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75% Paranormal Order: I'm Not an Occultist... I Think? / Chapter 1: Chapter 01 :: Like a Cerberus

Chapitre 1: Chapter 01 :: Like a Cerberus

Chapter 01:: Like a Cerberus




"Life is quite unpredictable at times, but on the whole, it's a lot of fun."

That's what I'd say if you asked me my opinion of life a month ago.

Today, life for me is... painful.

How can you not think that?

One moment, you're resting in your room after a long day's work as a prodigy inventor mechanic (anyone who disagrees is lying).

And suddenly, you realize that you're trapped in a padded room, all white, with no hope of escape due to being deceived and betrayed by those you considered mentors and doctors you admired.

Confused? Of course I was.

After all, I'm supposed to be a genius mechanic, not a doctor who's been tricked and locked up in this place!

'...Or have I always been a doctor?'

Perhaps after the experiments, as a coping mechanism, I may have created this persona in my mind to deal with the inevitable psychological trauma, convincing myself that I'm a crazy mechanic?

And just like that, you start to question who you are and how it's possible for two sets of memories to exist in your mind.

'Are these my memories?' or 'Is this real? Am I real?

The solution to the inevitable identity crisis?

"It's simple. I'm neither of those two! HaHaHaHa, life is a joke!"

...That's what I'd like to do, but apparently it's not so simple, since I'm a chimera of these two minds with divergent obsessions and desires.

The worst part is that I feel like I'm another person now, with the minds of two others besides me.

Fortunately, I have plenty of time here in this place.

'I'm not going to go mad just for that, I need to get revenge... Wait a minute, get revenge on who?'

Damn, this is confusing!


(Some unknown time later, in the same White Room.)

All right, I think I've managed to stabilize my mind... I hope.

And my method was simple in theory, but quite complicated in practice.

I raise simple questions and after that, I must come to a consensus about what the "truth" is with these voices in my head.

The first question, "What am I?" It was a bit tricky.

On the one hand, I'm a 25-year-old named Gabriel, who was an inventor/mad mechanic who dreamed of creating great things, leaving my mark on the world and getting out of that life of stealing to survive.

On the other hand, I'm also a 24-year-old named Gabriel, who after leaving his family to study medicine in another state, got a job in a private hospital after graduation by attracting the attention of a renowned doctor... but unfortunately it was all fake, and he was turned into a lab rat.

After days of debating with myself, or was it hours? Well, we decided to admit that we are the same person and not two minds in one body, but that we are also different people.

The problem with that? Because of the part where these two minds decided to come together, I was born, a third persona.

To make things easier, I created codenames for these personas.

The Inventor - The "impulsive" Gabriel who wants to create things, explore the unknown and has slight criminal tendencies.

The Healer - The "rational" Gabriel who has medical knowledge and slightly otaku reading hobbies. He wants revenge at all costs.

And finally me, the union of these two.

Gael - The "mediating" Gabriel, the one who has decided to try to move on, but not to forget the past, wishing to become just one.

For now, it seems to be enough, since after this split, our frayed sanity has been stabilized.

...Or I think so, since I now have a small bar in my mind, where the three of us hold our "meetings" about the future.

The Healer was against it, calling it all childish and stupid, but with the undeniable power of democracy, the Inventor and I won the battle, creating Cerberus's Bar, the name was self-explanatory.

I rambled a bit, but moving on was the most important thing...

"What is our goal?"

Well... that wasn't easy.


(Mind of Gael, Cerberus Bar)

<3rd pov>

In a rustic-looking bar with yellowish lighting, you can see three almost identical-looking people in different positions.

Sitting next to the bar, while filling a glass with whisky, is a young man with medium-length brown hair and amber eyes - Healer, who looks good, is currently overshadowed by the deep dark circles under his eyes caused by mental stress.

His white coat, which for some reason is smeared with blood, makes his presence even more melancholy and strange.

"I don't accept pretending that all this torment isn't important and moving on, Gael. I'll say it again, I want the heads of those five bags of shit."

As he spoke, his resentment was very noticeable, even though at no point did he turn to look at the other two at the bar.

After hearing what the Healer thought of the situation, Gael, who was trying to pocket a blue ball and missed the hole, turns to the Healer after moving a little away from the pool with a grim expression.

Gael, who looked almost identical to Healer, except for his eyes, which were shades of green, and his clothes, a pair of shorts and an open Hawaiian shirt over a white T-shirt, contrasted sharply with Healer's gloomy look.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Healer? What part of 'Let's find our family' did you interpret as 'Let's forget it'?"

Throwing the cue down on the pool table to end the game, Gael turned to the last person in the room, who had a blank expression when he saw Gael's sneaky action.

"Inventor, you talk to the dark knight over there, my patience has run out."

Inventor, looking at the two idiots he shares a physical appearance with, can't help but sigh at the situation.

"Healer, Gael isn't talking about forgetting everything and not taking revenge. Believe me, I wouldn't agree, even if you two thought it was noble or some shit."

Inventor, in his steampunk clothes and with long brown hair tied up in a messy bun, also put the cue down on the snooker table, trying to forget the false anger that Gael displayed in this situation to escape the beating on the scoreboard and a consequent humiliation that Inventor was eager to do.

As he walked towards the Healer, he slid over the counter and reached into the freezer for a beer.

Looking at the two of them after taking a sip of the cold beer, he continues.

"I just think that making this our central goal is idiotic and impulsive, and that's a lot coming from me."

Gael approaches them both and brazenly snatches the beer from the Inventor's hand, who again displays a blank stare.

Ignoring the deadly look on the back of his head, he adds.

"It's obviously a pretty stupid thought. We have to escape from that cell first and find a way to fuck those sociopathic doctors. How about the information in the safe in Valter Luz's office?"

Turning to Healer, he asks a crucial question.

"Healer, you remember that guy's password, right?"


Healer, glancing for a moment at the two sitting next to him at the counter, can't help but give a slight smile before sighing.

"All right, I confess I was an idiot for a short moment. And no, I don't remember the password. How do you expect me to know that, you imbecile?"

Gael, who was hoping for a miracle, also sighs.

"Damn, even if I expected that answer, I'd like to hear some good news for once."

Suddenly, the Inventor stands up, while using a lot of force to place the other bottle of beer he took from the freezer on the counter, startling them both.

"You're complicating things. Let's blow up the safe, break all their legs and experiment on them in revenge!"

Without waiting for criticism, he continues: "I'm sure I can make an explosive out of the stuff in that lab."

He says as he points to the lab on the map that Healer drew some time ago.

"If I'm right, which I always am, it'll be simple! Hahaha, I'm a genius!"

"..." "..."

Unfortunately, all his excitement gets is two pairs of dead fish eyes.

"Wow... what a shit idea."



After long hours of small talk and wasting time, we came to the consensus of thinking about revenge after leaving the damned white room, something we all knew would be very difficult.

Fortunately, the plan of action was chosen.

First, to get out of the cell and find information about the doctors' plans and understand what happened outside, since it was obvious that the place has been abandoned for days, something that was very noticeable by the lack of tests carried out and the shipment of food.

After that, to get information about our family's safety, since it's quite likely that my disappearance has raised questions, both on the part of our mother and my sister.

Interestingly, the Inventor never had a sister or mother, so the idea of having a family here caused him to ask a lot of questions, annoying Healer to no end.

Well... the idea of having a family sounds nice, I won't be hypocritical.

Although for me, the Inventor is the emotional older brother, Healer the responsible brother and I the younger one, who has taken on the responsibility of being the mediator between the two.

All right, I digressed a little.

From the information we find in the safe, we'll take what's useful and go after the assholes, especially Valter Luz and Paula Verdejante, who brought us into this trap.

Healer particularly feels betrayed, since it was the bitch who clouded his mind so he wouldn't realize it was all a fake.

And finally, we return to our family and live happily ever after!


...Or not, it's impossible to know.


After the assembly, we decided to play some bar games.

Healer tried to spoil the fun by claiming that our minds are a mess and that a normal person doesn't have bars in their own mind, but the Inventor and I agreed to disagree, leaving Healer frustrated, but he joined us in the end.

Anyway, as I'm in charge of running the body, I had to leave the bar and go back to reality, obviously through the exit door.

Healer again grumbled that it didn't make sense, but the guy's always like that.

The moment I opened my eyes, the most absurd thing was waiting for me.

Well, apart from the split personality, I didn't think anything else could surprise me.

What did surprise me? Well...

[The chains of reality no longer bind you and, as a result, a <Mark> has been formed].

[The element of <Energy> and <Death> fills your existence].

[Impossible to Transcend, insufficient paranormal exposure].

[Source of <Fear> close by absorbed].

[Manifestation of the Other Side in process... 6%... 35%... 74%... 100%]

[Do you wish to accept the macabre object? <Y> <N>]


{"..."} <= Healer speaking

("...") <= Inventor speaking


...Okay, what the fuck is going on?

Watching the floating screen in shades of green, purple and pink, my mind seems to have stopped working for a moment.

("Gael, what the fuck is this in front of us!? Have we finally gone mad?")

Fortunately, I'm not alone, since as soon as the shock came, the Inventor's screams came.

"How should I know! That thing appeared as soon as I left the bar!"

While I was freaking out along with Inventor, Healer's calm and strangely confident voice entered the conversation.

{"You uncultured pigs, it's pretty obvious what this situation means. Haven't any of you read manga or watched anime? Well, I can understand Gael not knowing all about it, but just accept the gift. But be dramatic."}

'...What's that idiot barking about?'

Before I can put these thoughts into words, the Inventor is quicker.

("Accept? Just accept it! You fucking otaku, are you stupid? Nothing is free, not even dying. Even more so something called a <macabre object>!")

"Inventor's right, Healer. What idiot would accept something like that without question? You're not like that, don't get out of character. You should be 'Rational', not 'Otaku'."

("Exactly, you weird nerd! Even disturbed Gael agrees! What were you thinking suggesting that?")

Before I could start offending the whole family tree of the bastard Inventor, Healer tries to prove his point.

{"Calm down, you imbeciles. What other choice do we have at the moment? Stay here, waste away and starve? I'm sorry, but I refuse to die before them 5."}



...Right, what other options do we have?

Sighing, I say.

"All right Healer, I'll go along with your idea and accept this unsuspecting and scary thing."

Noticing the Inventor's silence, I think he agrees too.

Sighing once again at this situation out of nowhere, I click <Y>, even though I feel it's a bad idea.

And then... she's gone.


Not even a second after the screen disappears, it comes back with other texts.

[You received the Macabre Object <Occult Rituals Backpack>]

[<Occult Ritual Backpack>]

[This unknown macabre object came about as a wish manifested by the Other Side, making it possible to withdraw special items according to your luck].

[Items Discovered: 0]

[Extra: 0]

(1: ??)

(2: ??)

(3: ??)

(4: ??)

(5: ??)

(6: ??)

[Daily quantity: 1d4]

[Item: 1d6]

[Analysis: 1d20 (↑10)]

"... Does anyone have any comments on this absurd situation?"

Noticing the unusual silence inside my mind, I question the two with the most life experience, while the backpack materializes a few meters away from me.

("...How about trying to touch it lightly with your foot?")

'Okay, I'll just ignore that idiot.

Sighing for the thousandth time today, I ask again.

"Does anyone have any ideas that don't involve kicking an object labeled 'Occult Ritual Backpack'?"

I say, still staring at the backpack from a 'safe' distance of one meter.

{"How about picking it up normally? Whatever it is, it should be the answer to getting us out of here."} Healer says in a flat tone of voice.

("You know what, I refuse to accept that this guy is the most rational of us, but in this case, I agree.")

"Well, that's two votes in favor. Long live the dictatorship of the majority!"

("Stop being a pussy and pick up your fucking backpack!")

Man, where's the sense of humor? It was obviously a good joke...

{"Gael, I know how you tend to push the conversation in a direction you feel in control of, but we need you to take this seriously... please."}

Damn, now I feel bad that my pathetic attempt and performance wasn't enough to fool them.

But whatever, let's get that supernatural backpack. What could possibly go wrong?

Looking at the backpack in front of me, for some reason, its appearance is changing. From its color to its shape.

The moment I put on the backpack, three objects appear in my hand.


In my hand, three dice with different sides appeared.

Their colors, like the strange screen, are constantly changing.

{"This is obviously an rpg mechanic, since in the description, there was information that the item would be chosen by a 6-sided dice, the quantity by a 4-sided dice and the 20-sided dice to give information about the thing that comes out."}

("All I understood is that this is important and Healer was nerdier than we thought, as well as being a guy with no social life.")

"Healer, ignoring the Inventor's unnecessary bullying, how about a game table at the Bar later? I'm sure the Inventor would enjoy it.")

{"Sounds like a good idea. I'll think of a short adventure later."}

("Can we focus on now? We need to throw the sinister dice soon.")

Agreeing with the Inventor's thoughts, I play D4 first.

Unnatural as it is, it spins in the same place, in mid-air until it stops on a number.


"Haha, looks like luck is on our side~"

{"Four items, huh... Gael, looks like we're going to have to change your name to 'The Lucky One' from now on."}

("Sounds fair, I'm in favor of the change.")

"Fuck off, you assholes. The choice of names was a fair draw. What's it to me that your luck is shit and, by definition, you had to have these current names?"



Ignoring these two petty guys, I decided to take advantage of my newfound wave of luck and roll the D6 to discover today's first item.

But bizarrely, after rolling the dice, it split in mid-air, spinning in random directions until all four dice stopped simultaneously.





"Hmm... I can't tell if my luck is working here..."

{"Why are you still standing? Throw the 20-sided die and get it over with. I want to get out of these white walls quickly."}

"Dude, I want to get out of here just as much as you do, but we need to understand how these mechanics work."

("I think you should evaluate the jar with the number 1, since if you fail, we'll know if it's possible to evaluate items with the same number after a failure.")

{"Whatever, in my opinion this is taking longer than necessary."}

Right, our priority is to know the usefulness of the items and get out of this place.

Without answering either of them, I pick up the flask with the <1> on the side and throw the D20, which spins in the air like the others.

<20> Success!

{Holy shit! That's what I call luck!"}

("There goes our chance to test a loophole in this mechanic....")

"It was obviously going to be a success. I'm the one rolling the dice."

{"... Just keep going. Stop wasting time."}

("I agree.")

"... All right."

Without further ado, I evaluate the items received in order.

<17> Success!

<5> Failure!

<19> Success!

Well, it looks like one of the items won't be able to be evaluated...

Without waiting for a pointless conversation to start up again, the information pops into my head.

[1 - Wither: When thrown, after breaking, a cloud of ash that drains the target's strength is generated. Withering the target to death (effect varies according to the target's constitution)].

[4 - Silent Implosion: Generates a soundless implosion. Can be cast or set to implode in 3 seconds, but can be activated earlier depending on luck.

[5 - Spirals of Doom: ???]

"Finally, our way out of hell."

Looking at the items in the backpack, a plan of action quickly emerges.

Freedom... That's just the beginning.


((((((Author's Notes))))))

Well, first chapter finished~

I hope I wrote something at least readable...

Anyway, Paranormal Order was and is something very special to me, since I've been following it since the beginning with the "supermarkets and lions" hahaha.

But I'm not an expert on the universe, just a fan.

First of all, I'd like to explain a few things that I think are important.

This story will have some details that are a little different from the events in the series, but I hope you'll be a little open-minded and patient with me.

Also, this is the first time I've written anything, so friendly criticism is welcome... friendly, okay?

Well, that's all for now :)

The next chapter will come out when it's ready... I think... probably.

Shoggoth Shoggoth

(((((((Author's Notes)))))))

Well, first chapter finished~

I hope I wrote something at least readable...

Anyway, Paranormal Order was and is something very special to me, since I've been following it since the beginning with the "supermarkets and lions" hahaha.

But I'm not an expert on the universe, just a fan.

First of all, I'd like to explain a few things that I think are important.

This story will have some details that are a little different from the events in the series, but I hope you'll be a little open-minded and patient with me.

Also, this is the first time I've written anything, so friendly criticism is welcome... friendly, okay?

Well, that's all for now :)

The next chapter will come out when it's ready... I think... probably.

next chapter
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