This is where u can leave any suggestions you have for the story.
Suggest characters you wanna add in this paragraph, Leave a picture (optional), A name (optional), Character description and traits (Not optional) and powers and abilities (Not optional). Be creative, go crazy!
Suggest events you want to happen in this paragraph, It can be in either Yggdrasil or The new world. It can be something as simple as Mc should get this item or go to this place or meet this person, or you can make a meticulously written heart rending 14 page manifesto. Your choice.
You may critique my writing skills in this paragraph, You can give me constructive criticism and offer me advice or you can just call me mid. Your choice.
Lastly I'm writing this cuz it's fun and cuz the fanfics recently are complete dog water imo.
I don't enjoy reading about the exploits of a retard whose only personality trait being how horny they are and their bullshit system that they completely trust for no good reason.
Leave a suggestion u asshole.