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63.15% OXYMORON / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Closing In

Chapitre 12: Chapter 12: Closing In


Light and Lawliette shook their hands as if they will be good partners—which they probably would have, if only they didn't have all the reason to want the other dead.

They let Light watch the videos and he, unsurprisingly, got the same theory. Light looked offended and asked if she was testing him and she denied the claim. She really just wanted more insurance in her theory. The power to kill people like that was something nobody should have, let alone two.

Light had not even had the time to get comfortable with the place when she revealed why she wanted him there. She wanted him to write a fake reply to the second Kira which obviously offended him, too. Lawliette couldn't blame him, who wouldn't get mad, anyway? But it was a good way to test his mentality even when she already grasped it the first time they talked. She couldn't be so sure now though, she knew he had changed since then. Besides, if this all went well then they would have the second Kira under control.

Light finished within an hour and she was impressed – and scared—by how well-written it was. She shook the suspicions for now; she wanted to focus on the second Kira – the person who was far easier to catch.

Besides... if Light wanted her dead, she should have been dead by now right? But still... "Don't you thing the part with 'I don't care if you kill L' a bit morbid?"

He only laughed jokingly in reply. "I think Kira would definitely want you dead." He said, but Lawliette found an odd tone that told her of his uncertainty. She knew that she, too, had been talking to herself a lot like that lately. "But you're free to edit it as you see fit, of course."

All she did was nod and gave the copy to Aizawa to work on. They would reply to the second Kira in two days time, replying too quickly might raise suspicions of Kira's connection with authorities. They didn't know for certain, after all, just how much of an idiot (as Matsuda would say in relief when she hinted the possibility) this person was.

During those relatively vacant days, Light was the one who accompanied L during her late night shifts. It both entertained and annoyed him that he was actually the cause of her lack-of-sleep, and he wasn't surprised when he couldn't fall asleep either. This was one of the days where he told his mother he'd be staying at a classmate's house for a project and, of course, his father backed him up. Not that it was necessary, of course.

He looked around and found himself staring at her. She was rereading the data of the criminals, how they were killed, who they were, how they were shown in television, and many more for the nth time that night. He couldn't believe her—at the rate she was going she should be asleep during all of the class hours in the least.

He shook his head and approached her. "You should really get some rest. You don't want your logical abilities to be diminished, now do you?"

"Of course I don't. It's just th—"

"Sleep." He stated pulling her towards his shoulders. It really amazed him how aggressive he could actually get when it came to things like this. He smiled; it was obvious she (for some odd reason) felt comfortable with him. The fact that she fell asleep immediately – in his (a man who confessed his 'love' for her) arms – was proof enough.

This was the second time he got to watch her sleep. She looked so vulnerable and well... not troublesome; he wished he could take her to his side. Everything would be so much... easier in so many ways if he succeeded.

If she still wouldn't then he would have to kill her someday. That was it.

Morbid thoughts, yeah and those type were, lately, the type of things he thought about before he fell asleep.

"You two actually look pretty (as kids nowadays would say it) 'cute', Light." Ryuk commented grinning from ear to ear. Light wanted to punch him.

Obviously, this was just one of his ways to make her fall for him. She was not the type to succumb to mere seduction, after all. He sighed and looked at his future victim. He didn't realize he was doing so for a long amount of seconds before Ryuk pointed it out.

The cackle was the thing that pulled him out of his trance, though. "You're thinking of kissin' her, aren't you Light?"

He frowned, as if he wasn't already grimacing.

Shut the hell up you damned death god.


The next day the group watched their version of Kira, and Light wanted to laugh when the announcer said the police approved of its showing. Wasn't that, in itself, suspicious?

But apparently, the second Kira was as stupid as he feared – replying immediately to them with that incredibly obvious tone of admiration. This person worshiped him, and if this idiot was not regulated then he would—without a doubt—reveal his secrets very soon.

He frowned and listened to the idiot's speech carefully, making sure he reacted like a normal person. But unfortunately, it wasn't easy, and his eyes widened almost immediately halfway through.

"... I don't think that you posses the eyes." Light mentally cursed. They were perplexed by what that meant and he saw Lawliette flinch.

"—I want to meet you. Let us show each other our death gods."

Death God. That idiot! Although no one would see the actually meaning, that moment he nevertheless knew this person was no good. He would have to get rid of this person as soon as possibl—


Light as well as everyone else turned to see where the scream came from, not expecting it to come from Lawliette. He reflexively ran to her. His world stopped when he saw how much she was trembling, her already pale face losing blood.

"Lawliette." He uttered softly and held her shoulders firmly. Her pupils were so contract that he felt his chest do the same. He called her name again and she wrapped her arms around him.


All he could do was hold her tighter. A lot of thoughts ran through his head... but one thought floated above the rest:

Why would she be so scared?!


Lawliette's head was, that moment, on fire. Images, thoughts, dialogues passed through at the rate of millions of bytes per second. Things happened quickly, but to her it felt real-time.

She was suddenly back in the Wammy house, eight years ago...

It was in the middle of a huge parcel of land, where the wonderful piece of Victorian architecture stood. It was a beautiful house, intricately ordained. It was owned by the Wammy family for generations and was now held by the last of their bloodline – Quillsh Wammy, who turned in into some sort of orphanage for gifted children.

Somewhere in the large area of grass behind its walls lived a wonderful amount of plants and trees, and under it sat (in a very unusual way) one 10-year old Mukahi Lawliette. She had been there for two years now, and she still couldn't get tired of the place's beauty. It was truly a wonderful place to live in. Everything would have been so much nicer if her parents were there with her...

"Ne, Lawliette." A young boy about 15 years of age with spiky raven hair, baggy black shirt, and very loose pants sat beside her. He was her role model and best friend. "Would you stop sitting like that? You're a lady you know."

"Beyond." She maintained her deadpan expression as he sat beside her. "I don't see the connection."

"It's unlady-like, that's all." He said and sat the way she did which is actually the way he sat. "Just stop copying me."

"Why? You said it helps blood flow to your brain... I want to be a detective, too, you know."

"You can sit some other way. You have your own identity; do some other... weird sitting position." He stated as a-matter-of-factually before looking away in sadness. "I'm not worth copying."

She blinked, particularly at his sudden talkativeness. "Why?"


"I will kick you if you decide to stop." She said seriously and he replied with a sad smile, before turning it to a playful grin.

"I was born of misfortune." He answered kicking her legs so that her butt would fall to the ground.

"Why?" she asked again as she (attempted) to return to her original position. The young boy kicked her back down again. She rummaged her brain for some other position that has similar effects and she chose the Japanese Seiza position.

The boy nodded in assent and then held a finger up as if he was going to give an important trivia. "Do you know about Death gods?"

She shook her head while he scratched his cheeks in ponder and stared at the clouds. Lawliette did the same. "Not sure either. All I know is that they're ugly, and one of them gave his eyes to me before I was born."

"Why would he do that?" She tilted her head and though of ways on actually transplanting eyeballs. Morbid, but possible.

"I dunno."She pouted at the answer and he laughed heartily.

"Are you really telling me the truth BB?"

"Yeah. You know I'll never lie to you, ne? Kiddo."

And they stared at each other before L tilted her head in ponder. "I still don't see why you're born of misfortune."

"Death gods kill people, you know."

"Why would they do that?" she asked anxiously, disbelieving. BB knew this of course, she really was too innocent. He looked at her at that trademark inquisitive look of his and stared at her deeply.

Her eyes widened and she shivered. She could swear that she saw his eyes turn red. And he smiled warmly when he realized that he scared her.

Lawliette, in the end, gulped. "Why do they kill?" She repeated and BB only smiled.

"That was what they are born to do."


Lawliette stared at whatever blank wall she was facing in aghast. How and why would she forget about that, anyway? She seemed to have repressed the memory. But what was the reason? So many questions and memories of him ran past her head. But eventually she calmed down, especially with Light's soothing breath passing gently against her neck.

"Calm down. The term 'Death god' probably just means the power to kill." Light said almost trying to force the thought in her head.


"What happened?"

She shook her head. She did not want to talk about that memory with anyone just yet. "Not sure. But whatever it was, what you said is the most probable explanation."

Light frowned at her reluctance to speak and watched her cool down and return to normal. But he shrugged. He'll find out soon, anyway.

She sat back on her couch and he stood up and composed himself. His father asked if they should reply again while he commented that if they dig too deeply, then there was a chance the second Kira would sense that they didn't know anything after all.

Lawliette said they wouldn't do anything and leave the rest to the two Kiras, surprising everyone yet again. She explained her flawless reasoning, and her calmness after that panic attack made it all the more impressive. She stated that if they didn't do anything – it will be either the second Kira would send them something that will give them more clues; or Kira himself might send them something and they might get some physical evidence from.

Two days later the former happened, much to Light's chagrin.

Couldn't that idiot just stay put and wait?

She sent a diary that appeared stupid to most of them – even to him—as well. But he later recognized a secret message telling him that this person was not as stupid as he had initially feared. They would be meeting in Aoyama, which he later researched and found that he/she actually planned their meeting thoroughly.

He stared at the computer and formulated his plan, and recalled it with confidence.

Nothing should go wrong... right?



Matsuda and Light were the ones assigned to walk around Shibuya and Aoyama. Nothing happened in the former, it seemed, and now they were off to Aoyama. As they walked towards a meeting place Light said they should go to, Matsuda watched his back.

Matsuda's head seemed to have the knack of showing memories of Light with her. He knew that they already were familiar with each other, it was the reason she had to cross-dress before... but he had no idea they were so... so... close.

He remembered waking up in the middle of the night one day and he saw them– with L sleeping comfortably on his arms. That hug during her panic attack, too...

Oh, man, what is with him?! His eyes widened at a thought. He couldn't be—

"Is there anything wrong, Matsuda-san?"


"You better start acting natural; we'll be approaching a few of my friends."

"W-What?" he asked and then realized that Light probably figured they would fit in more with them and he nodded in assent.

He did not have any idea, though, that the world was that small.

"Ah, this is my friend, Matsui-san. He just moved in from the count—"


They all flinched simultaneously at whatever happened. The two magically teleported several meters away, out of their earshot, and the country boy was suddenly acting extremely close to the popular Rokko Hiru. He was grabbing Rokko's neck with his arm and they were whispering vehemently about something.

Light frowned. Those two knew each other? This was certainly a very unfortunate turn of events.

Eventually they finished their little whispering session and told everyone that they knew each other beforehand. Small world, they said, and they were just so surprised that they reacted like that. Everyone accepted it though, while Light looked into past memories.

His eyes twitched as he saw the same images and lines that also led to Lawliette's similar conclusions. He just didn't care as much as she did so he didn't notice.

Rokko and Matsuda were related.

Now, now... why wasn't he surprised?

In any case, he walked with the group nonchalantly as he carefully looked at significant places, believing there was no way the second Kira would guess who Ryuk was following.

It was a fool-proof plan, really.

And he was proven wrong by that nut-head the next day. For that day... another tape was aired, and the first thing that idiot said?

"I am so happy that I have met you, Kira-san."

Well, shit.


Light felt tired and had a strong urge to kill this person as soon as he found her. That evening, he decided to talk around for a bit before going home. He did not want to go home, but considering that no one was to know he was with the team with his father he couldn't do that too often.

"You're going to watch the tapes all by yourself?" He overheard them when they thought he already left. Well, he did, he just walked back to ask Lawliette if she knew about Matsuda and Rokko's connection – which she probably did. The fact that she may remember Rokko when looking at Matsuda annoyed him to no end.


"When do you sleep, anyway?"

"I saw her sleeping in that position a few times before..." Light pushed the light flush down at a recollection.

"But doesn't she have school tomorrow?"

"I'm fine. I'll be watching Light-kun tomorrow so I doubt I'll fall asleep."


"He may be Kira, you know. The second Kira may approach him, and that I shall be watching for."

"Ah..." His father said, and with that they went to their respective rooms to get a short rest. He found that he could not move and just stayed by the door.

"Light-kun, you may catch a cold if you just stand there." She stated quietly making him flinch. He composed himself and approached her, looking as casual as ever.

"You knew I was there?"

"Just now... You tend to notice those things when you're alone. That's what he said to me." She stated passively, to the point he could see that she was not thinking. How could she suspect him and trust him with such important information about her past at the same time, anyway?


"An old friend of mine." She stated and he didn't speak. She turned to him abruptly, catching him off-guard.

"The person who told me about death gods."

His eyes widened slightly but he returned them to normal as soon as he could. After all, grim reapers, death gods, shingamis—the world never lacked representations of them. But at the same time that knowing look in her eyes definitely made sure he did not relax. He did not even hear Ryuk's maniacal cackles.

"Are you alright, Lawliette?" he asked anxiously – in two very different senses of the word. "I don't think I see any sense in what you're saying."

"My friend. He must know something about how Kira killed."

He frowned at the possibility that this person really did, indeed, know about death gods. He needed her dead before she could come in contact with this person – whoever he was. That damned Ryuk, not even telling him there were other shinigamis roaming around. But odd enough he was being especially quiet at the moment.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. It's been years since I last saw him." She answered; giving him a slight hint of hope that maybe he could... postpone her death for a little while longer.

"How do y—"

"I will find him."

"You seem confident." He commented masking his shaken state. She nodded comprehensively as she stared at the screen with footages in Aoyama, some of which he was in.

"I have his email address. He never replied to me, and we could not trace him... but I'm sure if I ask something so important he will answer me." Light clenched his fist at the statement. That was too long a reply for Lawliette, and it told him that she was not confident in what she said. He was supposed to be glad, yes, but he did not like that look in her eyes when she talked about the guy...

He did not know what she actually knew, but he realized that he had been dragging his 'fun' for much too long. It annoyed him that he hadn't been able to... attract her before he got rid of her, but he could no longer risk it.

In any case, his plan would not change. She would have to die.


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