast can manipulate glass, steel, wood, plants, stone, or anything solid on a molecular level. This includes changing a solid's shape, texture, or composition. They can make flowers bloom, remove an object's pigment, move objects without touching them, and even absorb harmful matter from another person's body into their own.

Alkemi are also Grisha of the Materialki order. They specialize in chemicals like blasting powders and poisons.

Out of all of this greatness, the Fjerdan witch hunters known as Druskelle captured my mother while on the trail of a Heartreinder. But when they caught her, she convinced them that she was Durast. My mother's greatest secret. She was a dual-type Grisha, the stuff of legend.

The Druskelle took her to Fjerda, where she was placed with other enslaved Grisha Fabriktors. She was then given an addictive drug to amplify Grisha's power. Jurda parem is a powder that tastes sweeter than the ordinary stimulant and is lethal to non-Grisha. For a Grisha, the drug modifies their power by changing their perception of the world in an opposite and unnatural direction.

It is extremely addictive to Grisha and rapidly weakens the body of the user. Those who are able to overcome the drug addiction and withdrawal syndrome are still changed permanently. The only known survivor was from the Corporalki Order and lost the ability to manipulate living substances and instead gained the power to fully control dead bodies, bone shards, and even bone dust.

During my mother's time in chains, addicted to a harsh drug and forced to create advancements in Fjerdan technology in exchange for more drugs, no one expected her to become pregnant, let alone give birth. Many believed I would become a powerful durast, but no one except one took my father into account.

Druskelle Captain Nikolai Grjem. He was the elder brother to my Tidemaker father. And that is a whole separate story for another time.

So there I was, a product of a hidden Druskelle Grisha and a captive drug-addicted Grisha, a part of a secret Fjerdan program. What was there for me? My uncle. He had spirited me away. But was forced to enslave me when my unnaturally strong power manifested during a stormy voyage destined to sink our ship. I overturned fate.

I was Tidemaker, and Nikolai couldn't protect me from his crew from that day on. I was fed Jurda Parem like other captives, and my power expanded three-fold on top of the massive power I had as a Parem baby. My uncle's ship had become untouchable on the sea, and many Grisha were kidnapped and killed because of me.

But my uncle wanted more for me. He trained me secretly in the sword for years as I protected the ship. Even my control over water had become harrowing, and I could do things beyond their imagination.

When I had finally turned eight years old, the Jurda Parem effects had become permanent, and the drug no longer affected me. Naturally, my uncle told me to pretend because my life depended on it.

That same year, I discovered a new power inherited from my mother. I tested it on the rats and sea life. I had become a Heartrender, and without guidance, I had taken its many branches as tailor and healer. I worked on my friends and slaves when we were docked at port for a season or two.

Years passed, and I trained intently for the day I could be set free. Even more so, after my uncle began to change, his successful voyages and the slow death of the original crew created a perfect storm. I had become his secret, and his status elevated considerably.

When I was fourteen, an Alkemi had lost control strung out on the effects of Jurda Parem, and an explosion took many lives, including my uncles. I was then confined to land from that day forward. All I had was my secret sword and my wits.

Like all of the slave Grisha, I was believed to be a Fabrikator when I was put into the general populace. After all, why would any other type of Grisha be allowed to live?

I watched the slaves around me and how they used their small science to turn useless material into technology the world coveted. That's when I reinvented myself. I worked as a small-time durast slave.

Over time, I collected bits of material that became a lump sum. And with the bunch of drug-addicted Grisha around me, no one was none the wiser. Relationships with them consisted of basic thoughts and motivation to score more Jurda Parem.

My real threats were the guards. The things I stole were the lifeblood of the druskelle. Things like corecloth, an exceptionally strong and flexible fabric that can withstand bullets. Duma Steel Ore, Berg Mammoth Blue Ivory, and Bark of the Ash Tree.

With those resources, I created a new sword, a dagger, and fourteen throwing knives tempered over a thousand times throughout the years. The metal shines with a dense gray shine and navy blue swirls. I had no idea what to call it, but it was sharp, durable, and as flexible as I was, a true extension of myself and my weapon towards freedom.

Then a day came when a man I hadn't seen in years appeared. When I met him, he was a little green bastard. Now he was seasoned and no longer under my uncles' command. On the contrary, he was in control of his own ship. He grabbed me by my collar and dragged me to a ship again without a word.

In the distance, a slave name birdy watched. Birdy wasn't Grisha, but he was a loyal guy, and like me, he wanted freedom. Birdy quickly slipped away, grabbed my things, and appeared on the ship when it set sail.

The captain then dragged me to his quarters and sat me down.

"Keep your mouth shut, and don't do anything stupid. I have enough jurda parem for our journey out and back. All you have to do is keep the storm from taking the ship."

"Yes, Lord."

"Good. Now prepare yourself. We're heading towards forbidden waters," he said.

Apparently, a Druskelle ship had encountered something far out in the sea. They had nearly lost the ship, and only two men returned. Now we have set sail to the exact location to catch whatever it was that killed so many druskelle.

Time passed, and I took Jurda Parem twice a day. My hands were forcefully separated as the small science required the hands to touch before power could be displayed. But fortunately, I wasn't taught traditional small science, and I was trained in the ways of the Druskelle Elite.

When the tide became high, and only the darkness of the storm clouds cloaked us, I released a sigh. The captain had yanked me out of a room and pulled me through a corridor. He was calm and never expected danger within the ship.

I didn't bat an eye when my blade pierced his neck, and blood splattered across my face. In fact, I smiled brightly and leaned over to see Birdy with a comical smile.

"Freedom!" he whispered in excitement. "Here, let me…."


One of my hands flexed and made a gesture. A slim water blade formed from the moist sea air and sliced through the spreader bar handcuffs that restrained me.

"We don't have time, Birdy. Give me my things." I told him.

As he laid everything out, I cut the cuffs off my wrists. I then dawn a set of clothes made of corecloth. From boots to the high collar, I was fully armored but appeared to be wearing a commoner's clothing. I then strapped on my sword and dagger before placing my knives around my body where they could be quickly drawn.

"Birdy, It's time we take the ship."

It was easier said than done. I had trained and learned the ways of the druskelle, but I really had no experience fighting one who wanted to kill me. Naturally, Birdy was the first to die. And between my sword and small science, I managed to kill six before a throwing rope strung my neck and sent me over the bow into the water.

If you want to know why I didn't use my power as a heartrender, the answer lies in the unique clothing of a Druskelle. An enslaved fabrikator had developed corecloth clothing that protected against Heartreinder attacks a long time ago. Thou it wasn't worn by all soldiers, it was common enough to be choosy about when to use the power.

Anyway, my journey wasn't over when I fell into the sea. It was the start of my life. Especially the moment lightning struck and illuminated the water. At that moment of sight, I saw her. The red-haired, black-eyed beauty with busty breasts, a toned stomach, and a fishtail from her waist down.

The water went dark again, and suddenly, I felt her hands on my face and her lips against mine. Finally, I could breathe. But oddly enough, I passed out.

Sometime later, I awoke in a sea cave. To be beneath the sea, it was oddly warm. My eyes fluttered open, and I nearly choked when I saw the nacked beauty walking around on two legs.

'I'm sure she had a tail,' I thought.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed as he rushed over to me, unashamed.

"Where am I? Who are you?" I asked.

"Oi, can't you speak propper? I saved your life," she spoke again, and I finally focused on her. I recalled her words and realized that we didn't speak the same language.

All I could do was sigh. I then put my hand against my chest…my chest.

I could feel my bare chest. I was completely naked, and my cock was at full mast. But the woman still seemed uncaring.

I cleared my throat and ignored the situation as I had more significant problems.

"Oberon Hel."

The girl looked at me blankly. She then touched her chest and said, "Thyri."

"Thryi," I speak as I point at her, then I point at myself and say, "Oberon."

She smiles big, quickly leaves, and returns with a fat two-foot-long raw fish. Looking around the room, I found my blades and clothes.

With blade in hand, I prepped the fish and made a fire. After a bit of heat, I bit into the fish and then devoured it as my appetite was killer. As the years passed, it was getting bigger and bigger. Meanwhile, Thyri had placed a few more fish at my feet, and I chuckled before cooking them as well.

I don't know how much time had passed in that sea cave, but I was trapped. The only way out was through a great pool at the end of the cave. But I have no idea how far I was under the ocean. At the same time, Thryi slowly began to change.

She brought spices with the fish and wine instead of the water I made from the air. She began to sing me songs and display incredible conjuration magic.

Soon she began to speak my language and teach me about her world and magic. Magic was different than small science. There was nothing scientific about magic. Still, I took to it with ease. Despite Thyri's changes, we bonded in that sea cave. And one day, she returned from hunting, utterly aware of our nakedness.

I only discovered this change when the feeling of her hands stroking my erect rod in the night. She was skillful, and the sensation thrilling. She worked me until I exploded in her hands. I witnessed an erotic sight as she curiously tasted it before straddling me.

In the days that followed, Thryi was insatiable. We had connected more than ten times a day, and we each became masters of this pleasurable art. I learned the secrets of her body, and she knew mine.

However, this bliss came to an end when Thyri's stomach began to swell. She was distraught, panicked, and then she fled.

Thyri returned a week later with an older pale-haired woman. She looked at me and smiled.

"My name is Ulla. I am Thryi's teacher," she said.

The moment I heard that, I knew this woman was the reason behind Thryi's rapid growth.

"You came from the land too?" I asked.

"In a way, yes. But that is not important. What is important is that you have plowed your seed into the princess, and it has taken root twice over. She can not return to the sea, and your family is not safe in Fjerda. Your only option is to leave for Ravka. But Thryi can not survive the journey, and you don't have enough power."

"Teacher Ulla, please help me. If I go back, he'll kill me. I've never loved him, and I don't care about some stupid alliance. I want to be with Oberon. We're happy together, and the gods approve by giving me twins. Our family is destined to be fruitful." said Thyri.

Ulla tittered, "Silly girl, what is destiny? If you want this fruitful future, you must become a farmer and cultivate it. The same work that resulted in your pregnancy is the same work you must do now. Prepare yourselves. To be free, you must return to the sea."

"I thought we were already at sea," I said.

"No, these are my tide caves. I told Thyri to bring you here in case the druskelle comes for you. We are on the shores of Hdjet."

I looked at Thyri, and she hung her head in shame. But I couldn't be mad. I had nothing on land. Being with Thryi was the type of freedom I've always wanted. Now that I could step out and feel the sun, the freedom had become so much sweeter.

"What do we have to do, Teacher Ulla?" I asked.

"You must slay a sea dragon, and I will enchant your blades to aide you. Slay the dragon, and you will have the power to cross the sea unhindered, and Thyri can walk the land as the sea will always be at her side."

Ulla's words were sweet. But I was too naive to think that this old lady who taught the woman I love would have any ill will.

Thyri and I traveled for a month by ship to the far northern reaches of Isenvee, the Ice Sea north of Fjerda. We enjoyed our time together. Humped like rabbits as we both knew that this might be our last journey.

Like the life of an emperor, the journey was smooth and without hardships. After plunging into the sea, we followed Ulla's map and descended upon Rehab's layer. Within the dark ice layer, Thyri conjured torches, and we made our way to the inner sanctum. A place filled with treasure scattered about and surrounding a slumbering blue scaled dragon with four fined limbs on his snake-like body. Its head was large, and its eyes were like the center of a volcano. It had a single horn on its head that marked the beginning of countless horns on its body.

When the beast looked at us, Thyri backed away and began to sing as she gathered all of her magic. Her song strengthened me and weakened the dragon. That's when that battle began. It was a bloody and harrowing battle, and I was pushed beyond my limits. Even with all of the knowledge I received from Thyri, I couldn't finish it.

In a moment of desperation, I saw a shimmering hunk of sky blue ore and sped over while tapping into a primal power using the language of Thyri's people. My eyes went solid blue, and my thick black hair slowly turned white as I merged the ore into my sixteen blades.

The enchantment that Ulla gave Thyri wasn't enough, and I figured ore in a dragon's cave had to be special.

When Thryi saw my desperation, she pushed herself, and suddenly, a rush of raging energy spilled from her. All of it focused on Rehab.

When my blades were finally reinforced with the mysterious ore, I shot off fourteen throwing knives and my dagger that barraged a single point of Rehab. And in my moment of battle lust, my power as a tidemaker and the power of a heartrender seemed to meld together with the help of magic.

When the wound appeared on Rehab, I wielded my power, and it connected with his water-rich blood. As I approached, I willed his blood apart and ripped that wound into a gaping hole.

Water then wrapped around my body. With my sword in hand, I used the water around my body to shuttle through Rehab's wound and pierced his massive heart, finally slaying him. What I didn't know is at that moment, Thyri felt great pain and loss.

But when Ulla's voice suddenly filled the lair, telling me to merge with the dragon. I did. Heartrender, Healer, Durast, and Tidemaker. I controlled the power within me and used the same magic I used to reinforce my weapons. Rehab was swallowed from the inside. Our bodies merged, and my hair had turned completely white. My Suli eyes had become as blue as the ocean and could see through the night and as far as Rehab once could.

"Do you feel it? The power of the strongest amplifier in the sea. The power of the Sildroher's Saint Rehab."

I felt it all, and it felt amazing. And when I wished to celebrate with Thyri, I was met with horror. She stood pale as flour, and blood spilled from her core and down her jade thighs. I rushed to her side and caught her before she collapsed.

Thyri, like I, had burned her vitality to win this battle. I didn't know it at the time, but Ulla had taught her the wrong way to use magic, and as a result, I had also learned the wrong way. While my hair turned white, Thyri's hair remained bright red because her power used our children as a sacrifice.

Thyri was in so much pain she couldn't even manage tears. Life then worsened as the Sildroher, Thryi's merpeople of the sea, arrived led by some prat. The moment he saw Thyri in my arms, he was enraged. He sent his guards, and Thryi had believed me to be weak like her after the battle.

I felt a strong push that hurled me into a wall. I guess the pain of loss made her fearful of losing more. Thryi stood up and slaughtered ten guards before a trident ran her through. A dimness clouded my ocean blue eyes.

My blood then boiled as Ulla's laughter filled the lair. In an instant, Ulla and the Prat were paralyzed. While Ulla smiled and awaited her death, the prat begged and gave Ulla more satisfaction.


Their bodies exploded into blood mist.

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